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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Yes, that is what I am suggesting, from the perspective of someone who is semi-housebound due to disability and largely unemployed for the same reasons.

You're free to explain what you actually meant by it, of course. I can't say I care any more. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you just don't get why your perspective is simply inadequate for addressing an issue that affects people with a completely different perspective and I'm not going to disrupt this thread any more. There's dozens of fucked up ones you can trawl through to find the gems you need. I'll not be doing your homework for you.

I'm not saying don't respond to this, only that I'm going to stop posting on this thread for a while because I am not in the habit of being the troll, nor persisting with circular arguments in an off-topic thread. It's off-topic and I don't know how many more ways I can explain it to you so I won't bother trying again.

You come out with a lot of good, well-argued stuff, but every now and again you come out with some of the most arrogant, opinionated and presumptuous shit I have ever read.

This is one of these times.
re: the Old Holborn stuff from earlier, i know its a bit off topic but it would appear those 'thick scousers' are busy exacting their revenge. Is alleged employer have nuked there twitter account and a Director has emailed at least one person saying they are 'investigating'..

could be a classic biter/bit
CBA to scroll back the last few pages but I see the Newstates man has deleted all the criticism Laurie Liar was getting for her latest article.

Laurie's response was:


Comments seem to be missing on all their blog posts by various authors, having a click round. Obviously all part of the massive Penny-lies-gate cover-up. Or a technical glitch. Someone call Jazz.
ETA: And back now!
What happens when a reporter is found out to be lying and sexing up the story?

The comments section seems to be a disqus plugin and it had failed to load. It is back now.
Sounds like fun?

There will be plenty of time for fun after the revolution, comrade. What's required now is for all committed members of the class to surrender their individuality to the Vanguard Party.

Less fun; more paper sales.

Some of the older SWP comrades were going crazy at the Plug Thatch party..
I have seen the NS do that before or vaporise an article entirely - much like the Daily Mail does.

Bit of a bugger for that Skyler though - unless they replied with evidence of what was actually said and the NS pulled the comments.

What happens when a reporter is found out to be lying and sexing up the story?
Comments were definitely back when I looked just, with that Sky one voted top. And some bloke called Firky mentioning Urban? You should sue (or post the transcripts).
Comments were definitely back when I looked just, with that Sky one voted top. And some bloke called Firky mentioning Urban? You should sue (or post the transcripts).

It is someone off here, spawny, Norman and cilango are all suspects :D
It is someone off here, spawny, Norman and cilango are all suspects :D
I've just watched Scott and Bailey so I know how to deal with this. You need to organise a house to house, collect the CCTV and wait for the results of the post mortem, whilst having an extra-marital affair.
If you prefer, the act of creating a thread to take the piss out of anti-sexism whilst hypocrisy-hunting anti-Thatcherites without ever once recognising the misogyny of the Thatcherite drooling and their ludicrous promotion of a song about wanking over her, is a misogynist one.

You acted like a misogynist and, misogyny not being considered a permanent, immutable, characteristic, that makes you a misogynist.

Or someone too ignorant, and wilfully so, to understand what misogyny is. If we're going to be charitable about it.

I seem to recall suggesting that you actually just don't know what the term means, because you set up a whole thread for it yet failed to post any egregious examples (of which there are now at least six, the worst insta-edited on request, because P&P doesn't tolerate misogyny even if there are enough unthinkers on the rest of the boards that we're still stuck in the 1990s with childish neanderthals screaming to be allowed to stay there).

Your accusation of misogyny relies entirely upon your speculation and assumptions about my motivations in posting the thread. The thread was not posted to take the piss out of anti-sexism, it was posted to highlight the fact that language which would not usually be accepted on U75 was being passed over when used against Thatcher. By all means take issue with that assertion and tell me it's nonsense if you want. Which you did on the thread (and I still disagree with you) but then you started with these accusations of misogyny. An accusation needs to be supported by evidence in proportion to its seriousness, and you don't have that, which is why I have called it a slur. There are plenty of things you could accuse me of based on my posting history here but misogyny is not one of them. And your argument that the fact I haven't explicitly commented on u75 about the misogyny of Thatcher supporters - which is by definition outwith the scope of my thread - is somehow significant is, frankly, feeble. Are we all to be assumed to approve of anything that we haven't specifically commented on on u75?

I'm not sure which thread you are on about when you talk about the "whole thread" I set up on the subject of misogyny, by the way.
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