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William Rodriguez - Fraud?

Jazzz said:
So okay, you're saying that William Rodriguez, our hero of the hour, is lying when he said Felipe David arrived with skin hanging all over the place shouting "explosion! explosion!" - with other witnesses present too? :confused:
He's either lying or confused or been coerced into declaring that the WTC had been invisibly pre-wired with invisible explosives because there isn't an ounce of proof to support the existence of this claimed massive explosion before the plane hit.

And why do I know that? Simple. Not a single soul out of the tens of thousands of people working in the towers, or passers-by, shop assistants, tourists, door staff, couriers, security staff or anyone else heard a fucking thing. Not a peep. Not a wee rumble.

So either they're all lying and pretending that they didn't hear this fuck-off, building shaking thunderous explosion or your hero is mistaken/lying/confused.

Which do you think is the most likely, Jazzz?
editor said:
He's either lying or confused or been coerced into declaring that the WTC had been invisibly pre-wired with invisible explosives because there isn't an ounce of proof to support the existence of this claimed massive explosion before the plane hit.

And why do I know that? Simple. Not a single soul out of the tens of thousands of people working in the towers, or passers-by, shop assistants, tourists, door staff, couriers, security staff or anyone else heard a fucking thing. Not a peep. Not a wee rumble.

So either they're all lying and pretending that they didn't hear this fuck-off, building shaking thunderous explosion or your hero is mistaken/lying/confused.

Which do you think is the most likely, Jazzz?
Wrong! He has at least twenty-two witnesses to back him up, witnesses who were never called by the 9/11 commission. Then there's the testimony of Mike Pecoraro which I provided a few posts ago and you completely ignored (probably because you searched to see if it was hosted on a 'conspiracy site' and found that it wasn't). Then there's the Fire Chief chap who reports the doors blown off their hinges. You have no idea what 'tens of thousands of people' saw and heard - did you ask them? No. You believe that what the media hasn't reported does not exist - and as you noted yourself they have barely touched the story of Felipe David and that is very likely because it doesn't fit with the official narrative. Further, this was at 8.46am so there's going to be less people around, not that we haven't got plenty of evidence that there was a massive explosion of some sort.

And this is particularly rich because you are notorious for taking eyewitness reports for gospel when they suit.
Can you explain why the explosion that Rodriguez heard and which got Felippe could not of occurred after the plane impact?
Jazzz said:
So okay, you're saying that William Rodriguez, our hero of the hour, is lying when he said Felipe David arrived with skin hanging all over the place shouting "explosion! explosion!" - with other witnesses present too? :confused:
WR has already changed his story once.

You have quoted WR as saying he carried FD out of the building. You have also quoted FD saying he ran out of the building. They can't both be right.
Jazzz said:
Wrong! He has at least twenty-two witnesses to back him up, witnesses who were never called by the 9/11 commission.
Can you offer a remotely sane and rational explanation why tens of thousands of people all omitted to mention that they'd heard an almighty, massive, building shaking explosion erupting inside the WTC just before the plane hit?

I've seen and heard hundreds of comments from eye witnesses and WTC workers straight after it happened, but every last one of them failed to mention this strange and clearly rather terrifying explosion that ripped through the WTC.

Oh, and can you explain where these huge amounts of explosives were located inside the WTC and offer a remotely credible explanation why no one saw them being brought in or heard the noisy prep work? Or were they invisible like all the other explosives you claimed were inside the WTC?

And just to clear one thing up: you're now saying that there were explosives both in the basement and on an unspecified amount of floors further up the tower, yes?

Jazzz said:
And this is particularly rich because you are notorious for taking eyewitness reports for gospel when they suit.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
axon said:
What I can't seem to find though is details of the frieght elevators, it was a freight elevator that the internet claim Felipe David was in front of. Do you have these details in your notes?
It's ok Jazzz you can stop looking for this, I found out that there was a freight elevator that went from the basement to floor 108.
So it seems that Felipe was standing in front of a freight elevator that could well have had burny nasty stuff from the plane in it.

Also thought I'd repost this as you may have missed it.
axon said:
Also do you have any comments of the disparity between the "bomb damage" (i.e. elevator doors blown off hinges) and the seismic activity compared to the 1993 bomb?
Jazzz said:
Surely what people would hear would depend very much on where they were located within a floor.
There was a maximum of 60 feet from the core to the outer walls of the WTC I don't think a couple of inches of plaster board is going to make much difference to the sound levels of an explosion that is big enough to badly damage several ground and basement floors especially when the explosion is supposed to have occured on or below the floors these witnesses were on. If WR 'heard' an explosion several floors above them they should have clearly heard something yet didn't mearly noticing the lights flickering.
ZAHN: Take us back to that dreadful day. Where were you at the time the first plane hit?

DHINGRA: I had just gotten out of elevator [on the 83rd floor]. I was just a little late to work, so I don't know.

ZAHN: Thank God, right? Earlier you think ...

DHINGRA: Well, actually, I probably might have been safer, I don't know. But I had just gotten out of elevator and just made a right turn into a hallway going towards my office, and that is when the first plane hit, and I believe, not exactly sure, but the flames went through elevator shaft, engulfed me.

ZAHN: Had you been in the elevator you might not have been killed instantly?

DHINGRA: I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here, because I know a gentleman named David I was in hospital with, he was on ground floor, and he was in front of elevator door, and when that opened, it just engulfed him, and he is a lot worse off than I was in the hospital, and he was on the ground floor.
A fireball raced through the lift shafts when the plane hit. End of.
Jazzz said:
My recollection of watching it burn
That's hardly conclusive. My recollection is that smoke was billowing out right up to collapse.

Jazzz said:
The firemen's tape (which was withheld for a long time) reveals that they had just arrived at the impact floors. And they weren't reporting any infernos.
What were they reporting?
Jazzz said:
You are suggesting that because controlled demolitions usually collapse buildings from the bottom, that they cannot do so another way. This is false logic. If one wanted to collapse the building and make it look like muslims hijackers had done it, you'd organize things differently. To do this would likely take very many explosions and possibly a pretty big one to take out the core foundations. Maybe they got that one out of the way with early on, using the plane impacts as a distraction.
sorry not read the rest of the thread but...

no I'm suggesting that if as you / rodriguez are stating there was an explosion in the basement then the towers would have been collapsing from the basement at the time of the fucking explosion, not collapsing over an hour later from 30+ stories above where a plane had hit.

your theory is utter bullshit, and you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you round the face with a wet kipper yelling I AM THE TRUTH
How many more times must Jazzz be put through this process to wake up to the fact that 99.9 percent of his theories are 100 percent bullshit?
oh look, here's another of those 'tens of thousands of workers' who didn't witness anything lying up in hospital the day after 9/11 talking of explosions and bombs:

Jazzz said:
oh look, here's another of those 'tens of thousands of workers' who didn't witness anything lying up in hospital the day after 9/11 talking of explosions and bombs:

she was in the freight elavator,which I think we've established went all the way up the building, and while she talks of explosions, nowhere does she say there was a bomb in the basement.
Jazzz said:
oh look, here's another of those 'tens of thousands of workers' who didn't witness anything lying up in hospital the day after 9/11 talking of explosions and bombs:

Does she say that a massive, wall shaking bomb went off in the basement before the plane hit YES/NO?
WouldBe said:
Those injuries just look like burns to me which could have been caused by anything not necessarily an explosion. :rolleyes:

Note that it's mostly in Hollywood that explosions are characterised by loads of big yellow flames. Out here in the real world, blast is the point and frequently the major cause of trauma
Or in this case - jet fuel in the elevator shafts.

Not fucking bombs, Jazzz is a cock trying to twist the facts to back up Rodriguez the Fraud.
laptop said:
Note that it's mostly in Hollywood that explosions are characterised by loads of big yellow flames. Out here in the real world, blast is the point and frequently the major cause of trauma
Good point I'd forgotten that.

Maybe the USG brough the towers down using chip pan fires.
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