It was a left turn, which is what someone sitting on the left seat (captain’s seat) would do to keep a target to his left in sight. All this would require a bank angle of between 32 and 45 degrees, and a moderate rate of descent. Nothing that requires Iceman (remember Top Gun?) to do. Again, the hijacker decided to err on the undershoot side, and descended a lot more than what a good pilot would have done. Almost too much, since he had to fly the last seconds level at a very low altitude, clipping the lampposts along his way.
Of course; civilian controllers (and military as well) don’t usually get to see a
civilian airliner at 300 plus MPH at low level flown by a suicidal holy warrior.
Normal speed limit in Europe is 200 KTS (230 MPH) at or below 10000 feet.
This doesn’t mean airliners aren’t physically able to fly fast at low altitude.
We wish we were allowed to do it, it’s so much more fun! So if you see a blip
flying as fast as a military jet, you say “it looked like a military jet” but it
doesn’t prove anything.