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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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actually there might be an explanation, will get back in a bit
Just checked and i hope she does try to say that she meant Kenan Malik as her reply last night shows this would not really be true:

When you started trashing 'identity politics' and retweeted an article that contains, to my mind, the worst sort of left-flavoured unexamined white male privilege (the writer and I are actually engaged in a productive email discussion right now, he admits that some of what he said was wrong) I'm afraid I just lost my cool.

Would KM be showing "the worst sort of left-flavoured unexamined white male privilege"? Also, we can ask him.
It would be impossible to tell. You can't really dust for vomit.

Not true. Differential comparison of vomit and stomach contents would reveal "alien" matter, and if you wanted to go as far as trace DNA in the stomach acids and enzymes, that would point up having inhaled someone else's vom too. :p
Not true. Differential comparison of vomit and stomach contents would reveal "alien" matter, and if you wanted to go as far as trace DNA in the stomach acids and enzymes, that would point up having inhaled someone else's vom too. :p

But, but, that would mean the assessment of modern forensic science offered by the mighty Spinal Tap is completely wrong. How can the mighty Tap be wrong?
Several people have mentioned not being able to find the cartoon which is considered by Dave to be a portrayal of violence against women... It is in fact one of those generic cartoons that has been used to portray several different situations in a funny way. I am pretty sure that it started as a PC, MAC & LINUX 'joke'. It is quite obviously a piss-take, far from being a call to arms for sexists.


Well done Firky! :p

And the cartoon that it was based on... mountains and molehills spring to mind.

Well there was already a discussion about the cartoon earlier in the thread, but Firky made the cartoon specific to Laurie, even if it based on something else and she gets an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats her way so personally I don't think her reaction to that cartoon was making a mountain out of a molehill.

Firky's post and the ensuing discussion are from a couple of posts in on page 206 http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...w-statesman-facebook-handbags.266196/page-206
Well there was already a discussion about the cartoon earlier in the thread, but Firky made the cartoon specific to Laurie, even if it based on something else and she gets an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats her way so personally I don't think her reaction to that cartoon was making a mountain out of a molehill.

Firky's post and the ensuing discussion are from a couple of posts in on page 206 http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...w-statesman-facebook-handbags.266196/page-206

I think you credit the precious little petal with a degree of sensitivity that is not apparent in her writing...

Is there any evidence of her receiving "an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats" as a result of this cartoon?

I don't look at her twitter or facebook pages, but others here do... Please let us know how many death threats and how much sexist abuse - as a direct result of that cartoon appearing on Urban - Dave has received since the cartoon was posted here. If there have been any threats at all they will surely be there?

If there has been none, there is no case to answer, because the cartoon incited nothing and was not meant to incite anything.
Well there was already a discussion about the cartoon earlier in the thread, but Firky made the cartoon specific to Laurie, even if it based on something else and she gets an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats her way so personally I don't think her reaction to that cartoon was making a mountain out of a molehill.

yeah agree. She might be terrible in a whole host of ways, but she does have a right to go about her foul business without being on the recieving end of a torrent of sexist abuse. Besides, there's no shortage of legitimate reasons to criticise her and what she does, why stoop to that sort of shit?

It's the blithe dismissal of this thread, and this forum, as being a haven of misogynist abuse that pisses me off though. Because that's not what it is. Just as she dismissed the IWCA article as being racist without even taking the time to read it, or understand the context in which it was written, she's dismissed this thread and everyone here as sexist haters. It's naked contempt. I mean why should we be nice to her when she has such blatant contempt for us all?

All this conveniently excuses her from having to deal with the proper stuff, but lets be real even if there wasn't a trace of sexism present, which in a thread with thousands of replies and hundreds of participants is going to be a tall order, do you really think she'd have reacted any different? I think not.

Take saying "I work for a living" as your initial reaction to seeing this, well, if you're still lurking Laurie, i'm unemployed at the moment, and what fucking of it? How do you expect a young unemployed person, y'know one of those people you've built a career claiming to speak for, to take that comment? I didn't come from a family who could subsidise me living in London whilst I interned my way around the place for years on end. Those options were never on the table for me. Perhaps I should be working at the New Statesman on the work programme for nowt, would that be more to your liking? You can see the real public-school upbringing shine through there. Soon as a bit of criticism is applied, the pretence of radicalism drops Penny reverts back to being a sneering snob.

I don't have a lot to do with my time right now, I accept that, and no I didn't go to fucking Oxbridge, which I suppose makes me untermensh, but I'm not a sexist or a misogynist of any complexion and I've never once on here, or anywhere, engaged in sexist abuse towards her. I've challenged those who have. Not because I'm a "rimjob cunt" but on principle. And I might not be part of that ex-public school dominated London anarcho-fuckwit scene, but I'm no less of a human being for it, and my thoughts and opinions don't deserve to be written off in this way, and neither do all the other people in this thread and on this forum who've contributed in good faith, who I have far more respect for as comrades than I ever will for Laurie fucking Penny.
Is there evidence of her receiving "an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats" to her as a result of this cartoon?

I think you credit the precious little petal with a degree of sensitivity that is not apparent in her writing...

I'm talking about in general, not as a result of this cartoon, and yes at times if you look on twitter at the @ messages being sent to her it's been pretty nasty and openly misogynistic.

I don't know Laurie so I've no idea how she reacts to this stuff, but having someone say to you "what I want for christmas is for you to be beaten up" is not exactly pleasant is it? Whether it's actually mysogynistic or not depends on the intent of the writer, but for Laurie to perceive it as mysogynstic is totally fair imo, for her to perceive it as in some way threatening is also fair imo, even if I might just ignore it cos it's only on the internet, that's not true for everyone, and without knowing Laurie it's wrong to think she would have just shrugged this off or should have laughed it off or not seen it as mysogynistic because it's a man portrayed in the cartoon, or not seen it as a real threat cos firky is just trolling.
I admit I'm very curious now about whether she has further misrepresented* the position about the writer of that article. If she has, she's fucking published it here.


*just being polite
That wasn't a claim made by BigTom.

No it wasn't a claim, but he appeared to speculate that she might receive threats and abuse as a result of the cartoon...

...even if it based on something else and she gets an immense amount of misogynistic abuse and threats her way so personally I don't think her reaction to that cartoon was making a mountain out of a molehill.

Is it Laurie herself who is claiming that the cartoon is designed specifically to invite people to abuse her and threaten her, or are people here actually swallowing this attention seeking 'infamy infamy' shite from her?

As I said in another post, she is an ingenue, a little actress well-versed in the practice of political hysterics and overreaction.
I'm talking about in general, not as a result of this cartoon, and yes at times if you look on twitter at the @ messages being sent to her it's been pretty nasty and openly misogynistic.

I don't know Laurie so I've no idea how she reacts to this stuff, but having someone say to you "what I want for christmas is for you to be beaten up" is not exactly pleasant is it? Whether it's actually mysogynistic or not depends on the intent of the writer, but for Laurie to perceive it as mysogynstic is totally fair imo, for her to perceive it as in some way threatening is also fair imo, even if I might just ignore it cos it's only on the internet, that's not true for everyone, and without knowing Laurie it's wrong to think she would have just shrugged this off or should have laughed it off or not seen it as mysogynistic because it's a man portrayed in the cartoon, or not seen it as a real threat cos firky is just trolling.

I have no doubt that she does receive a lot of personal abuse, primarily as a result of some of her very poor writing.

What I am asking you is to please specify those threats made against her that can be directly attributed to the 'incitement' of this cartoon?
No it wasn't a claim, but he appeared to speculate that she might receive threats and abuse as a result of the cartoon...

Is it Laurie herself who is claiming that the cartoon is designed specifically to invite people to abuse her and threaten her, or are people here actually swallowing this attention seeking 'infamy infamy' shite from her?

As I said in another post, she is an ingenue, a little actress well-versed in the practice of political hysterics and overreaction.

Yeah well you've gone back and edited posts now, but that isn't what I was saying, that isn't what I thought you were meaning, you commented on the cartoon itself saying it wasn't specifically at laurie penny, when it clearly is. Just to be clear, I don't think that cartoon has generated any/much misogynistic abuse, and I don't think it was intended to. In your post as it was, and tbh as it has been edited, I took you to be saying that her reaction to the cartoon, saying it was misogynistic and abusive, was over the top. If I've misunderstood that then obviously my posts aren't really in response to what you were saying.

edit: was writing this as you posted above
Yeah well you've gone back and edited posts now, but that isn't what I was saying, that isn't what I thought you were meaning, you commented on the cartoon itself saying it wasn't specifically at laurie penny, when it clearly is. Just to be clear, I don't think that cartoon has generated any/much misogynistic abuse, and I don't think it was intended to. In your post as it was, and tbh as it has been edited, I took you to be saying that her reaction to the cartoon, saying it was misogynistic and abusive, was over the top. If I've misunderstood that then obviously my posts aren't really in response to what you were saying.

edit: was writing this as you posted above

I think her reaction to the cartoon was calculated, I don't believe for a moment that she felt threatened or intimidated by us. That is borne out, to an extent, by the fact that she came here and engaged in discussion after, and largely a a result of, the offending image being posted.
I have no doubt that she does receive a lot of personal abuse, primarily as a result of some of her very poor writing.

to be honest, if you read a few of her articles and look at the comments attached, there's a lot of it sees to be because she is a) a lefty,and b) an woman talking about sexism . And there's a lot of really unpleasant stuff that i've seen that i think justifies her paranoia a little bit.
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