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fela fan said:
Yes, well in spite of you being a stickler when calling for evidence and facts, you yourself happily conflate fact with opinion. Certainly this is the case on 911 threads.

Your opinion of me must by default be 100% correct. How on earth could it be any less????

Meanwhile, i can confirm that i am 100% accurate in calling you a liar about myself, and that you frequently come up with lies about me. That is fact. But you have confused yourself time and again between fact and fiction and opinion editor. And that's rather ironic when we recall how often you demand evidence and facts from other posters.

And in your last sentence, are you asking for their agreement over your opinion of me, or over your factual lies about me?
You are carrying out the typical conspiracy theorist tactic of dodging the question!
TheArchitect said:
I do wonder if you give your doctor this kind of routine? After all, what does he know?! He's just an expert!! Why should his 7 to 8 years of study make his medical opinion more valid than yours!!! You've seen Casualty and General Hospital and ER and everything!

Funny enough, doctors in britain often get it wrong, with people losing their lives over the mistakes they make.

You seem to be claiming that a whole load of years of study make someone an expert.

Well, that is just plain funny.
MikeMcc said:
You are carrying out the typical conspiracy theorist tactic of dodging the question!

And what question might that be michael?

And you surely know by now that i am one of the least likely candidates for being a conspiracy theorist?
fela fan said:
Funny enough, doctors in britain often get it wrong, with people losing their lives over the mistakes they make.

You seem to be claiming that a whole load of years of study make someone an expert.

Well, that is just plain funny.
3 years of study is more likely to make someone an expert than 6 years of rooting around in the grot at the back of the internet.
fela fan said:
Funny enough, doctors in britain often get it wrong, with people losing their lives over the mistakes they make.

You seem to be claiming that a whole load of years of study make someone an expert.

Well, that is just plain funny.

And, surprisingly enough, I suspect far more people would lose their lives should medical care be dished out by self-appointed internet blowhards. Strangely enough doctors do gain practical experience rather than just embarking on 'years of study.'

This must be the most desperate bit of reasoning I've seen in a long time.
Crispy said:
3 years of study is more likely to make someone an expert than 6 years of rooting around in the grot at the back of the internet.

And so this seems a timely moment to agree upon a definition of 'expert'.

I reckon that most people when presented with an expert believe that this person is qualified to speak on their subject, and that they have the full knowledge with which to pass judgment. They know, and therefore what they say is accepted.

If i'm right, that is a dangerous state of affairs, and i remain most happy to retain a questioning mind of everybody, especially doctors.

Yes, especially doctors. Them getting something wrong about me is potentially very costly. And plenty of people have lost their lives over doctors' wrong prognoses, never mind lost limbs and the like.
fela fan said:
And what question might that be michael?
Rumbled! That trick is straight out of the manual!

1. Get friendly
Always refer to your opponent by his/her first name. Your messages will seem warm and friendly, despite the rabid ferocity of their content. After a few exchanges, begin to use a corruption of your opponent's name - begin with "William", then change to "Billy", then change to something like "Billy-Boy". Women don't enjoy having their names shortened either, so make sure that "Mrs. Elizabeth C. Osbourne-Smythe PhD, QC" is always addressed as "Lizzy".
fela fan said:
And so this seems a timely moment to agree upon a definition of 'expert'.

I reckon that most people when presented with an expert believe that this person is qualified to speak on their subject, and that they have the full knowledge with which to pass judgment. They know, and therefore what they say is accepted.

What sort of presumptuous, nonsensical guff is this? Who the hell believes that anyone has 'full knowledge' of any subject. We're talking about experts, not blinking deities.

I don't know which wacko wonderland you live in, but I suspect most regard experts as those qualified in, and/or with practical expertise in their chosen field. People don't 'accept' what experts say without question, they weigh the opinions available to them, including the experience and expertise of the individuals involved. Unless, that is, they're pontificating, simplistic numbnuts like yourself.

fela fan said:
And so this seems a timely moment to agree upon a definition of 'expert'.
Expert = someone who has dedicated many years of their life studying and gaining a good understanding of a given subject, gaining a host of recognised and relevant qualifications on the way. Understands how to approach and analyse a subject using good science and a clinical, open-minded methodology with the results often peer reviewed.

Clueless oaf = person who assembles a biased world view based on a highly selective trawl of websites and other equally dubious sources including any passing tourists. Claims to "know" the truth based on a fuzzy "understanding" of world matters, despite being woefully unqualified in all relevent areas of expertise.

Hmm. Now which box does fela fit into?

Any danger of just culling the last 30 or so posts.

And plenty of people have lost their lives over doctors' wrong prognoses, never mind lost limbs and the like.

Yeah, but many, many more have been SAVED by Drs. The same way in court some innocent people have been jailed - but MORE guilty people have. Who would you rather have operating on you - a layman or a qualified surgeon?

So on balance, I tend to give credence to expert views, with the usual caveats of 'you can probably find another professional in the same field to disagree with this one'.

Your problem with 'experts' is that they tend to disagree with your sketchy opinions because they have experience and knowledge of their disciplines that contradicts your opinions on the world.
editor said:
Rumbled! That trick is straight out of the manual!

Only if you know the manual mate. Yer a laugh editor. If it's a trick, you know all about it. I know yer into trickery, as for me, i'm strictly above board at all times...

Anyway, i'm sure <ed: real name removed> will see that my reply was in line with the content of his post, with his use of the exclamation mark, and with our previous more recent exchanges.

But then you'll not be privy to that coz you've butted in mate!

Now are you not going to address the fact that i've pointed out to you that you have been peddling lies about me? Or will you just continue ignoring this? I know i've frequently left you with no option but to ignore me, you're often left floundering in fela's wake...

But i know you're used to it by now. If you would just take my advice and consult the mirror with more clarity and confidence...
fela fan said:
Only if you know the manual mate. Yer a laugh editor. If it's a trick, you know all about it. I know yer into trickery, as for me, i'm strictly above board at all times...

Anyway, i'm sure someone will see that my reply was in line with the content of his post, with his use of the exclamation mark, and with our previous more recent exchanges.

But then you'll not be privy to that coz you've butted in mate!

Now are you not going to address the fact that i've pointed out to you that you have been peddling lies about me? Or will you just continue ignoring this? I know i've frequently left you with no option but to ignore me, you're often left floundering in fela's wake...

But i know you're used to it by now. If you would just take my advice and consult the mirror with more clarity and confidence...

Is it me, or does this sound like ramblings of some senile old man, long past his sell by date...? :confused:
kyser_soze said:
Your problem with 'experts' is that they tend to disagree with your sketchy opinions because they have experience and knowledge of their disciplines that contradicts your opinions on the world.

Yet again you've been unable to avoid falling into the trap of commentating on who i am. And guess what kyser, you're wrong again.

I have patiently and frequently said what my problem is with experts: that i will not simply accept their word for it. I have never said i disbelieve them, or that if what they say does not fit my own opinion i will not accept it. That is all your rubbish mate.

So that is not my problem with experts, it is simply your wrong call, yetafuckingain man.
jæd said:
Is it me, or does this sound like ramblings of some senile old man, long past his sell by date...? :confused:

It's you, along with tarranau, den, and goldenecitrone.

Being the gracious man i am i leave kyser and editor out of that list, but only coz they seem to at least be human. But their powers of summing a person up are a bit lacking.

Unlike some of you snipers who just pop up to do their best to rubbish posters and humiliate them if at all possible. Your comments really are pathetic jaed, but that is your prerogative. Everyone's entitled to be pathetic.

Now just tell me what is wrong with an old man who is senile? Ain't that the same thing anyway? Past his sell-by date? You've just called a fair few million people in a rather nasty manner. It seems to sum you up.
Hey, here's an idea Fela. How's about not making dumbarse and self-aggradising assumptions - like your laughable definition of experts and how everybody 'accepts' them (apart from you of course, because you're special) - and then we may treat you with a little less contempt.

I'm a great believer in honesty and openess. And you've acted like a right know it-all prat and a half on this thread.
tarannau said:
What sort of presumptuous, nonsensical guff is this? Who the hell believes that anyone has 'full knowledge' of any subject. We're talking about experts, not blinking deities.

I don't know which wacko wonderland you live in

Thailand, unless I'm very much mistaken. :)
tarannau said:
Hey, here's an idea Fela. How's about not making dumbarse and self-aggradising assumptions - like your laughable definition of experts and how everybody 'accepts' them (apart from you of course, because you're special) - and then we may treat you with a little less contempt.

I'm a great believer in honesty and openess. And you've acted like a right know it-all prat and a half on this thread.

Oi, you, you've never treated me with anything but contempt, and that's fine, it's your life. But don't go thinking i'm gonna do owt to stop you thinking this. If you wanna go round having contempt for people it's your fucking lookout mate. But i'm most certainly not the loser in that. You hold the contempt, not me.

You should consider context a wee bit more. I've acted the way i have on this thread based on the posts that have been aimed my way. And if folk think i'm arrogant, then i'm more than happy to confirm this.

If you think i'm contemptible then i'm just as happy to help you with your judgments.

If folk think i act like a know-it-all, then i am happy to oblige by indeed acting that way.

After all, judges like to think they're right, so i just help out wherever possible.

And in any case, there are only a small handful of posters that seem to get so wound up by my presence on these boards. But they don't half dip into their reservoir of adjectives and adverbs to shout loud enough to make up for their small presence by numbers.
goldenecitrone said:
Thailand, unless I'm very much mistaken. :)

You are factually totally correct. How unmistaken you are mate.

And yes, it is a wonderland, and often wacky too.

Just what the doctor ordered...
goldenecitrone said:
Thailand, unless I'm very much mistaken. :)

Personally, I'm never going to bother with Thailand... There doesn't anything to do apart from post shite on boards hosted thousands of miles away in obscure countries...
jæd said:
Personally, I'm never going to bother with Thailand... There doesn't anything to do apart from post shite on boards hosted thousands of miles away in obscure countries...

No-one in thailand will be mourning this decision of yours.

As far as britons are concerned, it cannot be referred to as 'obscure'. At least half a million each year get their arses over here.

It's your loss, and our gain. Cheers to that, oh spiteful one.
So good of you to speak for the people of Thailand Fela.

You don't wind me up btw - although you've come up with some crackingly uncontrolled rants against me - but you do seem hellbent on making yourself into a laughably arrogant charicature of a numbnut. It's easier to laugh at you than get really annnoyed.
tarannau said:
but you do seem hellbent on making yourself into a laughably arrogant charicature of a numbnut. It's easier to laugh at you than get really annnoyed.

Hey, if you want to paint Fela as a laughably arrogant charicature of a numbnut then he won't stop you, he'll positively encourage it. But at the end of the day it's you that will be carrying around this idea of a laughably arrogant charicature of a numbnut in your head and not him. Got it! :)
fela fan said:
I know i've frequently left you with no option but to ignore me, you're often left floundering in fela's wake...
You seem a bit confused. Are you talking about a different fela here?
fela fan said:
But i know you're used to it by now. If you would just take my advice and consult the mirror with more clarity and confidence...
How does one "consult" a mirror? Are you on the pop or something?
Nope. I'm pretty sure that it's not just me that's holding that impression, at least based on the contributions of others on this thread.

Don't worry, there's not much danger of many treating Fela seriously...

tarannau said:
So good of you to speak for the people of Thailand Fela.

You don't wind me up btw - although you've come up with some crackingly uncontrolled rants against me - but you do seem hellbent on making yourself into a laughably arrogant charicature of a numbnut. It's easier to laugh at you than get really annnoyed.

Aw, getting all defensive there tarannau. Ego must be feeling roughed up.
Nope. I'm positively smiling. Got any of your crackingly oversimplistic cod-philosophy to impart to us again. I think you've graduated past the nonsense about mirrors and filters now - you'll probably hit us with 'he who smelt it, dealt it' or some other pearl of wisdom now...
editor said:
You seem a bit confused. Are you talking about a different fela here?
How does one "consult" a mirror? Are you on the pop or something?

One consults anything that is likely to provide some kind of knowledge or idea that one did not have before.
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