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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The problem is that "steampunk" can mean a lot of different things.

Precisely - steampunk is simply another cultural battleground as with punk and other genres...

My mate Andy is in a steampunk band and they seem pretty good at combining punk and musical hall stuff as a celebration of working class culture.

They recently had socialist band Thee Faction supporting them and are always as pains to take the piss out of steampunks being all posh and shouting "Huzzah!".
So, who was that who burned so briefly, or is it bad form to ask?
LLETSA, late of this parish.
Basically, anyone who starts banging on about tattoos being body mutilation, and it's evens that it's LLETSA trying to creep back from his ban.

Be brutal with your little LLETSA, and beat him when he sneezes.

He only does it to annoy, because he knows it teases.
That explains it then - force a man to wear a tie when he doesn't want to and you deserve all you get.

Yes ıt does.

Also, dıd you know that devout Muslıms don't wear tıes, on account of they resemble a crucıfıx?

Not that thıs applıes ın Doug's case of course.
I need to catchup on this thead but I must say I've enjoyed not getting myself wound up by such an inconsequential pieces of shit like Laurie and her pals.
i googled it, and it seems that the general consensus of the english speaking muslim world is that you can wear ties, and the reason some muslims once did not was because the muslim had a religious duty not to dress like an unbeliever.
i googled it, and it seems that the general consensus of the english speaking muslim world is that you can wear ties, and the reason some muslims once did not was because the muslim had a religious duty not to dress like an unbeliever.
Or, as in Iran after the Shah's deposition, a refusal to wear a tie was a signifier that you weren't one of the reactionaries. Anyway, there's the option of the Nehru collar, slightly better for hot climates and it doesn't require you to wear a noose.
Eh, he blocked you because I made a cartoon that I made (and had FA to do with rape)? Have I got that right?

Or he blocked you because he was laughing at rape threats LP received and you told him not to?

Delroy Booth
Eh, he blocked you because I made a cartoon that I made (and had FA to do with rape)? Have I got that right?

No he blocked me because ages ago they confused my saying "urban75 is not a den of misogynist trolls" when Laurie Penny was accusing us of that as a result of your cartoon with "hahah let's laugh at leftists making rape threats at laurie penny" - the rape threats I presume are a reference to the freaks on the Guido Fawkes columns and Dont Start Me Off because I don't remember anyone here making any rape threats, do you?

And whilst trying to explain this to that individual I got stonewalled with a load of "Um what you're doing is victim-blaming actually" shite so I blocked them rather than tediously explain the fucking details to some fool who's not even aware of what I was referring to in the first place. It was too much effort. Imagine that.
Eh, he blocked you because I made a cartoon that I made (and had FA to do with rape)? Have I got that right?

Or he blocked you because he was laughing at rape threats LP received and you told him not to?

Delroy Booth

No they confused the rape threats with the accusations of misogyny aimed at this thread. That's what I was dismissing. This person didn't know the context, must have thought I was referring to the rape threats made on Guido Fawkes rather than the criticism of your cartoon as misogynist, and wouldn't give me the chance to actually explain what I was making a comment about in the first place. It was actually in references to Laurie's comments about your cartoon that kicked it off.
If anyone made rape threats to LP on here they'd be rightly banned and jumped on by a legion of posters on here. SOmeone made a skit about her appearance a few pages back and were lynched, so I can't imagine in a thousand years anyone would make such threats.
No they confused the rape threats with the accusations of misogyny aimed at this thread. That's what I was dismissing. This person didn't know the context, must have thought I was referring to the rape threats made on Guido Fawkes rather than the criticism of your cartoon as misogynist, and wouldn't give me the chance to actually explain what I was making a comment about in the first place. It was actually in references to Laurie's comments about your cartoon that kicked it off.

Ah, right. Now I got it.

I thought she wasn't bothered about us :confused:
If anyone made rape threats to LP on here they'd be rightly banned and jumped on by a legion of posters on here. SOmeone made a skit about her appearance a few pages back and were lynched, so I can't imagine in a thousand years anyone would make such threats.

and I should hope so, I mean fucking hell firky I know your cartoon was in bad taste and you've apologised for it but you see how this ends up panning out when people make witless crass comments or make attempts at risky jokes that backfire? Don't wanna be too much of a prick about it but look what happens.
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