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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Seriously I'm not arguing it's right, just that's the way it is. Threatening someone with a libel writ when you haven't got £30,000+ that you can just throwaway if necessary to back it up is real paper tiger stuff, it's picking a fight you can't win imo.

Yeah I know you weren't mate, but isn't this itself part of the problem? That there are people who are above accountability, never mind just a standard of common decency, getting away with this? Isn't this one of those issues that goes beyond Laurie herself and into the wider issues of the press in this country that this thread, at it's best, has highlighted?

And the sheer egotism of it, I mean fucking hell all this could've been avoided with a sincere apology! Or if she'd had the respect for us to try and come here and look beyond the crass stupid elements at the wider issues.

I keep saying this, but I'm younger than her, and I know at my age I'm going to make loads of mistakes and errors. It's part of life that, so why should I feel embarassed about apologising when I'm wrong?

Personally I think the compilation of the thread that someone suggested is pretty deadly, it's been an eye-opener to me, I started off thinking leave her alone, she may be a bit of a wannabe but she's on the right side. If it's hosted via U75 it will get high up the google ranks. Let people read it and decide for themself, it's revenge but it's also informing people and that has a wider value.

Also think this would be ace. There's important political issues here that go way beyond her as a person, and they should be systematically recorded. I nominate butchers for the job :D 1) for my own amusement and 2) coz he's written some really insightful, profound things in this thread and on this topic.

Even up to quite a late point I was trying my upmost to be fair, to not get stuck into some group attack on her, not to be vindictive or stalkery, and I feel a bit stupid and naive for being that way now after all this. Big soft bastard that I am I really hoped for better from her than this.
My position is unrelenting merciless war on the narcissistic liberal left, and the rest of the spoilt oxbridge brats in her milieu, no fuckin' quarter.

Personally I think the compilation of the thread that someone suggested is pretty deadly

SpineyNorman, things like the above will be a far more effective, public and satisfying way of 'settling' matters and are far more likely to achieve the desired outcome than a legal action would, if anything she would come out of that better not worse I reckon (martyr, speaking out against 'racism' etc..)
I second the vote for someone (not me) going through and compiling the good bits of the thread into an article.

We should talk about it here first for at least a couple of weeks before actually (if at all ever) doing anything though!

I started to have a go at it this morning, but didn't get past the first few pages before baby started to go ballistic and been tied up with him ever since
What he's failing (surprise surprise!)to acknowledge is that Laura isn't "doing", she's a flaneur, an observer who contributes little, but merely moves through the scenery, absorbing and absorbed by the ambience. That she then writes about what she's seen, albeit mostly glossed with post hoc observations and fictions, is merely a further act of nose-thumbing at those whose existence and actions feed her writing.
He was chuffed about finding Che's Guerrilla Warfare. Pure sauce. Who knows, maybe he's the chief of staff of a band of transhumanist insurrectionists. Who are we to judge.
Since when did facts need to elide with 1,500 words of pure Penace?

This is the New New Journalism! Poetry of Action! Nothing but pen in hand, eCig in mouth and well-digested class privilege in belly - taking the good fight to the enemy, gettin' paid by The Man to write about The Man whilst bein' against The Man, kindof!!! Yeah!!!

I thought this was the new new new New Journalism?
SpineyNorman, things like the above will be a far more effective, public and satisfying way of 'settling' matters and are far more likely to achieve the desired outcome than a legal action would, if anything she would come out of that better not worse I reckon (martyr, speaking out against 'racism' etc..)

Fair points, given that Laura and her ilk have the advantage of media connections, and could therefore "spin" the entire thing in her favour/yours and norm's detriments. Far better for there to be a metaphorical shrine to her dishonesty, fictionalising and hypocrisy.

Although giving you both a meaningful apology shouldn't be hard for her, if she's still got an honest bone left in her body.
He was chuffed about finding Che's Guerrilla Warfare. Pure sauce.

Probably won't read it, just leave it lying around where it'll be noticed by his fellow-travellers. :)

Who knows, maybe he's the chief of staff of a band of transhumanist insurrectionists. Who are we to judge.

I don't know about you, but I'm a prole, which imbues me with an absolute right to judge. ;)
Although giving you both a meaningful apology shouldn't be hard for her, if she's still got an honest bone left in her body.

I don't want an apology from her, it would be less than worthless/meaningless coming from her in the circumstances

I just want her to see that her and her type don't always come out on top when they take short cuts, and for her (and others like her) to learn that stupid actions can often have detrimental consequences
I don't want an apology from her, it would be less than worthless/meaningless coming from her in the circumstances

I just want her to see that her and her type don't always come out on top when they take short cuts, and for her to learn that stupid actions can have very detrimental consequences

A fair point. If she'd bothered to read the article, she possibly wouldn't have dug herself into the shit so deeply, and wouldn't now be faced with having her nose rubbed in that shit.

I'm trying to work up enough compassion to feel sorry for her, but it's a struggle I'm losing. :)
Because it's left the two people involved nursing a greivance that shouldn't have even been there in the first place. People are talking about legal action ffs, it should never have got to this point, and if Laurie Penny had acted like an adult I don't think it would have.
Because it's left the two people involved nursing a greivance that shouldn't have even been there in the first place. People are talking about legal action ffs, it should never have got to this point, and if Laurie Penny had acted like an adult I don't think it would have.

And has that impacted on her in any way?

No I don't think so - the only concrete realistic proposal to crop up on this thread since spineygate is the proposal to compile an article based on the best bits - and that has not be done yet, let alone been published and read, and it probably would have happened anyway...

The only other thing that seems to have happened directly as a result of her refusal to apologise is some faceless nameless people on the internet who have already established their dislike of her getting a little more het up than before.

So "all this" doesn't really seem all that after all, does it?

No offence, but people are getting a little carried away with themselves.:)
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