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9/11 media happenings

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fela fan said:
Yes, i can oblige since you're new here. But i've given them from time to time for five years now. But the best one for you to tackle, and afford yourself some time, is to found at www.cooperativeresearch.com but it might be .org not sure. .
He asked for your sources and evidence, not a blanket link to a site containing thousands of pages.

fela fan said:
Yes, and i've discussed those issues down the years here. Unlike most threads on the topic, this one has been allowed to run and run, without bin or ban or threat of bin or ban. You're relatively new round here, and considering the filthy language you've aimed my way, and the disgusting way you've described me, someone you know nothing about, yer a cheeky fucker den for calling upon discussion of the topic with me. Nah mate, it ain't cowardice, it's about talking on-topic with those prepared to remain civil. That does not include you.

Dodging the bullet once.

And you think i'm going to spend time trying to 'prove you wrong'?? I'm not here to prove anyone wrong, least of all you. I'm here to add my comments, and for readers to do what they want with them.

Your comments appear to be based solely on why people hold yourself and Jazzz in contempt rather than anything of substance.

Finally, if you would like to raise the tone of debate with me den, then get civil man.

Was there anything in my last post that wasn't civil?

Otherwise, forget it, and i shall continue to do my best to live up to your ideas that i am an "intellectual lightweight, out of your depth, out of your league."

I like conforming to the person people think i am. It allows me to feed and fan their stereotypical thinking. They never realise how blind they are.

LOL Bless Fela whatever self delusion you need to tell yourself to get through the day.
Structaural said:
That could have been edited down but pretty much sums the 'troofers' up. Fela's in there I see calling himself 'Les' or something. :)

They seem like a pretty unpleasant bunch. It's sad to see them giving mental illness such a bad name. :(
I was fortunate enough to be asked by Gravy to review an early version of it back in January. I thought it was bang on the nail. You should see the flak it's drawing over at Loose Change !
I was VX-nerve gassed on 11/02/04 in Llanelli in South Wales. They were going to blame Al-Qaeda and say they had found the weapons of mass destruction. Before that they GONKY GERMED my drinking water.
Now here is a real cover-up
Bob Jones said:
I was VX-nerve gassed on 11/02/04 in Llanelli in South Wales. They were going to blame Al-Qaeda and say they had found the weapons of mass destruction. Before that they GONKY GERMED my drinking water.
Now here is a real cover-up
Nurse! Bob Jones is in need of some urgent help here.
Thanks ED you are intuitve. They did in fact use the cookie doctor as part of the cover-up. It was being drenched in a heavy, dirty, almond, purple, ceosote gas that made my kindneys ache like hell and the smell comming out of my skin for a week later that made me think I had been VX-nerve gassed on 11/02/04.
Not because I had allegedly become a heavy cannabis smoker in the dodgy chemical works in 1998. I was libeled but you know how it is with the powerfull. Libel is their toy and I can't aford it.
I was VX-nerve gassed in a ploy to blame Al-Qaeda and say they had found the weapons of mass destruction.
Wait untill you find our how much a part of the establishment I am. I am an alternative royal with a Stuart line link and would need to abdicate for Charles to be king. I am well known for giving advice to members of parliament.
You will come to trust me ED.
Bob Jones said:
I was VX-nerve gassed in a ploy to blame Al-Qaeda and say they had found the weapons of mass destruction.
Wait untill you find our how much a part of the establishment I am. I am an alternative royal with a Stuart line link and would need to abdicate for Charles to be king. I am well known for giving advice to members of parliament.
Best new poster 2007 :D <throws away TV>
Bob Jones said:
T I am well known for giving advice to members of parliament.
Exactly which Members of Parliament are currently benfitting from your "advice", please?

fela fan said:
So, meanwhile, back to 911. Intelligence, and the gathering of it.

Why do the US have the cia, fbi, and other agencies designed specifically to gather intelligence? Nor forgetting of course their cooperative work with agencies of 'friendly' countries. Why do they gather this information?

And why, when they have gathered an inordinate amount in the months, weeks, and days leading up to the attacks, do they then go and ignore it? Do you personally editor believe they suffered from intelligence-fatigue?

Or what do you think?
What made the info that they gathered in that time period any better than that which was gained prior to, or after, that period? What was more significant about the data that was gathered immedately prior to 9/11 that was missed.

The investigations are great at showing data existed but very poor in explaining why it was passed over, the benefits of hindsight are very useful.
Bob Jones said:
I was VX-nerve gassed on 11/02/04 in Llanelli in South Wales. They were going to blame Al-Qaeda and say they had found the weapons of mass destruction.
An invasion force was heading over ... but the MOD hadn't got enough pound coins for the Severn Crossing tolls ... :D
During the invasion of Iraq I was working with staff at Bernard Jenkin's office in the house of commons. At the moment I have made some effort to access my MP. We have met. I want the poisoning attempts on my life to stop ED.
But over the years I have been in correspondence with many MPs from Ann Widdicome to John Redwood to David Cameron and Michale Ancram.
I was very friendly with seretaries at the office of William Hague for years but they have all moved on now. I hope that goes some way to answering your question ED.
Bob Jones said:
During the invasion of Iraq I was working with staff at Bernard Jenkin's office in the house of commons. At the moment I have made some effort to access my MP. We have met. I want the poisoning attempts on my life to stop ED.
But over the years I have been in correspondence with many MPs from Ann Widdicome to John Redwood to David Cameron and Michale Ancram.
I was very friendly with seretaries at the office of William Hague for years but they have all moved on now. I hope that goes some way to answering your question ED.
So were they thankful for receiving your 'advice' and which advice of yours did they act on? Could you give some examples, please?
Bob Jones said:
During the invasion of Iraq I was working with staff at Bernard Jenkin's office in the house of commons. At the moment I have made some effort to access my MP. We have met. I want the poisoning attempts on my life to stop ED.
But over the years I have been in correspondence with many MPs from Ann Widdicome to John Redwood to David Cameron and Michale Ancram.
I was very friendly with seretaries at the office of William Hague for years but they have all moved on now. I hope that goes some way to answering your question ED.

Is this Rorymac’s strange alter ego? :D
MikeMcc said:
What made the info that they gathered in that time period any better than that which was gained prior to, or after, that period? What was more significant about the data that was gathered immedately prior to 9/11 that was missed.

The investigations are great at showing data existed but very poor in explaining why it was passed over, the benefits of hindsight are very useful.

I'm not saying that info was more valuable from certain times. Just that intelligence has a function, and to ignore it seems axiomatic to even bothering getting it in the first place.

As for why it was passed over, then you need to read about the local fbi agents where some of the hijackers were taking flying lessons (massouri, i think is one) contacting their bosses repeatedly, yet always being fobbed off. There is plenty of activity going on with local agents, and with their warnings being 'got rid of'. So there was the intelligence, and there was reaction to it, at all levels. At the high levels there seems to be a mixture of inertia and willful ignoring of the warnings. As to why, here is where the conjecture starts.

But it would be very good indeed if aspects like this could be discussed and investigated, both here on urban and in mainstream media. Instead we get the explosives and other red herrings that deliberately keep the story derailed, in favour of the criminals behind the attacks.
There is a lot of information in the interview on Sky TV with David Shaler. I think he is right also the Rodrigez interview. Why do they want to keep him quiet about the first explosion?
fela fan said:
I'm not saying that info was more valuable from certain times. Just that intelligence has a function, and to ignore it seems axiomatic to even bothering getting it in the first place.

It's easy to see with hindsight what small snips of information might have drawn attention to the terrorists plans if they hadn't been hidden from view among the thousands of snippets of info, like trees are by the forest.
Bob Jones said:
There is a lot of information in the interview on Sky TV with David Shaler. I think he is right also the Rodrigez interview. Why do they want to keep him quiet about the first explosion?

Who's trying to keep him quiet, he goes on speaking tours, is interviewed by the media.

The only problem is there isn't a single shred of supporting evidence to back him up.
Bob Jones said:
I am an alternative royal with a Stuart line link and would need to abdicate for Charles to be king.

Errm... I'm not sure you would... seeing as Charles is first in line and everything... if you've managed to squeeze yourself between him and the Queen, then wouldn't the Queen need you to abdicate as well?

To be fair mate, you wouldn't have a shit-show. If the Queen died and some Stuart pretender popped up and tried to claim the throne, the British tabloids (and public) would instantly, mirthfully and unequivocally demolish him.

Charles may be a twat, but he's our twat. You've got about as much chance as Al Fayed. No abdication required.
Lock&Light said:
It's easy to see with hindsight what small snips of information might have drawn attention to the terrorists plans if they hadn't been hidden from view among the thousands of snippets of info, like trees are by the forest.

You haven't got any idea about the intelligence have you lock? Small snips??!!!! You what??

There was overwhelming intelligence, from the cia, fbi, never mind all the foreign intelligence coming into their hands. Time and time again they were told about an imminent big one, planes going into buildings, and so on. Local fbi agents were pesterering their superiors to no avail.

Small snips, that's a good un.
fela fan said:
You haven't got any idea about the intelligence have you lock? Small snips??!!!! You what??

There was overwhelming intelligence, from the cia, fbi, never mind all the foreign intelligence coming into their hands. Time and time again they were told about an imminent big one, planes going into buildings, and so on. Local fbi agents were pesterering their superiors to no avail.

Small snips, that's a good un.

There was lots of intelligence, threats aganist water supplies, threats aganist the capital.

It's so desperately pathetically easy for you, with the benefit of hindsight, to say they should have seen this coming, with the benefit of hindsight.

As the IRA were fond of saying "You need to be constantly lucky, we need to be lucky once".
8den said:
There was lots of intelligence, threats aganist water supplies, threats aganist the capital.

It's so desperately pathetically easy for you, with the benefit of hindsight, to say they should have seen this coming, with the benefit of hindsight.

So, let me get this clear then: the americans set up all these agencies with the specific objective of gathering intelligence to in effect defend the nation against potential forthcoming attacks. The americans, in addition to their own, also gain further intelligence from friendly nations and their very own intelligence gathering.

And yet when they get this intelligence, they, er... er, IGNORE IT. Wow, that's a cunning kind of operation they're involved in. Spend heaps of money, get loads of information, and then simply ignore it. Set up your own agencies, enlist the help of other agencies in other nations, do all you can to obtain information deemed to be useful in combatting attacks on the state nation of the US, and then just ignore it all.

Just tell all the folks at home that we had too much of it, and hindsight is always easy.

And you go on about conspiracy theorists just picking up on whatever backs up their pre-determined position. What about you, saying that the intelligence was of no use because we just had too much of it.

That is one big hoot mate. You don't want to look at the intelligence aspect of this story, because it will undermine your whole position on this subject. So you pass it off as hindsight being easy, and there being too much of the intelligence.

Who's got their ears and eyes shut eh?
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