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Hong Kong: what next?

Are the pro-China students described in the piece training for some sort of media/propaganda career or have they been told to do so by the authorities as the article implies? I've got to say I've met and studied with a few chinese people and never had the impression they were CCP operatives or anything even though in some cases I got the impression family members might have been fairly high up.

These are mainland students who've never travelled overseas and are attending Masters programmes in Social Sciences (Global Communications,) in Hong Kong for one year.

The point he makes is that, 15 years ago, many of the students were at least a little more open to considering ideas, at least in class-time.

As time went on, he describes each cohort as being increasingly different and always skewing further towards, as he puts it:

"Even as recently as a few years ago, as more and more students explained their presence in the program as “preparation for giving the world the correct opinion of China,” they were at least willing to put their own perspectives at arm’s length for the duration of the class, as an intellectual exercise if nothing else. Which was, to be honest, all I was asking. I enjoyed having discussions with the students because they saw things differently than I did, but we could talk about those differences and how they manifested in our communication with people like, and more importantly unlike, ourselves. That’s the core of understanding global communication."

And, to answer your questions, as of today, we can be assured that all students are BOTH selected by the party AND sent for training in how to be more effective in the manipulation of western social media. When they graduate, it'll be straight back to the mainland and set to work.

Not the kind of people that are allowed to go/sent to the UK. An entirely different use of human resources.

(Edit: I didn't fucking edit at all! There was a glitch in the Urban-Matrix and it self posted my first six words, with the message : Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again. So I edited to continue ... Hmmph!)

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I've got limited experience Jessiedog but I can't really think of meeting any mainland Chinese people who were vocally pro CCP or even expressed any opinion about it one way or another apart from maybe being very mildly opposed a couple of times, i was quite good friends with one during my MA. I know that spying etc definitely does go on and I never talked to them about eg Xinjiang etc but I'd be worried about assuming the worst about Chinese students in general tbh.
And it rolls on and on and on ...

This morning (12/12/22,) eight young people, aged 22 - 32 years, were sentenced to between 4 years 7 months and 5 years for rioting on 01/10/19.

Don't forget, the maximum "discount" available - and only for exemplary behaviour while incarcerated - is one third of the sentence.

And on and on and on ...

I've got limited experience Jessiedog but I can't really think of meeting any mainland Chinese people who were vocally pro CCP or even expressed any opinion about it one way or another apart from maybe being very mildly opposed a couple of times, i was quite good friends with one during my MA. I know that spying etc definitely does go on and I never talked to them about eg Xinjiang etc but I'd be worried about assuming the worst about Chinese students in general tbh.

I think I understand how difficult it is for most people in/from "the west" to really comprehend just how penetrating, pervasive and insidious the brainwashing is throughout all educational years on the mainland. The whole education system is geared towards it. Progressively moreso since 2012.

This combined with the total control - and censorship - of the entire media ecosystem, ensures that almost every mainlander is wholly and thoroughly indoctrinated by the time they finish secondary education, with a few added years if they graduate from college.

Given my experiences, were I to encounter any mainlanders, anywhere on the planet, I would be most cautious and conscious - even vigilant - for quite a long while before I would begin to regard them as in any way trustworthy and would remain conscious for quite a long while even after that.

And I know that I'm very far from the only one. Just ask a majority of Hongkongers or Taiwanese who are familiar with the mainland "mindset".

But keep in mind that, originally, my response to you was specific to mainland cohorts of students attending a particular course of a Masters degree programme in Hong Kong over a two decade period until this year. Most would be in their mid twenties when starting and, yes, they don't know shit. But what they do have is an utterly unshakeable faith in the "Chinese view" of the world, along with the infallibility of The Party and, particularly, The Chairman, the Core Leader.

I'm obviously not suggesting that most or even many mainlanders in the UK, or mainland students, are spies.

But, be assured, that any UK-based Chinese of mainland origin will, if asked pointed questions by a representative of the CCP, immediately spill the beans, the whole beans and nothing but the beans - and without the slightest of second thoughts. Almost. Without. Exception.

It's a Topsy Turvy world alright.

Stay warm peeps.

Jessiedog said:
But, be assured, that any UK-based Chinese of mainland origin will, if asked pointed questions by a representative of the CCP, immediately spill the beans, the whole beans and nothing but the beans - and without the slightest of second thoughts. Almost. Without. Exception.

Yeah I'm guessing a lot of people think the party really does have the public's interest at heart despite any problems and probably aren't really aware of the shit happening in Xinjiang etc. There was an article by someone from the mainland about how annoying they used to find the Hong Kong protests until the Shanghai lockdown.

I took a module in mandarin years ago for my BA and I got the feeling a lot of especially upper middle class hong kong people (who were the majority of those studying on the course) looked down on people from the mainland, believing them to be unsophisticated etc. Maybe resentiment from that could have fuelled some of the hostility by mainlanders?
That's interesting tho, definitely not like Russia (which creates its own problems as it's easy for him to pretend it is democratic)
I think I understand how difficult it is for most people in/from "the west" to really comprehend just how penetrating, pervasive and insidious the brainwashing is throughout all educational years on the mainland. The whole education system is geared towards it. Progressively moreso since 2012.

This combined with the total control - and censorship - of the entire media ecosystem, ensures that almost every mainlander is wholly and thoroughly indoctrinated by the time they finish secondary education, with a few added years if they graduate from college.

Given my experiences, were I to encounter any mainlanders, anywhere on the planet, I would be most cautious and conscious - even vigilant - for quite a long while before I would begin to regard them as in any way trustworthy and would remain conscious for quite a long while even after that.

And I know that I'm very far from the only one. Just ask a majority of Hongkongers or Taiwanese who are familiar with the mainland "mindset".

But keep in mind that, originally, my response to you was specific to mainland cohorts of students attending a particular course of a Masters degree programme in Hong Kong over a two decade period until this year. Most would be in their mid twenties when starting and, yes, they don't know shit. But what they do have is an utterly unshakeable faith in the "Chinese view" of the world, along with the infallibility of The Party and, particularly, The Chairman, the Core Leader.

I'm obviously not suggesting that most or even many mainlanders in the UK, or mainland students, are spies.

But, be assured, that any UK-based Chinese of mainland origin will, if asked pointed questions by a representative of the CCP, immediately spill the beans, the whole beans and nothing but the beans - and without the slightest of second thoughts. Almost. Without. Exception.

It's a Topsy Turvy world alright.

Stay warm peeps.

How do the CCP explain the policy shifts that have happened since Mao eg with the increased capitalism under Deng and Hu Jintao (and return to state capitalism under Xi etc?) Do they say any mistakes were made by previous leaders, or just not discuss it at all?
Forgive my schadenfreude (I blame the East German Arab!).

But it looks like six of the fascist thugs from the Chinese Consulate in Manchester, including the Consul General, have been repatriated to the mainland.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of people.

Be careful peeps.

And ...

... Still some small mercies.

Kudos to judge Judianna Barnes (mainland born in 1952, raised in Hong Kong and married to a Gweilo - if I'm not mistaken).

And far, far greater kudos to Chow Hang-tung who, despite this small victory, is likely to be as royally fucked by the CCP as Jimmy Lai will be.

I don't know Hang-tung (I do Jimmy,) but she's fighting, as is Jimmy: Every. Fucking. Step. Of. The. Way.

And she's just half his age (37/75). She's going for it. Taking it on the chin.

A true heroine of our time. Thank you Hang-tung.

An example of the best of humanity.

Thank you.

Come Bells, we're done for tonight. Orcs will be here in a couple of days. We need some rest.

Please stay warm peeps. Check on your neighbours.

Be nice to each other.

Come Bella. Bed.

How do the CCP explain the policy shifts that have happened since Mao eg with the increased capitalism under Deng and Hu Jintao (and return to state capitalism under Xi etc?) Do they say any mistakes were made by previous leaders, or just not discuss it at all?

In the early days of reform there was acknowledgement that Mao made errors, and the official verdict of the Cultural Revolution was a 10 year catastrophe.

But as it fades from memory it is discussed even less and the younger generation now know little about that period, it is basically a minor footnote of a period of instability during a stage of China's development and experimentation with different approaches. In general the change from Maoism to state capitalism is portrayed as a natural progression rather than as a break with previous leaders. I had a compulsory propaganda class for foreigners when studying in China and they taught that Mao's primary achievement was he solved 中国挨打的问题, the problem of China being beaten by foreign powers, and that Deng's primary achievement was solving the 中国挨饿的问题, the problem of China being hungry. So it is seen as a natural progression from China asserting its sovereignty under Mao, to the second stage of developing its economy under Deng.

In keeping with this metanarrative, Xi wants to be the third great leader who establishes China as the dominant global power.
A good, short thread from Jerome Taylor as AnthemGate rumbles on ...

The govt. (SARG,) told Google to get it sorted so that Glory To Hong Kong was forever expunged from searches relating to Hong Kong National Anthem.

Google tells SARG to do one. It's the algorithm and it ain't broke and we ain't fixing it.

SARG whinges about morality and responsibility.

Google shrugs.

Ronny Tong (inevitably!) suggests Google may be breaking the NSL by "assisting secession". (Snort!)

And, of course, the Streisand Effect gathers momentum, assuring Glory's place at/near the top of search results.

Laughing stock? Methinks it's already way beyond that.

Oh boy!

The whole fucking world has gone crazy - apart from Urban, Bella and me, of course.

But I still have deeply profound doubts about the veracity of Urban's sanity.

And Bella's a fucking dog. Dogs are all, generally, fucking crazy anyway.

Yet worst of all, I fear, is my own tenacious grip on reality.

Where to go? What to do? What to say? Say what?

Marauding, Nihilist Orcs will abound tomorrow.

Support striking workers peeps. Stand up.

Be nice to each other. Time is short.

Wrap up tight. Stay warm. Layers!

Belladog? Are we done here?

Good! Teeth and bed?

Right we are then.


A school teacher who was leaving the job (emigrating), had some towels printed as gifts to distribute before leaving.

The characters printed on the towels displayed the phase "Add Oil."

The school confiscated the towels and called the police.

What a great message to send out, eh?


A good, short thread from Jerome Taylor as AnthemGate rumbles on ...

The govt. (SARG,) told Google to get it sorted so that Glory To Hong Kong was forever expunged from searches relating to Hong Kong National Anthem.

Google tells SARG to do one. It's the algorithm and it ain't broke and we ain't fixing it.

SARG whinges about morality and responsibility.

Google shrugs.

Ronny Tong (inevitably!) suggests Google may be breaking the NSL by "assisting secession". (Snort!)

And, of course, the Streisand Effect gathers momentum, assuring Glory's place at/near the top of search results.

Laughing stock? Methinks it's already way beyond that.


I thought Google had come under fire in the west for adhering to Chinese internet laws too much, so this is interesting. Are there alternatives like duckduckgo available (I guess that's also banned)
Well. That was a mental Friday.

Stay warm and dry peeps.

Hold each other. Tight.

Be nice to each other.

Ready Bells?

Rest now.

Yesterday, another ten young people (aged 18 - 28,) were convicted for, essentially, being in the vicinity of what at some point during the gathering, was deemed by the police to be a riot.

Remanded in custody for sentencing on 07/01/23.

"In handing down his verdict at the District Court on Saturday, judge Josiah Lam Wai-kuen found that while the 10 defendants did not engage in acts that disrupted social order in Yau Ma Tei on November 18, 2019, but their presence at the scene alone constituted rioting."

And another thing that struck me a few days ago was the case of an 18 year old.

Since the age of sixteen (mostly already under the NSL), and over nearly two years, the defendant had been posting some "offensive" posts on social media about the Chinese anthem and the Chinese flag (and, indeed, some of his posts were quite derogatory).

The magistrate/judge sentenced him to (up to,) three years detention (and ANY early release depends upon perfect behaviour).

And in the ruling said that it would take a long time to cleanse his thoughts and that he'd "hurt the feelings of the people".

I think I've heard that phrase: "hurt the feelings of the people" used before - many times - by CCP politicians.

But I've never heard it before in any Hong Kong court. Never. Ever.

How quickly things have changed. Complete and total change.

Everything was in place and it just needed the final push.

Push the button. Do everything at once. Harshly.

And then claim everything is normal.

Classic, brutal, fascist playbook.

Wrap up warm please peeps.

Hold each other tight.

It's fucking cold.

Be nice now.

Bed Bells.

And apropos of nothing other than a moment of nostalgia from 1973.

"It's a god awful small affair,

For the girl with the mousey hair ... "

Blessings all. Stay safe. Wake up.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Come Bella. Bed beckons.

Rest is required.

Night peeps.

(Edit: To add that I couldn't deal with the improperly uncapitalised "W" in "wake". So I fixed it. OCD is a weird thing.)


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I heard there were some 2,650 deaths yesterday in Beijing alone.

Do fuck off!

Oh, for fuck sake!

"The government on Tuesday unveiled its first ever youth development blueprint, with over 160 measures to be rolled out in the coming three years to nurture over two million patriotic young people."

Please just fuck off!


“It is an offence for somebody to play a song which is not the Hong Kong national anthem, which is also the national anthem of the PRC because it constitutes insult,” the CE said.


For fuck sake, please fuck off!

No. Fuck right off!

Not just a clown show, it's the whole fucking circus!

Fuck off, for fuck sake, fuck off! And keep fucking off!


Right then. I'm fucking off to bed.

Come Bells, a last piss for us both and then cold sheets await me and a warm rug for you. We'll be fine, I'll always keep a hand on you as we sleep. ;)

Blessings all. Stay safe. Be nice to each other.



And watching Rishi Sunak at the Commons Liaison Committee ... Are you fucking serious mate? Are you really fucking serious?

You're a greedy, slick, smart, shiny-suited, sleazy, prolix, lying, con-artist, Tory cunt more like!

Be very, very careful peeps.

G'night then.

Be safe all.

A series of cool photos of Hong Kong from @archillect. Curated by @NiaoCollective.

Rest well peeps.

Come Bells.

Bed now.

And just for the record.

(It was not aimed at Pfizer, of course - we're generally all well jabbed up with BioNTech and it was before the pandemic anyway - it was aimed at "you know who" ... the rigged Legislature, the SARG and the CCP.)


Night peeps.

This, ummmm, is, ummmm ... Just weird.

"Four Hong Kong men were on Wednesday jailed for up to two years for offences related to an unlawful assembly during the 2019 anti-government demonstrations as the judge said their efforts to help young protesters was “nearly paedophilic behaviour” and “blind idolisation” of teenage offenders."

Take a bow, Judge Ernest Lin.

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