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Huge earthquake in Turkey and Northern Syria 05-06/02/23

Got the sad news that our friend, an English teacher, died along with her mother. The effects of this will last for generations. I can't imagine how neighbourhoods like hers will go on and return to anything resembling normality with so many lives lost and whole areas destroyed.
Sorry, to hear that.
Got the sad news that our friend, an English teacher, died along with her mother. The effects of this will last for generations. I can't imagine how neighbourhoods like hers will go on and return to anything resembling normality with so many lives lost and whole areas destroyed.
Very sorry for your loss.
Unsurprisingly it looks like building standards were an issue.

I remember back in the 90s when I taught English in Istanbul I had a student who was a civil engineer. He told me that the vast majority of new build high-rises circumvented earthquake proofing by paying baksheesh to the relevant authorities in order to get sign off. The thought of this, given I was living in a high rise and that Istanbul is waiting for the 'big one', gave me the absolute willies. It's unsurprising but horrendous that so many have probably died due to the greed of developers
Sharing more links for easy donation from the UK:

Thanks for sharing these miss direct, I have donated. I can't do anything else useful, but I'm fortunate enough to have money.

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your friend. The scale of misery in this disaster is quite unthinkable :(
Got the sad news that our friend, an English teacher, died along with her mother. The effects of this will last for generations. I can't imagine how neighbourhoods like hers will go on and return to anything resembling normality with so many lives lost and whole areas destroyed.
Very sorry for your loss.
It's horrific what people are going through ...
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Yeah, I'm robust to lots of this kind of thing and I'm finding the footage is absolutely horrendous.

Sorry for your loss miss direct, all others as well.

Actually just been asked to go over with a medical team. Don't think I can go though.
There's some (more) really horrible news coming out of Turkey, with fears of hygiene issues, vigilantes beating "looters" (hard to distinguish between someone stealing food for their family and someone taking advantage of the situation), the usual anti refugee stuff, it just goes on and on. Universities will switch to online teaching for the forseeable future...
Watching the news tonight and they said 45000 dead at least between Turkey and Syria. They expect that number to rise.

Truly awful. What a nightmare for people there. It's unfathomable.
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