5 minutes was enough
I think she's lying. She keeps on using the same grim quote as evidence that any woman who writes on the net will face a wall of misogynist abuse. Now I'm not a women, but Ive had a blog a long time that probably had just as many hits as hers ever had, and I get surprisingly little abuse - although i could point out a few pretty overt threats of violence and present this as the norm if i chose - but its not.
I find it hard to believe that only women bloggers would get the constant stream of abuse she claims to have had. On the other hand political blogging is shamefully male dominated and people like guido ramp up the macho factor, but outside of lp and her circle I just havent heard women bloggers complain about this - above and beyond the misogynist shit that exists in everyday life
if badgerskitten is lurking perhaps she'd comment (guess not)
but urbs very own high profile female blogger, who got a lot of real life shit from conspiracy people and documented it here and elsewhere certainly never spoke about what lp describes
and the reason this matters is that she gives this as a warning in the first five mins of that speech, that if young women speak out on the internet they will be met with this wall of gender based abuse - I'm more than willing to be proved wrong, but i dont believe thats true, and she is actively putting off young women writers by inventing what seems to be little more than a concept for her latest self-publicity drive and book.
(this is not meant to undermine the sexist shit that is all over the net, just the argument that any women who wants to speak out online will face what lp describes)