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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I know. What a cunt. I was stood in the cold for AGES*

*I have actually seen them and they were fab
If I have them right preferred them doing their trad repertoire to some of these modern pop tunes that seem a bit gimmicky, but only seen them on the telly.
If I have them right preferred them doing their trad repertoire to some of these modern pop tunes that seem a bit gimmicky, but only seen them on the telly.

Nah, there was Flight of the Bumblebee, New World Hovis, Rossini's Lone Ranger Overture, the fuckin' lot.
Is there any chance of "compiling the list" in an easy access form?


Laurie Penny The New Statesman, twitter. Privately educated, plagiarising, lying parasite. called Urban racist and misogynist
Molly Crabapple artworld, twitter. "monetize your hotness", parasite.
Malcolm Harris New Inquiry, #OWS, twitter. $5000 to talk about #OWS, parasite, sleaze/borderline nonce.
Owen Jones The Independent. Nice lad but waay to close to bubble commentariat. Dresses Labour apologism in "lefty Boy next door" guise.
Johann Hari The Independent. Plagiarist and liar.

and so on. Nice hyperlinks to tiwtter feed, main crimes, main media outlets etc. Kept in a single, regularly bumped post?

It's make life easier.
An old boss of mine followed PD on the twitter machine the other day. He gave me some work when he was editor of a tiny mag years ago. He's in the BBC now. I've yet to have a word so I can't promise anything but if you see an "Opportunism Within The Proletarian Milieu" Panorama special at some point in the near future, you're welcome.
600 pages!
yes i read that. "Alienating people from active political participation". How are the mass of working class people alienated from active political participation by what laurie penny says about stuff.

It's not just Penny. As has been made repeatedly clear on the thread, it's her entire commentariat milieu, and the effect their shallow engagement with left politics has on people who get inspired by the rhetoric, but become quickly disenchanted when they realise the politics espoused by "the bubble" is skin-deep, inimical to class analysis, and is actually a vehicle for the writer.

And what does that say about working class people if that was the case?

It says some of us are tired of leadership figures, self-styled "gurus" and "radicals" who promise to lead us to "the promised land" and then rip us off. For some of us, we try to get around this through applying bottom-up principles of self-organisation, but for others, the disenchantment leads to either political apathy of the "they're all the same" kind, or to an active eschewal of politics per se. You know this!
An old boss of mine followed PD on the twitter machine the other day. He gave me some work when he was editor of a tiny mag years ago. He's in the BBC now. I've yet to have a word so I can't promise anything but if you see an "Opportunism Within The Proletarian Milieu" Panoroma special at some point in the near future, you're welcome.

Can't he do a special post-revolutionary "wanted down under" where imprisoned commentariat weigh up the pros and cons of life in a London prison versus work camps in Devon.
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