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9/11 media happenings

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fela fan said:
keep posting my arse. Sort yourself out man. Not even once, never mind a habit as implied by your wording.
That's 2 posts in a row on a thread about a subject you find boring. :D
TheArchitect said:
Clearly not so boring as to prevent you reading the thread.

You and wouldbe have reading problems. This thread is about 911 in general, not about explosives in the towers.

Sort yerselves out.

I'm very interested in 911 in general, but don't really entertain for long anything that belongs in the realms of the fantasy.

I have mates who are certain that explosives were in those buildings, but to me it's no more than 50/50. And that's just as boring as talking about the merits of heads or tails on a spinning coin.
fela fan said:
You and wouldbe have reading problems. This thread is about 911 in general, not about explosives in the towers.

Sort yerselves out.

I'm very interested in 911 in general, but don't really entertain for long anything that belongs in the realms of the fantasy.

I have mates who are certain that explosives were in those buildings, but to me it's no more than 50/50. And that's just as boring as talking about the merits of heads or tails on a spinning coin.

How silly of me to focus on issues that I'm qualified to discuss. Mind you, if the Truth movement did the same, they'd be very quiet. Theology and dentistry, I should imagine.

Incidentally, as a humorous aside, have you been following Kevin Ryan's claim for unfair dismissal from UL? It's really rather enjoyable (no, really). There are a couple of threads dedicated to it over at JREF.
TheArchitect said:
How silly of me to focus on issues that I'm qualified to discuss.

Ah, qualified are we? So we just take your word on that do we?

And can you elaborate just on who is qualified to discuss what?

Or might you agree that everyone is qualified to discuss anything?

I'm always wary of experts, but even more wary of those that claim to be experts.
fela fan said:
Ah, qualified are we? So we just take your word on that do we?
He's certainly infinitely more qualified than you to talk on architecture-related issues. Actually, he seems more qualified than you to talk on just about everything.

Except living in a dream world and building a bizarre world view formed by talking to random tourists . That's your specialist subject.
fela fan said:
Ah, qualified are we? So we just take your word on that do we?

And can you elaborate just on who is qualified to discuss what?

Or might you agree that everyone is qualified to discuss anything?

I'm always wary of experts, but even more wary of those that claim to be experts.

You're about to look really foolish Fela Fan. Well more foolish than usual. The Architect has posted his credentials on another forum I frequent.

I'm generally of the position that someone qualified in their field, can speak with authority on that subject matter.

I mean have you designed any skyscrapers recently? Do you think that someone who does, is better qualified to discuss how skyscrapers are constructed, and what happens when they fail.

The Architect I don't think you're going to get much from Fela Fan, he'll just start muttering about "how none of us know" what happened on 911, Argument ab ignoramus. Just because you're completely unqualified to discuss any matter on this subject doesn't mean the rest of the world is in the same boat.
I've booked the church hall for the 100th page celebrations.
Doris the postman's widow is doing cakes.
fela fan said:
Ah, qualified are we? So we just take your word on that do we?

And can you elaborate just on who is qualified to discuss what?

Or might you agree that everyone is qualified to discuss anything?

I'm always wary of experts, but even more wary of those that claim to be experts.

If I recall correctly, I offered to pass registration details to Editor in order that he could be satisfied that I was indeed a registered architect. Failing that, what do you want to know about the inner machinations of (say) the RIBA or whetever appears in the current edition of the RIBA Journal?

And the next time you visit your doctor, do remember to tell him how wary you are of experts. Ditto you dentist. Vet. Accountant. Lawyer. And so on.

Tell me Fela, what do you do for a living?
I try to hide my own mistrust of professional folk because it's how I was raised. Out of all that lot I only have time for one and that's a Australian dentist fella called Dr Jack Connors. He had a mouth like Stonehenge himself but he was a proper pro. I broke two of my front bottom teeth when I rugby tackled a bloke with loafers on. He had put those click clack sounding things on the heels which I could NOT see as I chased after him because I was being dazzled by his white socks.
It was the fucking fashion at the time .. indeed I was wearing an identical pair so it sounded well smart when I was chasing the fucker across the old cobbled streets of Bordeaux.
He was a fucking French quantity surveyer and he was fast like but I caught the bastard's cromby by the tails and hung on as he dragged me through a puddle of fuckin garlic slops and fuckin floating raw eggs or some fuckin thing so my herring bone slacks were destroyed as well as my mouth.
I was sooooo self conscious about my teeth that I never smiled again until Dr Connors fitted a pair of fuckin porcelain veneers over the top of the fuckin broken ones just like a false fingernail. It was a fuckin weird concept but OI came out of that fucking clinic with the fucking most beautiful cheeky grin. I had a really cute little cluster of curls on the back of my pole at that time so I was a bit of a fuckin dreamboat form every angle. I used to squint into the distance all the time without even realising !!
He was the only one though. Professionals aint all that ok!
Doctors aint all that .. accountants aint all that .. lawyers etc and so on and so forth :oops: ! It sounds like it's me who maybe aint all that when it's just a list !!
rorymac said:
I try to hide my own mistrust of professional folk because it's how I was raised. Out of all that lot I only have time for one and that's a Australian dentist fella called Dr Jack Connors. He had a mouth like Stonehenge himself but he was a proper pro. I broke two of my front bottom teeth when I rugby tackled a bloke with loafers on. He had put those click clack sounding things on the heels which I could NOT see as I chased after him because I was being dazzled by his white socks.
It was the fucking fashion at the time .. indeed I was wearing an identical pair so it sounded well smart when I was chasing the fucker across the old cobbled streets of Bordeaux.
He was a fucking French quantity surveyer and he was fast like but I caught the bastard's cromby by the tails and hung on as he dragged me through a puddle of fuckin garlic slops and fuckin floating raw eggs or some fuckin thing so my herring bone slacks were destroyed as well as my mouth.
I was sooooo self conscious about my teeth that I never smiled again until Dr Connors fitted a pair of fuckin porcelain veneers over the top of the fuckin broken ones just like a false fingernail. It was a fuckin weird concept but OI came out of that fucking clinic with the fucking most beautiful cheeky grin. I had a really cute little cluster of curls on the back of my pole at that time so I was a bit of a fuckin dreamboat form every angle. I used to squint into the distance all the time without even realising !!
He was the only one though. Professionals aint all that ok!

I'm honestly coming to the opinion that Rorymac is a piece conceptual art.

He's like a handgrenade of conversational non sequiturs.
editor said:
He's certainly infinitely more qualified than you to talk on architecture-related issues. Actually, he seems more qualified than you to talk on just about everything.

Except living in a dream world and building a bizarre world view formed by talking to random tourists . That's your specialist subject.

I don't talk about architecture-related issues for pretty much that reason.

As for the rest of your post, it's just libel. More fucking lies from you about me. You'd explode in indignation if someone spoke to you the way you speak to me. Why is it that you feel the need to lie so much when communicating with me and about me? How do you benefit by lying so much about me?
8den said:
You're about to look really foolish Fela Fan. Well more foolish than usual. The Architect has posted his credentials on another forum I frequent.

I'm generally of the position that someone qualified in their field, can speak with authority on that subject matter.

I mean have you designed any skyscrapers recently? Do you think that someone who does, is better qualified to discuss how skyscrapers are constructed, and what happens when they fail.

You still don't get it, i don't give a toss what i look like. Especially to strangers who i've never met. If i'm foolish, well mate, just fucking enjoy seeing me as foolish. Whatever turns you on eh.

Secondly i've never attempted once to rattle on about the science and engineering of buildings, so let all those you say have 'authority' on the subject speak. I'm not interested in talking about things i don't know how work.

Thirdly, you have a problem, you're prepared to accept somebody's word on the internet that they are an expert and therefore know what they're talking about. Fine, just don't expect me to do the same.

How easily you must be fooled.
TheArchitect said:
If I recall correctly, I offered to pass registration details to Editor in order that he could be satisfied that I was indeed a registered architect. Failing that, what do you want to know about the inner machinations of (say) the RIBA or whetever appears in the current edition of the RIBA Journal?

And the next time you visit your doctor, do remember to tell him how wary you are of experts. Ditto you dentist. Vet. Accountant. Lawyer. And so on.

Tell me Fela, what do you do for a living?

So, according to your logic, being an architect simply means you are a good architect. And why would an architect find it so necessary to convince the editor of some chat website of their job and credentials to do that job? Sounds to me like you're an internet architect, and of course anybody can be anybody on the internet. At least den believes you.

Now, here's one for den to consider: if you offered to pass registration details to the editor, how on earth might this be something you may recall correctly? Unless you're a 90 year old ex-architect with senile dementia.

I don't want to know anything about buildings and their engineering thank you.

I work for a living worse luck, i'd far prefer laze about for the next few decades.
fela fan said:
So, according to your logic, being an architect simply means you are a good architect. And why would an architect find it so necessary to convince the editor of some chat website of their job and credentials to do that job? Sounds to me like you're an internet architect, and of course anybody can be anybody on the internet. At least den believes you.

Now, here's one for den to consider: if you offered to pass registration details to the editor, how on earth might this be something you may recall correctly? Unless you're a 90 year old ex-architect with senile dementia.

I don't want to know anything about buildings and their engineering thank you.

I work for a living worse luck, i'd far prefer laze about for the next few decades.
Then why do you persist in prattling on as if you do give a fuck? All you seem to be capable of doing is attacking people for no good reason, whilst failing to back up your own comments and background.
fela fan said:
So, according to your logic, being an architect simply means you are a good architect. And why would an architect find it so necessary to convince the editor of some chat website of their job and credentials to do that job? Sounds to me like you're an internet architect, and of course anybody can be anybody on the internet.
Some people have these things called hobbies, some people like to talk about things that interest them. A lucky few get to do that as part of their job as well as for fun, on say, the internet!

Now, why would he send the details? Because someother fruitloops tried to do exactly what you're doing now (except better) and he offered to send the ed details to confirm it. Oh, that'd be you shooting yourself in the foot there.

fela fan said:
Now, here's one for den to consider: if you offered to pass registration details to the editor, how on earth might this be something you may recall correctly? Unless you're a 90 year old ex-architect with senile dementia.
You're making a tit out of yourself, again. Yes we all know you'd gladly matry yourself upon the altar of truth, justice and melodrama but really, this is pathetic. Recall correctly is a turn of phrase used by those of us who don't want to go check the exact wording of our posts and try to avoid incorrect claims.

Now: Do you want someone to verrify TA's credentials? If so then i suspect he'd be willing to send them to the ed and that all you'd have to do is ask. But you won't will you.
fela fan said:
I don't talk about architecture-related issues for pretty much that reason.

As for the rest of your post, it's just libel. More fucking lies from you about me. You'd explode in indignation if someone spoke to you the way you speak to me. Why is it that you feel the need to lie so much when communicating with me and about me? How do you benefit by lying so much about me?
What is your area of expertise in relation to the events of 9/11 then, fela?

And as far as I'm concerned, my opinion of you is 100% accurate. Perhaps other posters would agree too?
fela fan said:
You still don't get it, i don't give a toss what i look like. Especially to strangers who i've never met. If i'm foolish, well mate, just fucking enjoy seeing me as foolish. Whatever turns you on eh.

It doesn't "turn me on" to watch you make a fool of yourself, I just won't stand idly by and watch you spread lies.

Secondly i've never attempted once to rattle on about the science and engineering of buildings, so let all those you say have 'authority' on the subject speak. I'm not interested in talking about things i don't know how work.


Fela Fan said:
For 1 and 2, probably the planes. For number 7 it's less certain.

Thats you "rattling on" in your childish abstract manner about the science and engineering of the collapse of three buildings. Now you can continue wallowing in your own ignorance, or you could voice your concerns and discuss them with an expert in that very field.

I won't hold my breath for the latter.

Thirdly, you have a problem, you're prepared to accept somebody's word on the internet that they are an expert and therefore know what they're talking about. Fine, just don't expect me to do the same.

How easily you must be fooled.

So to be clear we've got a man whose shown to me on a different forum, his credentials, offered to show Editor his credentials a second time, and on top of that applied his knowledge succiently and effectively on this forum, posting hundreds of times on this thread applying his knowledge, and education, and I'm easily fooled?

Now, here's one for den to consider: if you offered to pass registration details to the editor, how on earth might this be something you may recall correctly? Unless you're a 90 year old ex-architect with senile dementia.

Fela Fan see that line behind you, thats the point of no return you've now wandered into contemptable lunacy.
Bob_the_lost said:
Recall correctly is a turn of phrase used by those of us who don't want to go check the exact wording of our posts and try to avoid incorrect claims.

Now: Do you want someone to verrify TA's credentials? If so then i suspect he'd be willing to send them to the ed and that all you'd have to do is ask. But you won't will you.

Yes, that is as i understood recall correctly. Just about the exact wording. But that was not what thearchitect was doing. He was trying to recall correctly a whole action, nothing to do with the actual words.

And no i don't want him to go to any trouble on my part. I have said many times that i will not blindly take an expert's words on anything, so the last thing i need is another expert telling me anything.

I find it worrying how easy folk in britain are prepared to accept words that come from 'acknowledged' 'experts'.

There'd be a case to argue that there are no experts in the world, but maybe that's for one of the other forums.
editor said:
What is your area of expertise in relation to the events of 9/11 then, fela?

And as far as I'm concerned, my opinion of you is 100% accurate. Perhaps other posters would agree too?

Yes, well in spite of you being a stickler when calling for evidence and facts, you yourself happily conflate fact with opinion. Certainly this is the case on 911 threads.

Your opinion of me must by default be 100% correct. How on earth could it be any less????

Meanwhile, i can confirm that i am 100% accurate in calling you a liar about myself, and that you frequently come up with lies about me. That is fact. But you have confused yourself time and again between fact and fiction and opinion editor. And that's rather ironic when we recall how often you demand evidence and facts from other posters.

And in your last sentence, are you asking for their agreement over your opinion of me, or over your factual lies about me?
fela fan said:
Yes, that is as i understood recall correctly. Just about the exact wording. But that was not what thearchitect was doing. He was trying to recall correctly a whole action, nothing to do with the actual words.

And no i don't want him to go to any trouble on my part. I have said many times that i will not blindly take an expert's words on anything, so the last thing i need is another expert telling me anything.

I find it worrying how easy folk in britain are prepared to accept words that come from 'acknowledged' 'experts'.

There'd be a case to argue that there are no experts in the world, but maybe that's for one of the other forums.

Dearrie me, we are a whole bundle of prejudicies and ticks, aren't we?

I would have thought it was patently obvious that the reason registration details were offered to Ed was because every so often one comes across a buffoon who likes to cry "bluff".

But why does being a qualified architect make my opinion on structural and constructional issues more informed than your own? Well seven years of university study and practical experience on a range of subjects including structures and fire engineering were involved, for a start. Actually working on tall building projects helps too.

I do wonder if you give your doctor this kind of routine? After all, what does he know?! He's just an expert!! Why should his 7 to 8 years of study make his medical opinion more valid than yours!!! You've seen Casualty and General Hospital and ER and everything!
fela fan said:
Meanwhile, i can confirm that i am 100% accurate in calling you a liar about myself, and that you frequently come up with lies about me. That is fact. But you have confused yourself time and again between fact and fiction and opinion editor. And that's rather ironic when we recall how often you demand evidence and facts from other posters.

Do feel free to bugger off if you don't like it.
TheArchitect said:
Do feel free to bugger off if you don't like it.

Of course i'm free to bugger off if i choose. Mind you, so are you, and i've a bit more staying power than yourself when it comes to urban.

Mind you, you must be losing the debate if you have to resort to lines such as these.

I win, you lose. Ha.
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