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William Rodriguez talk London Monday July 9

Jazzz said:
Sorry but I'm thoroughly sick of this 'demand ever more detail, no matter what is provided' together with 'I can't be fucked to actually look into anything myself' sham. I could email William, but you ain't worth it, that's for sure.

Have a nice ignorant day!


Thats a pathetic excuse.
Jazzz said:
Sorry but I'm thoroughly sick of this 'demand ever more detail, no matter what is provided' together with 'I can't be fucked to actually look into anything myself' sham. I could email William, but you ain't worth it, that's for sure.
I've been repeatedly asking you to produce the names of these nineteen people for well over a year now, and still you refuse to name them. And you're the one who keeps bringing them up time and time again!

I can only conclude that you haven't got a fucking clue who these nineteen people are and you're too spineless and/or deluded by conspiraloonery to admit it.

So, can I have their names now, please?
Jazzz said:
His is by no means a singular version of events. No, his account is corroborated by many others. Felipe David is just one example. IIRC, there were at least nineteen others to back up the evidence of explosions in the basement who were not called before the 9/11 Commission, and their evidence not investigated.

IIRC Felipe David does not corroborate anything about bombs, only that the elevators where on fire.
Jazzz said:
He is nothing of the sort. He has not changed his account. Nor has he 'embellished' his role. Of course he originally thought Bin Laden was responsible - so did I!

Really this is very weak stuff. I see you are still attempting the most tenuous anti-semitic smearing, which completely failed to have any substance the first time.

There's no excuse for you not being bothered to listening to his presentation, sorry - it just belies the fact that you aren't here to judge anything for yourself.
Yes he did, he never mentioned bombs until he gave an interview for AFP.
Got the names of those "nineteen people" who supposedly back up Rodriguez's explosions-tastic yarn yet, Jazzz?

With over a year of obfuscation from you on the subject, even the most gullible of folks might start suspecting that someone's spinning out big fat lies. After all, your hero Rodriguez has had nearly 6 years to recall these names.
sparticus said:
William Rodriguez, leading 911 truth and peace campaigner and the last
man out of the world trade centre talks at Indian YMCA

Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:30 pm

William Rodriguez talks 7.30pm at the Indian YMCA, Fitroy Square, London
WC1, near Warren Street and Great Portland Street underground stations.

Free admission
Fuck off dick.
editor said:
So, can I have their names now, please?
No, you may fuck off instead of demanding I run around after you, as I think I made quite clear.

However, you can rest easy knowing that Rosie O'Donnell recently lent David a video camera (you realise, no-one pays him to do this? :rolleyes: ) so lately he's been filming such associates who back up his story.

Had you been in attendance at the meeting, you would have seen a quite staggering short clip.

What will you say when that film comes out?
Jazzz said:
No, you may fuck off instead of demanding I run around after you, as I think I made quite clear.

However, you can rest easy knowing that Rosie O'Donnell recently lent David a video camera (you realise, no-one pays him to do this? :rolleyes: ) so lately he's been filming such associates who back up his story.

David? David "holographic planes" Shayler?

Had you been in attendance at the meeting, you would have seen a quite staggering short clip.

What will you say when that film comes out?

We wait with baited breath for the next piece of bullshit from the "truth" movement.
Jazzz said:
Had you been in attendance at the meeting, you would have seen a quite staggering short clip.
Who edited this video, Jazzz? Has the identity of these supposed WTC workers been independently verified? And who knows where fucktards like David Shayler and Rosie O'Donnell come into all this.

And why the fuck should I waste my time going along to some ill-attended meeting full of fucking nutters just to get a simple answer? You've been citing these "nineteen co-workers" for years on end yet when asked who they are you've been unable to name one of them. It must be William Rodriguez's little secret!

It's also funny how it's nearly six years since 9/11 and still Rodriguez hasn't got around to naming these mysterious eyewitnesses, yet conspiraloons are always complaining that 'official' answers to their (usually inane) questions aren't delivered immediately.

You - and the lying gang of truth-twisting DVD shifting, squirming bullshitters you've aligned yourself with - are hypocrites of the highest order.
8den said:
David? David "holographic planes" Shayler?

No sorry, I meant William.

Why don't you watch his account first before waiting with baited breath for the next one? :rolleyes:
editor said:
You - and the lying gang of truth-twisting DVD shifting, squirming bullshitters you've aligned yourself with - are hypocrites of the highest order.

Oh just fuck off.
Jazzz said:
Oh just fuck off.
Ooooh! So rude!

Anyway, about the names of these "nineteen" people who supposedly wholeheartedly endorse William "ever-shifting story" Rodriguez's rather unique version of events?

Why are you having such trouble naming them? And how come all of them have kept mysteriously quiet over the last half-decade?

Oh hang on, I think I've worked it out! Doh! You haven't a fucking clue who they are or even if they exist, but because your hero says these weirdly mute witnesses exist, then that's good enough for you because You Want To Believe.

I mean, it's not like Rodriguez has ever been caught out exaggerating or changing his stories in the past, is it?

editor said:
I mean, it's not like Rodriguez has ever been caught out exaggerating or changing his stories in the past, is it?

Bin / Ban !!!

Facts are NOT permitted on 911 threads!
Jazzz said:
No sorry, I meant William.

Why don't you watch his account first before waiting with baited breath for the next one? :rolleyes:

Which version of his account? That lying greedy fuck has changed his story more often than you, you deceitful boogie playing shit.

What is Jazzz's bullshit de jour? Holographic planes from non existent military manuals? Or Super thermite? Or thermate?
editor said:
I mean, it's not like Rodriguez has ever been caught out exaggerating or changing his stories in the past, is it?

No indeed it's not, he's a highly credible witness.

How low are you guys going to stoop?
Jazzz said:
No indeed it's not, he's a highly credible witness.
So he's never changed his story once or exaggerated his claims in any way at all, yes?

Oh, and about these strangely silent "nineteen" people who he claims fully endorse his singular claims. It's been nearly six years now, so could you provide their names along with credible evidence of their connection with the building?

Jazzz said:
No indeed it's not, he's a highly credible witness.

How low are you guys going to stoop?

Highly credible witnesses don't change their story over and over again.

Decent human being don't hang around with Neo Nazis.

Ergo William is neither of these things.
8den said:
Highly credible witnesses don't change their story over and over again.

Decent human being don't hang around with Neo Nazis.

Ergo William is neither of these things.
He has not changed his story neither does he 'hang around' with neo-nazis :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
He has not changed his story :
Yes he has, and it's well documented. Why do you deny the truth, Jazzz?
Rodriguez has changed and exaggerated his story, which needs no embellishment. In his public presentations he repeats many falsehoods about the events of 9/11 and about the subsequent investigations. It only requires a few minutes of fact-checking to correct these errors, but Rodriguez will not take the time to do that. Instead, he relies on incompetents and liars for support and information about 9/11.
Jazzz said:
He has not changed his story neither does he 'hang around' with neo-nazis :rolleyes:

Yes he has several times. And yes he attended and spoke at a Neo Nazi conference. I've offered evidence to support both these assertions. You've offered fuck all in rebuttal.
editor said:
Yes he has, and it's well documented. Why do you deny the truth, Jazzz?
How has he changed his story? I've failed to see anything bar a petty quibble over the description of the explosion.
8den said:
Yes he has several times. And yes he attended and spoke at a Neo Nazi conference. I've offered evidence to support both these assertions. You've offered fuck all in rebuttal.
He cannot have spoken at a Neo-nazi conference! Don't be ridiculous. What you mean is that someone in attendance had a link to AFP which was founded by someone slightly dodgy (although AFP has produced a lot of good research).
Oh he couldn't could he? Is it that you refuse to admit it, because it damages your worldview of Rodriguez.

Back in the U.S., In September, 2006, Rodriguez spoke about 9/11 at a conference hosted by, and attended by, many world-class neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers.

"John Nugent, Nationalist [Nazi] activist and former congressional candidate who is now writing for the Barnes Review [a journal that promotes Holocaust denial and other neo-Nazi causes, also run by Carto] was in attendance. My wife and I hadn't seen John since before the birth of our first child....16 years ago. We were very happy to see him again, and he introduced us to Mr. Theo Junker, the former member of the Wiking division of the S.S. who courageously opened a Museum in Wisconsin dedicated to the memory of Adolf Hitler. It was indeed one of the highlights of the conference meeting this courageous patriot who continues to fight the good fight well into his 80's. God bless you, Herr Junker!"
You can read all about the conference here Here's some of the charmless Holocaust deniers here

You can refuse to believe Rodiguez attended this conference of world class scum all you want, it doesn't mean its going to go away.
Note also the prominence of rabid anti-semite Michael Collins Piper in this scene.

I don't think his 9/11 book has come out yet (?) but his book on JFK is a classic. I probably don't need to tell you who he did it, but in case you can't guess here's a clue.

It was the J*ws.

I think we can safely assume that on 9/11 his premise will also be his conclusion.
8den said:
You can refuse to believe Rodiguez attended this conference of world class scum all you want, it doesn't mean its going to go away.
Jazzz is a reality denier.
editor said:
Jazzz is a reality denier.

Pretty much. The really funny part about all this is Jazzz and his ilk will rant about the rest of us being "close minded" and "working off preconceived notions" and we should "open ourselves to possibilities". However when something comes along and pretty much completely refutes what Jazzz is saying, they quickly end up looking like a vase with their fingers in their ears going "LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU".

As Bill Hicks once said "It's irony on a pretty basic level, but I can appreciate it."

I now predict a serious absence of Jazzz from this thread from now on, he will then resurface another to peddle his "tired worn out bullshit"* and pretend this never happened.

*Again with a nod to Mr Hicks.
It does annoy me that the 9/11 "Truth" activists like to try and claim Hicks as one of their own, something I have seen several times on their websites.

I like to think Hicks would have told them all to go and do something useful instead, such as opposing Bush for his politics and actions.

Perhaps 8den we need to try and reclaim him!
Paul Marsh said:
It does annoy me that the 9/11 "Truth" activists like to try and claim Hicks as one of their own, something I have seen several times on their websites.

I like to think Hicks would have told them all to go and do something useful instead, such as opposing Bush for his politics and actions.

Perhaps 8den we need to try and reclaim him!

Its often claimed by CTers that Hicks and Alex Jones were bussom buds. But I've read two biographers and the collected letters of Bill Hicks, and cannot find any reference or mention of Jones. Hicks believed in JFK and the Waco stuff, I firmly believe if someone actually sat him down and explained what actually happened or if he read something like "Case Closed" he'd have changed his mind out JFK conspiracy theories. He was just a very open minded guy.
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