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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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There's no mention of litigation in what I asked him. I asked a general question, which, if he notices it, may result in him "taking note" as they say.

I didn't say you had mentioned litigation.:confused:
Meanwhile Laura hasn't been seen on here since Sunday.

At least not logged in.

My suspicions are she's dismissed us as do nothings of no importance and is now pretending the thread doesn't exist...
Edited: to remove potential copy of a libel post - link remains.

Unfortunately lusty's scattergun is targeted at a good friend of LP in an completely inappropriate fashion in post-1140
Scroll back past those enormous posts of yours, and you'll (eventually) see that spiney seems to be seriously considering it, and ld not. :)

That was my understanding but honestly I didn't want to misunderstand, in rlation to the post i've just made.
Scroll back past those enormous posts of yours, and you'll (eventually) see that spiney seems to be seriously considering it, and ld not. :)

I'd not either. I wouldn't be insulted by an idiot calling me a racist either. I'd be plotting their downfall though, if I had the time.
You surely can't be suggesting that a) lusty has anything to do with here, b) is the voice piece for anyone here; and c) gives a toss?

I've been taught by moderators that it's hosters who become liable - from all the superinjunction then post-savile threads
Why quote it and bring it up?

After almost a year has passed?

What does it even have to do with editor?

OK, I'm not going to quote it, and will edit it, but the point is speculation about anyone becomes sabotaged under libel pressure because of certain comments.
All of which makes the idea of a distilled piece consisting of choice quotes and a critique of Laura for what she is a manifestation of all the more useful.

..and whilst it perhaps shouldn't matter, a brief anonymous summary of the collective track record in struggle of posters contributing would add to it's credibility in the audience that Laura both needs and craves for her career.
I'm starting too feel a bit sorry for her. I'm guessing that what happened was that there's a yearly quota of 'bright young' Oxbridge types who the 'left liberal' media take on every year but the cup cake, eco-warrior, interior design and gonzo travel writing slots had already been filled by your Arabellas, Jocastas and Quentins. Laurie, feeling excluded and discriminated against decided she'd make the bastards pay by being the spikey radical one who'd bring down the whole fuckin playhouse. Too late did sh realise that a) she's part of the playhouse....and, thus, b) part of the problem.

I'm thinking she's blown it. She's just hitting the age when she could be churning out the pre-natal class, maternity ward, sleepless night, 'aren't toddlers fun' schtick...before hitting the school run/ yummy mummy stage. She's blown that chance. No doubt there's some niece of a Toynbee or Coren tuning up their whimsical prose as we speak to bring us their sideways musings on all that shite. Hard to see where LP goes from here.

She's kinda stuck in permanent adolescent radical mode...and it's starting to get a bit stale. There is no obvious next move. Actual politics is a bit of a non-starter since she doesn't have any actual politics. I suppose the best she can do is write piece describing her fuckin amazement at the fact that she's been getting a fair old wedge all this time from the Independent and NS into a bank account that she knew nothing about...and lo and behold...she can afford somewhere to live. Maybe we can then get a blow by blow account as she tours Camden in search of a polyamorous feminist cooperative mural-painting group to decorate her living room with a montage of her adventures as a revolutionary icon. Then she can get an allotment or some pigs or something and go down the self-reliant/ethical living/grow/ make your own track so beloved of expensively educated rich twats. Obviously she'd get a bit of stick for the hypocrisy and volte face...but she could hardly get more than she's getting right now.

Maybe if everyone promises not to take the piss, she'll fuck off and leave her 'politics' alone and sidle off towards the little bourgeois utopia that's her birthright.
I'm thinking she's blown it. She's just hitting the age when she could be churning out the pre-natal class, maternity ward, sleepless night, 'aren't toddlers fun' schtick...before hitting the school run/ yummy mummy stage. She's blown that chance. No doubt there's some niece of a Toynbee or Coren tuning up their whimsical prose as we speak to bring us their sideways musings on all that shite. Hard to see where LP goes from here.

The rest of your post is ok but this is sexist bollocks.
OK, I'm not going to quote it, and will edit it, but the point is speculation about anyone becomes sabotaged under libel pressure because of certain comments.

Well it happened on twitter so has no relevance :)
The rest of your post is ok but this is sexist bollocks.

Nah...it's a well trodden path for liberal female journalists. It's what they do...there's always a 'motherhood' correspondent whose brief is: show us that your 'just like everyone else' while delighting us with your incisive and perceptive take on motherhood. See past issues of the Graun's for he past four decades.
Maybe we can then get a blow by blow account as she tours Camden in search of a polyamorous feminist cooperative mural-painting group to decorate her living room with a montage of her adventures as a revolutionary icon.
almost there now!
as an aside, this is from cahoots' press release:

Having a safe and suitable place to live is a basic human need and right. This is increasingly difficult to achieve for a lot of people in London. Rent rising much faster than income and the impending changes to Housing Benefit are leading to growing numbers of people in housing poverty....

Cahoots Collective Housing Co-operative will provide safer, more secure and more affordable accommodation for 14 adults in single occupancy rooms and studios....
'about us'..
core values: housing for queer/trans with specific recognition of queer/trans people of colour and with disabilities
sounds all good and well.
from their 'joining' page:
At this stage we are only seeking members in full time employment.
i've been a bit 'umm.. inclusive. but only if you've got cash' about this :hmm:

she'll fit right in :)
I saw it on re-reading the thread looking for an example of things that allow a counter-claim from the other side

I detect borderline racism in the way it was typed as well. Just a frisson, maybe passed onto the interwebs through the keyboard it was typed on or the room it was sent from... a discarded rune laying nearby perhaps. Thin edge of the wedge this
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