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Hong Kong: what next?

And still it rolls on.

Yesterday (21/0123), on Saturday, on CNY’s eve, seven young people aged 20 - 35 were jailed for between nine and eighteen months each for unlawful assembly.

Not charged with “riot”, just joining a gathering in Central on 13/11/19.

Arbitrary prosecutions, after arbitrary arrests, ad infinitum.

Happy New Fucking Year CCP.

Happy third day of the new Rabbit peeps. 🐰

The winter monsoon is crashing in again from the mainland (The Cold Wind From The North! 😉 ).

It’s really windy here and, where I am, it’s going to drop down to below 6C tomorrow morning - plus wind chill.

I realise for southern UKers that, comparatively, it may not sound too bad but for us it’s really, really fucking cold. I’ve no heating at home and always sleep naked. The bedsheets are brutal at first entry! 🥶

At least it’s dry I suppose. Small mercies.

Be warm peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Keep thinking.


It’s really cold here and far colder where most of you are. Wrap up warm and hold each other tight peeps. 🥶

And for fuck sake keep thinking, it’s going to get much, much worse very, very quickly. 🐬

Wake up!

Rest well peeps, be nice to each other. 😘

CNY is done and the world wakes up tomorrow. (Still no computer though. 😳 )

Come Bella, we’re about done here.

Oof! I think the computer is dead.

And I took a fall very late Friday night/early Saturday morning, after the Orc had gone and while I was out with Bells for a last pee (for her).

Too hammered to walk (or even stand!) I was too stupid to recognise it until I was on the ground with a huge, hard, above ground, tree root “cushioning” my fall.

Nothing broken, I’m fairly sure and I’m assuming no fractures needing medical care. And, fortunately, no hit to the head. But, oh fuck, I’m beaten and battered and bruised and hobbling like a cripple. My neck and back and all down the back of my left side; ribs, hip bone, et al. It’s brutally painful to stand - and worse to sit down.

What a fucking arse I am. I’m not twenty years old any more. I don’t bounce!

I mean, it was a brilliant night but ... what a fucking arse!

Ouch! I hate pain. And it’ll be a few days before this one eases and then a few weeks before this episode is integrated.

My body isn’t what is once was. 😔

Feels like I've been hit by a fucking train. Ouch!

Anyway, I digress. Please ignore me. I’ll try to find a computer and report Hong Kong’s “progress” ASAP.

Stay warm peeps. Be nice to each other.

And don’t fucking fall over! 😬

Oh boy am I wallowing in the mire of my own indignity and self pity.

My body is wracked. It feels like the worst flu ever. Wrenching pain but without the fever. Not fun. I feel ill and physically sick.

It’ll be at least a few more days before the worst is done.

Normal service will be resumed ASAP; pain and computer permitting.

Be well peeps. Don’t fall over.

Come Belladog. Rest. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Happy days.

A 3.5% fall in GDP for 2022.

And property prices down by almost 20% on average, more than that for most homes but held down by the luxury sector which only fell by about 7%. This after an average 10% fall in 2021.

Happy days indeed.

I think I may be beginning to turn the corner. It’s not as bad as yesterday. Just. I hope so, the Orc is here the morrow’s eve.

Have a good, safe, rest-of-the-week and a fine weekend peeps.

I’ll leave you with a touch of the Belladog. My wonderful, sleek, shiny, happy, healthy, fifteen year old - snuggled down by my feet.


And then, after wriggling to get more comfy, doing a Basil Brush impression with her tail.


It’s a real privilege to have her as a friend. She’s a superstar, a treasure - and I treasure our time together.

Be nice to each other.

Happy days.

A 3.5% fall in GDP for 2022.

And property prices down by almost 20% on average, more than that for most homes but held down by the luxury sector which only fell by about 7%. This after an average 10% fall in 2021.

Happy days indeed.

Well, at least the statoes haven't buckled, CCP aren't going be happy they didn't say 3% growth regardless of the truth

I was wrong, I’m not improving. I guess I was grossly over optimistic.

It was quite a bad fall. I’m 12 days in. I’m fucking hurting. I can barely walk. We’re far from fucking improving yet.

Sorry to be so self absorbed, there’s a fuck load of different shit going on at the moment - that must be dealt with - and I’m finding it very hard to cope.

It’s a bitch, ain’t it Bells? A real fucking bitch!

Keep going. Keep going.

Look out for each other peeps. Struggling alone is hard.

Pain is pain. Just over three weeks and still in agony. Debilitating doesn’t touch it. I’m a shell of a person.

This is taking a massive toll and the effects will be far reaching, possibly permanent, long after I recover.

Not the best of timing.

Will report when possible but my phone looks like it’s on it’s last legs for general internet/website use (calls and WhatsApp messages okay for now).

No computer and soon no real phone and no way to replace them.

Homelessness is looking increasingly likely within the next few months.

It’s sure going to be harsh.

So, for one of the likely last few times of beseeching ...

... Be nice to each other; quickly.

There is no more time now.

Pain is pain. Just over three weeks and still in agony. Debilitating doesn’t touch it. I’m a shell of a person.

This is taking a massive toll and the effects will be far reaching, possibly permanent, long after I recover.

Not the best of timing.

Will report when possible but my phone looks like it’s on it’s last legs for general internet/website use (calls and WhatsApp messages okay for now).

No computer and soon no real phone and no way to replace them.

Homelessness is looking increasingly likely within the next few months.

It’s sure going to be harsh.

So, for one of the likely last few times of beseeching ...

... Be nice to each other; quickly.

There is no more time now.

Pain is so debilitating. Hope it doesn't last. Warmest of wishes from across the world.
Pain is pain. Just over three weeks and still in agony. Debilitating doesn’t touch it. I’m a shell of a person.

This is taking a massive toll and the effects will be far reaching, possibly permanent, long after I recover.

Not the best of timing.

Will report when possible but my phone looks like it’s on it’s last legs for general internet/website use (calls and WhatsApp messages okay for now).

No computer and soon no real phone and no way to replace them.

Homelessness is looking increasingly likely within the next few months.

It’s sure going to be harsh.

So, for one of the likely last few times of beseeching ...

... Be nice to each other; quickly.

There is no more time now.

Only just seen this Jessie... Really hard to read. What would it take to get things sorted for you? What's the healthcare situation in HK? Have you been to a hospital?
Jessiedog that doesn't sound good! Is there anything we can do to help? I reckon you should come visit me for a warm seaside holiday, you're only 8 hours away :)

Is your daughter aware of what's happened to you, I know you wouldn't want to worry her, but if she's anything like my kids she'd probably be very cross with you if you haven't told her.

Can you inbox me your number please, and I'll give you a call. My numbers not changed.

Belladog looks like my old dog Bruce, he's 16 iirc.


You are all too kind.

Anyway, the Orc is finally dead. And I must retire and face my fate.

I feel in my bones that something may be afoot - I think mostly the afoot is in my left shoulder and all of the ribs on my left side, particularly at the back but front top too. I can't yawn, I cant sneeze, breathing is a loathsome, painful task.

But let's see, I sense something in the air.

In the meantime, we apologise for the continuing service interruption to our regular news updates. We are working hard to restore normal services as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience. We apologise again for any inconvenience caused during this period.

Rest well. And please be nice to each other.

Come Bells, the Orc is dead.

Blessings all.

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