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9/11 media happenings

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editor said:
Hundreds of people with "power and influence" - as well as ordinary folks - lost their lives on 9/11, you fucking callous, insensitive cunt.

Exactly. Hundreds. Not hundreds of thousands. Curious though isn't it that the flights (nearly all listed on your link were passengers, not people who died in the WTC) were so high-powered? Especially flight 77 with all it's Raytheon employees.
Jazzz said:
Exactly. Hundreds. Not hundreds of thousands. Curious though isn't it that the flights (nearly all listed on your link were passengers) were so high-powered? Especially flight 77 with all it's Raytheon employees.
By Christ you're stupid.

Here's a clue for you. Who do you think gets to fly about the skies and jet all over the place as part of their job?

1. Low paid burger flippers?
2. Low paid clerical staff?
3. Low paid packing staff?
4. The unemployed?
5. Execs, CEOs, high flying staff and 'important' people?

But seeing as you've brought this up, please explain what you think is so 'curious' about this completely normal situation. What do you think is so strange about these people being on the morning flights?

A straight answer too, please.
Fair point ed. But if you look at the passengers of flight 77 in particular it's extraordinary how many had very high positions and military connections. Boeing, BAE, Raytheon, Army, Navy, Lockheed Martin, other high positions in Goverment, etc. and all on an unusually light flight. It seems there were hardly any 'low fliers' on it at all.

Jazzz said:
Fair point ed. But if you look at the passengers of flight 77 in particular it's extraordinary how many had very high positions and military connections. Boeing, BAE, Raytheon, Army, Navy, Lockheed Martin, other high positions in Goverment, etc. and all on an unusually light flight. It seems there were hardly any 'low fliers' on it at all.

Sorry, I've no interest in following links to sites called, thewebfairy' (although it's an improvement on your Star Wars Beam site this morning), but I'd like you to explain the supposed significance of who was on the planes please.

I'd then like you to elaborate on why you think the flight was 'unusually light,' and then make your point.

PS I assume by 'fair point, ed' you really mean, "whoops. I've just made an arse of myself again and not bothered to actually think through what I was saying", yes?
Well that seems to be a very good page of collated information about the passengers of flight 77, and it quotes sources for the bios. If you know of a better one do let me know. You have to admit that flight is extremely unusual. I don't entirely know what to make of it, but it seems most remarkable.
Jazzz said:
Well that seems to be a very good page of collated information about the passengers of flight 77, and it quotes sources for the bios. If you know of a better one do let me know. You have to admit that flight is extremely unusual. I don't entirely know what to make of it, but it seems most remarkable.
You still haven't answered my question.

What is "curious" about the make up of the passenger list please and what conclusion are you trying to infer from it?

And, once again, I'd like a straight answer from you please and not a link to a fucking webfairy website.
Calm the hell down. Just now you referred to me as a 'callous insensitive cunt' for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The passengers for flight 77 are really quite remarkable. I've said I'm not entirely sure why but remarkable you must admit it is. I see your game, you're trying to crowbar in righteous indignation wherever you can. Sorry I don't see that I need oblige you.
Jazzz said:
Calm the hell down. Just now you referred to me as a 'callous insensitive cunt' for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The passengers for flight 77 are really quite remarkable. I've said I'm not entirely sure why but remarkable you must admit it is.
*bangs head on table.

Why can't you give me a straight answer to a straight question based directly on what you've just said?

What is "curious" and "remarkable" about the make up of the passenger list please and what conclusion are you trying to infer from it?
Jazzz said:
A 'grown-up' answer is that there was extensive molten steel in the WTC rubble because something, something that has not been investigated, and something we aren't being told about, generated extraordinary temperatures.

Dear Liar

Please provide your evidence that there was "extensive" molten metal and that it was indeed "steel".
Jazzz said:
Fair point ed. But if you look at the passengers of flight 77 in particular it's extraordinary how many had very high positions and military connections. Boeing, BAE, Raytheon, Army, Navy, Lockheed Martin, other high positions in Goverment, etc. and all on an unusually light flight. It seems there were hardly any 'low fliers' on it at all.

Was there a conference / military expo on that day they could have been going to?
This isn't an interrogation room editor. Take your posturing to an episode of The Bill or something. :p
TheArchitect said:
Dear Liar

Please provide your evidence that there was "extensive" molten metal and that it was indeed "steel".
Haven't you watched the video? I only posted it three fucking times.
Jazzz said:
Well that seems to be a very good page of collated information about the passengers of flight 77, and it quotes sources for the bios. If you know of a better one do let me know. You have to admit that flight is extremely unusual. I don't entirely know what to make of it, but it seems most remarkable.

Jazzz check here http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/09/12/victim-capsule-flight77.htm

On AA flight 77 you had, a health offical, a teacher, a network enginer, a geographer,a defence dept offical, business consultant, academic, defence contractors, enginers..

The usual mix of passengers you would expect on a commuter flight out of Washington.
It seems to me that Jazz should argue one point. Insufficiency of Inquiry. But if there was insufficiency of inquiry then it would be irrational to simply pose alternative explanations for an event ?

Taking, as an example, the 1989 IRA bombing of Deal Royal Marines barracks.

(1) Kent Police were given breach of security warnings about one civilian security guard.

(2) On April 10th 1989 this guard took work at a shop with a good reference from Reliance Security who had employed him at Deal Barracks.

(3) Kent Police announced their breach of security inquiry complete.

(4) On 22.9.89 the barracks was blown up killing 11 Royal Marines.

(5) Kent Police gave a press release that the bomb had been concealed and on a timer .. which they thought to be three days count down.

(6) The bomb exploded at 8.26 AM

(7) Kent Police refuse to answer whether their assumption of a three day timer (yielding that the bomb was placed on or after 19th Sept 1989) was a circular argument of no evidential value. Based only on the fact that three suspects had left a rented cottage opposite the barracks on the 19th ?

(8) Was it the case that a detonation at 730 AM would have caused much worse carnage ?

(9) Does 8 26 AM BST equate to 730 AM GMT winter time ?

(10) Was a six month timer running down at winter time ?

(11) The change to summer time was the final week of employ of the civilian security guard.

(12) The bomb was concealed in such a place as to bring about a vertical collapse of the recreation block ?

This is not a case of how the barracks was blown up ... it is a case about proving insufficiency of inquiry.

It seems to me that Jazz is campaigning like a Bridge Too Far. Too many objectives based on what we do not know.
molten steel my arse.

molten brains, jazzz, your medication has fucked your mind up LOL
Jazzz said:
This isn't an interrogation room editor. Take your posturing to an episode of The Bill or something. :p
You're a fucking dishonest wriggling fraud. It really is as simple as that. Why else would you keep on wriggling out of questions about topics that you yourself raised?

If you keep on refusing to answer on-topic questions like this, then I can only assume your aim is to disrupt the debate.

But for the last time: what is "curious" and "remarkable" about the make up of the passenger list please and what point are you trying to infer from it?
Andy the Don said:
Jazzz check here http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/09/12/victim-capsule-flight77.htm

On AA flight 77 you had, a health offical, a teacher, a network enginer, a geographer,a defence dept offical, business consultant, academic, defence contractors, enginers..

The usual mix of passengers you would expect on a commuter flight out of Washington.
Nearly half the passengers were women, and there was five kids on board too. And that scumfest of a site that Jazzz linked to asks, "Were the Flight 77 passengers selected?" and then has the audacity to portray them as cowards or stooges by asking, "Why didn't the passengers of Flight 77 rise up against the alleged hijackers like we are told the passengers on Flight 93 did since they both knew the hijackers were going to kill them?"

Cunts. Despicable, lying, muck-raking cunts.
I should add, re the civilian guard history posted, that he has a known associate who is the man Kent Police refused crime complaints against alleging sabotage of backup generator systems consistent with Stage 3 of the IRA Garland Plan.

MI5 called on the complainant (who was spurned by Kent Police) for a report re backup sabotage ... as part of their post 9 11 security review.

And they acknowledged the report in writing. Back on thread ?
wee cough ed said:
I should add, re the civilian guard history posted, that he has a known associate who is the man Kent Police refused crime complaints against alleging sabotage of backup generator systems consistent with Stage 3 of the IRA Garland Plan.
I'm sure it's all absolutely fascinating, but the actions of the Kent Police and the failure of backup generator systems have got absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Please start your own thread, if you must.
editor said:
You're a fucking dishonest wriggling fraud. It really is as simple as that. Why else would you keep on wriggling out of questions about topics that you yourself raised?

If you keep on refusing to answer on-topic questions like this, then I can only assume your aim is to disrupt the debate.


Jazz's tactics seem to comprise making unfounded assertions, occasionally coming up with half-baked answers (600%!) when challenged, and then when backed into a corner either (a) changing subject or (b) complaining that he doesn't need proof or evidence - he somehow simply "knows" the big bad USG did it.

3,000 men, women, and children died on 911. Jazz seems to think that it's all just a big game.

And remember. NIST have hoodwinked hundreds of thousands - heck, millions - of trained architects, structural engineers, fire engineers, and demolition specialists the world over but only HE and a handful of self educated experts such as Judy "Death Ray" Woods have found the truth!

Which bizarrely is apparently to be found in the NIST report (man, how dumb are those USG conspirators) and grainy YouTube images. :rolleyes:
editor said:
I'm sure it's all absolutely fascinating, but the actions of the Kent Police and the failure of backup generator systems have got absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Please start your own thread, if you must.

Well in all fairness, I have doubts that Jazz' unsubstantiated lunacy has much to do with 911 either.....:eek:
pk said:
Then ban Jizzz and his band of fruit and nut fuckwits, simple.

No. Jazz would claim that as victory - some sort of admission of defeat on our part (despite the demolition of his arguments). Better to lock the thread and leave it posted for all to see - a warning about the absence of truth we find in the "Truth" movement.

The relevance is the overpump of 12000 gallons of backup genny diesel in Tower Seven. If it was due to tampering with the fuel transfer system signalling then that is an MO reported in UK before 911 ... to Kent Police and actually to MI5 by Jonathan Aitken MP.

The fact is that General De Chasterlain (Arms Decommissioner) is limited to decommissioning to the existing definitions of firearm, explosives ...

But he has no power to require declaration of the weapon of sabotage techniques (which for example were offered by IRA to dissident groups in other country to whom they offered expertise in power station sabotage).

Gen De Chasterlain did, however, choose to send a report to the Northern Ireland Secretary to put his concern on record.

Did the NY Fire Brigade report that the collapse of Tower Seven would not have occurred but for the backup genny sustem in the building ?
Jazzz said:
Well, that's one. Correcting editor who was unaware of ol' Scott.

So you're admiting it's BS.

Indeed! Kind of leaving the back door open isn't it?

Please give examples of the USAF successfully intercepting aircraft, in the time frame between the hijacking and the crashes.

Let me guess. All the metal from the aircraft somehow gathered together, with the jet fuel, and fell down together and then after the WTC fell the jet fuel lit and melted the aluminium and then little green men came along and kept adding gasoline for six weeks so it was still melting the worker's boots :p

You know the WTC was clad in aluminium right? No thought not.
The facts are that the NY Fire Brigade attributed the collapse of Tower Seven to the backup genny system. Diesel cannot burn hot enough to melt steel but can produce heat sufficient to distort structure and cause collapse ?

The abberant operation (overpump and non transfer pump) of backup diesel systems had been reported in UK from 1981 (independent of my concern).

At Credit Suisse London in 1987 this was found to be due to reversal of the fuel transfer system signalling. (Two minutes to achieve). To wire it to work during maintenance runs but fail only in real mains failure incidents would take a little longer.

Changes to control wiring were found at the BP HQ backup system in 1987.

My point is that it is a known MO.

MI5, as part of their post 911 review clearly thought it merritted re-examination. And General De Chasterlain (taking into account the planned terrorist techniques of IRA published in the appendices to the Scarman Report in 1972) thought it meritted his recording concern beyond his terms of reference with the NI Secretary.
TheArchitect said:

Jazz's tactics seem to comprise making unfounded assertions, occasionally coming up with half-baked answers (600%!) when challenged, and then when backed into a corner either (a) changing subject or (b) complaining that he doesn't need proof or evidence - he somehow simply "knows" the big bad USG did it.

3,000 men, women, and children died on 911. Jazz seems to think that it's all just a big game.

And remember. NIST have hoodwinked hundreds of thousands - heck, millions - of trained architects, structural engineers, fire engineers, and demolition specialists the world over but only HE and a handful of self educated experts such as Judy "Death Ray" Woods have found the truth!

Which bizarrely is apparently to be found in the NIST report (man, how dumb are those USG conspirators) and grainy YouTube images. :rolleyes:
You're making a big deal about the 600% again! I figure I happily managed to discard and prove the point without it. I guess you're still smarting because lil'ol me managed to understand the DCR ratios far better than you did, and you're the one that professed to know it all.

Do you think the family steering group - who are beside themselves that the USG - who owes explanations to them of how their loved ones died - think that it's all a 'big game'? Jesus. It may be a game to you - that's how you perceive these threads for sure. 'keeps the mind sharp' didn't you say. :rolleyes:

I'm on their side. You are not. Don't act like you are the one to feel righteous indignation. Once people like you start taking things seriously then the sooner the families will be able to get the answers and maybe the justice they deserve.
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