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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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That would be very unusual can't say I've come across that set up.

Anyway in this case he is a rep who does his substantive post for all but 8 hours which he gets to fulfill his duties as a TU official - the confusion I think is his use of the term organiser which is often a title given to full-timers paid by the union.
You're probably right re the cause of confusion. But I've organised it myself like that previously from the employer viewpoint cos it makes sense I.e. you (the union/s) get X number of hours facility to divide up how you like and then X amount more if there's anything extra going on e.g. Redundancies or whatever.
Facility time is the time off work but still paid by the employer, so that a union representative can do their union work. It is something that will have been agreed between the union and the employer at national level.

Or at local level it depends on the scope of the agreement/size of the bargaining unit etc
Facility time is the time off work but still paid by the employer, so that a union representative can do their union work. It is something that will have been agreed between the union and the employer at national level.
It's not always decided at national level, you know.
You're probably right re the cause of confusion. But I've organised it myself like that previously from the employer viewpoint cos it makes sense I.e. you (the union/s) get X number of hours facility to divide up how you like and then X amount more if there's anything extra going on e.g. Redundancies or whatever.

Yes me too from the other side - but those hours will be allocated to paid staff of the employer, appointed by the union to fulfil certain roles - if the union has paid officials to deploy fair enough but the employer does not contribute to them and nor should it.
I guess it will have been in the case of the UCU, but you are right.

No there is a national negotiating body for HE but there are also local 'facilities agreements' and local consultation frameworks something like this would be decided and agreed at local level, though there are national guidelines as well.
Yes me too from the other side - but those hours will be allocated to paid staff of the employer, appointed by the union to fulfil certain roles - if the union has paid officials to deploy fair enough but the employer does not contribute to them and nor should it.
Aye, but facility time from an employers' point of view is time off for union activities which can range from allowing stewards time to hold meetings, to consultation, to representation, to recruitment to etc etc etc (as you know) and can also include time for full timers to come in and assist local reps. As I said, depends on how it's organised. But yeah, looks like Daz is still employed by the uni but I just thought I'd ask.

Edited to correct UCU to uni
Yes me too from the other side - but those hours will be allocated to paid staff of the employer, appointed by the union to fulfil certain roles - if the union has paid officials to deploy fair enough but the employer does not contribute to them and nor should it.
I used to allow pretty much as much time as the union/s wanted and didn't allocate it to paid employees as such. Which if you think about it the union/s should have resisted but they loved it.
Does this mean that you're a full timer?

No i am a full time lecturer, the UCU negotiating agreement and union recognition gives us a full time academic appointment to divide up between the branch ornganising committee. We share our hours with no more than one full day as union activity as an officer. UCU is one of the faw unions i have been in that does not have a massive amount of full time officials, it runs on local lay elected officials with facility time essentially. I prefer it to Unison and the GMB.
what about the time he spends looking out the window?

From a Hollowayian critique of the cracks and fissures in capitalism, my staring out on to the Leeds Inner ring road from my polytechnic sanctum is probably as effective as my union activity. ‘cracks in capatalism’.

Why is everyone so interested in working time deployment as a lecturer/elected official it is about as exciting as watching grey paint dry?
From a Hollowayian critique of the cracks and fissures in capitalism, my staring out on to the Leeds Inner ring road from my polytechnic sanctum is probably as effective as my union activity. ‘cracks in capatalism’.

Why is everyone so interested in working time deployment as a lecturer/elected official it is about as exciting as watching grey paint dry?

we found watching grey paint drying too exciting
No i am a full time lecturer, the UCU negotiating agreement and union recognition gives us a full time academic appointment to divide up between the branch ornganising committee. We share our hours with no more than one full day as union activity as an officer. UCU is one of the faw unions i have been in that does not have a massive amount of full time officials, it runs on local lay elected officials with facility time essentially. I prefer it to Unison and the GMB.
I much much prefer that type of set up, I can 't stand what happens when unions build in a management hierarchy of their own. You might well find that locally they allow you more time than the allocated amount if you need it, too. Don't think of it as cosying up to management to get it though (although of course it is) you have to be Machiavellian about these things. Sorry for the personal questions, I'm just curious and I like it when union reps are very effective in what they do and not bogged down by bureaucracy. Good to see you back :)
Spanky, have you seen what's happened with the cleaners and the CF/AD fiasco? I was wondering whether to update the IWW thread but thinking it might be offputting for potential members.
Like I said, I'd rather see them err on the side of too much rather than too little. But when it comes to pro-kiddy fiddling propaganda there's a fairly easy decision to take. Although I think that Bey's TAZ is worth having available.
What about pieces by phil dywer?
Spanky, have you seen what's happened with the cleaners and the CF/AD fiasco? I was wondering whether to update the IWW thread but thinking it might be offputting for potential members.

is it a particularly good day for suppressing bad news?
is it a particularly good day for suppressing bad news?
I'm not particularly attached to suppressing it, quite the reverse because it's a case of "I fucking predicted this, as did many others" but wondering whether the IWW thread is the best place for it. I don't think it's sufficiently major for a thread on its own, but it may contribute to derailing the IWW thread further plus possibly being offputting at a time when I think it's a good idea for people to join unions if they don't feel able or inclined to self organise.
I'm not particularly attached to suppressing it, quite the reverse because it's a case of "I fucking predicted this, as did many others" but wondering whether the IWW thread is the best place for it. I don't think it's sufficiently major for a thread on its own, but it may contribute to derailing the IWW thread further plus possibly being offputting at a time when I think it's a good idea for people to join unions if they don't feel able or inclined to self organise.
I think it's a good idea for people to join unions too, but I also think it's a good idea that they do so with some sort of understanding of what's going on.

I would personally be a bit miffed if I got inspired by a thread on urban, joined and then discovered that the thread had been sanitised specifically so that my enthusiasm wouldn't dampened. iyswim.
nope I've not seen it
Here: http://www.change.org/petitions/justice-for-the-cleaners-at-societe-generale

The key bit of info is hidden towards the end i.e. that it's only the IWGB workers that have been suspended, so it looks as though the employer has got wind of the fact that they're not certified yet so employer can do it with impunity. Word is that the IWW have offered to help but CF and AD too stubborn to accept. Just what I've heard though, unverified.
I think it's a good idea for people to join unions too, but I also think it's a good idea that they do so with some sort of understanding of what's going on.

I would personally be a bit miffed if I got inspired by a thread on urban, joined and then discovered that the thread had been sanitised specifically so that my enthusiasm wouldn't dampened. iyswim.
If you look carefully I was asking Spanky for his opinion and voicing my should I/shouldn't I/where. But yes, I get your point, thanks.
From a Hollowayian critique of the cracks and fissures in capitalism, my staring out on to the Leeds Inner ring road from my polytechnic sanctum is probably as effective as my union activity. ‘cracks in capatalism’.

Why is everyone so interested in working time deployment as a lecturer/elected official it is about as exciting as watching grey paint dry?
From a Hollowayian critique of the cracks and fissures in capitalism, my staring out on to the Leeds Inner ring road from my polytechnic sanctum is probably as effective as my union activity. ‘cracks in capatalism’.

Why is everyone so interested in working time deployment as a lecturer/elected official it is about as exciting as watching grey paint dry?

If I had the stamina, I would do a whole post about experiences of UCU in further education how they even managed to fuck up strike leaflets by sending them to the wrong college site. Then union-internally disciplining me for arguing with a heap of security guards who are being bullying idiots and infringing a strikebreaker UCU member with a leaflet tossed on his pocketed arms.
UCU is an elaborate joke in FE (and I've been told in prison education too) - it can't expel its strikebreakers and still has to have them as members. It has zero interest or support in accepting agency workers on the same building as college branch members. Theoretically they have to set up their own branch and join that branch because they've got a different employer and unit.
It functions using a quasi-full timer model - convenors with extensive facility time - to do acres and acres of casework or listening to management meetings, but because they see themselves as teaching for X hours (subtracting the facility time), they pretend like they are agency hours, who also work X hours (on no holiday pay, no benefits, no Teachers Pension Scheme etc etc) and talk about how terrible cuts are. They try to dampen action against teachers being suspended or investigated for bullshit. They always oppose strike action during 'critical' exams time - the only time that matters - etc. I don't know too much about the behind the scenes university world.
Oh yeah I was gonna post more but I am disheartened to.


Lame... but I like the milk touch.

Alex... why admit to do this after England-Sweden game?

And I don't want to go all Monty Python... but there I go again... you kids don't know what real hard monarchist-nationalism is. Tell us more Uncle Alex.

As for Molly Crabbapple, Summer Roberts (who is she?) and Cat Marnell. It all looks really bad from the outside.


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