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William Rodriguez - Fraud?

TAE said:
By the way, if it was 'an inside job', why not just plant a huge truck-bomb and forget about complicated highjackings.
This comes up so many times I think I should create a FAQ!

The terror aspect of 9/11 - the idea was to frighten us - came from us watching it unfold live on television. Among other reasons, this would not have been achieved by just demolishing the towers.
Hmm, ok, the TV aspect makes sense, but even then ... there are easier ways of achieving the same aim.

Jazzz said:
To do this would likely take very many explosions and possibly a pretty big one to take out the core foundations. Maybe they got that one out of the way with early on, using the plane impacts as a distraction.
Why bother? Nobody who was in the collapsing tower would have reported a huge explosion because all those people were turned into dust.
Jazzz said:
of William Rodriguez being reunited with Felipe David. For editor who seems to be saying that there was no blast, he might look to look at David, and wonder what caused his injuries and put him in a coma.

e2a: fixed link

Is there any comment from Filipe backing up Rodriguez' "explosion" story, the one that he changed from "the sound of moving furniture" in order to cash in on the loose change gullible muppets like you carry to gigs involving anti-semites?

And since you're here talking all that jizzz, have you nothing to say about the Naudet brothers film that insisted that some of the jet fuel had poured down elevator shafts??

Don't source from any more anti-semite hologram cloaking device star wars loon websites for your answers either, I'll know.
Pg 24 of the NIST report:

Less than 15 percent of the jet fuel burned in the spray cloud inside the building. A roughly comparable amount was consumed in the fireballs outside the building. Thus, well over half of the jet fuel remained in the building, unburned in the initial fires. Some splashed onto the office furnishings and combustibles from the aircraft that lodged on the impacted floors, there to ignite (immediately or later) the fires that would continue to burn for the remaining life of the building. Some of the burning fuel shot up and down the elevator shafts, blowing out doors and walls on other floors all the way down to the basement. Flash fires in the lobby blew out many of the plate glass windows. Fortunately, there were not enough combustibles near the elevators for major fires to start on the lower floors.
editor said:
And that's another wriggle from the guy who uses these boards to shoot off his big mouth with his bonkers fantasies about what's supposed to have happened on 9/11, but then runs off like a coward when asked to explain the glaring holes in his ludicrous accounts.

How are your t-shirts for the site carrying Holocaust denying material going, by the way?
You're totally out of order editor. :rolleyes:
Since editor is calling for more testimonies, here's another: we've had it before, but let's refresh memories:

Deep below the tower, Mike Pecoraro was suddenly interrupted in his grinding task by a shake on his shoulder from his co-worker. "Did you see that?" he was asked. Mike told him that he had seen nothing. "You didn't see the lights flicker?", his co-worker asked again. "No," Mike responded, but he knew immediately that if the lights had flickered, it could spell trouble. A power surge or interruption could play havoc with the building's equipment. If all the pumps trip out or pulse meters trip, it could make for a very long day bringing the entire center's equipment back on-line.

Mike told his co-worker to call upstairs to their Assistant Chief Engineer and find out if everything was all right. His co-worker made the call and reported back to Mike that he was told that the Assistant Chief did not know what happened but that the whole building seemed to shake and there was a loud explosion. They had been told to stay where they were and "sit tight" until the Assistant Chief got back to them. By this time, however, the room they were working in began to fill with a white smoke. "We smelled kerosene," Mike recalled, "I was thinking maybe a car fire was upstairs", referring to the parking garage located below grade in the tower but above the deep space where they were working.

The two decided to ascend the stairs to the C level, to a small machine shop where Vito Deleo and David Williams were supposed to be working. When the two arrived at the C level, they found the machine shop gone.

"There was nothing there but rubble, "Mike said. "We're talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press - gone!" The two began yelling for their co-workers, but there was no answer. They saw a perfect line of smoke streaming through the air. "You could stand here," he said, "and two inches over you couldn't breathe. We couldn't see through the smoke so we started screaming." But there was still no answer.

The two made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone. "There were no walls, there was rubble on the floor, and you can't see anything" he said.

They decided to ascend two more levels to the building's lobby. As they ascended to the B Level, one floor above, they were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up "like a piece of aluminum foil" and lying on the floor. "They got us again," Mike told his co-worker, referring to the terrorist attack at the center in 1993. Having been through that bombing, Mike recalled seeing similar things happen to the building's structure. He was convinced a bomb had gone off in the building.

Dunno if this has been mentioned, apologies if so, but if the south tower collapsed about 20 minutes before the north tower despite being hit 15 minutes after it, then does this mean that the 'explosives' in the north tower's basement actually made the building stay up longer? :confused:
copliker said:
Dunno if this has been mentioned, apologies if so, but if the south tower collapsed about 20 minutes before the north tower despite being hit 15 minutes after it, then does this mean that the 'explosives' in the north tower's basement actually made the building stay up longer?
I wouldn't bother trying to make sense of Jazzz's lunatic assertions. He'll only ignore you if you ask for details.
copliker said:
Dunno if this has been mentioned, apologies if so, but if the south tower collapsed about 20 minutes before the north tower despite being hit 15 minutes after it, then does this mean that the 'explosives' in the north tower's basement actually made the building stay up longer? :confused:
No. A compelling reason for the earlier collapse of the South Tower is that we know firemen had got up to the impact floors there and were about to tackle the remaining fires, which appeared to be very much on the wane. Anyone planning to demolish the tower had to strike while fire was still going.
Jazzz said:
Anyone planning to demolish the tower had to strike while fire was still going.
I see you're still posting up your disgusting evidence-free accusations of invisible killers mass-murdering their fellow countrymen. You're a fucking disgrace.
editor said:
Err. Try doing a little research:

He must have forgot to mention the invisible bomb going off first then.
When the first plane crashed, David was taking inventory of the vending machines in the center's basement. "I asked God to give me strength. And I was able to get up and run six blocks to find an exit," he says.

Despite his injuries, David is grateful for his life. "Things have always happened, and they will continue to happen," he says. "I have to learn to continue to survive because there was a reason God saved my life. Although it will never be the same."
And you know what's really sad? That was one of the few non-fruitloop links I could find about the man and his terrible injuries. All the conspiraloons care about is trying to twist his experience to support their fucking idiotic fantasies about silent invisible bombs. You lot disgust me.

You can't possibly infer anything about the nature of the explosion David suffered from that short article, which is of a spiritual interest. As William Rodriguez was the guy who carried Felipe David out to safety I think your latter comment is ridiculous. Seems to me the 'conspiraloons' care far more Felipe David than those officially investigating 9/11, who have all completely ignored him. Not to mention the mainstream media too. That's why the only article you could find for your purpose was this 'lutheran' thing... I know what you would say if I linked to a site like that.
Could you point out his words which say that the explosion happened after the plane struck?
Jazzz said:
Could you point out his words which say that the explosion happened after the plane struck?
Read. And learn:
When the first plane crashed, David was taking inventory of the vending machines in the center's basement. "I asked God to give me strength. And I was able to get up and run six blocks to find an exit," he says.
Or are you suggesting that he simply carried on "taking inventory of the vending machines in the center's basement" with his skin peeling off until the plane struck?
I beg to correct you but those aren't David's words. They're five words written by the author of the article simply to roughly set the scene. You can't possibly infer anything from that.
He doesn't. Though you may reasonably infer from the article that there was an explosion thing going on, as it says in the heading... "... [David] suffered severe burns to most of his body in the World Trade Center explosion."
Jazzz said:
He doesn't. Though you may reasonably infer from the article that there was an explosion thing going on, as it says in the heading... "... [David] suffered severe burns to most of his body in the World Trade Center explosion."

So - he doesn't back up Rodriguez's FALSE claims that there were bombs in the WTC building he was in.

Glad you cleaned that up.

We're doing pretty well aren't we this week?

First you admitted that the Jew-hating Christopher Bollyn is a proven nazi cunt with nothing but an anti-semitic agenda to spread via AFP (American Free Press that is - NOT Agence France Presse the well respected news agency they stole the synonym from in an attempt to make their lies and racist bullshit seem credible to people who can't do some basic research even after six years of "truthseeking").

You also conceded that the AFP is indeed a front for the nasty holocaust denying bullshit Barnes Report, seeing as they share the same fax machine and office space.

Now you're telling me the only person who is backing up the publicity-seeking, world-touring, loose change-grabbing William Rodriguez and his hastily changed claims about there being bombs in the Trade Center is ... erm... William Rodriguez.

Filipe David isn't backing the fairytale.

Neither is the seismic evidence.

Neither are the pictures or accounts from those who had to remove the structure who saw no signs of bomb damage to the lower elements of the buildings.

So in fact - as usual - the only one desperately trying to back up this load of old bollocks is you.

After all, like some besotted Duran Duran fan, you hung around after one of his gigs - not to further probe his account of events like any real truthseeker would, not to ask his opinion on why anyone would really need to detonate explosives at the base of a building with a fully fueled aircraft slammed into the top of it.


It was to ask him for his autograph.

Jazzz said:
I beg to correct you but those aren't David's words. They're five words written by the author of the article simply to roughly set the scene. You can't possibly infer anything from that.
At 3.21am.

And then, fourteen minutes later
Jazzz said:
He doesn't. Though you may reasonably infer from the article that there was an explosion thing going on, as it says in the heading... "... [David] suffered severe burns to most of his body in the World Trade Center explosion."
Fucking priceless. Even by the gold standard comparator for Jazzz Jizzz we are now used to applying ... :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
I beg to correct you but those aren't David's words. They're five words written by the author of the article simply to roughly set the scene. You can't possibly infer anything from that.
Does he mention invisible bombs going off before the plane hit? no.
Has he complained that the article is not true? Not as far as I know.
Does the article say that he got injured after the plane hit? Yes.

Your desperation to twist and distort the truth to fit your lunatic, evidence-free fantasies really is quite remarkable.
Jazzz said:
Since editor is calling for more testimonies, here's another: we've had it before, but let's refresh memories:
So no mention of them hearing an explosion despite them being in the basement of the WTC where the explosives should have been planted according to you just flickering lights.
detective-boy said:
At 3.21am.

And then, fourteen minutes later

Fucking priceless. Even by the gold standard comparator for Jazzz Jizzz we are now used to applying ... :rolleyes:

I think the appropriate phrase here is "OWNED!".

WouldBe said:
So no mention of them hearing an explosion despite them being in the basement of the WTC where the explosives should have been planted according to you just flickering lights.
Not just 'flickering lights' - disappearing hydraulic presses, floors reduced to rubble, and 300-pound doors wrinkled up like foil. This doesn't seem to me that it could have been the result of jet fuel.

There's no question that Felipe David was involved in an explosion - are you idiots really still contesting that? After seeing pictures of him? :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
There's no question that Felipe David was involved in an explosion - are you idiots really still contesting that? After seeing pictures of him? :rolleyes:
Us "idiots" are contesting your stupid, evidence free claim that an almighty pile of invisibly installed, invisible explosives erupted in the WTC before the plane hit and not a single soul in the building noticed a thing.

Apart from your story-changing hero, of course, oh, and his 22 weirdly mute, anonymous pals.
Jazzz said:
Not just 'flickering lights' - disappearing hydraulic presses, floors reduced to rubble, and 300-pound doors wrinkled up like foil. This doesn't seem to me that it could have been the result of jet fuel.
They only saw that after the lights had flickered. They heard no noise at all despite you stating a bomb had to be planted to take out the foundations of the core. So these explosives had to go off, skip at least 1 floor without making a sound and then cause havoc on the floors above. :rolleyes:

There's no question that Felipe David was involved in an explosion - are you idiots really still contesting that? After seeing pictures of him? :rolleyes:
Those injuries just look like burns to me which could have been caused by anything not necessarily an explosion. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
we know firemen had got up to the impact floors there and were about to tackle the remaining fires, which appeared to be very much on the wane.
What makes you think that?
TAE said:
What makes you think that?
My recollection of watching it burn, I was thinking 'oh the South Tower looks nearly out' and indeed a TV commentator said that. The photos taken of the smoke just before it collapses show that the cloud being generated was all from the North Tower.

The firemen's tape (which was withheld for a long time) reveals that they had just arrived at the impact floors. And they weren't reporting any infernos.
WouldBe said:
Those injuries just look like burns to me which could have been caused by anything not necessarily an explosion. :rolleyes:
So okay, you're saying that William Rodriguez, our hero of the hour, is lying when he said Felipe David arrived with skin hanging all over the place shouting "explosion! explosion!" - with other witnesses present too? :confused:
WouldBe said:
They only saw that after the lights had flickered. They heard no noise at all despite you stating a bomb had to be planted to take out the foundations of the core. So these explosives had to go off, skip at least 1 floor without making a sound and then cause havoc on the floors above. :rolleyes:
Surely what people would hear would depend very much on where they were located within a floor.
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