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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz is loitering around like a padeophile near a jungle gym so i think i'll stick this one up again:
Bob_the_lost said:
Jazzz said:
eh? WTC7 looked like an absolutely text-book building implosion. And the only thing that looked unlike a controlled demolition of WTCs 1&2 was that it came down from the impact floors downwards, which is no objection because demolition companies could very easily do that if needed.

It looked nothing like a text book implosion. I've pointed this out repeatedly, don't you remember?

WTC 1&2 look nothing like CDs, again this has been covered numerous times, do you not remember them either?
Badger Kitten said:
Jazzz, I can't be arsed to argue with you, you have a blind faith that defies reason and factual analysis.

I will say one thing only as public record: the conspiraloons came after me. They posted on my blog, they sent me emails, they wrote crap about me all over the internet, and I went over there sionce they were speculating on who I am and what I believe, to politely tell them who I am and what I believe. The insuilts and bollocks thrown at me on that thread were so bad that they eventually apologised and locked the thread.

They are the ones lying about me and harassing me. They fucking started it, to take the basic position. I wish to God I had never found out about such people

That they have chosen to spin this the other way is typical of their mendacious fantasies.
No badger kitten. I went over it quite carefully and you took the fight to them. You had a massive chip on your shoulder about the 'power surges' thing - which was entirely your misunderstanding - the guy wasn't saying that there weren't explosions, which is what you took it to mean - because power surges cause explosions. You went in there all guns blazing and with your mates too looking for a fight and you also viewed it as your entertainment at the time. And well that would all be one thing but since then you've made yourself out to be nothing but the victim in all of that - you're a victim of the 7/7 atrocities for sure but where your conspiracy battles are concerned I dare say you play the role. I don't condone much of the nonsense thrown at you or any harassment but you did an awful lot to provoke it all.
shag off Jazzz, I've got all the hatemail, the bizarre blog comments and the dates on said communications to prove it. All filed: I never delete emails, ever, or blog comments, even if I don't publish them

I wrote for the first time about conspracy theorists on 1st Jan 2006, after what I considered severe provocation. I started blogging in August 2005 and I never mentioned the conspiraloons as I knew nothing about them, until they started writing to me in droves. Sendig me emails, leaving comments. Writing about me on websites. Linking to my blog from their sites and blogs. Antagonist started his odd theories within days of 7/7. But I never knew. I had no idea that people behaved in such a way.

It wasn't until I installed sitemeter in late September and saw the traffic coming from loon sites that I realised that the odd, and increasingly frequent anonmyous comments I'd been getting for months, since August 2005, were from all these people who had this, like, wierd cultic movement of murder-denial, and all these odd sites and blogs on which they peddaled their theories. Fair enough, people think all sorts of mad and unsavoury things, but when they started publicly attacking me on their websites, as well as leaving anonymous comments, which I could simply refuse to publish, I went over to see what it was about.

But as you, Jazzz, seem to believe everything they say, and what they say is palpable nonsense, it doesn't surprise me that you believe their poor-put-upon stories.

Anyway, its off topic of 9/11,although the people being most offensive were
identifying themselves as ''9/11 Truthers''. I say their behaviour is merely indicative of conspiraloon mentality and tactics. Yes I am angry about it. I do find it offensive, and I have said so.

Not until I was publicly called a liar, a shill, a Government sponsored psy-ops whore and all the rest of it did I say so though.

I don't care about people disagreeing with me, I welcome debate on my blog, I do care about people calling me a liar and a fake and coming out with a load of utterly delusional tripe that I know for a fact to be untrue, and that I know damages the chances of getting an inquiry, because people can write anyone after an inquiry off as a traumatised fuck up or a foaming fruitbat if ''desire for an inquiry'' gets conflated with ''conspracy theorist''.
Jazzz said:
No badger kitten. I went over it quite carefully and you took the fight to them. You had a massive chip on your shoulder about the 'power surges' thing - which was entirely your misunderstanding - the guy wasn't saying that there weren't explosions, which is what you took it to mean - because power surges cause explosions. You went in there all guns blazing and with your mates too looking for a fight and you also viewed it as your entertainment at the time. And well that would all be one thing but since then you've made yourself out to be nothing but the victim in all of that - you're a victim of the 7/7 atrocities for sure but where your conspiracy battles are concerned I dare say you play the role. I don't condone much of the nonsense thrown at you or any harassment but you did an awful lot to provoke it all.
You're a disgrace, Jazzz
My impression was that the attacks on your character only started after you piled in to attack them. And seeing as you record all the comments, I guess you'll remember this post (I remembered it, my bold)

Badger Kitten said:
* grateful applause*

Conspiraloons have been driving me mad for for the last 24 hours, I have been fighting with them and it is like swimming in treacle.

Mr BK was on the X box hence me picking fights with idiots online.

This glib throwaway shows that you considered yourself to be the aggressor and that it was entertainment second to watching TV!

Jazzz said:
My impression was that the attacks on your character only started after you piled in to attack them.
Even by your reality-warping standards this is pretty disgraceful stuff.

Are you ever going to answer my questions raised in response to your own claims, btw, or are you going to keep on running away like a coward?
... and if there were comments on your blog it's hardly surprising looking at it. 'if you are a conspiracy theorist'

To further support your own statement that you picked the fight, you said of antagonist's posting on your blog - who you had pretty much summoned:

Rachel said...
Well, he's got his platform with these last 2 posts, (I'm chasing him off if he wanders anyhwere else and off topic) - however he did fall rather neatly into my trap.

So much for the poor set-upon badger kitten. Anyway, enough of that.

Where you go so badly wrong, (in addition to being pretty damn misleading and reinventing history), is in believing that you must limit your questioning of the official account to 'non-conspiraloon'. The Jersey Girls certainly didn't (they're on good terms with William Rodriguez) and they managed to force the 9/11 Commission. You and the conspiracy lobby should all be on the same side for god's sake! Your fear that public support will suddenly vanish if you aren't seen to be hell bent on eliminating conspiracy theorists like the plague is just ridiculous - it stems entirely from the extraordinarily prejudiced atmosphere here on urban75 and you really don't see how much damage it does. I don't like having rows with you because I really consider that we are on the same side in the bigger scheme.
Jazzz said:
No badger kitten. I went over it quite carefully and you took the fight to them. You had a massive chip on your shoulder about the 'power surges' thing - which was entirely your misunderstanding - the guy wasn't saying that there weren't explosions, which is what you took it to mean - because power surges cause explosions. You went in there all guns blazing and with your mates too looking for a fight and you also viewed it as your entertainment at the time. And well that would all be one thing but since then you've made yourself out to be nothing but the victim in all of that - you're a victim of the 7/7 atrocities for sure but where your conspiracy battles are concerned I dare say you play the role. I don't condone much of the nonsense thrown at you or any harassment but you did an awful lot to provoke it all.

There's a distinct lack of empathy in there, isn't there? Nothing matters except Jazzz and Jazzz's misplaced feelings of superiority. It's indicative of sociopathy - at best.
You're one to talk about empathy laptop - someone who relished accusing a disaster witness as a 'fraud' because she didn't respond to your pm.
Jazzz said:
extraordinarily prejudiced atmosphere here on urban75


I don't think so Jazzz.

Another attempt to smear those people who stand up to your tenuous grip on reality, and who refuse to follow the official conspiracy line like sheep toward the abbatoir, a typical conspiranoid defence mechanism.

Every single one of your arguments has been destroyed, not least because pretty much all your "sources" lead back to AFP (American Free Press), whom you appear to consider a trusted source of information.

AFP funded the Loose Change bullshit video made by a clueless attention seeking kid that has been debunked time and again.

Yet they are proven to promote holocaust denial, and push a right wing agenda. Not only is the notion that AFP can be relied upon as a credible source utterly offensive and ridiculous - the fact that YOU as a supposedly Jewish man support their right to undermine what must be the most horrific aspect of recent Jewish history.

I'm going to ask you a straight yes or no question, Jazzz - if you cannot answer it then it proves you are just being evasive, and not to be trusted.

Between 5 and 6 million Jews were killed in concentration camps by the Nazis - yes or no.
Between 5 and 6 million Jews were killed in concentration camps by the Nazis - yes or no Jazzz.

Come on, I know you're reading this.
There is - of course - no connection between Jazzz's last post and anything that occurred in the real world. Except, possibly, that a fellow loon ranted to Jazzz against u75 for asking a question about their apparent misrepresentation, after flouncing - I wouldn't know, they didn't rant to me. Thank fuck.
Jazzz said:
yes. Now go away and take you silly inquisitions with you.

So if you believe this - then your beliefs are at odds with those of the AFP.

American Free Press: the Nazi connections:

The American Free Press promotes "The Barnes Review," a neo-nazi holocaust denial site that shares the same mailing address as AFP. The "Barnes Review" page www.barnesreview.org/Nobel_Prize/nobel_prize.html included this gem (note: this embarrassing page has now been removed from their site)
AFP said:
Adolf Hitler: An Overlooked Candidate for the Nobel Prize
By Alex S. Perry Jr.
If anyone deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, it was Adolf Hitler. Hitler did not want war. World War II was forced on Germany.
Barnes Review offers a wide variety of neo-Nazi holocaust denial literature that severely tests any sane person's committment toward tolerating the First Amendment. It is interesting to see how AFP carefully "segregates" their Nazi literature onto the "Barnes" site, so that their AFP newspaper seems somewhat legitimate if you don't look closely at the organization.

Who was Barnes?


Jazzz - why do you insist you can cherry pick "facts" from the AFP, accepting some of them blindly yet rejecting others?

The AFP is not a press agency (though it pretends to be) and much of the Loose Change film references AFP as a source for quotes.

You admit that AFP are wrong on the holocaust denial (even though many of your truthseeker mates swallow it like sheep) yet you take seriously their false claims that molten steel was found in the basement.

You cannot have it both ways.

If you were to reject the AFP claims/lies there wouldn't be much meat on your conspiracy fantasies.

Kind of ironic you are often seen with a hand puppet - seeing as you are being used as one by neo-nazis.
laptop said:
There is - of course - no connection between Jazzz's last post and anything that occurred in the real world. Except, possibly, that a fellow loon ranted to Jazzz against u75 for asking a question about their apparent misrepresentation, after flouncing - I wouldn't know, they didn't rant to me. Thank fuck.
She was banned after immediately returning to defend herself against your nonsense.
Jazzz why do you refuse to condemn the blatant holocaust denying that is going on over at your truthseekers website?

Do you think your inaction is the result of your utter cowardice, or is it more sinister than that?
pk - your quote where you say 'AFP' is not AFP but the Barnes review. Which until now I hadn't heard of. I hadn't personally come across anything anti-semitic written on AFP, which in any case is a tiny tiny part of the 9/11 picture. If Christopher Bollyn - the one author who I've taken stuff from on AFP - is anti-semitic (I'd need evidence for that better than guilt by association) then I'll happily pay him no further attention. I believe he's been sacked by AFP in any case.
laptop said:
Jazzz, that's self-serving shite.

But pk's questions is much more important.

Why do you promote holocaust deniers?
What's 'self-serving shite'? That ****** was banned? Because she was.

I don't 'promote holocaust deniers'. Fuck off with this shit, truly. :mad:
From Wiki:

Coverage of 9/11 conspiracy theories

American Free Press also publishes articles on 9/11 conspiracy theories. One of their ex-contract reporters, Christopher Bollyn, who has been a guest on David Duke radio, is sometimes cited for his reporting in the 9/11 Truth Movement. However, Bollyn has also been criticized as a holocaust denier by 9/11 researchers.

Yet the film Loose Change used material from American Free Press as a source and the film Oil, Smoke & Mirrors contains an interview with Bollyn. Others have cited Bollyn for errors in his reports in which he inserts claims devoid of actual references for such claims. In his alleged reports of 9/11 anomolies, he suggests that the Flight 93 crash site had no aircraft debris [4][5] contrary to numerous other reports with evidence of such debris[6]. In his article about the seismic events of the WTC towers collapses, Bollyn suggests that the seismic spikes preceded the collapses and are thus evidence for "basement bombs." He states,

"The strongest jolts were all registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth. These unexplained 'spikes' in the seismic data lend credence to the theory that massive explosions at the base of the towers caused the collapses."[7]

Yet other analyses of the WTC seismic data have found no evidence for Bollyn's claim that large spikes preceded the collapses.[8]

Gregg Szymanski, another writer for American Free Press, uses similar techniques to Bollyn. One review describes the reporting of these writers:

"Along with inserting claims without actual evidence, techniques such as mixing together parts of what a witness says, choosing to report only what certain witnesses said, or distorting what witnesses say, are also used often by Christopher Bollyn, another writer who, like Szymanski, writes for American Free Press. Merging anonymous sources and statements of officials often lends unwarranted credence to the anonymous statements which then cannot be sourced to a particular person. However, exaggerated claims draw in readers to believe a hyped story."[9]

James P. Tucker, Jr., who has been chronicling the activities of the Bilderberg Group for over thirty years, is also a reporter with American Free Press and was a longtime Spotlight reporter.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has criticised AFP, in particular Bollyn, for its linking of prominent figures in the Jewish community with the events of September 11, 2001, and in September 2006 accused the publication of disseminating "antisemitic propaganda".


How does it feel to discover you're being used by neo-nazis to betray your ancestors, Jazzz?

Why don't you attack those who promote neo-nazi lies on your truthseekers website, Jazzz?
Jazzz said:
I don't 'promote holocaust deniers'. Fuck off with this shit, truly. :mad:

Yes you do.

You have done so repeatedly.

Dozens and dozens of times you have posted links to anti-semitic propaganda sites in order to back up some retarded theory about holograms and missiles.

In doing so - you are promoting the idea that the holocaust was a "myth" just like your truthseekers website does, yet you refuse to attack that, preferring instead to hide here.

Why is that?
Registrant Name:Barnes Review, Inc.
Registrant Organization:Barnes Review, Inc.
[B]Registrant Street1:645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Registrant Street2:Suite #100
[/B]Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Washington
Registrant State/Province:DC
Registrant Postal Code:20003
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.9999999999 [COLOR="Red"]<-- BREACH OF InterNic rules?
[/COLOR]Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:crew@serve.com

From http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/contact.html

American Free Press
[B]645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100
[/B]Washington, D.C. 20003

Phone: 202-544-5977

The holocaust deniers and the conspiraloons' "source" work out of the same room. Anyone who promotes one promotes the other. Capisce?
They are the same organisation, no question.

Jazzz may as well be supporting Mein Kampf as a valid source.

Yet in the six years he's been "researching" and "truthseeking" he's never heard of the Barnes Review.

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