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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It is for these reason that I am going to be voting, in my constituency of Leyton and Wanstead, for the Liberal Democrat Party. Not because of Nick Clegg's golden tie, and not even because The Guardian says so. Because I want a new, more representative parliamentary system in which citizens can feel like their voices actually matter. I like the Lib Dems; I don't think they were sent to save us. I'd prefer to vote for a third party that had stronger links with workers' organisations. But the Lib Dems represent the best chance this country has for transformation on a structural level. And, of course, I'm sick of the sight of Cameron's soft, evil face.

She can fuck off back to the lib-dems and her career. I'll be fighting. She'll be on twitter.

You'll be on here slagging off tweets and blogs. "the cobweb left are irrelevant" yadyadayada - I bet she's getting this stuff off you lot :D and selling it to entertain the liberal middle classes
It is for these reason that I am going to be voting, in my constituency of Leyton and Wanstead, for the Liberal Democrat Party. Not because of Nick Clegg's golden tie, and not even because The Guardian says so.

lol :D

repetition of the claim that twitter is the key. The vast majority of people do not spend their lives on social networking sites, ffs.

absolutely, but it is a very effective tool and the more folk that use it the better.

and for info, two months ago i never thought i would ever use the thing and was also a sneerer
And you're the cunt commissioning it. She does write for you does she not?

I wonder why. Actually, no i don't. I know why.

She has written for the magazine previously - let's just say her involvement has not entirely coincidentally started to diminish in the same period that mine has grown. So - on this subject as on a few more besdies - you "know" much less than you think
She has written for the magazine previously - let's just say her involvement has not entirely coincidentally started to diminish in the same period that mine has grown. So - on this subject as on a few more besdies - you "know" much less than you think

Why? because you think she's a liar? A shit writer? An idiot? A useful idiot?
She has written for the magazine previously - let's just say her involvement has not entirely coincidentally started to diminish in the same period that mine has grown. So - on this subject as on a few more besdies - you "know" much less than you think

Yes, yes it is.

You get your books for free and now don't you? I love london.

Insofar as i do ever get "free" books it is hardly makes up for the amount of totally unpaid voluntary labour that goes into the production of the mag. If you want to talk about books costing too much it should be Pluto or Pathfinder you have in your sights anyway!!
After Callinicos' retort in the Guardian, it appears that Penny is going to receive an invite to debate Callinicos at Marxism 2011.
Red Pepper:

To mark the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X and the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death, Verso is publishing an updated edition of Streetfighting Years, Tariq Ali's memoir of the 1960s

Does he do any street-fighting in this new one articul8?
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