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And next, Syria?

I'm no military expert but I'd have thought it wouldn't take no more than a few dozen trained Syrians to fire off some rounds from Lebanon aimed at Israeli planes and/or provide training to Hezbollah to do it themselves.

Anyway, Assad has warned of the dire consequences for the region if he goes down and providing high-grade weaponry to a group that will almost certainly use them against Israel given the chance is a pretty good way of inflaming the situation - literally and metaphorically.

Anyway, as you suggest, it's all speculation.
I'm no military expert but I'd have thought it wouldn't take no more than a few dozen trained Syrians to fire off some rounds from Lebanon aimed at Israeli planes and/or provide training to Hezbollah to do it themselves.

Anyway, Assad has warned of the dire consequences for the region if he goes down and providing high-grade weaponry to a group that will almost certainly use them against Israel given the chance is a pretty good way of inflaming the situation - literally and metaphorically.

Anyway, as you suggest, it's all speculation.

Are you saying that you think if Hizbollah had high-grade weaponry they would immediately fire them off into Isreal?
This article is interesting. Whilst in the past the US hasn't given a fuck as they've always had Israel there as a local attack dog, maybe they don't give a fuck anymore, because it's not really in their interests as their interests have shifted and are not so much in the Middle East. It has been noted elsewhere that the US's focus is more on the Pacific these days.

US claims Israel attacked Russian missile shipment in Syria

...The disclosure could further strain US-Israel relations, which are already under pressure over differences regarding the Iranian nuclear programme.

Neither the Israeli government nor its military made any comment on the US confirmation of an Israeli air strike on a missile base in the city of Latakia early on Thursday, but officials are privately furious at the White House statement.

"This raises very disturbing questions, and affects trust between allies," said one Israeli official. "Sharing information is embedded in the nature of the relationship between Israel and the US. It's like a big pipeline that's open to permanent flow. So disclosing information is a cause for dismay." He declined to comment on whether Israel was responsible for the air strike.....
Let's turn the question on it's head. Are you saying that, no matter what, Hezbollah would never use these weapons against Israel?

No I'm not saying that. That would be stupid.

I'm just perplexed by it all. Why have these weapons at all if they aren't a deterrant and they aren't being used when Syria is under attack?

Why would Hezbollah need them right now more than Syria?
Hezbollah might not need them, but might want them. I'm sure they'd come in handy if there was a military confrontation between Israel and Iran.

If neither Syria nor Hezbollah want them then I hope Mr Assad kept the receipt - though I'm not sure if Mr Putin does refunds.
One of the things that came out of today's select committee hearing on spying in the UK was this claim that "up to 200" British citizens are involved in fighting in Syria. Now understandly claims like this being released by Andrew Parker head of mi5, on a day the security services are under scrutiny, should be taken in context. There's a clear motive for wanting to justify their activities by talking up a threat to the UK from Al-Qeada, but that alone shouldn't be cause to dismiss the issue.


This contains a very interesting video report on who's fighting who in which areas of Syria which is why I thought I'd add it here. Of course it's BBC so it's a bit on message, but there's some interesting information.

It would also be fun to speculate on what role mi5 has in directing this flow of jihadi's to Syria and what interests it's serving for them to go there...

The latest news is the Syrian Army have been on the offensive around Damascus again (here) claiming to have retaken a rebel town south of Damascus. The rebels have been reduced to conceding territory and instead launching suicide attacks in the capital, such as the two yesterday in Sweidah (here). The rebels have been trying to concentrate in recent months on isolating Damascus, and the Army have struggled to conclusively remove the rebels camped outside the city, so this is good news that's been a long time coming for Assad.

Internationally the non-existent Syrian peace talks have still failed to materialise. The US is holding them off until the final chemical weapons inspections have been finished, which is pissing off Russia who have now offered to host the talks themselves, presumably impatient to get it done. And Russia has also been falling out with Turkey for it's role in supporting Syrian rebels (here) with Erdogdan laughably claiming that Turkey isn't hosting or sheltering any al-qeada affiliated rebels. There's also been protests over Turkey's decision to build a wall on the Turkish border with Kurdistan, to keep Kurd refugees out (here). Erdogans a fool, Turkey was in a such strong position before he started meddling in Syria, now they're looking more and more isolated and their own population getting more fed up of him.
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Is there any evidence behind the claim in that video that AQ fighters in Syria have an international brigade of comfort women to tend to their more unislamic urges?
Is there any evidence behind the claim in that video that AQ fighters in Syria have an international brigade of comfort women to tend to their more unislamic urges?

Probably the only way to find out for sure is to volunteer?

And strictly it's theologically incorrect to describe such urges as unislamic.
Probably the only way to find out for sure is to volunteer?

And strictly it's theologically incorrect to describe such urges as unislamic.

I'll be sure to run any subsequent posts by my mullah before hitting 'post reply' :)
So looks like the Syrian govt is making some decisive progress against the rebels this last few days. Here's a report with some of the details


Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad have firmly seized the momentum in the country's civil war in recent weeks, capturing one rebel stronghold after another and triumphantly planting the two-starred Syrian government flag amid shattered buildings and rubble-strewn streets.

Despite global outrage over the use of chemical weapons, Assad's government is successfully exploiting divisions among the opposition, dwindling foreign help for the rebel cause and significant local support, all linked to the same thing: discomfort with the Islamic extremists who have become a major part of the rebellion.

The battlefield gains would strengthen the government's hand in peace talks sought by the world community.

2 things. Firstly, the presence of Al-Qeada has hindered, not helped, the Syrian people overthrow their dictator. Those in Saudi Arabia and the west who though AQ could be used to further their geostrategic interest have miscalculated badly. This is a pattern we're also seeing in Libya and Tunisia, where the Islamist and AQ militia's are becoming more and more hated, with public demonstrations against them taking place on a regular basis.

Second, these battlefield gains are exactly to increase Assad's leverage at any negotiations. The USA constantly holding off the talks in the hope something could change this has also backfired as it's actually given Assad time to strengthen his position.
This is a pattern we're also seeing in Libya and Tunisia, where the Islamist and AQ militia's are becoming more and more hated, with public demonstrations against them taking place on a regular basis.

In Libya its far more complicated than that, simply labelling them as Islamist militias doesn't do it justice. It's a part of it, but so are regional and tribal rivalries, and no doubt other forms of power play. That includes external meddling by proxy, which didn't really succeed at the ballot box. Too murky to do proper analysis though. I'm about to try again to resurrect a Libya thread given events in Tripoli in recent days.
Anyways, the Syrian Arab Army are scoring more decisive and strategic victories while their opponents flounder from one crisis to another . The assaults on Damascus are being repelled with ease while more and more strategic hubs are being liberated by the army and militias . It just seems to be one advance after the other right accross the country







The syrian population are showing zero interest in joining in the uprising to oust their dictator . And thats simply because they dont support it . If they ever had Assad and the Baath arab socialist party would be long gone. Long ago .
Is there any evidence behind the claim in that video that AQ fighters in Syria have an international brigade of comfort women to tend to their more unislamic urges?

the claims not just in that video, its been popping up all over the place for a while . Ive seen news reports that quotes the Tunisian Ministry for Womans affairs, Interior Ministry and Ministry for religious affairs all giving out about it and naming the offcials who are condemning the practice. Also senior Tunisian clerics giving out about it too .

This video purports to be from a distressed Tunisian couple demanding the return of their daughter.

more apparent victims, this one syrian

its known as jihad al nika, and apparently some wahhabist clerics are issuing fatwas permitting these temporary marriages to fighters as necessary on the grounds of relieving stress. Some real horror stories associated with that one unsurprisingly . Reports Ive seen estimate between 50 and 70 tunisian girls alone have been recruited into this enterprise, not all willingly . Ive also seen a jihadist video were an arab woman appears to be appearing for some sort of military duty and points to a makeshift bed, but i dont speak arabic so cant confirm thats whats going on .

Its also looking increasingly apparent that jihadists coming from places like Pakistan and Afghanistan may well be responsible for the recent outbreak of polio in Syria, adding to the horrors theyve already inflicted upon the countries long suffering citizens. Looks like there could be a serious polio epidemic in some rebel controlled districts now as well.
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