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London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

DrJazzz said:
Well this is the first I've heard of it, editor. I'd appreciate a link, if it's true, then even you must admit that the coincidences are blazing out into utterly staggering territory.
Or it may be that the capital was exceedingly well prepared for an attack which everyone had predicted for a long time.

So are you going to weave the NHS meeting into another of your evidence-untroubled Kwazy Ko-incidental Konspiraloon Kwackpot theories too?

Maybe you're thinking all those doctors and nurses and are in it too, eh?
detective-boy said:
... You, BigFish and others are still reading FAR too much into this.

What, you mean like Loki when he says: "They [Bliar and the MS Media] are suggesting it's probably a terrorist cell either directly instructed by or inspired by AQ. Which makes sense seeing as this attack follows the pattern of Madrid, Bali, New York etc.

Is that what you mean by "reading FAR too much into this"? ;)
niksativa said:
... Why do I come to that conclusion?
Because of some childish delusions about conspiracy?
No - because the facts of history shows that there is no action too low for our governments to achieve their objectives - they've murdered before, they're murdering now, and they'll murder again :mad: wake up

-You may feel it is not a polite moment to look at government activities, but look around you, the USUK are engaged in a world war - two countries invaded in a two year window - billions upon billions of dollars invested in foreign policy objectives - tens of thousands of innocents dead, murdered in cold blood - let me know when its a polite time to dare to even investigate any possible government wrong doing won't you.

Great post!
GarfieldLeChat said:
this you mean....

so a debreif of an excwercise that happened 3 months ago ...

not the same as a live exercise going on at the time ....
and even more no implacication of the emergancy services being in on it...

an apology to follow from Dr Jazzz et al please...
Well as editor had said it was 'every bit as coincidental' I carelessly assumed he was referring to an exercise that was going off at the same time. I'm glad that was cleared up. You're right, I should know to read things more carefully myself than go on what editor says but there is certainly no implication of the emergency services being anything but the good guys in these things. Without question.

Having said that, it's still quite another coincidence, as the Independent article notes.
DrJazzz said:
Well as editor had said it was 'every bit as coincidental' I carelessly assumed he was referring to an exercise that was going off at the same time. I'm glad that was cleared up.
Don't you feel just a little bit embarrassed and ashamed for the wild, evidence-free supposition you - and your fruitloop chums - have slopped all over this thread?
DrJazzz said:
You're right, I should know to read things more carefully myself than go on what editor says
Wooargh. My post about the NHS exercise was very carefully worded and absolutely accurate. Don't blame me for your own failings.
editor said:
So are you going to weave the NHS meeting into another of your evidence-untroubled Kwazy Ko-incidental Konspiraloon Kwackpot theories too?

Maybe you're thinking all those doctors and nurses and are in it too, eh?
it must have been a very big meeting...
Mrs Magpie said:
oops, energy release beat me to it!

I can be arsed reading the thread, but before i moved to greece, i was the emergency planner for nhs camden & islington H.A, and a member of the North Thames E P commitee for nhs london. These things are never ever ever done in 'real time', more info if needed, just ask. In fact before i left (this was pre 9/11) i planned the mocks in conjuction with LAS in waterloo....

this is a load of bollocks :rolleyes:
marco mark said:
I can be arsed reading the thread, but before i moved to greece, i was the emergency planner for nhs camden & islington H.A, and a member of the North Thames E P commitee for nhs london. These things are never ever ever done in 'real time', more info if needed, just ask. In fact before i left (this was pre 9/11) i planned the mocks in conjuction with LAS in waterloo....

this is a load of bollocks :rolleyes:

So are you saying that Power is lying about a training exercise that mirrored the precise timing and targets of the bombs on July 7th?
no names said:
So are you saying that Power is lying about a training exercise that mirrored the precise timing and targets of the bombs on July 7th?
Who said the training exercise mirrored the "precise timing and targets of the bombs", please?

On the BBC news he said that it was "almost precisely" the same "scenario" which isn't the same at all.
Simon Mayo interviewed Baroness Warnock on 5 Live this afternoon. He asked her whether their was any way to explain what had happened on Thursday. She said that it was pointless to seek explanations and that we should concentrate on the bravery of all involved etc etc. This is what passes for intellgent comment on the BBC.
editor said:
Who said the training exercise mirrored the "precise timing and targets of the bombs", please?

On the BBC news he said that it was "almost precisely" the same "scenario" which isn't the same at all.

This is the transcript from the interview on BBC Radio Five, as posted on the thread opener:

The transcript is as follows.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.
no names said:
This is the transcript from the interview on BBC Radio Five, as posted on the thread opener:
And how does that help your claim that the training exercise mirrored the "precise timing and targets of the bombs"?
bigfish said:
She said that it was pointless to seek explanations and that we should concentrate on the bravery of all involved etc etc. .
I'll rather hear about the bravery of those involved than this depressing farrago of fact-free, research-untroubled, credibility-unbothered tripe served up by obsessed fruitloops who'd shout 'conspiracy!' if a bird pecked the top off their milk bottle in the morning.
Just to put this bullshit to rest once and for all:

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?
POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.
The bombs went off at 08:50.

That's forty minutes before the exercise according to the quote dutifully reproduced above.
editor said:
And how does that help your claim that the training exercise mirrored the "precise timing and targets of the bombs"?

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

Like others I would be interested to know what other training exercises with such a direct bearing on the bomb blasts were also taking place on the morning of July 7th. Perhaps the poster marco mark with his apparent knowledge of crisis management and emergency planning for London can point us to where this information would be available.
editor said:
And how does that help your claim that the training exercise mirrored the "precise timing and targets of the bombs"?
I refer you to post #115.
no names said:
Can you parse English? "Precisely" does not refer to timing in that sentence. And we've established that the timing was not the same.

no names said:
As has already been established, the targets were not the same either. Some of them were, some of them weren't (e.g. buses in the real world, main line stations in the exercise).
editor said:
Just to put this bullshit to rest once and for all:

The bombs went off at 08:50.

That's forty minutes before the exercise according to the quote dutifully reproduced above.

No according to the BBC the bombs, including the Tavistock Square bomb, went off between 08.50 and 09.47. That means a window of 57 minutes. During those 57 minutes the training exercise was taking place. I have not suggested anything beyond that initial assertion.

It remains to be seen if further exercises with direct bearing on the bomb blasts were also taking place on the morning of July 7th.
no names said:
No according to the BBC the bombs, including the Tavistock Square bomb, went off between 08.50 and 09.47. That means a window of 57 minutes. During those 57 minutes the training exercise was taking place. I have not suggested anything beyond that initial assertion.

It remains to be seen if further exercises with direct bearing on the bomb blasts were also taking place on the morning of July 7th.
It's been widely publicised that that was an initial mistake and that the bombs went off almost simultaneously, at 8.50ish.

e.g. http://www.canada.com/news/world/story.html?id=8f86d36f-437a-4e58-8bd9-0deeaabebecf
Not true. The three underground bombs went off almost simultaneously at 850,the bus bomb went off at 947.

Not for a minute to suggest I support any of the ludicrous evidence-free conspiracy theories on this.
Ah - I was missing the bus bomb. Whoops.

Of course, the bus bomb wasn't in the exercise at all, which is perhaps where my mistake came in, and the only time mentioned in the exercise for the pretend rail bombs is half nine. Rather than ten to nine.

And, now I come to think of it, the guy mentions that the whole thing was specifically based on the idea of simultaneous attacks occurring, rather than tube bombs then a bus bomb a bit later, which is another difference to add to the list.

Basically they're not the same at all.
So there we have it.

No bombs went off at the "precise" time stated by the Parker at all.

Three had already gone off forty minutes before the the time he mentioned in his interview while the bus bomb - which went off nearly twenty minutes after - didn't even appear in the exercises. And, of course, didn't simultaneously go off with the other bombs.

So where's this "sinister" coincidence then, conspiraloons?

What's the fucking point of this pathetic thread?
no names said:
During those 57 minutes the training exercise was taking place.
Really? How do you know what time it started?

Could I have a source for your bold assertion here please?
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