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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Call me a cynic, but makes you wonder whether these crowd sourcing "buy poor me a new phone" exercises aren't a good money spinner.
Call me a cynic, but makes you wonder whether these crowd sourcing "buy poor me a new phone" exercises aren't a good money spinner.

occams says no. Yes it would make a few quid as a minor bit of con. Laura is on a fat cheque from the statesman. Why would she need to?
Not a peep out of soi-disant feminist Laura about the garment workers in Bangladesh but thanks to her twitter I now know that her porn friend is on the front of Village Voice which reveals that she (stoya) wears a mink coat and smokes lots of fags.

Maybe this is a little bit feminisn't or a lot misogyny but it's almost as if she can't even be bothered to pretend to be interested in working class women's struggles at home or abroad.

I was in the bath at the time and couldn't hear it properly but there was quite a big phone in on the radio about this, lots of people ringing in saying they'd never have bought their cheap clobber if they had known it was made in sweat-shops. I thought most people realised that high-street garments are often made by workers in appalling conditions, BBC 3 even did a series on it where they sent kids who wear designer gear to the factories it is made. Not sure what my point is... something about being surprised how many people appeared to be ignorant of how and where their clothes are made or something and that vaguely relating to LP's own ignorance of workers.

(Bangladesh isn't as trendy as NYC which features often on her itinerary so I can't imagine it being on her radar).
I was in the bath at the time and couldn't hear it properly but there was quite a big phone in on the radio about this, lots of people ringing in saying they'd never have bought their cheap clobber if they had known it was made in sweat-shops. I thought most people realised that high-street garments are often made by workers in appalling conditions, BBC 3 even did a series on it where they sent kids who wear designer gear to the factories it is made. Not sure what my point is... something about being surprised how many people appeared to be ignorant of how and where their clothes are made or something and that vaguely relating to LP's own ignorance of workers.

(Bangladesh isn't as trendy as NYC which features often on her itinerary so I can't imagine it being on her radar).

this latest one was particularly shit as it wasn't even a fire. The building fucking fell down of its own accord. To make people work in those conditions is criminal.
based on this:
i was a little bit :hmm: when i was involved with them. i was young and trusting, what can i say? :oops:

There is a mental health self help group in Doncaster,I think ,which has the premsie that those who have a mental health issue have the right to make themselves better and that a medical model whereby they are passive subjects of treatment is one that undermines that right. I saw them speak at a conference.
L/U are declaring 50% of delegates to their first conference in May (2 delegates per branch) must be women, good news...

I'm not so certain, even amongst a lot of women there is far from total support for quotas. I can see why they can be useful sometimes but my girlfriend thinks that they are patronising and unjustifiable except in the most extreme of circumstances (quotas for admission of black students to universities in the 60s, 70s and 80s in America for example).

I would be very interested to know exactly who was pushing for these quotas so early in the organisation's life, ex-SWP?
'Terry Conway: I am a socialist feminist, activist in the LGBT movement, involved in my trade union UNISON and a supporter of Socialist Resistance. I live in Islington, north London

As its so new, there is a small ad hoc committee, seems to be coming from the top, Burgin, etc, perhaps this person

seems to be more about speed and doing things on the hoof, rather than usual top down, etc,'

How come the US Left(which is tiny) in its widest sense(eg occupy) but particularly the academics are beginning to influence left politics in this county and not just theory, its going to have an impact on new formations like LU.
Never mind the 30s in slow motion this is the 80s in shit montage.

Fucking useless.

tbf, no one knows how it is is going to pan out, there are already arguments breaking out..

btw, Naomi Klein began her political life with identity politics, she soon learnt..
tbf, no one knows how it is is going to pan out, there are already arguments breaking out..

btw, Naomi Klein began her political life with identity politics, she soon learnt..

She's hardly an example of a good class based strategist. Regardless of No Logo being quite a good book.
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