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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Not him, the other one, the posh Edinburgh graduate who she took an award off a few months back. After accusing him - this hairy loon - of posting sex pics of her and then threatening her family.
That's why I no platformed Nelson Mandela.

I've thought long and hard about no-platforming people. Basically, I don't like the idea of doing it to anyone who's words reflect the reality as they see it...however they see it. The people I'd block are the ones whose outpourings don't relate to anything objective or even tangible. Instead, their words just make up a commentary on the constant psychodrama running through their heads.

Obviously, this distinction is often fuzzy; it's sometimes a bit of a subjective call...and that's a drawback. But on the plus side you'd never have to listen to the likes of LP, Hundal, Eric Pickles, the EDL or guy down my local who likes Elvis a bit too much and whose missus looks like Myra Hindley.
Something's kicking off again on Laurie's Twitter. Stalking accusations aimed at Alex Wickham.
She's complaining about him allowing comments like this to remain on the site:

Anonymous says:
January 7, 2013 at 1:46 pm
What you need is a large throbbing organic thing attached to a man slipped into your lady parts to make you understand why you’re a woman… I’m not a misogynist by the way, I love women, I just hate women who think all men are bastards.


Whilst I think she's being a bit precious given the small amount of time elapsed since the comments (which are not pre-moderated) were made, and as far as I can see the misogyny is getting slapped down by others (haven't read it all), it would be really fucking depressing to see this thread take the piss out of these tweets in all the wrong ways. The right ways are fine, of course.
Comments are dumb beyond belief. She might as well let them stay there they're that idiotic.

Of course she should...that way they give 'substance' to the little fantasy world in her head where she's the plucky manga heroine battling for freedom against the pillaging, raping, oppressing white male horde. The fact that it's a just one sad inadequate fuck-up-who's been slapped down anyway-should never be allowed to detract from her 'worldview'.

This is why I'm glad I got out and about as a kid...and wasn't one of those bookish 'live-in-my-head' nerdy types. They never really get to grips with reality. Everything's viewed through a prism of empathetic imagination forged alone in a teenage bedroom and never assayed against reality. Not that it's a problem...unless they get themselves a comment gig in the liberal press or end up as the 'voice of the left'.

Seriously...only let your kids read non-fiction till they're 25...or if they insist, then for every hour spend ploughing through turgid teenage fantasy literature, make sure they're out the house playing football or nicking scrap metal or whatever for at least two hours.
Yeah, that is the kind of piss-taking that isn't warranted. It is a simple fact that women writers online have to deal with the kind of violent and sexual abuse that is rarely directed at men, and she has had to deal with a lot of it. It's not one sad fuck-up and if you think it is, you have not been paying attention.

This does look to me like attention-seeking, given that the comments are not pre-moderated, haven't been up for long and are being challenged rather than built on. But there's no need to pretend that there's not actually any problem with violent sexual abuse directed at women online. There is, and it is very well documented. If your cynicism requires a source for that, I'll dig one up for you.
Yeah, that is the kind of piss-taking that isn't warranted. It is a simple fact that women writers online have to deal with the kind of violent and sexual abuse that is rarely directed at men, and she has had to deal with a lot of it. It's not one sad fuck-up and if you think it is, you have not been paying attention.

This does look to me like attention-seeking, given that the comments are not pre-moderated and haven't been up for long. But there's no need to pretend that there's not actually any problem with violent sexual abuse directed at women online. There is, and it is very well documented. If your cynicism requires a source for that, I'll dig one up for you.

You may have a point but tbh, since she's extended her definition of 'abuse' to cover anything with remotely contravenes what she's said then she's kinda blown her case as far as I can see. Also..a) the two replies immediately beneath take 'anonymous' to task...and b) it's Guido...and taking that as in any way typical is ludicrous...it's a stomping ground for Tory gobshites who never made it out the playground.
You may have a point but tbh, since she's extended her definition of 'abuse' to cover anything with remotely contravenes what she's said then she's kinda blown her case as far as I can see. Also..a) the two replies immediately beneath take 'anonymous' to task...and b) it's Guido...and taking that as in any way typical is ludicrous...it's a stomping ground for Tory gobshites who never made it out the playground.
I've said all that myself. I'm just asking that people not stray into trivialising/denying the existence of serious misogynistic abuse directed at female writers in their rush to pour score on Laurie Penny. In much the same way that I'd ask people not stray into trivialising/denying the existence of -isms in their rush to pour score on identity politics.

Baby/bathwater etc etc.
Agree with that ymu, misogyny is quite a topical er ... topic at the moment withthe SWP split and so on, and people wonder how predators manage to rise to high positions within the left ...
For what it's worth there is plenty of sexism on the left, dont think anyone who mentions it is some kind of bubble twat, not that anyone is saying that obviously, but just making the point, especially coz of recent events. i think talking about her should just extend to discussions of her views, identity politics etc being bullshit.
some guido comments get moderated, not sure if they have key words or what but i've said a few things, normally about Harry Coles mum or something and it says 'this comment is awaiting moderation' but it pretty much always appears.

they hide behind the 'we don't moderate' thing quite a bit, whoever owns the Guido troll at anyone time sometimes posts a response as well.
Well, if that comment was pre-moderated, he should be ashamed of himself. But then again he is a Tory; they have no shame.
Well, if that comment was pre-moderated, he should be ashamed of himself. But then again he is a Tory; they have no shame.

bizarrely he used to do the PR for Sunrise raves in the late 80s. funny lot r/w libertarians. from that to Nigel Farages #1 cheerleader.

i better eta that - according to wiki anyway.
bizarrely he used to do the PR for Sunrise raves in the late 80s. funny lot r/w libertarians. from that to Nigel Farages #1 cheerleader.

i better eta that - according to wiki anyway.

They are a weird bunch. Nick Cohen's theory:

Right wing frustrations @edwestonline "You’re far, far more likely to get lucky at a protest about the “cuts” than one against immigration"

I've said all that myself. I'm just asking that people not stray into trivialising/denying the existence of serious misogynistic abuse directed at female writers in their rush to pour score on Laurie Penny. In much the same way that I'd ask people not stray into trivialising/denying the existence of -isms in their rush to pour score on identity politics.

Baby/bathwater etc etc.

Ok...and I'm not disagreeing. So how do you feel about people making the point that some female writers...who are, as you say subjected to appalling abuse...nevertheless employ the fact of this abuse to disparage their critics when there is no misogyny in play so much as an awkward point they don't want to deal with?..because once you see the the Internet as teeming with male sociopaths you start to posit motivations behind justified critiques which simply aren't there. And most posters aren't fucked up misogynists...and most of what LP writes is completely challengeable on rational grounds but is dismissed on the basis that the person making the challenge has an ulterior degenerate motive.

Your dictum makes the above point hard to convey and plays into the hands of those who would use the existence of racism and misogyny as a coverall to opt out of ever defending or substantiating a contentious point...not that you're wrong.
I'm just asking that people not stray into trivialising/denying the existence of serious misogynistic abuse directed at female writers in their rush to pour score on Laurie Penny.
Already addressed way back in the thread. Though she did choose to ignore this when it was pointed out to her. She has far more interest in yakking with the scum than she has in answering questions here.
She does get loads of genuinely creepy shit from right wing filth tbf.
Yeah I can't actually bring myself to take the piss on twitter for fear of being lumped in with the scum.
Maybe PD should leap to her defence against the common enemy? You know like the Red Army did for us during the war....
i think talking about her should just extend to discussions of her views, identity politics etc being bullshit.

I think that's impossible. She sees herself and is obviously regarded by others as 'political'; and Politics is...and always has been about far more than somebody's views. It's about bullshit stuff like image, fashion, appearance, accent, presentation but other important stuff like personal integrity, consistency and a willingness to take on criticism.
DanU said:
some guido comments get moderated, not sure if they have key words or what but i've said a few things, normally about Harry Coles mum or something and it says 'this comment is awaiting moderation' but it pretty much always appears.

they hide behind the 'we don't moderate' thing quite a bit, whoever owns the Guido troll at anyone time sometimes posts a response as well.

It's an automatic thing, done by the machine, based on key words. So someone can deliver an ugly message as long as avoid the obvious bad words. Which would explain the curious vocabulary used in the post in question.
frogwoman said:
I think talking about her should just extend to discussions of her views, identity politics etc being bullshit.

Whilst I don't agree with this entirely - I think qualities like consistency and honesty are where personality and politics become inseparable - I think we should avoid anything which gives an easy out i.e. a righteous excuse to avoid tackling substantive criticisms.
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