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Hong Kong: what next?

2025 is on, the big one

Oh Picky!

You truly have a unique ability to scare the living, shitting fuck out of me, with oh so very few pointed and poignant words.

Thanks for that! ;)

The other factor here, of course, is what happens in the November 2022 mid-terms in the US - and that's not looking brilliant right now. I guess we'll know within a few weeks (but with much nonsense ensuing thereafter whatever happens).

Things are indeed very fragile.

Holy Mother Mary of Jesus!

And breeeathe deeply peeps. And relaaax.

And be nice to each other. Quickly. Please.

And climate catastrophe already baked in.

G'night peeps.

(Come Bells. Bed now.)

Anyway ...

Marauding Orcs that crash in on Friday nights.

Sometimes cute ...


And sometimes drooped ...


Such is Middle Earth.

Love each other peeps.



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Just been catching up. Hope you're as ok as you can be Jessiedog.

Thank you Dystopiary. Appreciated.

It's pretty fucking harsh right now. Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, week by week. And I have no doubt things will begin to deteriorate more rapidly over the coming months - cliff edges, tipping points, etc.

Things move quickly and I'm floundering.

Step. By. Step.

But hurry up!

It's powerfully stressful.

Topiary ...


Dystopiary ...



Take care of each other peeps.

Straight out of Orwell's "1984" - on steroids - laid bare, right in front of us, in real time!

Who does this cunt think he's kidding?

"These are not the drones you're looking for."?

I mean, for fuck sake, fuck right off! Cunt!


Common law?

Common fucking law?

The sophistry is fucking breathtaking.

These people must think we're all really fucking stupid.

I'm fucking boiling with fucking rage.

"Liu said that as Hong Kong went through “turbulent development” during the social unrest of 2019, the central government exercised overall jurisdiction over the city, put into effect the national security law in the SAR, and implemented the policy of patriots administering Hong Kong."

I'd be best to get some rest soon before somebody (else! ;) ) starts a fucking riot.

Come Bells.

Bed now.

Remember during the Olympics last year when I highlighted Hongkonger Edgar Cheung's gold medal win in fencing?

Well, Yossarian also pointed out events at the APM shopping mall, where a few hundred people were gathered to watch the finals on a huge screen. During the medal ceremony, as the Chinese national anthem was being played, all the people in the mall drowned it out by singing Glory To Hong Kong (the unofficial HK "anthem") and chanting "Hong Kong! Hong Kong! Hong Kong! ... ".

At the same event, at the same time, a 42 year old woman in the crowd was waving a pre-97, British Hong Kong flag and was arrested.

She has just been jailed for three months for "insulting the national anthem by waving the colonial flag".

Yup. Freedom of expression is definitely still intact and all is well and fine in Hong Kong. Right?

Fascism and subjugation.

We were lucky I guess.

At least we still have a dog and a friendly/half-tamed Orc.

Friday is as Friday does.

Step. By. Step.

Rest well peeps.

And please try to be nice to each other ...

... Time is running out.

Blessings one and all and all and sundry.



This is brilliant!

The Hong Kong rugby team were in Korea for a match.

Instead of playing the Chinese national anthem, some crafty wag, instead, played the Hong Kong protest anthem, Glory To Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong govt. is not amused.

This is really getting far beyond what even the worst and most fanciful parody of 1984 could possibly get away with.

And the creepiest thing is that, in all of its reporting on this, (the newly "reformed") RTHK have been entirely incapable of actually naming the "song" they keep referring to ...

... The Hong Kong anthem: "Glory To Hong Kong".

"Chief Executive John Lee said on Monday that police will investigate whether there was a conspiracy to violate the national anthem law or other Hong Kong laws ... Asked how the police can probe something that took place outside of Hong Kong, he said the force will act lawfully."


Come Bells. Let's get some sleep before the inevitable early morning knock on the door.

(Climate change peeps. Be nice to each other.)

We have some pro-CCP politicians screaming for the Hong Kong Rugby team to be disbanded (too many Gweilos methinks!).

Others are shrieking for the culprit to be extradited to Hong Kong under the NSL (there is still a treaty with Korea; why though? We may well ask).

The police has activated its Organised Crime and Triad Bureau (?????) to open a full investigation.

It looks like, probably, that a young (unpaid?) local Korean intern of the Asian Rugby organisers was not (as is usual,) given the appropriate (or any,) anthem by the relevant team management.

In the absence of this, the intern was told to find the "Hong Kong anthem". In a search for this on YouTube - at the time - the top two results were, firstly, the British national anthem (from colonial days,) and, secondly, "Glory To Hong Kong".

Being a bright young intern - and the new, post-handover, anthem being a far catchier tune - it was a no-brainer to line up the post-handover version.

Let's see where this goes.

As I've mentioned, its way beyond a bad parody of "1984".

Let's see what's next.

Come Bells. Bed now.

:confused: So the CCP plan for improving their dire 80th ranking is to disband the other teams?

They really haven't got the hang of this yet

Maybe a 'so called' All China team could play the Lions
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Aaaaanyway ...

... Enough of this nonsensical clamour of "patriots" trying to outdo each other with their extremist rantings in order to demonstrate their obsequiousness to the fascist regime.

Let's hurry up and lynch the intern already, okay?

For fuck sake.

And the government says nothing has changed when, of course, everything has.

Black is white and white is black.

Tread carefully peeps. But quickly. And be nice to each other. Now.

Come Bells. Marauding Orcs will be afoot the morrows eve.

Best to bed now. Come girl.

Blessings all.



I mean, really, fucking ... oof!

I'm struggling with fascists and Orcs and, of course, mostly with myself (the battle lies within).

And the fucking Orcs are making more sense than anyone.

Tonight, it was all about: "I had a great week ... I realised that it's not my fault!" And we did that shit for seven fucking hours before he fucked off.

So I sent the Orc the scene from Good Will Hunting. (It's not your fault ... Robin Williams and Matt Damon - four minutes - it's worth watching again; that hug, those tears! Brilliant film-making!)

And, I must confess, I do love fucking with Orc psyche on Friday nights. But, fuck me, I'm getting too old for this shit.

Come dog. It's way past 4:00am. Rest now. Pain awaits tomorrow.

Be nice to each other peeps. There is no time left.

Rest well.

Aaaaand ... We're off and running again!

The feelings of 1.4 billion Chinese people must be deeply smarting.

Some bright spark went back and checked the anthems from other matches in this series and found Dubai on the 9th of November 2022.

In the qualification finals, the * "official" Chinese national anthem was played for Hong Kong but OMG what the hell is that caption on Dubai TV?



The veins must surely be popping across the brows of senior HK officials.

(*Edited: To change the word "correct" to the word "official" - I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression! ;) )

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But zero covid. Bunch of hypocrites.

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Yup. And mainland China is about to explode with Covid. Omicron cannot be contained.

Chairman Xi meet Omicron. Omicron meet Chairman Xi. Shit meet fan. Fan meet shit.

All of the current numbers are entirely fake. Deaths are mounting. Hospitals failing.

You failed to get your elderly vaccinated, Xi. You made your bed. You lay flat.

I just hope you, personally, pay the price and suffer what you deserve.

Anyway, enough venom already from me for one night. Ready Bells?

Be nice to each other peeps.

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