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London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

bigfish said:
Here´s the guy admitting, live on TV, that they were running terror-bombing exercises almost exactly like what happenened, at the same time:

So, not much of a conspiracy then if he's blabbing the details on live TV then?

So, what's your point? I've just watched the clip.

So his company was running an exercise around about the same time as the attacks at locations that were "nearly" precisely the same as where the bombs hit.So what?

Again, what am I supposed to be seeing here that's unusual?
slaar said:
London transport networks must have run loads of these type of exercises, entirely predictably.

Of course they have. People would be complaining if they hadn't.

Entirely private companies have, too. Shareholders would be complaining if they hadn't.

And it was one of these whose training session on Thursday morning was mentioned, by a man who makes a living organising these training sessions, and has a product to sell. It could have been a bank, or a magazine publisher, or a chain of coffee shops.

So: no claim has been made relating to any exercise by any public body, except by those who are so determined to find something fishy that they don't actually read the transcripts that they have themselves made of the sources they cite.

To repeat in very plain English: I've not been to such sessions, but I've heard from people who've been bored rigid through them. They are pen, paper and Powerpoint sessions. Long boring management briefings, maybe with the odd decision-making rôle-play, dressed up as "exercises" because the organisers can charge more if they use some fancy militaristic language.

Nothing actually happens. Occasionally, people are sent off to practice doing their job at a fall-back location - another office somewhere.
slaar said:
Can somebody please spell out a point here for me, it's confusing. London transport networks must have run loads of these type of exercises, entirely predictably. One happened to coincide with a genuine attack. So what?
It's surely not that often that they run a real, serious full-on exercise featuring with maybe 1000 experts all gathered together. Then the time of the exercise is correct to the hour. Then, the locations of the first three bombs are perfect too!

You have to admit, this is quite extraordinary.

Now would you also put it down to coincidence if it transpired that people playing the part of bombers were amongst those that had died?

This would all be amazing enough without the revelations that on 9-11, the Pentagon and NORAD were running war game scenarios which involved multiple hijackings of commercial airliners.

If one discards that this could be coincidence, then you have to be prepared to consider some pretty disturbing reasons as to why.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle
DrJazzz said:
You have to admit, this is quite extraordinary.

Nope not really. The emergency services have carried out huge exercises in the past to see if they could cope with this kind of attack, yet no terrorists struck then.
so, lets recap - heres the coincidence:

In 1984 Peter Powers was himself a victim of a tube breakdown/malfunction: he personally led passengers through the smoke and dim light off the train.

Three years later Peter Powers was on duty as the emergency services co-ordinator at the King's Cross fire in London, and spearheaded the rescue operation.

He goes on to leave the police service to become managing director for Visor Consultants, a company specialising in crisis and emergency management, with many government contracts (according to their own website)

Can there be anyone better suited to deal with a tube related disaster?

On the morning of the bombings, he had been hired to run a simulated crisis training, designed to improve the swiftness of response to a hypothetical tube bombing - however, that hypothetical tube bombing happens to be exactly the same as the real bombing that took place.

- realising what has happened they do it for real, and take part in organising the rescue operation, making it run as smoothly as only such an expert could - especially an expert with a mock up of the situation already drawn up on his desk, ready to go.

-So, it seems to me there are two possibilities:

1. It is complete coincidence that someone hired him to be ready and waiting on the thrusday morning with the precise contingency plans for a tube bombing that hadn't yet happened,


2. Someone had know it was going to happen, but wanted the aftermath to be dealt with as efficiently and thoroughly as possible, so had hired what must be the leading tube disaster management expert and provided him with outlines for what was about to take place*(*note: in the tv interview he says ;"we chose a scenario, with their (the employer's) assistance", which suggests that the setup was fed to his team from the employer.) - but rather than admit that they knew what was to happen, it was presented as a test run.

- So its either a big coincidence, or the bombings were left to happen, but there was an attempt to minimize the damage, by hiring Peter Powers and preparing him and his staff (we do not know which organisation he was hired to manage).

- At this time, both options are possible - there would certainly be reasons why this bombing could have been picked up on by secret service and allowed to happen, but have the damage minimized, - Likewise, it is possible that it was just an uncanny coincidence.

To prove it either way requires finding out, who Peter Powers was managing and more importantly who hired him, and when. From his interviews, he seems unwilling to give that information, for whatever reason.
* Peeks at Dr Jazz post *

Ye gods, our resident consparanoid has outdone himself!

He's got to be a CIA plant sent here to discredit the other consparanoids! I mean, ciu bono? QED. :D

It's surely not that often that they run a real, serious full-on exercise featuring with maybe 1000 experts all gathered together. Then the time of the exercise is correct to the hour. Then, the locations of the first three bombs are perfect too!

Sigh. Roughly once a year is when that happened. This wasn't that. This was an "exercise" for "a company with over 1000 employees". It might have involved 10, or 100 of them.
niksativa said:
hypothetical tube bombing happens to be exactly the same

And you're not better. Your evidence for "exactly the same" is what?

Editor - time for the discussion about the separate Fruitloop Forum, if you're determined to let these run...
laptop said:
* Peeks at Dr Jazz post *

Ye gods, our resident consparanoid has outdone himself!

He's got to be a CIA plant sent here to discredit the other consparanoids! I mean, ciu bono? QED. :D

Sigh. Roughly once a year is when that happened. This wasn't that. This was an "exercise" for "a company with over 1000 employees". It might have involved 10, or 100 of them.
yes, correction acknowledged. No matter.
laptop said:
Editor - time for the discussion about the separate Fruitloop Forum, if you're determined to let these run...

Agree. I'm fucking sick of these conspiranoids pouncing on this event to rabbit on and on about their tedious conspiracy "theories" - while bodies are still being recovered. FFS.
Ah, I see. I've read the Alex Jones piece. You're both making (or parroting) exactly the same silly errors of reading comprehension that he and Paul Watson are making.

Thing is, they have videos to sell, so they have a motive for putting out absurd stuff.
niksativa said:
2. Someone had know it was going to happen, but wanted the aftermath to be dealt with as efficiently and thoroughly as possible, so had hired what must be the leading tube disaster management expert and provided him with outlines for what was about to take place*(*note: in the tv interview he says ;"we chose a scenario, with their (the employer's) assistance", which suggests that the setup was fed to his team from the employer.) - but rather than admit that they knew what was to happen, it was presented as a test run.
Have you any idea how fucking vile and offensive these fact free ruminations of yours are?

You have not a single solitary shred of evidence - and I mean NOTHING - yet here you are boldly trotting out wild conspiracy yarns like you're discussing a new film or something.

It's obscene.
DrJazzz said:
It's surely not that often that they run a real, serious full-on exercise featuring with maybe 1000 experts all gathered together. Then the time of the exercise is correct to the hour. Then, the locations of the first three bombs are perfect too![/B]
Another classic DrJ research-free statement of (non) 'fact' that straight out of fantasy land!.

Powers made no claims whatoseover to have 1,000 'experts' working on the exercise. You made that up.
DrJazzz said:
Then, the locations of the first three bombs are perfect too![/B]
'Perfect'? What does that mean? Who said that?
niksativa said:
Ehhh...Peter Powers saying "they were exactly the same" in the radio 5 interview (post 1).
Strange because on the BBC news he said that it was "almost precisely" the same "scenario" which isn't the same as "exactly the same" at all.
what is obscene is hundreds of thousands of deaths in the name of a war on terror, and what else is obscene is the amount of lies that have taken place surrounding this war in the last five years - unfortunately when you're lied to repeatedly you loose faith in what you hear:

despite that I have approached this thread with unbiased reason:

- since first looking at this thread an hour ago now i have looked at the possibilties regarding Peter Powers (as i outlined), its one or the other, uncanny coincidence or damage limitation of some sort - i wouldnt dare say which one it is - i have stated further questions need to be asked in order to find out, without awnsers to which nothing can be proven. I have no opinion as to what really happened - i dont know. I say again, other questions need to be asked.
niksativa said:
I have no opinion as to what really happened - i dont know. I say again, other questions need to be asked.
But you're not asking questions: you're already arrived at one of two possible conclusions, one of which is a wild conspiracy-tastic yarn that is completely unsupported by a single fact, credible evidence or testimony.

So why post it up when you haven't a shred of evidence to support it?
But he didn't. Jones' s transcript has him saying:

bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning

As detective-boy pointed out way back in this thread (you have read the thread, haven't you?) there's a huge difference between what he said and "exactly the same". To spell it out for you in the (probably vain) hope that you'll acquire an interest in rational argument and logic, "exactly the same" means "all X and only X".

If I were writing a scenario, I'd have bombs at King's Cross, Waterloo, Charing Cross, Liverpool Street or Bank, Paddington or Edgware Road, and Baker Street. When detective-boy wrote such a scenario, he had a list a bit like that. Either of us would be able to claim - were we marketing our prescience on the radio - that we had scenarized "precisely the same" locations that were bombed on Thursday. But not "exactly the same".
"precisely the same stations" is what he said.

i dont see how thats different from "exactly the same stations" which is what i said.
niksativa said:
"precisely the same stations" is what he said.

i dont see how thats different from "exactly the same stations" which is what i said.

almost is missing in that statement!

don't get me wrong, I alas despair :)
editor said:
Another classic DrJ research-free statement of (non) 'fact' that straight out of fantasy land!.

Power made no claims whatoseover to have 1,000 'experts' working on the exercise. You made that up. 'Perfect'? What does that mean? Who said that?
Power referred to a company of over 1,000 people. Carelessly, I transposed that figure to the crisis meeting. I acknowledged the correction.

What you have done is simply look at the post, without bothering to check or read anything properly, and in your haste to score a point against DrJazzz you've jumped to the conclusion that 'I made it up' from 'fantasy land'!

It's nice knowing that in my most careless moments on these boards, there is always someone worse!

And Laptop, when Power says 'precisely' at the railway stations that were involved, I would interpret that as meaning just that - precisely. Which means, no more, no less.
editor said:
Powers made no claims whatoseover to have 1,000 'experts' working on the exercise. You made that up.

DrJ didn't even take the trouble to make it up himself. He lifted it straight off the prisonplanet site.

I've give Jones this: he clearly knows the cognitive deficits of the individuals in the target market for his products very very well. The piece that DrJ and pals are lifting from is riddled with examples of paraphrases of "source" quotes that build Jones' case (and video and t-shirt sales) - and are clearly contradicted by direct quotes just a few lines away. But such is the punters' will to believe in something fishy, anything fishy...

I'm prepared to believe that Jones is not actually deluded, just an extremely effective and cynical exploiter of the deluded.

The question then is: which of our local fruitloops are on commission for Jones' t-shirt sales, and which have organic deficits?
transcript of TV interview

Power: "... today we were running an exercise for a company - bearing in mind I'm now in the private sector - and we sat everybody down in the City, a thousand people involved in the whole organisation, but the crisis team - and the most peculiar thing was, we based our scenario on the simultaneous attacks on the Underground and mainline station. So we had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real, and one of the first things is, get that bureau number, when you have a list of people missing, tell them. And it was a long time...

Interviewer: "Just to get this right: you were actually working today on an exercise that envisioned virtually this scenario?"

Power: "Almost precisely. I was up until two o'clock this morning because - it's our job; my own company, Visor Consultants, we specialise in helping people to get their crisis management response, how do you jump from slow-time thinking to quick-time doing. And we chose a scenario, with their assistance, which was based on a terrorist attack, because they're very close to a property occupied by Jewish businessmen, they're in the city, and there are more American Banks in the city than there are in the whole of New York... a logical thing to do!

snadge said:
almost is missing in that statement!

don't get me wrong, I alas despair :)
The Radio 5 quote referred to 'precisely' the underground stations. The television quote, where you get 'almost' from, refers to (by default) the four explosions, i.e. three underground and the later bus explosion. So there not necessarily any inconsistency; it would appear the exercise nailed the underground blasts but did not include the bus.

... others despair even more ;)
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Wow. only three days for the theories to start. That has to be some sort of record.
And there's no shutting them up. It pisses me off. Nobody knows exactly what happened and you'd have thought the conspiracy fans would at least have some respect while bodies are still being recovered. :(
DrJazzz said:
That hasn't stopped the mainstream media/Tony Blair accusing Arabs Loki.
They're NOT accusing "Arabs" - what a stupid thing to say. They're suggesting it's probably a terrorist cell either directly instructed by or inspired by AQ. Which makes sense seeing as this attack follows the pattern of Madrid, Bali, New York etc.
Yes Loki, exactly the previous atrocities that we are taking inferences from. So you reveal that your indignation is not based on proximity to this event, but the interpretation of who may be responsible for the previous ones.
er, it's based on both. A mate of mine lost five good buddies on 9/11. I'm not gonna entertain your attempts to discuss your consiranoid worldview anymore tonight. Cheerio.
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