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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The New Statesman drinks rat piss and offers the later vomit as 'exciting' content:

Boris Johnson in the New Statesman this week: "Happy birthday, dear Staggers, and vive la différence."
Flicking between the beginning and end of the thread. I don't think I'll make it. You'll have to go on without me.

'Then it's farewell, mon brave. For in the Urban Legion you must march or die...'

There seems to be an inherent contradiction between wanting the working class to rule society or at least rebel against the current order, and understanding the working class as this weak intellectually challenged group lacking "social capital" (which is such a rubbish term, btw), and therefore needing to be represented by the educated middle classes. And I do understand that I probably should "check my Scandinavia privilege", but the contradiction between understanding the working class as a "client base" that needs representation and lacks "social capital" or whatnot, and seeing the working class as the political vanguard of society, stands regardless.

Who said we wanted to be represnted by middle class columnists? We don't. That's the point of this thread - a point you're missing by such a distance that it's difficult to avoid the suspicion that it's deliberate.
There seems to be an inherent contradiction between wanting the working class to rule society or at least rebel against the current order, and understanding the working class as this weak intellectually challenged group lacking "social capital" (which is such a rubbish term, btw), and therefore needing to be represented by the educated middle classes. And I do understand that I probably should "check my Scandinavia privilege", but the contradiction between understanding the working class as a "client base" that needs representation and lacks "social capital" or whatnot, and seeing the working class as the political vanguard of society, stands regardless.

You miss the point of this thread more than Laurie it seems.
In other news, Guido Fawkes is retweeting Old Holborn's comment "TopTip. When sending death threats to my phone, withhold your number might be a good idea #ThickScousers" - this will be interesting.
In other news, Guido Fawkes is retweeting Old Holborn's comment "TopTip. When sending death threats to my phone, withhold your number might be a good idea #ThickScousers" - this will be interesting.

Let me get this straight - old holborn is giving people advice on how to hide your identity when sending out messages that you wouldn't want to be held responsible for? :D
I can't believe he's still sending out messages like that when he knows that it's putting his wife and children in danger.
Beware the posters of Urban...


If that happens it will be cheap, petty and dishonest revenge. Wayyy back there were some inappropriate comments but there has been a tonne of legitimate criticism of her poor (maybe worse than just poor without getting libellous )journalism, cowardice and hypocrisy. The fall-out could totally backfire too. Have Private Eye picked up on her yet? They got someone similar not so long back.
If that happens it will be cheap, petty and dishonest revenge. Wayyy back there were some inappropriate comments but there has been a tonne of legitimate criticism of her poor (maybe worse than just poor without getting libellous )journalism, cowardice and hypocrisy. The fall-out could totally backfire too. Have Private Eye picked up on her yet? They got someone similar not so long back.

Do they pay for submissions to Pseud's Corner?
LP obviously does get some really nasty stuff though, reading through the comments section of when Guido Fawkes wrote something about her is awful, people talk about how she should be raped. If people were writing things like that about me online I would have problems taking legitimate criticism.
i agree there is some nasty shit out there. it's not because it's her though it's because some people have a problem with any woman's opinion being expressed and those people don't only stick to their corner of the internet they post on all sorts of websites. the internet is a great thing but it also allows all sorts of people to vent their spleens. i remember posting on fash forums as a teenager (yeah i know, but i was young and naive) and some people on there telling me i should get raped, others making online passes at me and so on. those types of experiences have left me proper hating the fash, hate them way, way more than i should to be honest.

i think if you view it in a way that they dont just hate "you" that they are actually just cunts to everyone then it helps to put it in perspective to be honest.
"Soi-disant" means "self-styled" Google says. Understood by less than 5% of the population and not even more accurate than its native language equivalent. It's a very bad habit of many journos.

I might start a thread. It's that serious.
conversely the level of unacceptable shit she does get from the right allows her to mentally sideline all criticism as online bullies. The closest concession our crit has ever been given to legitimacy is 'soi-disant radical trolls'. Another sub-division of a hate crowd.

And what's the betting anything quoted from here would be used selectively while anything slapping the unacceptable posts down won't even get a mention?
LP obviously does get some really nasty stuff though, reading through the comments section of when Guido Fawkes wrote something about her is awful, people talk about how she should be raped. If people were writing things like that about me online I would have problems taking legitimate criticism.
More than lip service should be paid to stopping this shit, you say? :hmm:
You miss the point of this thread more than Laurie it seems.

My original point was that this discussion seems to contain quite a bit of ressentiment, or bad faith if you will. What seems to happen when bad faith takes place is that one projects the responsibility for ones own agency on some other person or group, in this case Laurie Penny in particular and the middle class commentariat in general. As if these persons are in some way hindering the true agency for "the left". Then I was trying to point out that the working class is quite capable of voicing its own concerns on its own premises, not being a five year old charity case but the supposed vanguard of politics, and if that is the case Laurie Penny cannot possibly be victimizing such a powerful faction of society. The middle class commentariat might be annoying and deluded, but they do not - in any relevant way - stand in the way for the agency of the working class or "the left". The way you seem to be discussing this stuff appears to me to contain a story of victimization of the working class by some irrelevant journalists, such a story hinders a precise understanding of the working class as a political agent with full responsibility for its own actions and politics, and it contains a shirking of responsibility for ones own agency.
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