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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Yeah, hello MadamJMo. Don't let Laurie Penny's pathetic whingeing/borderline bullying behaviour get to ya :)
Funny how authors always blame the subs for omissions, but never credit them for turning unreadable stream-of-consciousness bollocks into polished articles.
Her politics come across as little more than a really annoying dickhead at a dinner party who imagines themselves a radical intellectual cos they've read No Logo and some quotes from Emma Goldman in their American Literature class.

Well saying she's middle class as fuck, the cretin.
Her politics come across as little more than a really annoying dickhead at a dinner party who imagines themselves a radical intellectual cos they've read No Logo and some quotes from Emma Goldman in their American Literature class.

Well saying she's middle class as fuck, the cretin.

it was inevitable really wasn't it? After the student protests they were always going to pick a token angry yoof. More hysterical the better. Can't have someone well-thought-out, considered and credible, obviously
it was inevitable really wasn't it? After the student protests they were always going to pick a token angry yoof. More hysterical the better. Can't have someone well-thought-out, considered and credible, obviously

I don't mind angry or ranty, but does it always have to be some little rich careerist fuckwit....

silly question, of course it does.
I don't mind angry or ranty, but does it always have to be some little rich careerist fuckwit....

silly question, of course it does.

if you were editor on the guardian or the new statesman, what kind of people do you (a) know, (b) relate to and (c) talk to and trust.
Answer to all three is people who are like you in every way.
Laurie Penny on Twitter today: "Had a lovely weekend spitting on posh people". Re-tweeted by Johnnie Marbles saying "Go you!". Have just responded to both with my own cheery comment on the pair....
^^^Yeah, so uncool to do she decided to do it anyway. Fucking moron.

(Not having a go at you by the way, stephj).
In Brighton, I believe, butchersapron (she's deleted the tweets on that front, so can't link to them, I'm afraid)
Derail - Johnnie Pieman has decided to get into it w/me on Twitter about this -wll let you know if he comes up with any gems....
Laurie Penny's getting the onion out on Twitter just now:

Lately I've been really spiteful and bitchy where it's not needed. It's not like me, it's not good enough and I feel really awful about it.

followed by:

In general, I've been stressed and burned out and letting stuff get to me too much. I'm writing about why. Not sure if I'll publish yet.

Yeah, cos we all know Alice Walker went round spitting on people when she was struggling with "The Color Purple", right?
The onion's doing sterling work at the moment:

In brief, I've been depressed by politics, and letting the pressure and all the attacks get to me too much. It's been pretty scary at times.
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