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Hong Kong: what next?

The CFA ruled appropriately.

A couple of hours later the government signalled its intention to overrule the CFA.

Trial starts on the 1st Dec 2022 (although the Govt. will move to adjourn).

Rule of law, eh?



It was the adjournment hearing today (01/12/22,) in Jimmy Lai's NSL trial, to give time for the Govt. to receive the "interpretation" of the law from the National Peoples Council Standing Committee (NPCSC) in Beijing.

Given the Court of - supposed-to-be - Final Appeal ruling that Tim Owen, the London Silk, could represent Lai, Owen should have been there this morning - at least until an NPCSC ruling to the contrary is handed down.

But he wasn't. Why?

Because the Govt. instructed the Immigration Department to withhold the extension to his work visa.

An administrative maneuver to overrule and undermine the Court of Final Appeal.


Rule of law?


Enough already!

It's coming 1:30am and the Orc is here the morrows night Bella.

I know you love him Bells and indeed, to be fair, multiple co-minglings of beer, whiskey, weed, exploration, insight and enlightenment await.

But needs must now and bed beckons. Sleep is required. Teeth need to be brushed.

Rest well peeps. I'll see you again when I'm vaguely compos mentis again.

Come girl. Rest. It's late. Already too late again.

Please be nice to each other peeps.

Bells? Come girl.


What a fucking Friday night, eh Bells?

Very fucking messy. Beyond madness and, thus, towards sanity ... hopefully!

Rest well peeps. Please be nice to each other.

And love each other.

And keep thinking.



Come Bells. Teeth and then bed.

Cross-posted from elsewhere, this article by Wilfred Chan:

That's inspiring for Alex Chow, a 32-year-old activist who helped organize Hong Kong’s 2014 pro-democracy mass protests as a student leader. During that movement, Chow attempted to fly to Beijing to appeal to Xi Jinping directly, but he was stopped from boarding his flight and later imprisoned. He now lives in exile in Washington DC, where he chairs the Hong Kong Democracy Council, a nonprofit advocacy group. Many in Hong Kong had assumed “nothing will change” in China, he said – “so it’s really a surprise to see the protests spreading.”

‘Freedom in China is precious’: Tiananmen Square protest veteran salutes new generation
And yesterday (03/12/22), another eleven were convicted of rioting (after pleading not guilty,) in the vicinity of Polytechnic University in November 2019, during the siege of PolyU.

That's the way it works ...

First, the police declare that a particular event is "a riot", then they sweep up over 200 people who happen to be "in the vicinity of" or "near" the riot. Then, if you were wearing black clothes at the time, you're guilty. Simples.

"The judge said the defendants chose not to leave the scene in a bid to encourage others to join the riot and breach the peace. She said some of them live in places far from the protest site, and there was no reason for them to stay there when all the shops were closed."


And further CCP-gaslighting from the "Underminer In Chief" of the rule of law and an independent judiciary. Carrying out Beijing's instructions faithfully. What a patriot. What a hero.

Give it up!

We see you.

We know we see you.

You know we see you.

We know you know we see you.

You know we know we see you.

We all know you all know we all see you.

Enough already!

Give it up guys!

For fuck sake!

Enjoy your football peeps.

I've boycotted all sports for a long time - a total boycott starting with the Beijing 2008 Olympics but most already before then.

Rest well all. Have a smooth week.

G'night froggy!

Come Bells, s'late.

(Edit: To come clean and remind myself that I made an exception to watch Edgar Cheung win the fencing [foil] for Hong Kong in Japan 2021.)

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This is very sad.

I knew all the founding members of the Civic Party and have worked with them, on-and-off, since they were called The Article 45 Concern Group, a few years before they formally founded as a political party in 2006 (and have marched with them many, many times over the years).

A decent bunch, top heavy with barristers, academics, intellectuals and activists including - would you believe it? - Ronny Tong, the turncoat who today is pro-CCP through and through (he's nicknamed Ronny11, due to the joke/rumour/slur that the CCP must have a video of him in a mainland hotel with an 11 year old, so fast and complete was his 180 degree volte face).

And today, so many of them in jail, in exile or otherwise silenced.

Anyway, another sad day as one of the few (any?) remaining central pillars of the democracy movement crumbles into oblivion.

(Edit: Cos I noticed my stupid, oft repeated, error - it's on-and-off, not of - and it was irking me.)

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And members of the Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China are to be denied a jury trial and instead face a panel of (likely three,) National Security Judges, hand picked by Beijing.

I wonder, what happened to Articles 86 and 87 of the Basic Law?


Presumption of innocence?

Rule of law?


All gone.

I struggle with the fact that the Hong Kong authorities have spent a whisker under GBP 100 million of public money conducting close to 4 million PCR-tests, in October 2022 alone! (And, of course, all handed to private contractors.)

An ongoing, and completely fucked up, waste of money that gains nothing for Hongkongers other than Beijing's praising of our "leaders" for not "lying flat".


The storm is coming.

It's going to be bad, very harsh.

Cling to each other tightly people.

Buckle up tight and batten down hard.

And please, please remember to to nice to each other.

Blessings one and all and all and sundry and everyone in between.

Come Bells. Sleeps must.

As AnthemGate rumbles on, this is a good thread from Newley Purnell (WSJ article attached,) outlining how the SARG is going after Google (and YouTube,) for their search results for 'Hong Kong National Anthem', which keep popping up with Glory to Hong Kong featured. Murmurings are suggesting that this could be a breach of the NSL.

Beyond parody!

Amnesty UK; petition on behalf of Chow Hang-tung.

As AnthemGate rumbles on, this is a good thread from Newley Purnell (WSJ article attached,) outlining how the SARG is going after Google (and YouTube,) for their search results for 'Hong Kong National Anthem', which keep popping up with Glory to Hong Kong featured. Murmurings are suggesting that this could be a breach of the NSL.

Beyond parody!


:confused: sharing links like Hong Kong National Anthem is illegal?
:confused: sharing links like Hong Kong National Anthem is illegal?

That's the whole point of the NSL, it's always "may" be illegal. The law is broad, ill-defined, nebulous and fluid - and the CCP control the court and judges anyway.

It's a classic tool of oppression, a constant threat, the Sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head; designed to cow the population into a fear of crossing the, ever-movable, "Red Lines".

And it's very, very effective. It's a campaign of targeting and prosecuting/persecuting those fewer, higher profile activists under the NSL - a perfect framework for "killing the chickens to scare the monkeys".

It's straight out of the fascist's playbook.

And, yes, given its extraterritorial jurisdiction, your sharing of this (fine!) link "may well" be in breach of the NSL.

Happy times.

That's the whole point of the NSL, it's always "may" be illegal. The law is broad, ill-defined, nebulous and fluid - and the CCP control the court and judges anyway.

It's a classic tool of oppression, a constant threat, the Sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head; designed to cow the population into a fear of crossing the, ever-movable, "Red Lines".

And it's very, very effective. It's a campaign of targeting and prosecuting/persecuting those fewer, higher profile activists under the NSL - a perfect framework for "killing the chickens to scare the monkeys".

It's straight out of the fascist's playbook.

And, yes, given its extraterritorial jurisdiction, your sharing of this (fine!) link "may well" be in breach of the NSL.

Happy times.

Well that's interesting because the more links like Hong Kong National Anthem there are on the internet, the more likely Hong Kong National Anthem will pop up in search results for people wondering what replaced God Save the Queen as the Anthem. Is Barbara Streisand in charge of CCP censorship by any chance
Well that's interesting because the more links like Hong Kong National Anthem there are on the internet, the more likely Hong Kong National Anthem will pop up in search results for people wondering what replaced God Save the Queen as the Anthem. Is Barbara Streisand in charge of CCP censorship by any chance

Knock yourself out kiddo! :D

The idiots simply don't understand how Google's algorithms work.

That said, it's probably a prelude to the banning of Google in HK and an extension of the ongoing creep/infiltration of The Great Firewall.

Still, in the meantime ... :D

Be well gosub.

Be well frogs.

Be well peeps.

Be nice to each other.

A last piss before bed Bells?

Knock yourself out kiddo! :D

The idiots simply don't understand how Google's algorithms work.

That said, it's probably a prelude to the banning of Google in HK and an extension of the ongoing creep/infiltration of The Great Firewall.

Still, in the meantime ... :D

Be well gosub.

Be well frogs.

Be well peeps.

Be nice to each other.

A last piss before bed Bells?

:confused: But you can't access Google legally in China

Other search engines are available...if you look in whose online you do see chinese search engines crawling through Urban (probably trying to find out what the Hong Kong National Anthem is)
:confused: But you can't access Google legally in China

Other search engines are available...if you look in whose online you do see chinese search engines crawling through Urban (probably trying to find out what the Hong Kong National Anthem is)

In Hong Kong you still can. Just.

But THAT sends a chill through my bones. If the CCP is trawling through Urban, you can be sure that this thread is one of the central focuses.

Prepare yourself Jessiedog. You've made your bed.

I've already spent many, many hours and days and weeks contemplating and preparing myself and rehearsing and re-rehearsing the living-out of the potential consequences of having made this bed.

And I'm fucking committed to lying in it!

I'm ready for jail if this is the result but a final warning, if available, may drive me into exile (if still possible). And I think/hope this would be the preferred outcome for the CCP.

So come and get me you filthy motherfuckers! Eh!? Eh!?

Aaaaand breathe.

Come Bells.


It's all a bit Topsy Turvy here.

This was a bail hearing for Lee Cheuk-yan a couple of days ago. The NSL trial has yet to start.

The judge denied bail and one of his reasonings was the "strong evidence" against Lee.

Before the case has even been heard!

And in the case against Chow Hang-tung, also with the Hong Kong Alliance, it's even weirder.

The Alliance's Committee members are charged with "acting as the agent for a foreign principal". But the prosecution have redacted much of the evidence against them on National Security grounds (the judges will see it [and obviously the prosecution,] but not the defendants nor anyone else). The "foreign principal" is identified only as Organisation 4.

Chow, a barrister representing herself, has argued that in order to effectively defend against such a charge, it's reasonable for the prosecution to disclose the identity of said foreign principal. How can you mount a defense if you don't know specifically what your accused of? It seems reasonable but ... No. It's National Security innit?!

It is alleged that, a few years back, they received a one-off donation from this shadowy Organisation 4, in the princely sum of HK$ 20,000 (GBP ~2,000). A date was given for the donation.

Doing some sleuthing, Chow established that the only donation to the Alliance of that sum on the date concerned, was from the Japan Branch of the Federation for a Democratic China - a small organisation in Japan. This is in the context of their total, annual donations (mostly smallish amounts via crowdfunding,) averaging between HKD 2 million - 3 million. So this HKD 20,000 is a relatively minuscule, one-off sum.

The thing is, this was a donation from an organisation that the Alliance has never worked with or had any association with, other than saying thanks, of course. It was made as a donation towards the purchase of a property costing HKD 8 million (to be used as a June 4th museum - subsequently shut down by the National Security police). The donation was worth 1 / 400th of the cost building.

And this is acting as the agent for a shadowy foreign principal, "Organization 4", in a cloak-and-dagger trial, swathed in secrecy due to national security, denied a jury trial and thus to be overseen by three CCP-hand-picked National Security judges.


It's all very perplexing.

Worth reading the article.



That was eight hours of straight up madness, right? Fuck me! Holy fucking Mary mother of Jesus!

Too old for this shit is the understatement of the decade! Nay, the century!

There are still far too many East German Nihilist Orcs in this village Bella.

And, for some reason, they all invade my home every fucking Friday.

Every last one of them! Well ... yes, I know. There's only one.

But one is already one too many! Right Bella? Right?

Oh my fucking god. Kill me now. Now! Now!

Saturday will be hell again. Deep Hell!

So. Teeth are done. Music is set.

Brain is mush. Bed beckons.

Ready Bells? Ready now?

It's fucking 5:00am now!

Sleep. Come sleep.

Oh my giddy aunt!

Come Bells. Bed.

Let's rest now.

Blessings all.

Stay warm.



A good piece from Sean Tierney (another academic who has left HK).

"Pointing out these blatant, willfully flippant falsehoods isn’t ‘attacking’ people. It’s pointing out objectively false words and deeds. It’s not an “optical illusion” or a “yellow object” or an “election.” It certainly isn’t “record turnout” when you reduced the number of potential voters by 98%. Why is it only ‘politics’ when the pro-democracy side does it? Is it illegal to call for an end to Mayan rule in China, even though it isn’t real? Who knows? It’s Kafkaesque, but only in the most low-brow, clumsy way. It’s abject, performative fawning aimed squarely at the Liaison Office and/or Zhongnanhai. Locally, it’s as if they’re daring people to call them out on these obvious lies and contradictions. But there is tear gas, rubber bullets, and a prison cell waiting for anyone who dares mention the man behind the curtain; as recent events keep making ever clearer, there is now only patriotism and criminality."

This is really bad.

Jimmy Lai has been sentenced to nearly six years imprisonment.

I first met Jimmy in 2003 and we've marched together many times. A very solid guy. My heart bleeds.

There was a technical breach of the lease conditions at Apple daily's office. Jimmy had allowed one of his other firms, a secretarial service firm, to operate from a corner of his offices for many, many years. They occupied less than 0.16% of the office space.

Technically, the lease only permitted "media purposes" and this was therefore a breach.

This is an extremely common practice throughout Hong Kong in all kinds of business and is never, generally, seen as a problem. If there are any problems, it's dealt with as a landlord/tenant civil matter.

But they charged Jimmy with fraud.

Five fucking years and nine fucking months.

He's already serving 20 months for unlawful assembly and is awaiting trial on NSL charges.

(Edit: to add the link.)

He's seventy five years old.

This is so wrong.


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A good piece from Sean Tierney (another academic who has left HK).

"Pointing out these blatant, willfully flippant falsehoods isn’t ‘attacking’ people. It’s pointing out objectively false words and deeds. It’s not an “optical illusion” or a “yellow object” or an “election.” It certainly isn’t “record turnout” when you reduced the number of potential voters by 98%. Why is it only ‘politics’ when the pro-democracy side does it? Is it illegal to call for an end to Mayan rule in China, even though it isn’t real? Who knows? It’s Kafkaesque, but only in the most low-brow, clumsy way. It’s abject, performative fawning aimed squarely at the Liaison Office and/or Zhongnanhai. Locally, it’s as if they’re daring people to call them out on these obvious lies and contradictions. But there is tear gas, rubber bullets, and a prison cell waiting for anyone who dares mention the man behind the curtain; as recent events keep making ever clearer, there is now only patriotism and criminality."

Are the pro-China students described in the piece training for some sort of media/propaganda career or have they been told to do so by the authorities as the article implies? I've got to say I've met and studied with a few chinese people and never had the impression they were CCP operatives or anything even though in some cases I got the impression family members might have been fairly high up.
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