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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
No matter how much I answer them you always come up with more and claim I haven't answered any.
That's not even slightly close to the truth.

Today you introduced the topic of the passengers on the 9/11 planes, adding that there was something "curious" and "remarkable" about the passenger list.

Quite reasonably I asked you to clarify what was curious about it. And then you immediately embarked on another of your fucking irritating wriggle-a-thons.

If you're only interested in posting up wild claims, dodgy inferences and unsubstantiated 'facts' and then completely refuse to support those statements when challenged, then that is most certainly the action of a disruptive poster.
So, on one hand, an 'absurd amount' of explosives are needed to bring down a building - but on the other it just swans down thanks to damage to a few beams and a bit of fire?


Oh, you're serious. :eek:

Damage to a few beams: An aircraft crashed into the building, causing significant damage to the outer envelope and severing in a region of a third of the loadbearing columns in the core.

A bit of fire: Heavy, dispersed fired extending across almost the entire floor plate on 3-4 storeys, spreading upwards and with temperatures sufficient to cause the deformation and weakening of the steelwork.

Aye Jazz, you really have a grasp of the issues here - eh?

600% No fire! Free Fall Speed! Fire Engineering! (and other lies you've used).
TheArchitect said:
600% No fire! Free Fall Speed! Fire Engineering! (and other lies you've used).
But wasn't it simply amazing and astonishing and clearly deeply suspicious that the planes on 9/11 weren't full of low paid burger flippers, office cleaners and the unemployed jetting around to their jobs?

Instead it was full of high flyers who were busy, err, flying high. Talk about suspicious!

Where would we be without Jazzz's cunning, probing mind getting to the heart of the matter?
TheArchitect said:
Originally Posted by - David B. Benson
Abbreviations: gigaJoules (gJ) = 1,000 megaJoules (MJ). To heat steel to the melting point requires about 0.68 gJ of heat to be added for each tonne (metric ton) of steel. Enough more heat has to be added to melt it. Total is about 1 gJ/tonne. All we require is enough heat to obtain yellow hot steel, approximately 0.6 gJ/tonne. However, for simplicity and to allow for losses, assume 1 gJ/tonne of yellow hot steel in the basement(s) of WTC 1 & 2(?).

This could easily be supplied by a pressure pulse down the box columns as each floor is stripped off...
This is the most ridiculous of the three! He's proposing that the steel melted thanks to the hammering of the debris on top. There's absolutely nothing in his calculation to show that heat can be transferred at the rate necessary, he assumes that all energy gets transferred to the base of the steels and none through the ground (I would guess it's actually a very small percentage)... it's fantastic. What are the qualifications of David J. Benson? We have no idea. Who cares!

Of course the fun bit it where he says that 'yielding is not the point of failure' - I wonder what TA made of that, since he's been arguing the very opposite for the last ten pages of thread. Did you even read your own Cut & Paste TA?

I think we can file this one under utter hogwash. My experience with pneumatic drills is that the drill bit never melts, no matter how much electricity you feed into the machine :D
Jazzz said:
I think we can file this one under utter hogwash.

There's no room left in the filing cabinet - you filled it up with this bullshit five years ago.

Face it jazzz - you are ill and you need help.

kyser_soze said:
You're talking a lot of sense, but your explicit need to find America the bad guy in this, that the Talibs were operating purely on a revenge tip and that radical Islamists didn't, and still don't, have their own plans and ambitions for how the world should look and pray, is clouding your ability to see that there is no single 'one' to blame - as with everything in life, it's an agglomeration of 10,000 little things that come together into a node where their combined stresses cause a fracture - in this case 9/11.

I have no explicit needs mate. I do not start with the premise that america is the bad guy. I do reckon a very small amount of americans are part of the blame, along with those that actually carried out the attacks.

I do not see the world as one single simple entity.

It's up to you if you wish to continue to think i do think in these terms.

I'm not sure what you're saying about the taliban here, but they themselves warned america of impending obl attacks.
Jazzz said:
I think we can file this one under utter hogwash. My experience with pneumatic drills is that the drill bit never melts, no matter how much electricity you feed into the machine :D

So Jazz, now you live in a fantasy world where friction doesn't cause heat.

WoO :eek: WooO!!!!!
TheArchitect said:
I dunno; Jazz seems to be one single simple entity.....

I think the likes of you are single simple entities. Jazzz shows a lot of sense, bravery, and confidence that most here get nowhere near.

I don't know how much he's right about, might be right about, or is wrong about, but what's highly fascinating, in a psychological context, is the unbelievable nature of posts by those such as you who just can't stop attacking jazzz in such personal ways.

We know just how low pk can stoop in his disregard for human feelings, but this thread has shown a whole bunch more willing to assissinate somebody's character so openly, and with such hostility.

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Fucking disgusting to see people attacked for their own opinions and their own voice.
TheArchitect said:
So Jazz, now you live in a fantasy world where friction doesn't cause heat.

WoO :eek: WooO!!!!!
You think that that bonkers theory has merit because 'friction causes heat'? Tell me, why do you think pneumatic drill bits don't melt? Even if you run them for hours? That calculation makes so many extraordinary assumptions it's not even worth going into, yet TA doesn't even count it as conjecture. The irony is that I get accused of accepting outlandish theories wholesale. The most basic inspection of this one should scream 'hatstand'. :rolleyes:

Apart from the 'yielding is not the point of failure', of course. I note TA didn't comment on that, did you? :D
fela fan said:
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Fucking disgusting to see people attacked for their own opinions and their own voice.
Oh shut the fuck up with your sanctimonious whining.

Jazzz rightly earns the scorn of others by his dishonest arguing, his laziness in researching facts, his endless obfuscation and the deeply insulting drivel he posts up.

He links to, and fully supports a Holocaust denial site, he references sites that suggest that the 9/11 passengers were all liars who faked their own deaths and...well... I could go on all day.
editor said:
and...well... I could go on all day.

Yeah, i know.

If you wish to go round pouring scorn on other people for their views on things, then you're the loser, not the recipient. All that negative energy eh.

So, you really reckon that the way to rebut jazzz's ideas is to attack the man himself?
editor said:
He links to, and fully supports a Holocaust denial site, he references sites that suggest that the 9/11 passengers were all liars who faked their own deaths and...well... I could go on all day.
That's ridiculous. Nineeleven.co.uk is not a 'holocaust denial' site. It's a free discussion site. By the same token, urban75 is a gun-nutters site, a conspiracy site, a wanking site, you name it.

I'll specifically say, to clarify your other accusation, that the 9/11 passengers were not 'all liars who faked their own deaths'. e2a - the point being exclusively. I just wouldn't assume that they were all genuine. Another possibility is that some were deliberately chosen so they would die.
nineeleven.co.uk is filled with anti-semitic theories and is based upon the faked footage supplied to the world's gullible by American Free Press.

What are your opinions of the American Free Press as a supposedly Jewish man, Jazzz?
Jazzz said:
That's ridiculous. Nineeleven.co.uk is not a 'holocaust denial' site. It's a free discussion site. By the same token, urban75 is a gun-nutters site, a conspiracy site, a wanking site, you name it.
Err, if anyone posted up the kind of Holocaust denying filth that is currently displayed on Nineeleven.co.uk, the poster would be banned and the thread deleted. As would the clowns agreeing with the original poster. Instantly. No excuses.

Curious that you think that threads about Holocaust denial are on a par than wanking threads, but there you go.

Jazzz said:
I'll specifically say, to clarify your other accusation, that the 9/11 passengers were not 'all liars who faked their own deaths'. e2a - the point being exclusively. I just wouldn't assume that they were all genuine. Another possibility is that some were deliberately chosen so they would die.
Have you presented this fascinating (and fact-free, natch) 'theory' to the families on whose behalf you constantly claim to be fighting?

Why were five children 'deliberately chosen'? What possible reason would there be for murdering such a random selection of people? And, more practically, how did 'they' get to assemble all the fellow citizens that they'd ear marked for murder?

Could you tell me which of the passengers you believe have faked their deaths please? Which people on that list do you suspect has lied to their loved ones, destroyed their children's lives and faked their deaths?

You see what people like me find so fucking offensive about the bullshit you post here is that you claim the high moral ground by insisting that you're fighting for the victim's families while you post up the most poisonous, despicable lies about them.

And when you're not doing that, you're constantly accusing a string of random people of being murderers or liars. Each time you dream up your latest fanciful invisible bombs/invisible missiles, you're directly implicating hundreds of people in the act of mass murder without a shred of evidence. It's disgusting.
I do not start with the premise that america is the bad guy.

fela, nary a posting session of yours goes past without you commenting on how the US is the most evil nation on earth, about how it's FP has 'killed millions' over the years etc - this isn't me 'interpreting' what you say - even on this thread you begin your commentry from the position that the whole of 9/11 was directly caused by the USG in a MIHOP/LIHOP scenario, and that this is 'no surprise' to you because 'the US has killed millions around the world, why is it so hard for you to imagine that they would kill their own?' (OK, not a direct quote but a close enough paraphrase I reckon).

As with Jazz, you begin from the theory that the US *had* to be responsible for whatever reasons and then fit evidence to your theory as opposed to looking at the evidence and coming up with a theory.
kyser_soze said:
As with Jazz, you begin from the theory that the US *had* to be responsible for whatever reasons and then fit evidence to your theory as opposed to looking at the evidence and coming up with a theory.

To be fair to Jazzz, he's always admitted this, which makes it even more incredible that people actually bother to try and argue with him. Whatever evidence you show him, he's never, ever going to change his mind. So I guess, in a way, he's won. :)
goldenecitrone said:
To be fair to Jazzz, he's always admitted this, which makes it even more incredible that people actually bother to try and argue with him. Whatever evidence you show him, he's never, ever going to change his mind. So I guess, in a way, he's won. :)
eh? :mad: :rolleyes:
Bob_the_lost said:
You're saying he's wrong? You said you didn't need any evidence to come to your delusion, somehow i doubt there's anything that you could be shown / told that will disspell it.
Don't give me that bollocks, that not what I said at all.
Right, it's clear that any quality of discussion which previously existed has pretty much gone, and I suspect that's pretty much linked with the arrival of p 'licensed to troll' k. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Right, it's clear that any quality of discussion which previously existed has pretty much gone, and I suspect that's pretty much linked with the arrival of p 'licensed to troll' k. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's his fault you stopped replying to quesions. Tit.
Jazzz said:
Although to be fair you've been extremely abusive all along.
Not true in the slightest!

I have been maintaining a consistent low level of abusive for most of this thread. Only when you start talking utter fucking crap and avoiding the questions do i start giving you the abuse you so richly deserve you spineless prick.
Jazzz said:
Right, it's clear that any quality of discussion which previously existed has pretty much gone, and I suspect that's pretty much linked with the arrival of p 'licensed to troll' k. :rolleyes:
The quality of discussion had already plummeted to the depths after your usual cowardly and dishonest tactic of making wild claims and then refusing to discuss anything about them.

Like explaining the invisible explosives, the 'curious' passenger list, the five children 'deliberately chosen' to die, the passengers who supposedly faked their deaths etc etc.
editor said:
The quality of discussion had already plummeted to the depths after your usual cowardly and dishonest tactic of making wild claims and then refusing to discuss anything about them.

Like explaining the invisible explosives, the 'curious' passenger list, the five children 'deliberately chosen' to die, the passengers who supposedly faked their deaths etc etc.
I didn't comment on the five children at all. But then why not put words in someone's mouth?
Jazzz said:
I didn't comment on the five children at all. But then why not put words in someone's mouth?
Nice wriggle! You quite clearly said this about the passengers on the plane: "I just wouldn't assume that they were all genuine. Another possibility is that some were deliberately chosen so they would die."

There were five children on that plane and seeing as you've refused to back up your claims as usual, I can only assume that the children were some of these people you mysteriously claim may have been "deliberately chosen."

Just to save me the effort of having to ask you to explain what you're on about about fifty times over, can I assume that this is yet another example of your policy of slapping up random wild accusations of murder and misdoings that you won't back up?

And you aware that such conduct adds up to trolling?
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