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London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

FridgeMagnet said:
Can you parse English? "Precisely" does not refer to timing in that sentence. And we've established that the timing was not the same.
Hang on - I'm repeating myself here, but Power stated, and confirmed for the interviewer "it happened while you were running the exercise?", that the exercise was under way when the attacks took place. That's what he said; exactly what was going on before the meeting as part of the exercise we don't know. I'd like to find out. You guys are simply assuming that the meeting was the start of the exercise.

And fridge, what Powers appears to have said is that his exercise featured the Kings Cross, Edgware Road and Liverpool St. blasts. Not the bus bomb. A pretty astonishing hit rate, if you'll pardon the expression.
DrJazzz said:
Hang on - I'm repeating myself here, but Power stated, and confirmed for the interviewer, that the exercise was under way when the attacks took place. That's what he said; exactly what was going on before the meeting as part of the exercise we don't know. I'd like to find out.
So despite not having a fucking clue when the exercise actually started, where it took place, who was involved and what form it took, you still feel at liberty to describe it as "sinister" and concoct idiotic evidence-untouched yarns about people dropping off pretend bombs at tube stations?

If a new poster came here posting up such ludicrous bullshit they'd be banned by now so I must have a soft spot for you or something.

But unless you actually produce a single shred of credible evidence to support the despicable claims being bandied about in this thread, it's going to be binned along with any equally speculation-heavy/fact-lite future threads dredging up the same bollocks.
DrJazzz said:
And fridge, what Powers appears to have said is that his exercise featured the Kings Cross, Edgware Road and Liverpool St. blasts. Not the bus bomb.
How about the NHS meeting on the same very day discussing an even more accurate scenario? Why aren't you interested in that?

And how much longer are you going to dsperately try and make Parker's vague statement fit the facts?

He specifically said 9.30. No bombs were going off then.
Parker: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning....
Three of the bombs had already gone off at 8:50.
slaar said:
... Not for a minute to suggest I support any of the ludicrous evidence-free conspiracy theories on this.

Like Loki's ludicrous evidence-free "it was al-Oaeda wot done it, honest guv" conspiracy theory, you mean?
If you can explain how that is a conspiracy theory bigfish I might agree with you, but the sort of 'evidence' posted by certain people here is ludicrous, and an Al Qaeda style (read: low-level copycat Islamic fundamentalist attacks) narrative is somewhat more convincing than anything else offered in the eyes of the vast majority of observers. But then that only reinforces most conspiracy theories, so I don't expect this to be any different.
bigfish said:
Like Loki's ludicrous evidence-free "it was al-Oaeda wot done it, honest guv" conspiracy theory, you mean?
Please don't misquote me. Quote my post instead. I'm not bothering to engage you cters anymore on this thread because I'm hoping this will sink out of sight soon, or the editor/mods will see sense and bin this shit.
editor said:
So despite not having a fucking clue when the exercise actually started, where it took place, who was involved and what form it took, you still feel at liberty to describe it as "sinister" and concoct idiotic evidence-untouched yarns about people dropping off pretend bombs at tube stations?

If a new poster came here posting up such ludicrous bullshit they'd be banned by now so I must have a soft spot for you or something.

But unless you actually produce a single shred of credible evidence to support the despicable claims being bandied about in this thread, it's going to be binned along with any equally speculation-heavy/fact-lite future threads dredging up the same bollocks.
How about the NHS meeting on the same very day discussing an even more accurate scenario? Why aren't you interested in that?

And how much longer are you going to dsperately try and make Parker's vague statement fit the facts?

He specifically said 9.30. No bombs were going off then. Three of the bombs had already gone off at 8:50.
Christ, you either aren't reading the thread, or are simply paying no attention to the replies, are you?

The meeting was at 9.30, yes, well done - but the exercise was, according to the quotes, already happening while the bombs went off. So what did the exercise involve before the meeting?

What people are saying on this thread is that this is the most incredible coincidence and should be looked into. Yet you - along with paying no attention to people's replies - are throwing the most almighty strop!

Oh and... Peter Parker hasn't made any 'vague statement'.

That's because Peter Parker is Spiderman.

But shhh, don't tell anyone :p
slaar said:
If you can explain how that is a conspiracy theory bigfish I might agree with you, but the sort of 'evidence' posted by certain people here is ludicrous, and an Al Qaeda style (read: low-level copycat Islamic fundamentalist attacks) narrative is somewhat more convincing than anything else offered in the eyes of the vast majority of observers.
I'm nearly at the end of my tether with these evidence-free, research-untroubled, real-world-unconnected farragos.

They're a total embarrassment to this site.

Many, many pages on there's still not a single, solitary, atom of anything even remotely approaching credible evidence to support the bonkers theories or 'suggestions' posted up here - it's just a never ending stream of groundless wild speculation.

I think such discussion would be best suited to those bonkers conspiraloon UFO/chemtrails/general fruitloopery sites that some posters here constantly reference.
Anyone is free to ignore threads that do not interest them. If people want to start censoring topics I suggest that is something that should be put to a vote.

What seems to me to be the strength about urban, is the fact that it is uncensored and you get to hear and exchange opinions freely unfiltered. Yes that means there's a lot of stuff you disagree with. No matter - if I want to hear the official line on something I can watch any of the rest.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of personal abuse on it too.
DrJazzz said:
The meeting was at 9.30, yes, well done - but the exercise was, according to the quotes, already happening while the bombs went off. So what did the exercise involve before the meeting?
Seeing as you're the one making the wild claims it's up to you to substantiate them.

Here's a reminder of your evidence-free wild supposition from the beginning of this interminable thread:
DrJazzz said:
The 'exercise' scenario is one way you can accomplish your goal. People are recruited to take part in the exercise to plant 'fake' bombs on trains... they do so, where's the problem? Except that the bombs are real. But, they don't know that.
Here's your last chance.

Either produce some credible, real-world evidence to support your endless stream of conspiratorial suggestions and suppositions or this thread is binned, with all future evidence-free threads on the subject following the same fate.
DrJazzz said:
Anyone is free to ignore threads that do not interest them. If people want to start censoring topics I suggest that is something that should be put to a vote.
It's not up to you. It's up to the moderators who have to sift through all this endless shit and - ultimately - up to me, because its my reputation and my years of hard work on the line.
Here's your last chance.

Either produce some credible, real-world evidence to support your endless stream of conspiratorial suggestions and suppositions or this thread is binned, with all future evidence-free threads on the subject following the same fate.
I am not going to indulge such ridiculous ultimata... 'last chance' ffs!

If you are really going to be so petulant, weak and uptight as to bin a topic that many posters are very interested, whether conspiracy theorists or not, because some of you don't like 'conspiracy chat' and consider free discussion 'an embarassment to the site', go right ahead. I can't stop you.

I can however point out how pathetic you would be.
editor said:
It's not up to you. It's up to the moderators who have to sift through all this endless shit and - ultimately - up to me, because its my reputation and my years of hard work on the line.

I can scarcely believe you are saying this. Don't you think the good posters of urban deserve a say?
DrJazzz said:
If you are really going to be so petulant, weak and uptight as to bin a topic that many posters are very interested, whether conspiracy theorists or not, because some of you don't like 'conspiracy chat' and consider free discussion 'an embarassment to the site', go right ahead. I can't stop you.

I can however point out how pathetic you would be.
Cut out the personal insults and post up some proof at last please.

You've had ample opportunity over the course of this thread to support your offensive claims with some real-world evidence. Now it's time to either show up or shut up.
DrJazzz said:
I can scarcely believe you are saying this. Don't you think the good posters of urban deserve a say?
Everyone has a bottom line.

Having the site abused my attention-seeking, publicity desperate conspiraloons is mine.

If you think you're on to such a hot potato with your fact-free fruitloop claims, go start your own fucking site.

You're welcome to post here on a huge variety of topics, but I will not have my hard work being associated with the kind of offensive bonkers shit that has been posted up by a handful of conspiracy obsessives in this thread.

You haven't proved a single word of the many, many wild claims in this thread, but that doesn't seem to stop you. How much longer are you going to keep on spewing out this shit?

Enough is enough.
I make no claim as to what has happened. You are impossible! When someone doesn't make a claim, you will demand that they say exactly what they think happened (post after post)! You will then demand proof for it. Then you complain that you aren't satisfied!

Why can't you just chill out a bit? You have posted more than twice as much as anyone else on the thread!

This is my last post for the night here... I can't be dealing with your almighty those tewwible conspiracy theorists are persecuting me strop-from-hell...;) your blood appears to getting to temperature you could make a decent cup of tea with!

Funny about Peter Parker, though :D
DrJazzz said:
Why can't you just chill out a bit? You have posted more than twice as much as anyone else on the thread!
How about you "chill out" before you knee jerk your way into your next bonkers evidence-free conspiracy mere hours after a terrible tragedy has happened?

Personally, I find this latest stream of ludicrous theories involving suggestions that the bombs were planted by duped Londoners on an exercise and that there's something "sinister" going on with an exercise that you know precisely nothing about on a par with your equally disgusting "Huntley is Innocent!" claims.

It's almost like you couldn't wait to gleefully start manufacturing fact-free wild conspiracy theories, despite a complete absence of evidence and with no regard for the fact that they were still pulling bodies out of the wreckage.

Your conduct - and that of your fellow evidence-unhindered conspiraloons - has been an absolute fucking disgrace as far as I'm concerned.

This is going in the bin.

Any future threads offering a similar scarcity of credible evidence can expect the same fate.
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