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911cultists--your card is marked, big-time

No worries Fela. Just pointing out the gaping lack of consistency and reason in your posts. It's the lack of perception and the tenuous grip on reality that make them what they are.

I'm a good mixed-up West Indian boy myself - I'd be the first to admit that some ex-pat continually saying 'man' to me wouldn't really appear as a sign of 'admiration...'
tarannau said:
No worries Fela. Just pointing out the gaping lack of consistency and reason in your posts. It's the lack of perception and the tenuous grip on reality that make them what they are.

I'm a good mixed-up West Indian boy myself - I'd be the first to admit that some ex-pat continually saying 'man' to me wouldn't really appear as a sign of 'admiration...'

The last thing i want in life is consistency and reason, so that's good.

I consider myself, although bound by the dictionary definition, to be absolutely anything but an ex-pat. I hate the whole idea and all it entails. I am not one, most emphatically.

Your comment is fair enough, but then, context is absolutely everything in life. Full and reasonable judgment is impossible without full context. This method of communication is to a great degree a hindrance on context.

In the spoken world of communication everything is as it should be.

Man and mate are most suitable terms of friendship and relationship. If they are objectionable on this forum, then so be it. I just happen to write the way i speak.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Now, that's a quote to remember for future debates.....

But of course, in the future it won't be the same as now. I might have changed my mind.

You should treat each debate on its own merits at the time it appears. Bringing up the past has no resonance or reality on current debates. Stick to the subject mate, not the messenger.

But anyhow, bring it up if you wish. Your life, your call.
fela fan said:
The last thing i want in life is consistency and reason, so that's good.

editor said:
What the fuck are you babbling on about now? What is this 'mirror theory' please?

I believe fela means "projection", the tendency to disown parts of our personalities that we don't like and ascribe them to other people. What we detest in others is often (not always though) what we don't like about ourselves.

I have fela on ignore now though, it makes life more pleasant.
editor said:


Good. I exist as a mirror for you to discover yourself mate. And obviously you seem to think there's some kind of problem with not being consistent.

I personally like to remain flexible for all events that life throws up for me. Greater alertness is just one of the outcomes.

But of course i'm british, like you, and in that country politically u-turns are seen as a sign of weakness. Folk are suposed to be consistent.

Therefore it's not surprising to see yours and bee's replies. But i find that far too limiting for myself.

Now then, the sooner you grasp this mirror thing instead of concentrating on taking the piss out of me over it, the better it will be for you mate.

But that's your call.

Now, you really don't want me to go into the reason bit do you ?
Blagsta said:
I believe fela means "projection", the tendency to disown parts of our personalities that we don't like and ascribe them to other people. What we detest in others is often (not always though) what we don't like about ourselves.

I have fela on ignore now though, it makes life more pleasant.

Oh dear, another poster who likes to inform the forum how he has somebody on ignore. If he was genuinely concerned with ignoring that person, why would he post up what you have just posted eh? Nothing but ego bullshit. Reign it in mate, reign your bloody ego in, it's far too big. Looky forum, i've got so and so on ignore, can you all hear me, i'm ignoring him.

Just bloody ignore me man, stop telling everybody that you are ignoring me. What's it all for eh egoman?

But in any event, you continue to get it wrong by projecting your ideas onto mine and calling them ''projection".

Everybody outside of ourselves is a mirror to ourselves. If we want to understand ourselves better, then just observe how others react to us.

Nothing to do with projection egoman(iac).
Lock&Light said:
Fairy Nuff. I hadn't noticed your tagline.

Yeah. You just could not wait to steam in could you mate. Never mind, i'll take it as a compliment.

Open your eyes wider next time and you can help avoid putting your boot into the muck.
4thwrite said:
is your site up and running yet Larry?

It certainly is, yes--aware as I am of the protocol not to plug things directly, if you either go to the address implied in the OP above, or to the web-site address on my personal profile, which has a link to the other site. There are a few more things to add, but its a definite start--and has driven the 9/11 cultists wild! We are variously in the pay of MI5/MI6/CIA & (most disturbingly) Fox News! Great fun!
Larry O'Hara said:
It certainly is, yes--aware as I am of the protocol not to plug things directly, if you either go to the address implied in the OP above, or to the web-site address on my personal profile, which has a link to the other site. There are a few more things to add, but its a definite start--and has driven the 9/11 cultists wild! We are variously in the pay of MI5/MI6/CIA & (most disturbingly) Fox News! Great fun!
Cheers. Interesting stuff on there. [By the way, if you do have any influence with Fox, could you get me a Simpson's boxed set? If you slow the Itchy and Scratchy theme tune down and play it backwards, it clearly says 'Owls Made me do it, Owls made me do it...']
Anti-semitism charge- So some people say the jews or the Zionists did it? This is indeed just racist and has no evidence. However, this does not entitle anyone to denounce those who ask valid questions about the flawed official accounts of 9/11.. Some people here have strongly hinted it.

In addition, if some ‘conspiraloonies’ as they have been dubbed here, say that 10ft lizards carried out 9/11, This again does not entitle you to attack people for raising questions that the official accounts do not anwer satisfactorily.

A conspiracy is merely two or more people planning a crime. The question is, who where the conspirators? I too often see skeptics of the official story being reffered to on this forum as ’fucking cunts’ and ‘lunatics’.

Surely the issues of the events of 9/11 are worth looking into?

I agree David Icke is a menace and is a bit of a cult!

That doesn’t take away from my questions:

Why where the hi-jacked planes not intercepted by the airforce?

What caused WTC 7 to collapse?

The lack of a satisfactory explanation to these questions means they are going to attract all sorts of theories about what happened.

At this moment, I still am unsure. I think therefore the 'truth movement' has a valid point in asking such questions. Even if elements of the said movement sometimes lapse into dogma.

Here is my demand to the American Government, or anybody on here that wants to give me shit:

Just answer the questions!

These questions need answering.
Does anybody think my questions should be answered ^ ?

This whole thread seems to be aimed at bashing 'conspiraloons' as you lot call them. But these important questions need answering do they not?

'Why where the hi-jacked planes not intercepted by the airforce?

What caused WTC 7 to collapse?'

Do you agree Larry O'Hara ? or do you avoid such questions. Would you rather focus all your energies on abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories? A worthwhile cause probably, but I would be interested to know your thoughts on my questions given that you have started a thread attacking '911 cultists'.
Does anybody think my questions should be answered ^ ?

This whole thread seems to be aimed at bashing 'conspiraloons' as you lot call them. But these important questions need answering do they not?

'Why where the hi-jacked planes not intercepted by the airforce?What caused WTC 7 to collapse?'

Do you agree Larry O'Hara ? or do you avoid such questions. Would you rather focus all your energies on abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories? A worthwhile cause probably, but I would be interested to know your thoughts on my questions given that you have started a thread attacking '911 cultists'.
EddyBlack said:
Does anybody think my questions should be answered ^ ?
Have you bothered yourself to consult any credible independent research from credible sources, or are you only here to ask the same old 'questions' that have been asked - and answered - endlessly in a plethora of threads?
EddyBlack said:
Does anybody think my questions should be answered ^ ?

This whole thread seems to be aimed at bashing 'conspiraloons' as you lot call them. But these important questions need answering do they not?

'Why where the hi-jacked planes not intercepted by the airforce?What caused WTC 7 to collapse?'

Do you agree Larry O'Hara ? or do you avoid such questions. Would you rather focus all your energies on abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories? A worthwhile cause probably, but I would be interested to know your thoughts on my questions given that you have started a thread attacking '911 cultists'.

Oh, I see you are addressing your intemperate self to me...

1) I myself try not to use the word conspiraloon.

In answer to the questions you demand I answer:

2) My current thinking is rather well encompassed by

the book by James Ridgeway '5 unanswered questions about 9/11'

--as and well I devote myself to further research, I may well change my position. Visit the site www.911cultwatch.org.uk periodically to find out.

A further comment is this: do you not agree "abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories" is an intrinsically worthwhile activity? Would you rather I praised such people?

I know you are obviously rather a simple soul, somewhat 'monomaniacal', so I shall gently point out to you that only a small fraction of my energies are devoted to matters concerning the 9/11 cult. I have many other research interests--indeed I publish a magazine in which they are covered (Notes From the Borderland), and have been doing such research since way before you were no doubt pleasuring yourself taking research ideas from X-men comics, and military knowledge from 'Action Man' product manuals.

Now, run along back to your pod, and beam yourself back to your mother-ship, so you can play with your holographic toys.
‘do you not agree "abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories" is an intrinsically worthwhile activity? Would you rather I praised such people?’

Yes I agree. It is certainly worthwhile, not ‘probably’ as I said before.

Monominiacal ? Had to look that one up. Being ‘obviously rather a simple soul’,

‘an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like.’

Whats the point? I have made posts in other threads so it obviously isn’t true anyway..

You still avoid answering if you thought these questions where important and needed resolving. I feel this would require only a short answer, but you tell me to go and get a book.

I think the clue might be in the part where you tell me ‘run along back to your pod, and beam yourself back to your mother-ship, so you can play with your holographic toys.’

That statement would imply you think my questions are weird!
EddyBlack said:
‘do you not agree "abusing anti-semites and people who make up absurd stories" is an intrinsically worthwhile activity? Would you rather I praised such people?’

Yes I agree. It is certainly worthwhile, not ‘probably’ as I said before.

That's progress then--why not visit the 9/11 site & engage with a few of them then?

You still avoid answering if you thought these questions where important and needed resolving. I feel this would require only a short answer, but you tell me to go and get a book.

Some things in life require more than short answers. And you talk about books as though they are diversions from research. They aren't.

I think the clue might be in the part where you tell me ‘run along back to your pod, and beam yourself back to your mother-ship, so you can play with your holographic toys.’

That statement would imply you think my questions are weird!

Not just your questions, which are in any case purely rhetorical--i.e. as a cultist you aren't interested in any 'answers' others than those you start with.
Larry O'Hara said:
Oh, I see you are addressing your intemperate self to me...

I know you are obviously rather a simple soul, somewhat 'monomaniacal', so I shall gently point out to you that only a small fraction of my energies are devoted to matters concerning the 9/11 cult. I have many other research interests--indeed I publish a magazine in which they are covered (Notes From the Borderland), and have been doing such research since way before you were no doubt pleasuring yourself taking research ideas from X-men comics, and military knowledge from 'Action Man' product manuals.

Now, run along back to your pod, and beam yourself back to your mother-ship, so you can play with your holographic toys.

It's not the best way to gain credence for one's ideas and publishings by rubbishing other people that don't have the same ideas as yourself. Funnily enough your behaviour is a common theme amongst those that believe 911 was the result of staggering incompetence by the biggest hegemony the world's ever seen.

Just how many people do you wish to persuade with your subjective batterings of other folk?
fela fan said:
It's not the best way to gain credence for one's ideas and publishings by rubbishing other people that don't have the same ideas as yourself.

I was responding to an intemperate question--but await with baited breath your detailed deconstruction of the web-site

Funnily enough your behaviour is a common theme amongst those that believe 911 was the result of staggering incompetence by the biggest hegemony the world's ever seen.

With a lazy sweep, you seek to categorise my precise views with others, as an evidence-free way of dismissing them.

Just how many people do you wish to persuade with your subjective batterings of other folk?

How does this differ from an objective battering?

'Have you bothered yourself to consult any credible independent research from credible sources, or are you only here to ask the same old 'questions' that have been asked - and answered - endlessly in a plethora of threads?'

The short anwer is: no!

But there has been no real answer to these questions. The 9/11 Commission Report doesn’t discuss the inexplicable collapse of Building 7.
FEMA, (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) conducted its own investigations. Chapter 8 of its report had this to say about building 7:

‘World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. There were no known casualties due to this collapse. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers. The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.’

Despite not knowing specifically how the official government version maintains that it was fire that caused the collapse of building 7. It remains unexplained. Hence my question.

As far as the lack of interception of the planes by Norad, I got this from a speech by David Ray Griffin, in which he discusses the contradictions and changing of stories in the official explanations. Watch it at Google Video if you want to know more.

I know this topic is talked about endlessly. But, I felt it was important to make the distinction that the questions I point out have not been answered. Whereas Larry was talking about was the tide of lunacy and anti-semitism that has muddied the history of this event for a great many people, leading to all the tedious and misleading sh*te we see too much of on boards such as these.

You sound confident my questions have been answered on here, There is a pretty big 9/11 thread in the ‘world politics’ (I’m new here), I’ll have a look and perhaps I’ll see. I hope they are.

'Not just your questions, which are in any case purely rhetorical'

So my questions are weird and rhetorical?

Why where the hi-jacked planes not intercepted by the airforce?What caused WTC 7 to collapse?

Why is it that Fema discusses the one and Norad the other then? It is just that they do not do so in depth, (building 7), or they contradict at different times ( no interceptions).
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