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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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A request for you folks does anyone have a bigger version of this picture


See that gap on the front row in front of penny, LLETSA was in there originally but they've airbrushed him out of history :(
See new inquiry bio.

'Laurie Penny was born in a skip in Islington in 1986 and grew up wild in the back-alleys of London’s bourgeois ghetto, surviving only on mouldy paninis and half-eaten pots of hummous fished out of bins and sleeping in rolled-up copies of The Observer Review. After a dispute with a notorious urban fox gang, she fled to Brighton Beach, and was taken in by a radical seagull collective and weaned on mulched-up, regurgitated back-issues of Spare Rib and Red Rag. Eventually she was offered a scholarship to Brighton College Sixth Form, where she edited a student newspaper and never learned to wear a tie. She went to Wadham College, Oxford, and later moved back to London to work in a shop in Camden Market, where being a scuzzy, mohawked Brighton feminist was part of the job description. It didn’t stick, and she rapidly turned to a life of journalism, having discovered that she was unsuited to any other employment by virtue of being weird and difficult. Now she has long hair, a semi-regular income, and zooms around trying to put the world to rights. She can still talk to seagulls.'

Oh God, assuming this isn't a pisstake given the rest of the stuff on the thread. Makes me want to vomit.
'Laurie Penny was born in a skip in Islington in 1986 and grew up wild in the back-alleys of London’s bourgeois ghetto, surviving only on mouldy paninis and half-eaten pots of hummous fished out of bins and sleeping in rolled-up copies of The Observer Review. After a dispute with a notorious urban fox gang, she fled to Brighton Beach, and was taken in by a radical seagull collective and weaned on mulched-up, regurgitated back-issues of Spare Rib and Red Rag. Eventually she was offered a scholarship to Brighton College Sixth Form, where she edited a student newspaper and never learned to wear a tie. She went to Wadham College, Oxford, and later moved back to London to work in a shop in Camden Market, where being a scuzzy, mohawked Brighton feminist was part of the job description. It didn’t stick, and she rapidly turned to a life of journalism, having discovered that she was unsuited to any other employment by virtue of being weird and difficult. Now she has long hair, a semi-regular income, and zooms around trying to put the world to rights. She can still talk to seagulls.'

Oh God, assuming this isn't a pisstake given the rest of the stuff on the thread. Makes me want to vomit.
No every word is true. It must be because it's on the internet.

The original source for that The New Inquiry is interesting. I liked their Dada influenced pictures on the page about their editorial board.


Here is a picture labelled 'Laurie Penny' from that page; she is a contributing editor:

You know him - the guy at the start?!?
The guy at the start is called 'Pete the Temp'. (Have done sound at a couple of events where a 'poetry slam' invaded the stage for a couple of hours this summer of which he was part of both lineups....)
Here are anarchists being _____________* at the Cuts Cafe

No I wasn't there and no I won't be going.

*Best inserted word wins a paper graffiti stencil courtesy of ALARM*.

There is another ( nearly hour long video ) which gives us an insight into the totally intolerable future that would be inflicted on us under these sort of people if the world became one big workshop and they were asked to facilitate it

Today, we’ve got an eight hour session on capitalist economics which people have still turned up to, an eight hour session, on a Saturday on some really dense economic theory and that still brought ten people. So, I think it’s going pretty well.

the Palestinians for decades now, using them as human shields, so you can see a lot of this transfer, the fight back gets harder and I think we need to start studying it a bit more…

[cut to question from audience] What sort of system for investigating the police do you personally think would work?
[speaker and man next to him (Ken?) are now seated] What we want is what you would expect in any, er, criminal investigation, murder investigation or someone dying in suspicious circumstances which is, er, good quality, robust investigators, y’know, that that basically will leave, leave no stone unturned, will follow the leads until the end. [cut] The stuff that was in there that, omitted is the crucial stuff, is the evidence on them and the IPCC listened to the tapes, they, they heard them themselves and if I’m able to pick it out, how come they can’t pick it out? [cuts to Ken?] …coming and talking and sharing, I think that’s the main thing for us to get together and organise, that’s how we change. So thank you, all of you. [New voice, off screen] And I think some dinner’s being cooked downstairs so…

So it’s trying to get people that basically- people that hate the cuts, they know they hate the cuts and the sort of know why they hate the cuts, to come in and give them a space where outside of the daily work and looking after kids and all that sort of stuff, giving them a space where they can actually think about it. So, I think, the energy of the space has been really good so far. It was, there was a problem initially in the first few days because, obviously, we had a space where we had events scheduled and we weren’t- we decided, we actively decided to not put them on because the space wasn’t accessible and we didn’t want events that not everybody could get to because that’s not really what we’re about.
You should come down, you should check us out, you should read stuff on our blog, you should follow us on facebook, you can sign up to our email list but, if you can get down to some of our events, the ones that we’ve done so far have been really good and we’ve still got another week of events which are all going to be amazing – we’ve got Ken Loach coming
No every word is true. It must be because it's on the internet.

The original source for that The New Inquiry is interesting. I liked their Dada influenced pictures on the page about their editorial board.

Sue means the bio is so toecurlingly twee, there's a chance it could have been written by someone to make her look shit and annoying. That Malcolm Harris character got caught trying to charge $5k to talk occupy wank. , Fantastically posh background natch.
Back to Laurie Penny, she is up for an award sponsored by EVRYTHNG,

She won. Whiny victory speech about 'trolls' and this outright lie.

Social media has been an energising and empowering force for the British commentariat, rearranging some of the old hierarchies and allowing young people and those outside the mainstream press to amplify voices that would otherwise go unheard.
David Ostler fell for her schtick recently and "attacked" her while also taking her at face value as a voice of the anarcho-youth
There is another ( nearly hour long video ) which gives us an insight into the totally intolerable future that would be inflicted on us under these sort of people if the world became one big workshop and they were asked to facilitate it

Christ.... I mean that Firebox place's opening ceremony seemed pretty cringeworthy but this is something else. That video. It's worthy of a Chris Morris parody of student lefties. I know it's only an open mic night, I've emabarassed myself a few times doing similar things, but the standard of crank is clearly very high.

Although they did have a workshop on Luddites which is great, infact it makes me much more inclined to like them and I would've liked to have gone, but to be honest Luddites and a few of these workshops aside, I think my personal hell would to be trapped in a room with all those people indefinitely. Y'know how they say Limbo is like being in a bar and never getting served? Or being stuck in an infinitely large crowd watching Guns and Roses play an infinitely long version of Paradise City, knowing that no matter how hard you try you'll never get out of the crowd? Yeah I bet it's like that.

I don't want to be cynical, coz I'm not a cynical person and I'm grateful that this sort of thing is going on, just all I can think when I see this scene of people is "This isn't for the likes of me" which is a feeling I've had at a few squats and workshop type things in the past.

Also, the politics of Ken Loach being invited down, has no-one mentioned his strident support for Julian Assange yet? I mean is that not a problem for anyone? Or has Ken disowned Assange in the last few weeks or something and I've missed out on it?
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