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Would you still support your favourite artist if they went full anti-vaxx/Covid denial loon?

A lot of musicians are. Still made some great albums back in the day.
Yea and its ok till I actually find out, but once I do I just cant separate the person from the music, clearest example I can think of is Ted Nugent I never followed him or his music but used to actually enjoy the odd tune when it came on the radio, then I watched some of the shit he has said when interviewed and I'll never listen to his music again
At least Nick Cave has not gone loon.

Are you going to take the Covid vaccine? I've heard horror stories about spiritualists taking it and saying their soul feels dead. I don't know what to believe anymore.

What is your opinion of Ivermectin as a prophylactic against Covid?
I had my second jab on 26th May and I can now live in this embattled world knowing that if I catch Covid there is little chance of me dying from it. I feel privileged to live in an age where our scientists are able to develop a vaccine to help combat a pandemic, and to do it at such an astonishing speed. It feels to me that this is a momentous time in medical history.

As for the prophylactic use of Ivermectin, I know little about this other than the evidence for its effectiveness appears speculative. The efficacy of the vaccine, however, is fact, and I feel I can move safely through the world with more than dog worming pills and an inflated belief in my own immune system for protection.

As for the soul, last time I checked mine seemed to be doing fine. I suspect the soul is robust enough to stand its ground against a remedy that will save so many lives. But who really knows about matters of the soul?
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I've seen quite a few people live that have been mentioned in this thread. Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Ian Brown, Richard Ashcroft. The chances of me wanting to go and see any of them again are slim for musical reasons as much as anything but their views would make me think twice.

The The has been the really disappointing one for me. He used to have his head screwed on. I wouldn't have minded seeing him live again but he's gone right down the satanic conspiracy rabbithole.
The The has been the really disappointing one for me. He used to have his head screwed on. I wouldn't have minded seeing him live again but he's gone right down the satanic conspiracy rabbithole.
I only started listening to them about a year-year and a half ago. I wouldn't say I'm a big fan, but I'm really fond of a couple of songs.

Very disappointing for me too.
Ian Brown has long been known to be a cock, but with this stuff, it just confirms he's thick as pigshit too. I think it was the late nineties that he threatened a flight attendant and got sent down? Clearly hasn't got any brighter since
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Someone send the cunt to North Korea please

He continued: “Right now, what’s going on is tyranny. This is called tyranny. Look it up when you get home. And tyranny isn’t only in government. Tyranny right now is in the schools and tyranny is in the medical business.
“We have the power, especially us … heavy metal fans, we have the power to change things.”

What are the special powers of metal fans? :D
Don't know but my loon acquaintance is a metal fan so I am looking forward to seeing this posted in a positive light on his farcebook timeline, if any special powers are mentionned I will report.
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