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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
What absolute crap. They were responsible for monitoring and defending ALL aerial threats and the threat posed by hijacked aircraft was well known.

But let's repeat - YOU are the one claiming to speak for NORAD. The Family Steering Group has done far better research than you if I may say. They're not satisfied with the official stonewalling, I'm not, and neither should be anyone else who genuinely gives a damn about the loss of their loved ones. You are the joke here BTL, and the less of a leg to stand on you have the worse your abuse gets.

As you find it 'pointless' talking to me, I expect you to shut up.
Which is why you refuse to comment on the "tailed" comment? Come on, it's a really simple one, go on, try it, you never know, admitting the truth might be a nice change for you...

Shut up? Not a chance, i'll just start listing your stupidity and let the list grow and grow and grow.
Bob_the_lost said:
PS. You're a tit and the abuse will continue as long as you refuse to play fair. Tit.

You must be the most unsavoury poster on this website. It's actually offensive to the neutral reading your highly abusive posts.

All your abuse just shows that your an abuser. You even thought you were doing it lightly.

This forum would be far better off without such professionally nasty people like you contributing.
Jazzz said:
The quotes I produced were sourced unless I'm mistaken. What may be on the rest of the site is neither here nor there.
And, of course, such a site would have no vested interest in selectively quoting facts and jiggling facts to promote their own, pre-determined agenda, would they?

Your naivety is astonishing at times, Jazzz. Why can't you ever provide credible sources?

But anyway, back on topic.

Could you finally tell me something about these WTC-toppling invisible explosives (where they were, who installed them and how come no one saw anything suspicious etc etc), elaborate on this 'curious' passenger list, explain who might have been 'deliberately chosen' to die on the plane (and whether that included the 5 children) and tell me more about the the passengers who supposedly faked their deaths on that flight.

Thanks awfully.
Bob_the_lost said:
Which is why you refuse to comment on the "tailed" comment? Come on, it's a really simple one, go on, try it, you never know, admitting the truth might be a nice change for you...
I don't have to get into a battle over each of the family steering group's questions. The point is you said they had been officially answered; they hadn't. You seem to propose that your answers are some kind of substitute; they aren't. You still haven't conceded the fact that you were talking crap.
fela fan said:
You must be the most unsavoury poster on this website. It's actually offensive to the neutral reading your highly abusive posts.

All your abuse just shows that your an abuser. You even thought you were doing it lightly.

This forum would be far better off without such professionally nasty people like you contributing.
This site would be better off with people who could think for themselves, you i'm not sure about. Jazzz is not one of that group. When he engages a point i will be polite, when he continues to avoid my questions he gets called bad names.

If you've got a problem with my theories then tell me, please, if you don't like my posting style then sorry, but tough shit. It's not going to change because you don't like it.
Jazzz said:
I don't have to get into a battle over each of the family steering group's questions. The point is you said they had been officially answered; they hadn't. You seem to propose that your answers are some kind of substitute; they aren't. You still haven't conceded the fact that you were talking crap.

No jazzz, just because the answers are not what you'd like does not make them non existent. Nor does having to read three paragraphs, hell even a few pages mean that the answers are not there. But you're too lazy to read the 9/11 report aren't you, why bother when all you need is on prisonplanet.

You still refuse to admit your sources are talking out of thier arses then? Pathetic. Utterly fucking pathetic.
editor said:
Can I have some of what you're smoking, maaan?

It's a cup of coffee and a sausage roll for my breakfast actually. Nothing special really, so can't recommend it.

btw, did you see that i was quoting goldenecitrone who said maybe jazzz had won?!
fela fan said:
Maybe that is why so many here get so uptight over what jazzz says. Because he's won!

Good ref you are mate. Even if jazzz didn't agree with the reasons behind your call.
He can't lose, because there is nothing that will convince him he's not right. Persuade anyone else that he's nothing more than a delusional fool? I really doubt it.

If at any point you do want to pull your tongue out of his arse and try and engage some points yourself then be my guest ;)
Bob_the_lost said:
This site would be better off with people who could think for themselves, you i'm not sure about. Jazzz is not one of that group. When he engages a point i will be polite, when he continues to avoid my questions he gets called bad names.

If you've got a problem with my theories then tell me, please, if you don't like my posting style then sorry, but tough shit. It's not going to change because you don't like it.

I don't actually give a toss about your posting style. But as a neutral observer i felt it worthwhile commenting on your general nastiness as a poster.

As for your theories, if you want people to read them, it might be more likely to happen if they weren't surrounded by abuse.

Furthermore, if you think jazzz can't think for himself, i have to ask: can you get anything right at all here? Of course he can, everyone that comes here can, so all you've done i'm afraid mate is show that you're talking subjective shite, as well as committing serious abuse.
editor said:
And, of course, such a site would have no vested interest in selectively quoting facts and jiggling facts to promote their own, pre-determined agenda, would they?

Your naivety is astonishing at times, Jazzz. Why can't you ever provide credible sources?

Oh you idiot, the quotes were well-sourced. Pentagon research even linked to the source documents. Here they are:

Washington Times
Boston Globe

and the other one is well-sourced as USA Today and CNN with the dates of the original articles. :rolleyes:

Not that you actually have the slightest interest in actually reading them, you're just champing at the bit to have a go in any way you can see fit.
fela fan said:
btw, did you see that i was quoting goldenecitrone who said maybe jazzz had won?!
Now you've really learnt how to selectively quote and misrepresent like a conspiraloon site pro!

Maybe I should quote that post of yours when you admitted that you had nothing to add and were leaving the thread?

Looks you must have had a backfiring mirror that day because here you still are....

Bob_the_lost said:
You still refuse to admit your sources are talking out of thier arses then? Pathetic. Utterly fucking pathetic.
What you mean the Washington Times and Boston Globe? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Not that you actually have the slightest interest in actually reading them, you're just champing at the bit to have a go in any way you can see fit.
Fuck me! Pot calling the kettle black or what!? :eek:

Jazzz said:
What you mean the Washington Times and Boston Globe?
No you jibbering fuckwit. The source of those mindnumbingly thick questions you wasted bandwidth repeating. You know, the ones i've been trying to get you to FUCKING JUSTIFY FOR THE LAST FEW PAGES.
Jazzz said:
Not that you actually have the slightest interest in actually reading them, you're just champing at the bit to have a go in any way you can see fit.
I'm asking you to provide credible sources because I'm fed up to the fucking back teeth of discovering that your claims are based on lunatic websites.

Now, could you find me a credible source for the invisible explosives, some sort of expanation for the 'curious' passenger list, tell me who might have been 'deliberately chosen' to die on the plane (and whether that included the 5 children) and tell me more about passengers who might have faked their deaths on that flight?

*You* raised all these topics. Kindly have the courtesy to make sense of them please.
Bob_the_lost said:
Fuck me! Pot calling the kettle black or what!? :eek:
I've spent the entire thread going through other people's stuff. Don't expect me to indulge your abuse any more.

You're on ignore.
Jazzz said:
I've spent the entire thread going through other people's stuff. Don't expect me to indulge your abuse any more.

You're on ignore.
Fair enough, it'll be easier merely listing the failings in your posts this way. You've never engaged in a discussion past the point where you were proved to be wrong anyhow so i suppose it's well past time for you to run away. Thanks.
editor said:
I'm asking you to provide credible sources because I'm fed up to the fucking back teeth of discovering that your claims are based on lunatic websites.
The sources were credible. Do you want to take back your earlier jibe? I've said all I'm going to say about the passengers.
Bob_the_lost said:
Fair enough, it'll be easier merely listing the failings in your posts this way. You've never engaged in a discussion past the point where you were proved to be wrong anyhow so i suppose it's well past time for you to run away. Thanks.
Oh I'll still address nonsense you spout as I see fit. Just don't expect answers to questions.
editor said:
Now you've really learnt how to selectively quote and misrepresent like a conspiraloon site pro!

Maybe I should quote that post of yours when you admitted that you had nothing to add and were leaving the thread?

Looks you must have had a backfiring mirror that day because here you still are....


Did you miss the excellent contributions i gave a couple of pages back? No, i think you avoided them. You always have done when i start backing up what i say with thoroughly professional links that more than fit your preferred criteria.

Let me remind you: you came in and asked me for evidence, and said that your record was very badly stuck.

As for learning how to selectively quote, i actually didn't on this occasion, but if i do then i must have subconsciously let it all seep in after reading your good self over five years... amazing what skills one can acquire in life without realising!
Jazzz said:
TI've said all I'm going to say about the passengers.
You've said *fuck all* about them, you deceitful, wriggling fraud.

I can't see any point in letting you post up any more of your indefensible, random accusations of mass murder here anymore.

You're clearly unwilling or unable to back up the endless succession of unpleasant slurs that come out of your mouth every day, and your latest disgusting suggestion that some of the people on the plane faked their own deaths or were marked down for being murdered is truly contemptible.

And you have the fucking audacity to claim you're doing it for the families. You're a disgrace.
fela fan said:
Did you miss the excellent contributions i gave a couple of pages back? No, i think you avoided them.
I definitely read the bit where you said that you had nothing to add and were leaving the thread. Shall I reproduce it here for you?
editor said:
I'm asking you to provide credible sources because I'm fed up to the fucking back teeth of discovering that your claims are based on lunatic websites.

I gave you one of the best sources available on the planet. One of your moderators can point you their way too since you have consistently avoided it when i remind the forum.

Why is it the best source? Coz it only takes its info from mainstream media, and simply turns it all into a timeline.

Another reason is that it shows interested readers just what kind of intelligence is out there, and was out there. It also shows up the hypocrisy and lies of the polis.

But you know editor, i sometimes think you're more interested in the sport of arguing with jazzz, and it is a sport these days.

Any time you want a credible source, ask me.
editor said:
And you have the fucking audacity to claim you're doing it for the families. You're a disgrace.

So what's your comment on questions raised by the family steering group? You know the 9/11 Commission only existed at all because of the political pressure they raised. Then they tried to appoint Henry Kissenger at the head of it! The families got rid of him. But they couldn't make the 9/11 Commission a fair hearing. The vast majority of their questions were unanswered and they were hopping mad about it. They only heard William Rodriguez behind closed doors (and ignored his account completely in their report). And they completely ignored other survivors such as Felipe David not even calling them as witnesses.

I'm not doing this just for the families. I think there are wider implications to 9/11 which go far beyond just the deaths that occurred that day. However, I am on their side in pressing for a new and fully independent investigation into 9/11 to provide them and the rest of us with answers as to what happened that day.
Yossarian said:
Doing what, chatting on the internet? :confused:
Well yes I suppose that's all I do. Apart from attending and helping promote events, handing out DVDs, and most recently putting up a shedload of my own cash towards printing t-shirts.
Why would any of the people who'd be doing the investigating of the events of 9/11 be interested in what some people in England thought about things?
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