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Hong Kong: what next?

And this is a nice little, nine minute, documentary featuring ex-journalists who were forced from their jobs and are now adjusting to the new era in Hong Kong. (It may need rewinding.)

In Cantonese with English and (Traditional,) Chinese subtitles.


In other local news ...

Belladog and I enjoyed a superb Saturday with the mental Nihilist (and he with her and me).

On Sunday she was running and dancing like a puppy.

On Monday, yesterday, when we woke up, Bella had suddenly lost the use of her back legs.

She's not in pain but is, obviously, confused and distressed she can barely stand and will wobble and collapse, her back legs are in a state of semi-paralysis.

I've been at her side 24/7 for five years. She's the tenth or eleventh dog I've rescued over the last 28 years. They all die in the end.

But I'd expected another four or five years from Bella and then she'd gently slip away one night.

It looks like that's not to be.

I'm keeping her close at the moment. A final day or two together. All the best treats and hugs possible for one of the most amazing creatures I've ever met - and I've met many, many amazing creatures from many, many species.

It's just so hard. It's all too sudden. On top of everything else.

But I will not put my need for her to be around ahead of her needs.

She needs my care and wisdom. I will not allow her to suffer.

She's my best friend.

My best friend.

This is really shit. Too soon.

It's a terrible responsibility. I really fucking hate playing God.

Please forgive me if my behaviour is a little erratic over the next few days or weeks.

Love each other peeps. Before it's too late. Don't wait.



I said I'd provide an update so, finally, here it is ...

I woke up on a Monday morning (28th Dec 2021,) almost exactly a year ago and Bella had lost the use of both of her back legs. Almost total paralysis.

There were no other symptoms at all but the prognosis looked bleak. I was gutted.

I sat with her most of the day. I could tell she was not in pain (I know her deeply and read her well,) but she was obviously confused, certainly distressed and not a happy puppy at all.

I sat with her and carried her to bed that night.

The next day, Tuesday, she was the same. She'd try to stand but her back legs didn't work. I stayed by her side. She was still confused but a little less distressed and still not in any discernible pain. She ate her food lying down.

On the Wednesday, I was thinking that this couldn't go on - it wasn't fair to her - I was preparing myself to have her euthanised.

On the Thursday morning, I helped her to stand up by lifting her under the waist and, using a sling around the waist, carried her back legs as she walked on the front legs.

On the Friday, she could just about stand but fell over if she tried to walk.

By the Saturday, she could take a few tentative, wobbly steps before collapsing.

Improvement from there was relatively rapid over the next three months and by the end of March 2022, she could walk but not climb steps.

Three moths later, by the end of June improvement had gradually progressed, as she adapted, and she could kind of canter along slowly with a weird kind of sideways gait and, with a struggle and some leash tugging, could slowly just about make it up the eight steps at the end of the path.

Another three months, by the end of September, saw her back to about 75% (maybe 80% at a pinch,) of her previous capabilities. She could run a bit faster and struggle up the steps on her own (though had developed some avoidance behaviour due to her earlier experiences with this effort).

As of today, I'd say that her capabilities in running, playing, dodging, swerving, etc. are operating at anywhere between 97% and 103% on any given day so, effectively as good as she was prior to the initial episode. She still lacks some confidence going up the steps but I'd put her abilities here at @ 87% - 93% compared with prior to the onset and gradually improving over time.

Still no diagnosis; dunno what it was or why/how she recovered but all in all, I'd call this a complete fucking win for Bella. I'm both enormously relieved and delighted to still have her around and happy-go-lucky as a puppy, as is her wont.

Assuming there isn't a partial or total relapse (no signs but there weren't any in the first place!), I reckon she's still going to be around for a while, not necessary for long, she's 15+ years already.

But I can say without doubt that I treasure, more than ever, every moment I spend with her; every. single. moment. of every. single. day. It's time I thought was gone and it's time that I value beyond measure. A real gift.

I've kept and loved many, many dogs over many, many years but Bella has that little special something that allows her to stand out.

I absolutely love her to bits and am so grateful to garner, what I experience to be, this unexpected "extra" time to share with her.

We fit together so well. We make such a good team. It's a life worth living and a life well lived.

Dogs are the dogs bollocks!

And always, lurking in the background and arriving imminently ...

My youngest daughter is arriving from the Philippines tomorrow lunchtime (23/12/22,) to stay for two weeks. I haven't seen her for four fucking years, what with the NSL and Covid and shit!

She's 30 years old.

She graduated from the top university in the Philippines, Cum Laude, in International Development Studies (she wanted to be a fucking diplomat or something, FFS!), and recently completed her three year Masters degree in International Business with a thesis in Human Resources.

Working full time (45 - 50 hours a week), in highly complex governmental and private sector positions and building a career and a reputation for her integrity, straightforwardness, attention to detail, passion, discipline, persistence, compassion, empathy and creativity - she's quite fucking something!

Highly articulate fluency in idiomatic spoken and written English, with an extraordinarily broad vocabulary.

Tested to Level Four fluency in spoken Japanese (in whatever the benchmark exam is).

And learning Mandarin for the last three years in her spare time.

Native Philippino speaker and mother tongue Tagalog.

A truly profound creature of the universe in the 21st Century.

Usually, in her spare time, to be found with her head down in a book.

And yet, she still earns less than a fucking quarter (yes, less than a fucking 1/4!) of the UK minimum wage!

How the fuck does that work!? It's a fucked up world! It's fucking unfair and not right!

Anyway ... Heh!

She's smart as a fucking button, progressive and politically engaged with a global/international perspective.

A committed feminist. Mostly quiet and studious and yet stridently vocal and intolerant of stupidity, ignorance and prejudice.

We love each other to bits and I can't fucking wait to see her.

I'm too excited for my own fucking good. It's too fucking late and I can't fucking sleep - and it'll be 3:30am-o'fucking-o'clock in the morning soon.

Anyway ...

It'll be just her, Bella and me. For a whole two weeks.

Fucking paradise! Poetry! Perfection!

Oh! And the occasional Orc on Fridays, of course, including tomorrow.

She knows him well and knows he'll be here. She understands.

She'll no doubt be shaking her head at us, as usual, and going to bed early, as usual.

A sensible girl all round. I fucking love her to bits.

Bella. Bed now. It's far, Far, FAR too fucking late.

I may be intermittent around Urban for a wee bit peeps.

Priorities and stuff must prevail.

In the meantime ...

Please be nice to each other peeps.

There's so little time left.

Don't waste it.

Blessings all.

Come Bells.



That was fucking extraordinary!

What a fucking Friday!

The three beings I treasure more than anything. All in the same room, all at the same time, on a fucking Friday night!

The Arab. The Dog. And my Youngest Daughter.

And all mixed in.

I'm as happy as a Pig in Shit.

And as Tired as a Dog.

I'm the last awake (inevitably!) but not for long now, it's coming 3:30am and Bells is already on her rug in my bedroom waiting for me. Heh! I'm coming now Bella. Everything else is set. Sleep is in order.

What a Fucking Friday!

G'night all.

Seasonal Greetings.

Be nice to each other. ;)

Blessings all and sundry.


It's that time of the year again ...


Well, that was something ...

A typical Hong Kong Christmas apart from having no decorations this year.

My sister in law (daughter's aunt,) and her wife came over for a few hours - they've lived in HK for close to twenty years now. They haven't seen their niece for four years.

They all prepared/cooked a lunch together:

Linguine drizzled in olive oil ... with a bubbling, heaving, steaming pot of Philippine's style tomato-made-sauce with spicy sausage, minced pork, onion, what smelt like a fucking kilo of garlic, and a variety of seasonings, herbs, spices, potions and (bits and) pieces. The aroma was certainly exquisite when it was finally done but the first hour of frying-cooking was brutally, pungently garlic!

A huge mound of deep-fried chicken wings with a wee bottle of indeterminable Japanese dressing (sesame, miso, oil, vinegar, something, something?).

And a nice, plain salad with a variety of green stuff, sweetcorn, avocado, cucumber and cherry tomatoes.

For my part, I took a good share of the salad, added a large tin of chickpeas and some caesar dressing and had a wonderful vegetarian meal.

We sat, gathered, as they gorged, gossiped, giggled, reunited and enjoyed. For a beverage, let me tell you, there was pure coconut-water taken! Living large at its best!

I've not had any kind of gifts from anyone for many years (not a big deal for me at all,) but, this year, sis-in-law and her wife brought me some Japanese strawberries and daughter gifted me a wee pack of specialty, Marrakesh, Bacha coffee.

What delightful treats!

Bella enjoyed some deep fried chicken-wing-flesh - with skin - and a little linguine and sauce.

And the Orc came over for a half hour and brought me a bottle of Irish Jameson Whiskey - an old favourite! Strictly only for shared consumption on Fridays, of course. Nip by Nip.

Pretty much a perfect fucking day.

Simple. Small. Frugal. Family.

The in laws left at about 7:30pm. Daughter melted into bed not much later.

Some beer and reading for me and now Bella and I are off to bed.

Have a good evening peeps. Make it now.

Take care of each other. Quickly.

Blessings one and all.


"If the sky above you

Grows dark and full of clouds

And that old North Wind ( ;) )

Begins to blow,

Keep your head together

And call my name out loud,

Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door,

You just call out my name

And you know wherever I am,

I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah,

To see you again,

Winter, spring summer or fall,

All you got to do is call ... "

G'night all. Come Bells.

(Edit: For a couple of minor typos (there are probably more!). The OCD thing is quirky and hard to shake. But bed now. It's very late.)


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It's so transparent.

When we had few cases, there were punishing Lockdowns and people were carted off to be locked up in shipping containers, along with punitive hotel-quarantine regimes for incoming travellers (less so for mainlanders,) to "protect us" from potential incoming new variants.

Now that the mainland is burning out of control, with 500 million infections in December '22 alone (sharpest infection peak anywhere on the planet over the last few years, moreso even than India, due to a/the far more infectious Omicron variant,) and likely to peak just before Chinese New Year 2023 (22nd Jan) - when 500 million mainlanders will be travelling long distances - it is now somehow imperative that we "race against time" to fully reopen the border with the mainland by mid January 2023.

This is all the proof we need that there is no HKSAR government, merely a local government of the CCP, and that the CCP hate Hongkongers.

And expect total news censorship about the 2 to 2.5 million elderly mainlanders that will be killed by Covid over the next three months.

Motherfuckers! Each and every one of them! (Edit to clarify, hopefully unnecessarily, that I'm not referring to those who are dying and will die.)


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The photo was taken on an official trip to Finland, just over a decade ago.


“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good…”

Hmmmmmm ...

I wonder what Xi was really doing there ... What did he glean from the only being in the Universe, at that time, that had access to the most powerful, pervasive and penetrating surveillance system ever assembled?


Nuff said methinks!

A nod's as good as wink to a blind horse, eh? Makes you think, right? Right?

(Edit: People should be told, right?)


(Holy Mary Mother of God, and Joseph, and Baby Jesus, and the Wee Donkey! I've turned into some kind of perverse, reverse-Tankie-thing! :eek: )

Be gentle while you're Boxing peeps.

Be well.

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Jessiedog & Bella, much love as always to you ❤️

It's mutual icey.

You and yours too.

Nice to see you around these more niche, foreign, parts of Urban. Take a couple of hours to catch up with the whole thread (which I shamelessly hijacked from treelover,) - it's educational - and then settle in for any potential future installments. ;)

Raises a wee glass of whisky and waves a fat spliff - in a generally south easterly direction.

Love 'n' Blessings to you and all (and sundry!)


It's mutual icey.

You and yours too.

Nice to see you around these more niche, foreign, parts of Urban. Take a couple of hours to catch up with the thread (which I shamelessly hijacked from treelover,) and settle in for any potential future installments. ;)

Raises a wee glass of whisky and waves a fat spliff - in a generally south eastern direction.

Love 'n' Blessings to you and all (and sundry!)



Waves spliffage likewise :) I've been keeping an eye on the thread. Terrifying that it's only 8 hours away, plus all the other Aus - china politico shit going on.. where will it all end. You're never leaving are you ?
Waves spliffage likewise :) I've been keeping an eye on the thread. Terrifying that it's only 8 hours away, plus all the other Aus - china politico shit going on.. where will it all end. You're never leaving are you ?

It's difficult icey. I never planned to leave. But circumstances change and have so done, inevitably (and drastically), for me.

I know I'm not welcome here any more and finances may force my hand anyway.

It's all completely fucked up right now and all unclear.

Personally, politically, financially. Everything's fucked up. I fear the worst.

I've lived in the same little concrete box in the jungle for 25 years now and thought I'd be here until I died.

But ... will likely lose my home next year and can't afford to live in HK any more.

I've nowhere else to go but, when I need to leave, I need to leave.

At least if they don't detain me at the airport, I guess that's a bonus.

I'm hoping they'll just be glad to see the back of me, with a nod and a wink to never return.

Let's see what 2023 brings. For sure we're living in interesting times.

(Come Bells. Let's get you out for a last pee and then settle down for a bit before bed - the Orc is here in a couple of days.)

Be well icey. Be well.

Please read this short (three Tweets,) thread carefully. It took me a moment to grasp the implications.

Essentially, two Stand News' editors are being prosecuted for sedition, for quoting (and/or paraphrasing,) Vaclav Havel's 1978 words against totalitarianism.

And now it's almost 2023, as the ghost of Orwell whispers in our ears: "I told you so".

This is a detailed Reuters Special Investigative Report on lawyers fleeing Hong Kong amidst the ongoing harassment and intimidation of those previously critical of the SARG regime. A good read.

"Anonymous threats sent by text message and email. GPS tracking devices placed under a car, and Chinese “funeral money” sent to an office. Ambushes by reporters working for state-controlled media. Accusations of disloyalty in the press.

These are some of the methods deployed in a campaign of intimidation being waged against lawyers in Hong Kong who take on human rights cases, have criticized a China-imposed national security law or raised alarms about threats to the rule of law. While some of Hong Kong’s leading rights lawyers have been detained in the past two-and-a-half years, many others have become the target of a more insidious effort to cleanse the city of dissent – part of a wider crackdown by the ruling Communist Party on lawyers across China, say activists, legal scholars and diplomats."

"One Hong Kong solicitor who has relocated to England told Reuters that she knew of at least 80 Hong Kong lawyers who had moved to Britain since the security law was imposed in June 2020. Another lawyer, now living in Australia, estimated that several dozen Hong Kong lawyers had moved there."

Oh my goodness me.

Not just another Friday.

That was really something.

A pinnacle of the essence of Night Swimming

A really fucking amazing night. A synthesis of extraordinary psyches.

This one was a one-off, unique, never to be repeated night - an extension of everything previously experienced.

And fuck me has my daughter matured since we last sat down together face to face. She was 26 then and is now 30 years and an amazing being! Her wisdom is clear, her confidence is growing.

Anyone looking in from the outside would just see chaos ...

But as Michael Stipe points out, we were just night swimming.

He understood.

"I'm not sure all these people understand."

Be well peeps. Be kind. Be gentle. Be aware. And, occasionally, be raucous.

But always, always, be nice to each other.

Rest well.

Come Bells. Bed beckons - and let the Devil take the hindmost!



And to kick off 2023, the HKDC has prepared a look back over the numbers of prosecutions/convictions/sentences/ages/etc., of 2022.

It only covers protest-related prosecutions from arrests made in 2019, plus the NSL cases handled during the year.

Good data.

This a good short thread and discussion from respected local medic, David Owens, outlining what went wrong with Hong Kong's response to Covid in 2022.

An important thread exploring the (chilling,) implications of the NPCSC's interpretation of the NSL with respect to the admission (or otherwise,) of Jimmy Lai's London Silk.

It's really bad. It essentially gives the Chief Executive and the National security Commission unlimited power to overrule any Hong Kong Court.

Read it and weep.

And we're off and running into the new year ...

Thirteen - inevitably young - people, sentenced to between two years and five months and five years and three months in jail for "rioting" on November 18th 2019.

Judge Veronica Heung:

"She said while there was no evidence showing the defendants took a leading role in the riot, the seriousness of the case can't be determined by their actions alone."

A five minute video of Ryan Ho interviewing human rights lawyer in exile Kevin Yam on TaiwanPlus TV, discussing the impact of the NPCSC on Hong Kong's legal framework and judicial independence.

Sheung Wan is an older district, very close to Central (one stop West on the MTR). I lived there for a year in 2004/05 and had an office there from 2014 - 2016.

It's "up and coming" now, with small, trendy, independent cafe's/bars/restaurants/fashion shops/etc. but still retains a lovely traditional flavour and is riddled with narrow streets full of Chinese medicine shops, dried fish shops/stalls, tiny Dai Pai Dongs (local eateries,) and a snake soup shop complete with live snakes.

Most of the older premises keep a (previously feral,) cat to control the mice. The Twitter account @sheungwancats spends time photographing the cats in the district.

This is a selection from 2022.


And as we rush to throw completely open the mainland border, before Chinese New Year, in order to try and flood Hong Kong with (Covid-ridden,) mainland tourist dollars (as many as three million+ could arrive over the last week of January, putting additional pressure on our straining healthcare systems and stripping our shelves of Paracetamol and other Covid-pharmaceuticals), Harry, as ever, gives his usual dry, ironic, poignant, take on the topic.


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