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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It won't get the accusations withdrawn though will it? I'm actually more pissed off now she's apologized to others and not me - she's singled me out because I don't have journos fighting my corner.
in the big house its better to go halal A) for sheer perverseness and annoyance

B) the meat is less likely to be sweepings from th slaughterhouse floor

Wonder if tommy is on the speshul wing? god knows he risks a twatting and worse from muslim inmates of the gen pop...

...and pats on the back from half the screws.
It won't get the accusations withdrawn though will it? I'm actually more pissed off now she's apologized to others and not me - she's singled me out because I don't have journos fighting my corner.

She hasn't really apologised to Lovedetective, tbf.

And I'm not convinced that taking legal action will get the accusations withdrawn either.

ETA: Send her an email. If you don't get a response within 48 hours send me a PM and I'll try to take it up with a couple of people who I know that know her.
Hugo Schwyzer, as far as I can see, is someone who gets to stand on platforms like this:

because he used to take part in domestic violence but no longer


hence meaning he "shatters gender myths"


Wow, comes across as a guy who likes to construct personal myths while supposedly shattering gender myths.

Love some of the comments on your link, especially the "there's no such thing as misandry, only misogyny and misanthropy" one, though. :facepalm: :D
Go fuck yourself.

I agree with Spanky, it's not the way I'd choose to do things. Also when I used to get those solicitor's letters from my ISP for dicking about on Usenet, or downloading on napster, I threw them in the bin without reading. They don't really have any clout.

Still if you want to go that way then g'luck!
I agree with Spanky, it's not the way I'd choose to do things. Also when I used to get those solicitor's letters from my ISP for dicking about on Usenet, or downloading on napster, I threw them in the bin without reading. They don't really have any clout.

Still if you want to go that way then g'luck!

This, I used to get SLs all the time, took absolutely no notice until they issue a summons, 99% never did and the other 1% never went to court. Seriously unless you are super rich and want to really go after someone, forget civil law, it's there to pretty much guarantee that only the very very wealthy can make it work for them.

If she doesn't just bin it, she'll frame it and put on her toilet wall and laugh at you*. Don't give her the opportunity.

* well this is what I'd do
This, I used to get SLs all the time, took absolutely no notice until they issue a summons, 99% never did and the other 1% never went to court. Seriously unless you are super rich and want to really go after someone, forget civil law, it's there to pretty much guarantee that only the very very wealthy can make it work for them.

If she doesn't just bin it, she'll frame it and put on her toilet wall and laugh at you*. Don't give her the opportunity.

* well this is what I'd do

But this is what's so monstrously wrong about it all, she knows damn well she can fling this shit at people, and because they weren't born into wealth and privilige like she was that there's little they can do to counter it. She has the platform in the media, and the money to go through the courts if needs be, and so she feels like she can abuse and slander those who are beneath her without risk of comeuppance.

The calculated arrogance of it is sickening, professionally decrying privilige on the one hand then using it as a shield with the other. She deserves her comeuppance, so good luck Spiney whatever you choose to do.

My position is unrelenting merciless war on the narcissistic liberal left, and the rest of the spoilt oxbridge brats in her milieu, no fuckin' quarter.
have you ever met Fozzie?

Not quite the same...
Since when did facts need to elide with 1,500 words of pure Penace?

This is the New New Journalism! Poetry of Action! Nothing but pen in hand, eCig in mouth and well-digested class privilege in belly - taking the good fight to the enemy, gettin' paid by The Man to write about The Man whilst bein' against The Man, kindof!!! Yeah!!!

and :facepalm: at the whole legal remedy bollocks

make sure you write the email to her in green ink

I tend to agree on an individual level, there are other (less costly) ways of effectively making the point. But I still think it might be worth the IWCA (as an organisation) having the benefit of some advice.
But this is what's so monstrously wrong about it all, she knows damn well she can fling this shit at people, and because they weren't born into wealth and privilige like she was that there's little they can do to counter it. She has the platform in the media, and the money to go through the courts if needs be, and so she feels like she can abuse and slander those who are beneath her without risk of comeuppance.

The calculated arrogance of it is sickening, professionally decrying privilige on the one hand then using it as a shield with the other. She deserves her comeuppance, so good luck Spiney whatever you choose to do.

Seriously I'm not arguing it's right, just that's the way it is. Threatening someone with a libel writ when you haven't got £30,000+ that you can just throwaway if necessary to back it up is real paper tiger stuff, it's picking a fight you can't win imo.

But good luck to you SN with whatever you choose to do.

Personally I think the compilation of the thread that someone suggested is pretty deadly, it's been an eye-opener to me, I started off thinking leave her alone, she may be a bit of a wannabe but she's on the right side. If it's hosted via U75 it will get high up the google ranks. Let people read it and decide for themself, it's revenge but it's also informing people and that has a wider value.

Michael Pannell@MichaelPannell
@PennyRed what I find strange is the 'armchair warriors' questioning the integrity of someone who is actually out there 'doing' .

What he's failing (surprise surprise!)to acknowledge is that Laura isn't "doing", she's a flaneur, an observer who contributes little, but merely moves through the scenery, absorbing and absorbed by the ambience. That she then writes about what she's seen, albeit mostly glossed with post hoc observations and fictions, is merely a further act of nose-thumbing at those whose existence and actions feed her writing.
She hasn't really apologised to Lovedetective, tbf.

And I'm not convinced that taking legal action will get the accusations withdrawn either.

ETA: Send her an email. If you don't get a response within 48 hours send me a PM and I'll try to take it up with a couple of people who I know that know her.

Thanks, I've sent her an email - I'll let you know what happens.
uncanny how they all chime with this sort of response- criticism and piss taking on the youtube comment thread for the horrendous launch party video for Firebox drew exactly the same thing 'what are you doing, blah'. If your not north london champers socialist you're fuck all

Recto-lingual intersectionism.
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