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911cultists--your card is marked, big-time

as quoted by Jazz earlier on

"One voice

The campaign recognises that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. We aim to unite opinion from Michael Meacher MP to David Icke. The campaign does not endorse any one presentation of the evidence or individual. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11. The greatest challenge is lack of public awareness and debate of this evidence and promoting this awareness and debate is our primary purpose"

if you're going to believe what David Icke says, Jazz, I am afraid it's the Maudsley for you.
Jazz is not saying Urban 75 is a cult. He is saying the British 9/11 truth campaign is no more of a cult than Urban 75. If you believe the British 9/11 truth campaign is a cult, who is its messiah?

The statement "The campaign recognizes that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. The campaign does not endorse any one position. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11." is pretty clear. In other words, the campaign does not endorse David Icke, David Shayler or anyone else you care to mention, including the views expressed in the forum. It stands on the simple statement "when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11"
guinnessdrinker said:
as quoted by Jazz earlier on

"One voice

The campaign recognises that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. We aim to unite opinion from Michael Meacher MP to David Icke. The campaign does not endorse any one presentation of the evidence or individual. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11. The greatest challenge is lack of public awareness and debate of this evidence and promoting this awareness and debate is our primary purpose"

if you're going to believe what David Icke says, Jazz, I am afraid it's the Maudsley for you.
I think you have failed to grasp the point of the quote which is that the campaign is a broad church (for want of a better euphemism) of those who doubt the official story.
sparticus said:
Jazz is not saying Urban 75 is a cult. He is saying the British 9/11 truth campaign is no more of a cult than Urban 75. If you believe the British 9/11 truth campaign is a cult, who is its messiah?
I believe it has elements of a cult.

Just look at the behaviour of some of its 'believers.'

And what the fuck is this cod-religious bollocks (from their 'about us' intro)?
We call on all people to be true to thyself, to love oneself and each other.
Speak your own truth and free others to speak theirs

Hate breeds hate, tolerance breeds tolerance, love breeds love
GeorgeEliotFan said:
it was literally just days after the thing took place that I heard people claiming 'the jews did it' even before they had managed to suss out a convenient conspiracy theory. same with the 7/7 thing :(

Well it was literally just days after the thing took place that I heard people claiming that it was 'the muslims and al qaeda wot did it' even before they had managed to suss out a convenient conspiracy theory. Same with the 7/7 thing.

The difference between the people you heard and the people I heard is that the people I heard launched 2 wars on the back of their conspiracy theory and 5 years later anyone who questions their world view is a conspiraloon and a neo-nazi (if many people here are to be believed.)

Just because some 'people' say something doesn't mean the whole 9/11 truth movement can be said to believe the same thing or that the movement can be portrayed as a cult and that respected people such as these can be dismissed as conspiraloons.
Jazzz said:
The British 9/11 Truth Campaign is NOT saying it knows what happened, only that the official story is likely false.
Strange then that their home page is stuffed full of links to sites claiming that it was all a conspiracy and quite emphatically goes on about the "sheer scale and audacity of the 9/11 cover-up" giving great prominence to a documentary that supposedly "addresses the evidence that lead to the conclusion that 9/11 ... all was an inside job"

If they're searching for 'the truth' how come there's not a single featured link to any of the well researched sites debunking their lunatic theories, only to more and more conspiraloon material?

The real truth is that, like you, their minds are already firmly made up, regardless of the evidence.
editor said:
I believe it has elements of a cult.

Just look at the behaviour of some of its 'believers.'

And what the fuck is this cod-religious bollocks (from their 'about us' intro)?

Gosh, I don't know. You're so right, what on earth is that nonsense? You know, I've just found some other misguided chap saying exactly the same, any idea who it might be? :)

"Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. "
Jazzz said:
Gosh, I don't know. You're so right, what on earth is that nonsense? You know, I've just found some other misguided chap saying exactly the same, any idea who it might be? :
Only the truly deluded would have the audacity to try and draw comparisons with the work of Martin Luther King with their reality denying fantasies.

You lot fucking sicken me.

Oh, and I see that - true to form - you've ignored the points in my posts that are uncomfortable to answer.

Oh good! You worked out who it was. Tell you what, here's another cod religious culty chap saying the very same, see if you tell who he is too! :)

"Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love."
editor said:
You lot fucking sicken me.

That's fascinating you said that, because I heard those exact words in a film the other day - 'Children of Men' - they were spoken by the ultra-fascist guard as he was selecting immigrants for execution.
Jazzz said:
That's fascinating you said that, because I heard those exact words in a film the other day - Children of Men - they were spoken by the ultra-fascist guard as he was selecting immigrants for execution.
Riveting I'm sure, but I think you'll find that phrase is used by lots of people for lots of reasons, every day.

But have you reached such an all-time low that you're now trying to associate the actions of this unpleasant, makey-uppey, non-existent character from a sci-fi film with me?

I know from some of your previous 9/11 "explanations" that you're a fan of sci-fi - even if you do it get it confused with reality sometimes - but while I'm happy to discuss film scripts with you, I'd rather you addressed my earlier points first, please.

They're a bit more on topic, you see.
Actually, you can't find it on google. Yet it was the exact phrase this character uttered. He was quite a scary chap too.
Jazzzz you seem to have a tendency to connect things in your mind that aren't actually connected. That's a little worrying.
Anything but stay on topic and address my uncomfortable point, eh Jazzz?

We seek the truth! But we only link to sites that agree with us and ignore everything else, even when the other sites are stuffed full of hugely qualified expert testimony, evidence and credible research that shows us to be totally wrong!!!
editor said:
Anything but stay on topic and address my uncomfortable point, eh Jazzz?

We seek the truth! But we only link to sites that agree with us and ignore everything else, even when the other sites are stuffed full of hugely qualified expert testimony and research that shows us to be totally wrong!!!
I think your obviously made-up quote says a lot about the respect you have for others to hold different opinions.

The campaign is indeed a broad church, but it does not seek to include those who feel there is no need for another investigation. That's why it doesn't endorse the sites you mention.
From http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/

To: UK Government and Media

We, the undersigned, believe that the 9-11 Commission has ‘failed’ in its mandate to provide an independent, impartial, “full and complete accounting” of the attacks of September 11, 2001. We believe the Commission is wrong in crucial respects and the available evidence indicates that US officials authored or facilitated the attacks and their cover-up. We demand full disclosure and accountability through a further independent investigation. We demand answers to the questions. We seek the truth.


The Undersigned

That looks to me like they've made up their minds already Jazzz.
Jazzz said:
The campaign is indeed a broad church, but it does not seek to include those who feel there is no need for another investigation. That's why it doesn't endorse the sites you mention.
I'm not expecting the site to 'endorse' the sites; I'm just wondering how you can justify their 'head in the sand' methodology.

And I'm curious why a site that professes to be 'seeking the truth' exclusively highlights one-sided, evidence free claims often made by agenda-driven, wholly unqualified authors while completely ignoring well-researched, credibly sourced articles written by highly qualified experts just because they don't go along with their pre-set conspiracy conclusions.

Why is that?

If they are 'seeking the truth' as they claim, on what grounds are they ignoring the overwhelming body of expert analysis and research?

Why does a self proclaimed 'truth movement' choose to exclude any mention of expert opinion that doesn't fit with their own prejudices and agenda?
I've never seen such blind faith in anything so utterly ridiculous from someone so apparently intelligent.

It's quite breaktaking. More than can be said of any of the supposed "evidence".
Blagsta said:
From http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/

That looks to me like they've made up their minds already Jazzz.
Well the official 9/11 story is obviously a sack of shite, IMHO. But the Truth Campaign is just that, a campaign for another investigation so we can determine the truth. You should be able to see from your quote that it includes both MIHOP and LIHOP stances.
Jazzz said:
Well the official 9/11 story is obviously a sack of shite, IMHO. But the Truth Campaign is just that, a campaign for another investigation so we can determine the truth.
A "truth" free from any pesky opinions from interferin' experts far more qualified to discuss the improbabilities of the wild conspiracy claims, of course.
Here's another thing I don't get...

What, in past history, leads you to the delusion that you'll ever know the truth?

They lied to us? They didn't tell it exactly as it was?? :eek:

You. Don't. Say.
editor said:
I'm curious why a site that professes to be 'seeking the truth' exclusively highlights one-sided, evidence free claims often made by agenda-driven, wholly unqualified authors while completely ignoring well-researched, credibly sourced articles written by highly qualified experts just because they don't go along with their pre-set conspiracy conclusions.

Why is that?

If they are 'seeking the truth' as they claim, on what grounds are they ignoring the overwhelming body of expert analysis and research?

Why does a self proclaimed 'truth movement' choose to exclude any mention of expert opinion that doesn't fit with their own prejudices and agenda?

this gets to the heart of it--the 'Truth Movement' does not encourage critical thought, but the repetition of mantras. On Saturday, when I was giving the leaflet out at the BookFair, I met an intelligent young woman who came up with the mantras--she was amazed I had (often common sense) answers to them. Her parting words were, 'Thankyou for helping me to think about the issues, I hadn't done so before'. The point of the genuinely critical (9/11 debunking) sites, is they encourage everybody to look at both sides--the 911uk site does not, or even pretend to. I will be adding a couple more excellent US sites to our links list later.
Jazzz said:
Well the official 9/11 story is obviously a sack of shite, IMHO. But the Truth Campaign is just that, a campaign for another investigation so we can determine the truth. You should be able to see from your quote that it includes both MIHOP and LIHOP stances.

blah blah blah blah

Its like arguing with a Jehova's Witness
If you dropped rubbish in the street, you wouldn't be in a position to complain if someone pulled you up on it...
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