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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Can someone point me in the direction of *that* cartoon? I've followed the thread more or less from the start but I must have checked out at some point and missed it.

[/disaster tourist mode]
"7" looks a bit like a T and "5" looks a bit like "S".

If you take the "7" from urban75, and shunt it alllll the way to the (so-called) left (thanks dave, really), you get "7urban5".



Now things get interesting. A turban is a man's headdress, worn esp by muslims, hindus, sikhs, and ironic tryhards - forrin blokes basically. Now I don't know whether editor is an even bigger racist and sexist than the rest of us (thanks again dave, really) but at the very least, it all looks a bit passive aggressive dodgy doesn't it?

Makes you think.

Need to do more research as they say on the lizardfighter forums.
"7" looks a bit like a T and "5" looks a bit like "S".

If you take the "7" from urban75, and shunt it alllll the way to the (so-called) left (thanks dave, really), you get "7urban5".



Now things get interesting. A turban is a man's headdress, worn esp by muslims, hindus, sikhs, and ironic tryhards - forrin blokes basically. Now I don't know whether editor is an even bigger racist and sexist than the rest of us (thanks again dave, really) but at the very least, it all looks a bit passive aggressive dodgy doesn't it?

Makes you think.

Need to do more research as they say on the lizardfighter forums.
Didn't storm front used to refer to u75 as such?
Regarding the document that was proposed as an article/dossier made from the best bits of this thread...I'd love it if something like that was made, as this thread has been pretty educational for me, and I've only been reading since just before the cartoon. I'm sure other people would find it useful. Obviously I couldn't make the thing ;) as I'm don't have the skillz, but collectively it shouldn't be a problem for those on here who've been following this thread for a while.

So how about a wiki or Google docs type setup, where people could update it as they go? It would seem less of a task then, and even people like me could help by sifting through the off-topic stuff in here and putting it into a time-line or whatever on the doc/wiki. Then if someone wants to flesh out a particular bullet point, off they go. You all know how wikis work, so I don't think this explanation was necessary. Just a suggestion on how to kick things off, really...

It's New Nu Media Web 2.0 Citizen Journalism and I'm sure the Twitterati would find it particular annoying if it trended amongst 'their' network.
So how about a wiki or Google docs type setup, where people could update it as they go? It would seem less of a task then, and even people like me could help by sifting through the off-topic stuff in here and putting it into a time-line or whatever on the doc/wiki. Then if someone wants to flesh out a particular bullet point, off they go. You all know how wikis work, so I don't think this explanation was necessary. Just a suggestion on how to kick things off, really...
TBH I think that would guarantee that it wouldn't get done. Death by committee becomes death by wiki.

Maybe someone could be the author, and others could help by taking on a chunk of 50 pages and c+ping the best bits to them?
TBH I think that would guarantee that it wouldn't get done. Death by committee becomes death by wiki.

Maybe someone could be the author, and others could help by taking on a chunk of 50 pages and c+ping the best bits to them?

I see your point, but I reckon wikis DO work. As I said, I'd be willing to help out on the collating side, but wouldn't feel confident writing. Others no doubt feel the same. And with a wiki, there's no waiting for the author to finish...it's up, there, informing people who search for LP, et al, who might also contribute.
Can anyone tell me what skype is? It says something about internet calls when I google it - does that mean on your computer or is it on the phone but using the internet's cables or summat?
Can anyone tell me what skype is? It says something about internet calls when I google it - does that mean on your computer or is it on the phone but using the internet's cables or summat?

Basically. Online video conferencing call. You need a webcam and a microphone then you download Skype and you can talk to people on your computer for free.
firky's cartoon gets a mention in the telegraph in a 'in defence of laurie penny' article

People have threatened and insulted her in the very worst terms, and have even gone so far as to post cartoons of her being abused and beaten up......

... few get it as badly as Laurie Penny. The fact that anonymous "haters" can spew out such sexually aggressive, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, cowardly, illiterate garbage – to quote the lyrics of that excellent song, which everybody should listen to – with impunity is surely a failure of our society.

tables once again turned, laurie ever the victim, once again, the oxford university educated circle closes ranks and defends its own privilege, elitism and right to spout shite without reply

hate to say it firky, but i did tell you it would end up like this
you can do audio calls as well, thats how all the telesales calls you get from asia are cost effective, and its got its own IM.

Got quite a good app if you have a smartphone, but works best over wifi
I'm surprised that people haven't grasped that being called racist, sexist etc etc by the likes of Laura and her chums is probably a badge of honour.

As long as we have class society, you're always going to get these types attaching themselves to 'the movement' (a clue: there is no 'movement' and there may never be again; historical moment gone forever etc.) Some of them probably mean well. They're not going to go away just because a few people dedicate themselves to slagging them off (although I'm not saying people shouldn't do it if that's what they want-it can be highly entertaining.) They're not even addressing the same audience as most of those getting so animated on here.
ugh, I dont think I want to read it.

even more reason to write some of what's in this thread into the contents of an article
and all the comments on that telegraph article are from the point of view that the likes of penny are stereotypical of the left (which i guess they are now, but you know what i mean), that's why she and her type are so fucking corrosive when they become established in this way and debilitate what little is left of left credibility outside of its shitty little ghetto
firky's cartoon gets a mention in the telegraph in a 'in defence of laurie penny' article...the oxford university educated circle closes ranks and defends its own privilege, elitism and right to spout shite without reply

Well I never!

Born in London in 1978, Jake graduated with a first in English from St Peter’s College, Oxford, and went on to receive a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. Jake is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts, and a Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University.
and all the comments on that telegraph article are from the point of view that the likes of penny are stereotypical of the left (which i guess they are now, but you know what i mean), that's why she and her type are so fucking corrosive when they become established in this way and debilitate what little is left of left credibility outside of its shitty little ghetto

Another thing that people don't seem to have grasped: if the enemy think Laura and co. are typical of the left, what a shock it would be if another type of left, based where it really belongs, emerged while they were fighting the good fight (from the kitchen table) against the trendy liberal chatterati, and they never even noticed.

And again, it doesn't actually matter, in practical terms, what the swivel-eyed right wing anaroks fighting 'communism' on the internet say about anything or anybody. They're another bunch who are only talking to themselves.
he mentions the incident with David Starkey which, iirc, Starkey got fucking hammered for on this sexist website.

eta - seems i got this wrong.
Can anyone tell me what skype is? It says something about internet calls when I google it - does that mean on your computer or is it on the phone but using the internet's cables or summat?

'Skype' is a company which offers a 'VOIP' - that's 'voice over internet protocol' - service. 'Skype' is also sometimes used generically, in much the same way as 'hoover' or 'poratakabin' are, to refer to all VOIP services.

Basically, instead of your phone being a tin can at one end of the telephone company's long piece of string, with the phone of the person you're calling being the other tin can, yours and their computers are the tin cans, and the whole of the internet is the string. Because you are already connected to (and paying for) the internet, the call costs nothing.

With Skype, you install a bit of software on your computer, and you register an account (for free) under a unique username, which acts much the same as a unique telephone number. You can then make calls to anyone else with a Skype account who is online at the same time as you, for free. You can make voice calls, or video calls (if you have a webcam).

You can also use the Skype system (and other VOIP systems) to access the regular telephony system - ie you can call real telephones, anywhere in the world using your computer. This costs money, because you are accessing telephone company string, but it is (in general) cheaper than just using your mobile or landline. To do this you buy credit from Skype.

Finally, you can also purchase a 'telephone number' from Skype if you want, which can be useful for a variety of reasons. People using mobiles or landlines will be able to dial that number to reach you, just like a regular telephone number.

This has been a Public Information Post.
Another thing that people don't seem to have grasped: if the enemy think Laura and co. are typical of the left, what a shock it would be if another type of left, based where it really belongs, emerged while they were fighting the good fight (from the kitchen table) against the trendy liberal chatterati, and they never even noticed.

And again, it doesn't actually matter, in practical terms, what the swivel-eyed right wing anaroks fighting 'communism' on the internet say about anything or anybody. They're another bunch who are only talking to themselves.

for something that doesn't really matter you spend a fair amount of time here telling us it doesn't really matter

you are right though, it doesn't really matter LLETSA, so why do it, it's almost as if you think it matters

(yes, i know it only takes you a minute or so to post a comment here from your kitchen in your undercrackers etc...)
he mentions the incident with David Starkey which, iirc, Starkey got fucking hammered for on this sexist website.
No, I don't think we agreed. After seeing the video and hearing about the Thomas Paine Society incident I've personally got a lot of sympathy for Starkey in that clash. And Penny claimed on Twitter that he "attacked" her, when it was just some finger-wagging.
No, I don't think we agreed. After seeing the video and hearing about the Thomas Paine Society incident I've personally got a lot of sympathy for Starkey in that clash. And Penny claimed on Twitter that he "attacked" her, when it was just some finger-wagging.

ok, i may have misremembered the thread.
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