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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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and I should hope so, I mean fucking hell firky I know your cartoon was in bad taste and you've apologised for it but you see how this ends up panning out when people make witless crass comments or make attempts at risky jokes that backfire? Don't wanna be too much of a prick about it but look what happens.

Laurie does get her "ideas" beaten up and rubbished by anarchists and socialists; that was the premise of the cartoon. Not the actual act of beating her up because that would be shit.

This is the original:


IIRC it used to be I am a Mac / I am a PC user and "I am Linux".
No he blocked me because ages ago they confused my saying "urban75 is not a den of misogynist trolls" when Laurie Penny was accusing us of that as a result of your cartoon with "hahah let's laugh at leftists making rape threats at laurie penny" - the rape threats I presume are a reference to the freaks on the Guido Fawkes columns and Dont Start Me Off because I don't remember anyone here making any rape threats, do you?

And whilst trying to explain this to that individual I got stonewalled with a load of "Um what you're doing is victim-blaming actually" shite so I blocked them rather than tediously explain the fucking details to some fool who's not even aware of what I was referring to in the first place. It was too much effort. Imagine that.
I'm pretty sure that anyone making a rape threat against anybody on this thread would have been immediately reported and chased from the thread with pitchforks and flaming torches. Misogyny hasn't been tolerated so rape threats certainly won't be.
Laurie does get her "ideas" beaten up and rubbished by anarchists and socialists; that was the premise of the cartoon. Not the actual act of beating her up because that would be shit.

Well, quite, i don't think you posted it to convey your sincere desire to see Laurie Penny literally beaten up, I just reckon it was a meme that backfired. (coz even the smallest hint of violence against women isn't going to be tolerated here, is it?)
Well, quite, i don't think you posted it to convey your sincere desite to see Laurie Penny, I just reckon it was a meme that backfired.

Indeed but how that has resulted in you getting stick for something that was posted on a totally unrelated website to U75 is utterly baffling. Have you upset them in the past, a hatchet to bury? Twitter's shite, lad! You can't explain or have a proper debate in twitter. As I've said before it's like watching two limbless boxers go at it in a ring.
If anyone made rape threats to LP on here they'd be rightly banned and jumped on by a legion of posters on here. SOmeone made a skit about her appearance a few pages back and were lynched, so I can't imagine in a thousand years anyone would make such threats.
Aye, we're not the misogynists we're made out to be :)

Talking of which, a new one turned up at work. Joy.
Indeed but how that has resulted in you getting stick for something that was posted on a totally unrelated website to U75 is utterly baffling. Have you upset them in the past, a hatchet to bury? Twitter's shite, lad! You can't explain or have a proper debate in twitter. As I've said before it's like watching two limbless boxers go at it in a ring.

It's funny really I mean you've obviously gotta maintain a sense of detachment to it lol
I'm pretty sure that anyone making a rape threat against anybody on this thread would have been immediately reported and chased from the thread with pitchforks and flaming torches. Misogyny hasn't been tolerated so rape threats certainly won't be.

Init. One of the good things about urban is that kind of shit has a zero tolerance policy, you may not get banned but your posting career is going to an arduous one as people lynch you post after post.
Init. One of the good things about urban is that kind of shit has a zero tolerance policy, you may not get banned but your posting career is going to an arduous one as people lynch you post after post.
Aye, look at thriller and his posting history since the infamous AIDS comment.
Well I have invited them to the thread to discuss the matter, I'll be surprised they join but maybe they will.
If anyone made rape threats to LP on here they'd be rightly banned and jumped on by a legion of posters on here. SOmeone made a skit about her appearance a few pages back and were lynched, so I can't imagine in a thousand years anyone would make such threats.

what about the three fellas who wanted to punch her in the face? Not a word from anyone, apart from yer man LLETSA :(
I can't recall that but there was plenty people wanting to smack Malcom Harris in his smug face too!
Anyone watched this yet?

I don't know if I can bring myself to

The comments section is horrifying

GorillaMountain 4 hours ago
Brilliant. Penny is one of the most eloquent feminist intellectuals on the net, engaged wholly in the cultures she's critiquing. I can't wait to read this book and get more depth.
Her achievements include, blogging, tweeting and being awesome?

I turned it off at that point.

Watched it to 8 minutes, she says a lot of obvious stuff but nothing new so far. I'll give it a proper watch tomorrow.

She's a terrible public speaker, very nervous. I wouldn't like to stand up and give a speech like that, can't be easy.
Her achievements include, blogging, tweeting and being awesome?

I turned it off at that point.

Watched it to 8 minutes, she says a lot of obvious stuff but nothing new so far. I'll give it a proper watch tomorrow.

She's a terrible public speaker, very nervous. I wouldn't like to stand up and give a speech like that, can't be easy.
But then, how many has she done? In my experience talks to large groups do get easier the more you do.
Watched the start of the video but couldn't carry on. I have to say, LP's accent is very affected, the glottal stops go almost entirely when she starts concentrating on something.
Watched the start of the video but couldn't carry on. I have to say, LP's accent is very affected, the glottal stops go almost entirely when she starts concentrating on something.
i've got to say, you disseminating someone's speech habits is a bit sad really, get a life before i can't be bothered to carry on with you.
Anyone watched this yet?

5 minutes was enough

I think she's lying. She keeps on using the same grim quote as evidence that any woman who writes on the net will face a wall of misogynist abuse. Now I'm not a women, but Ive had a blog a long time that probably had just as many hits as hers ever had, and I get surprisingly little abuse - although i could point out a few pretty overt threats of violence and present this as the norm if i chose - but its not.

I find it hard to believe that only women bloggers would get the constant stream of abuse she claims to have had. On the other hand political blogging is shamefully male dominated and people like guido ramp up the macho factor, but outside of lp and her circle I just havent heard women bloggers complain about this - above and beyond the misogynist shit that exists in everyday life

if badgerskitten is lurking perhaps she'd comment (guess not) :) but urbs very own high profile female blogger, who got a lot of real life shit from conspiracy people and documented it here and elsewhere certainly never spoke about what lp describes

and the reason this matters is that she gives this as a warning in the first five mins of that speech, that if young women speak out on the internet they will be met with this wall of gender based abuse - I'm more than willing to be proved wrong, but i dont believe thats true, and she is actively putting off young women writers by inventing what seems to be little more than a concept for her latest self-publicity drive and book.

(this is not meant to undermine the sexist shit that is all over the net, just the argument that any women who wants to speak out online will face what lp describes)
5 minutes was enough

I think she's lying. She keeps on using the same grim quote as evidence that any woman who writes on the net will face a wall of misogynist abuse. Now I'm not a women, but Ive had a blog a long time that probably had just as many hits as hers ever had, and I get surprisingly little abuse - although i could point out a few pretty overt threats of violence and present this as the norm if i chose - but its not.

I find it hard to believe that only women bloggers would get the constant stream of abuse she claims to have had. On the other hand political blogging is shamefully male dominated and people like guido ramp up the macho factor, but outside of lp and her circle I just havent heard women bloggers complain about this - above and beyond the misogynist shit that exists in everyday life

if badgerskitten is lurking perhaps she'd comment (guess not) :) but urbs very own high profile female blogger, who got a lot of real life shit from conspiracy people and documented it here and elsewhere certainly never spoke about what lp describes

and the reason this matters is that she gives this as a warning in the first five mins of that speech, that if young women speak out on the internet they will be met with this wall of gender based abuse - I'm more than willing to be proved wrong, but i dont believe thats true, and she is actively putting off young women writers by inventing what seems to be little more than a concept for her latest self-publicity drive and book.

(this is not meant to undermine the sexist shit that is all over the net, just the argument that any women who wants to speak out online will face what lp describes)

I got quite a few bonkers nasty shut-up-you-bitch comments on a blog I did about Reeva Steenkamp. And a few on others I've done since. Certain subject matter attracts the type.

Edit, I haven't watched the video because I cba getting wound up by LP at this time of night
I'm not a blogger but have experienced some nasty stuff on here, mainly from the same few posters. The ignore function is very handy, and when it's really bad I've reported it to a mod and it's been dealt with. It's certainly not constant, and I would say the nasty misogynistic posters are outnumbered by more sensible types.

It was fairly recently that I'd posted I'd had no experience of gender-biased attacks after posting on urban for 8 years. Lucky me to be on the receiving end now.:rolleyes:
5 minutes was enough

I think she's lying. She keeps on using the same grim quote as evidence that any woman who writes on the net will face a wall of misogynist abuse. Now I'm not a women, but Ive had a blog a long time that probably had just as many hits as hers ever had, and I get surprisingly little abuse - although i could point out a few pretty overt threats of violence and present this as the norm if i chose - but its not.

I find it hard to believe that only women bloggers would get the constant stream of abuse she claims to have had. On the other hand political blogging is shamefully male dominated and people like guido ramp up the macho factor, but outside of lp and her circle I just havent heard women bloggers complain about this - above and beyond the misogynist shit that exists in everyday life

if badgerskitten is lurking perhaps she'd comment (guess not) :) but urbs very own high profile female blogger, who got a lot of real life shit from conspiracy people and documented it here and elsewhere certainly never spoke about what lp describes

and the reason this matters is that she gives this as a warning in the first five mins of that speech, that if young women speak out on the internet they will be met with this wall of gender based abuse - I'm more than willing to be proved wrong, but i dont believe thats true, and she is actively putting off young women writers by inventing what seems to be little more than a concept for her latest self-publicity drive and book.

(this is not meant to undermine the sexist shit that is all over the net, just the argument that any women who wants to speak out online will face what lp describes)

This is rubbish of course women bloggers and tweeters get singled out for particularly nasty mysoginistic abuse and it has been documented a fair few times.

Unfortunately I'm on my phone so can't be asked to link to any articles but a quick google of obvious search terms should bring stuff up.

This post in no way is a defence of LP by the way.
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