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9/11 media happenings

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8den said:
Splutter you are a nutcase. If you really think you walked away from that without getting your ass handed to you on a plate, you need professional help, because your capacity for self delusion is truly fathomless.
Oh do you want to explain why TA was right about the DCR ratios then? :D

Have you wondered where TA has got to?
editor said:
Wow. As self-delusion goes, you're in the Premier League. Right at the top. Your lunatic theories have been *torn apart* here and you've been proved wrong so many times it's gone beyond embarassing.

Sci-fi holographic planes from a fantasy book set in 2012 and invisible explosives anyone?
Why do you bother posting on these threads? Is it just for fun? :confused:
Jazzz said:
Oh do you want to explain why TA was right about the DCR ratios then? :D

Have you wondered where TA has got to?

He was badly injuried and his leg was infected, and took several months off to recuperate, which is why he started posting on this forum.

Don't worry he's on the mend and a bit busy, y'know, designing skyscrapers, and other tall buildings, to be bothered by you, and he left with the rest of the world (at least those of us who can read and arent self delusional) knowing that he Pwn'd you good and proper.
Jazzz said:
Why do you bother posting on these threads? Is it just for fun? :confused:

Because someone needs to stand up and confront the lies, dishonesty, flim flam, and nonsense, that you continously spew forth, like a sewer of stupid.
Jazzz said:
Why do you bother posting on these threads? Is it just for fun? :confused:
It's to point out that your conspiracy claims are nothing more than lies, ridiculous fantasies and ludicrous misrepresentations, often culled from extremely dodgy and unpleasant websites with worrying agendas.

Of course, the fact that you've had over 10,000 opportunities to convince people of the credibility of your clams, but have failed miserably speaks volumes of just how piss weak your sources and stories are.
Jazzz said:
I don't think you noticed TheArchitect running off once he'd realised he was completely wrong about the CDR ratios, did you? Or perhaps you'd like to explain them for the forum? ;)

Or MikeMMC admitting that he was wrong about the compression yield point of steel?

Or Crispy throwing the towel in on the question of whether the WTC core could stand up for itself?

thank god we have you, editor to announce what the result of all that discussion was, although you didn't take part in it one iota...
I was wrong in saying it would fail if the load was removed, it would remain deformed. if the load is maintained it will fail. A mis-understanding on my part for a relatively minor point compared to the forces involved in the collapse
editor said:
There's actually some good stuff in there, but once the bonkers theories had been ripped apart by pesky science, it has rather descended into a dull thread, with Jazzz continuing to avoid tricky questions and fela spouting his usual shit.

But you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss some of the excellent contributions to be found lurking in this thread.

This is just about the only thread you've not banned or binned.

But of course this is all down to jazzz and fela.

And you tell me to stop making stuff up. And to stop lying.

Self-delusion is fascinating to observe.

Pesky science eh? That would be reports on the internet about explosives that satisfy your particular take on things would it? By people no-one's heard of, and not even in a paper publication, and by people who have never been peer-reviewed. Protec is editor's version of facts and evidence.

It's truly unbelievable. But like i say, if you can't look in the mirror, then self-delusion will do just fine.
editor said:
Wow. As self-delusion goes, you're in the Premier League. Right at the top. Your lunatic theories have been *torn apart* here and you've been proved wrong so many times it's gone beyond embarassing.

Sci-fi holographic planes from a fantasy book set in 2012 and invisible explosives anyone?

As a neutral observing two people who apparently are friends, i'd say your self-delusion levels make jazzz seem positively enlightened.

If he's premier league, then you're the serie A...
fela fan said:
This is just about the only thread you've not banned or binned.
Another lie, you stupid, stupid, stupid boy.

editor said:
Another lie, you stupid, stupid, stupid boy.

Your usual tactic. As soon as i pull you up for blatantly lying about me and what i say, you then turn the tables and accuse me of the same thing. Neatly avoiding the issue that i raised.

The very fact that you never challenged someone calling you for lying about them would indicate that i was not wrong. But in any case, it's clear as day to anyone reading this thread what's going on.

Apart from the self-deluded that is.

Now, if you want to equate lying with being stupid... well, need i say more?

Lastly, care to show exactly how i've come to lie in that post of mine you have quoted from?
8den said:
He was badly injuried and his leg was infected, and took several months off to recuperate, which is why he started posting on this forum.

Don't worry he's on the mend and a bit busy, y'know, designing skyscrapers, and other tall buildings, to be bothered by you, and he left with the rest of the world (at least those of us who can read and arent self delusional) knowing that he Pwn'd you good and proper.
It's funny you know, I'm reminded of boxing matches when, after the final bell, the fighter who really knows he was beaten makes a huge show of sticking his arms up while the other guy simply walks back to his corner calmly.

If this is what you really think 8den why do you need to keep shouting it?
Jazzz said:
It's funny you know, I'm reminded of boxing matches when, after the final bell, the fighter who really knows he was beaten makes a huge show of sticking his arms up while the other guy simply walks back to his corner calmly.

If this is what you really think 8den why do you need to keep shouting it?
...Says Jazzz with over 400 posts more in this thread than TA, and nearly 600 more posts than 8den..

Pwned again! :D :D :D
editor said:
...Says Jazzz with over 400 posts more in this thread than TA, and nearly 600 more posts than 8den..

Pwned again! :D :D :D
... did you count up the self-congratulatory ones? :rolleyes:

We can include one more to your total! Ah, it's always nice when editor arrives on cue to make your point for you... :D
Jazzz said:
... did you count up the self-congratulatory ones? :rolleyes:

We can include one more to your total! Ah, it's always nice when editor arrives on cue to make your point for you... :D

Your incesant delusional self congratulatory ones? The ones where you pat yourself on the back when you misunderstand something, or seize on some tiny error, or typo and gloat?
I don't think you noticed TheArchitect running off once he'd realised he was completely wrong about the CDR ratios, did you? Or perhaps you'd like to explain them for the forum?

Or MikeMMC admitting that he was wrong about the compression yield point of steel?

Or Crispy throwing the towel in on the question of whether the WTC core could stand up for itself?

You must be desperate to achieve any victory to keep gloating about arguments you got trashed on. I cannot list the number of pwn's you've suffered on this thread, like when you claimed "no one could have predicted the collapse of WTC7" and then ran away when faced with a list of over forty firefighters and EMT workers, saying they knew it was coming down. Or the holographic planes, or the Potter Stewart response time, or christ I could open any page on this thread and 9 times out of 10, I would find, at least, one example of someone bitch slapping you with facts, science or evidence, as you dance away to your next irrelevant pseudo scientific non sequitur.

Jazzz your life is a work of fiction.

Jazzz you are pathetic.
8den said:
Your incesant delusional self congratulatory ones? The ones where you pat yourself on the back when you misunderstand something, or seize on some tiny error, or typo and gloat?

You must be desperate to achieve any victory to keep gloating about arguments you got trashed on. I cannot list the number of pwn's you've suffered on this thread, like when you claimed "no one could have predicted the collapse of WTC7" and then ran away when faced with a list of over forty firefighters and EMT workers, saying they knew it was coming down. Or the holographic planes, or the Potter Stewart response time, or christ I could open any page on this thread and 9 times out of 10, I would at least one example of someone bitch slapping you with facts, science or evidence, as you dance away to your next point.

Jazzz your life is a work of fiction.

Jazzz you are pathetic.
Jazz, are you going to admit that that the point I was wrong on was a minor technicality and in the situation of the collapse was irrelevant?
8den said:
Your incesant delusional self congratulatory ones? The ones where you pat yourself on the back when you misunderstand something, or seize on some tiny error, or typo and gloat?

You must be desperate to achieve any victory to keep gloating about arguments you got trashed on.

Jazzz your life is a work of fiction.

Jazzz you are pathetic.

Oh dear. Reading your words here gives posters an insight into who you are, never mind jazzz.

Do you really think that jazzz is 'desperate' to achieve a 'victory'? And that he 'gloats' about it?? And how can you call a fellow human being 'pathetic' with such derision, while retaining any kind of humanity and humility?

This of course merely shows that you yourself think the objective of posting here is to gain victories, even desperately if need be.

And you reckon you're over 30? I don't believe it.
fela fan said:
Oh dear. Reading your words here gives posters an insight into who you are, never mind jazzz.

Do you really think that jazzz is 'desperate' to achieve a 'victory'? And that he 'gloats' about it??

Yes Jazzz has been bitch slapped across this thread from protec to potter stewart to trying to argue building design, and load mechanism with an architect (and watching him lose his temper over and over, while his limited knowledge was exposed over and over was priceles, and exposed his inner insecurities and desperation). Now Jazzz is desperately hanging onto three minor points, three pieces of misquoting, typos, and one flat out lie, as his moments of trimuph. And then proporting things like Rosie coming out as a truther, beats things like credible scientific reports like the Protec report.

So yes he is desperate.

And how can you call a fellow human being 'pathetic' with such derision, while retaining any kind of humanity and humility?

Jazzz is calling literally thousands of innocent decent people murders or complicit in murder. Theres no way that police or FDNY workers could have avoided noticing the "explosives" (but could have avoided seeing the holographic planes) Jazzz (at the moment) claims were in place, therefore suggesting that brave men and women who lost their friends were complicit in their murder. Jazzz implies that the BBC had foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7 therefore suggesting that friends of mine were complicit in this.

Jazzz is so assured of his evidence that instead of complying it and presenting it in logical manner, instead of launching his attack in a credible manner, he sings piano fucking boogie while accusing innocent people of murder.

I see nothing funny about Sept 11th. I see nothing funny in accusing people of mass murder. Jazzz likes to throw around accusations, and dance around points wearing a sock puppet.

Thats pathetic, and I stand by my opinion of Jazzz. Thats why I have such contempt for him. Any questions FF?

This of course merely shows that you yourself think the objective of posting here is to gain victories, even desperately if need be.

Jazzz is the one clinging to his tiny points, and ranting about boxing matches. He seems to want the victory, I don't care about victories, all I just want (as I have said on this thread before again and again) is that Jazzz doesn't spout his bollocks on this thread unchallenged. Feel that dull throbbing pain fela fan, thats reality pressing aganist your delusional worldview

And you reckon you're over 30? I don't believe it.

See I don't reckon I'm thirty, I know I am. I had this thing called a birthday party last month, which lets me know I became thirty. But, hey FF you're of that weird "belief" v "facts" thing, where you don't understand really how facts work. I am thirty, and you can try and believe I am not, but that won't change it. But hey keep trying I wouldn't mind being 24, or 23, my hangover would be, so much easier. I am thirty, I freelance with three or four news agencies. I've already proved I work from Al Jazeera, for shits and giggles I'll prove I'm in CNN tomorrow. See thats one of things different between you and I. If make a claim I will or try to, support it, while you will just dismiss anything you cannot deal with as something you cannot prove ie it's unhelpful to you so you'll try to ignore it for as long as possible. You are utterly pathetic. Frankly I rate Jazzz more than you, at least he'll try and support his loony shit you make up excuses as to why you cannot.
I'm sorry that you are doing this to yourself 8den.

I was hoping to meet you at the Hackney drinks too... did the prospect of meeting the puppet scare you off? :)
Jazzz said:
I'm sorry that you are doing this to yourself 8den.

Doing what? Pointing out your lies? Protec report etc?

I was hoping to meet you at the Hackney drinks too... did the prospect of meeting the puppet scare you off? :)

No the nasty viral infection my wife has changed my priorities.

And Jazzz, I was never scared of you, I'm not scared of a childish pathetic liar.
8den said:
Doing what? Pointing out your lies? Protec report etc?

No the nasty viral infection my wife has changed my priorities.

And Jazzz, I was never scared of you, I'm not scared of a childish pathetic liar.

Doing what? Taking life too seriously, taking yourself too seriously.

And stop trying to change other people. This is the root cause of violence and wars. And you certainly are violent in your language.
8den said:
I'm not scared of a childish pathetic iar.

Whoa, what a man. Way to go.

And jazzz, childish, pathetic, a liar??

These are strong strong accusations, and of course it's not true that he's the second or third, but arguably the first is a positive thing to be.

You know you're 30, you don't reckon it.

Do you reckon jazzz is this, or do you know it? Any evidence to back up your fact that jazzz is pathetic and a liar?? Peer-reviewed evidence mind, nothing less than this please.

At least we know that pseudonyms on an internet site don't put fear into you. Mind you, even there we don't have any evidence. In fact, that's a point, where's your evidence that you're not scared of jazzz?

Coz actually i think you are, and that's why you so disparage him, dreaming up ever more colourful language to forcefully ram your point home what a simply dreadful person the man is, and how much he disgusts YOU.
fela fan said:
Whoa, what a man. Way to go.

And jazzz, childish, pathetic, a liar??

These are strong strong accusations, and of course it's not true that he's the second or third, but arguably the first is a positive thing to be.

Do you reckon jazzz is this, or do you know it? Any evidence to back up your fact that jazzz is pathetic and a liar?? Peer-reviewed evidence mind, nothing less than this please.

You really are very childish aren't you fela fan, theres examples on this thread of Jazzz denying that he ever claimed the US military were involved in the Soham murders, or that he ever proported to support the "holographic planes" theory, and people have dragged up the exact quotes of his exposing his lies. And they are pathetic lies. Hence my calling him a pathetic liar. What part of that is troubling you exactly?

But hey bless FF, whatever you need to get through the day.

You know you're 30, you don't reckon it.

At least we know that pseudonyms on an internet site don't put fear into you. Mind you, even there we don't have any evidence. In fact, that's a point, where's your evidence that you're not scared of jazzz?

Coz actually i think you are, and that's why you so disparage him, dreaming up ever more colourful language to forcefully ram your point home what a simply dreadful person the man is, and how much he disgusts YOU.

It's actually kind of fun watching you become increasingly irrational on this thread.
Good, always keen to oblige folk with a bit of mirth and irrationality.

Now, when are you going to give up your obsession with jazzz, and the compulsive need to let everyone know what a 'pathetic' man he is? Or, really, that YOU think he is one.

In this obsession of yours, it is ironic that it is in fact you that is the pathetic one. Funny that innit?
fela fan said:
Good, always keen to oblige folk with a bit of mirth and irrationality.

Now, when are you going to give up your obsession with jazzz, and the compulsive need to let everyone know what a 'pathetic' man he is? Or, really, that YOU think he is one.

In this obsession of yours, it is ironic that it is in fact you that is the pathetic one. Funny that innit?

No you're the one wandering around announcing everyone is obessesed with Jazzz, and making this argument about the argument, rather than the lies and nonsense Jazzz spreads. I predict Jazzz will be in run silent run mode, till the Loose Change boys turn up with the usual nonsense on the view on thurday. Where in Jazzz will repeat the same tired nonsense thats already been debunked on this thread before.

Also considering you're the one constantly dragging the thread up, to demand I stop posting for a variety of reasons, it does beggar the question. Who's obessesing about who here Fela?
8den said:
... it does beggar the question. Who's obessesing about who here Fela?

And it's a very good question mate. I bid you an enjoyable cup final day.

[ps, part of the answer, being charitable to myself, is that over the years on urban i for some reason call people for being verbally violent towards others on this forum. I won't go into the reasons (but they are sound ones), but the uncharitable part of the answer is that perhaps i'm guilty of the same thing as i level towards you.]
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