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9/11 media happenings

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Right, so the money was wired to Atta, and there's a definite possibility it came via Pakistani ISI - but... who cares?

Of course, it seems quite beyond the wit of all US intelligence services to find out, or perchance arrest/interrogate/question anyone to do with it, except that they seem to report it came from a different person every month (which just happens to confuse everyone)

Let's look the other way - forget 'follow the money' - it doesn't really matter who bankrolled the hijackers and what they were paying for or whether they were meeting up with PNAC people in the week before 9/11 JUST A COINCIDENCE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.

move along! :D

But hang on... didn't the CIA effectively create the Taliban through money delivered via Pakistani ISI?

Oh let's forget all that that was back in the days when the Taliban were freedom fighters! They're evil now! And if the CIA ran them through the ISI well that couldn't mean anything.

Silly me.
Jazzz said:
Right, so the money was wired to Atta, and there's a definite possibility it came via Pakistani ISI - but... who cares?

Stop, you've not proved the money was wired to Atta. You've got a single report from anonymous Indian secret service sources.

Yeah going to snip that bit because it's bollocks, if you don't prove the ISI funded Atta, and then silly little man, you need show it was the CIA that gave the ISI the nod, or the cash. You're beyond reaching boy.

But hang on... didn't the CIA effectively create the Taliban through money delivered via Pakistani ISI?

Oh let's forget all that that was back in the days when the Taliban were freedom fighters! They're evil now! And if the CIA ran them through the ISI well that couldn't mean anything.

Silly me.

Did the CIA bank roll the Taliban through the ISI? Can you prove that.

Oh I'm not saying that the CIA/State department didn't fund the mudajeen, I'd like to see your evidence that they did it through the ISI.
Jazzz said:
Let's look the other way - forget 'follow the money' - it doesn't really matter who bankrolled the hijackers and what they were paying for or whether they were meeting up with PNAC people in the week before 9/11 JUST A COINCIDENCE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.
Hold on. I thought you said that the towers were hit by your sci-fi drones that managed to materialise into the morning air while the real planes disappeared without anyone noticing, just before the CIA Mike Yarwood Division went to work on their note perfect impressions?
Oh and Jazzz, Protec report etc, read it, comment on it, yadda yadda yadda
8den said:
Stop, you've not proved the money was wired to Atta. You've got a single report from anonymous Indian secret service sources.

Well, as you read the wikipedia link, you would have noticed that the 9/11 Commission accepted that the money was wired.

Or did you miss that?

Or did you see that but just decide to be as awkward as possible, in the vein of demanding that everything put forward be proved in triplicate? Of course, not including the official version of events for September 11th, for no proof of that is required before it is believed.
Jazzz said:
Well, as you read the wikipedia link, you would have noticed that the 9/11 Commission accepted that the money was wired.

Or did you miss that?

The 9/11 Commission's Final Report states that the source of the funds "remains unknown"

And it's worth pointing out this claim is unreferenced.

Or did you see that but just decide to be as awkward as possible, in the vein of demanding that everything put forward be proved in triplicate?

Proven? Proven? You've got an unsubstantiated claim, on a emotive subject, on website anyone can edit.

Would you care to prove it just once, you lazy, lying git.

Of course, not including the official version of events for September 11th, for no proof of that is required before it is believed.

Em, the protec report? NIST report? And all those documents you like to ignore?
Let's have a look from the questions the family steering group asked the 9/11 Commission.

22) On the issue of state sponsored terrorism:

· Why did Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service, the (ISI) order Saeed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta?

· What was Mahmood Ahmed's relationship with Al Qaeda?

· Where did the money come from?

· Did officials in Pakistan know in advance about the terrorist attack?

· On September 11 th , Mahmood Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. What were they discussing?
Note that this pretty simple question didn't receive an answer at all let alone a denial.

This is of course, just one of very many such extremely pertinent questions asked by the families of the bereaved about 9/11, which didn't receive a response.

It hardly inspires confidence in the official account when questions like this remain unanswered.

As for the documents you mention, which pertain simply to the collapses of the WTC, which is a tiny aspect of the whole day - the NIST report simply attempts to provide a model for the collapses of WTC1&2 up to the point of initiation only, is by its own account reverse-engineered in so doing, and does nothing to disprove controlled demolition by simply not considering it to start with. The PROTEC report does make such an attempt to disprove CD - but it is not a piece of science, not published in any journal, and is highly flawed.
Jazzz said:
Or did you miss that?
Looks like you missed my question. Perhaps you've got confused again, so here it is one more time:

I thought you said that the towers were hit by your magical sci-fi drones that managed to invisibly materialise into the bright morning air while the real planes invisibly disappeared without anyone noticing a thing?

According to you, the amazing CIA Mike Yarwood Division then went to work on their note perfect impressions, effortlessly fooling stupid relatives and loved ones on the ground.

But now you're saying that their were real hijackers in the planes and not sci-fi drones miraculously materialising in mid air like something out of Star Trek?!!!

So which is it, Jazzz?

PS Any news about your expert debunking of the Protec report or are you going to keep on pretending that it's not real?
(to editor)

which is it?

It's you are confused again. :D

There's nothing I've said recently that changes anything from the scenario I've always presented as favouring. Real people existed 'the hijackers', that doesn't mean we know what they did or what happened to the planes they boarded, if they boarded them, there is absolutely nothing 'science fiction' about drone aircraft, we've been over that one, we've been over the multiplicity of scenarios for the phone calls (again, note that you rely on this SOFT EVIDENCE as proof of the official story).

nice attempt to divert discussion away from the topic at hand though (the 9/11 Commission's inability to answer simple questions, and the mysterious benefactors of Mohammed Atta).
Jazzz said:
There's nothing I've said recently that changes anything from the scenario I've always presented as favouring. Real people existed 'the hijackers', that doesn't mean we know what they did or what happened to the planes they boarded, if they boarded them, there is absolutely nothing 'science fiction' about drone aircraft, we've been over that one, we've been over the multiplicity of scenarios for the phone calls (again, note that you rely on this SOFT EVIDENCE as proof of the official story)..
Have you any idea how confused you sound?

What happened to the real planes? Where did the drone planes come from? Who made them? How come not a living soul on the entire planet saw them taking off?

What happened to the original planes? How come not a living soul in the planet saw them disappearing or landing? Where did they go? What happened to the passengers? How could they possibly perfectly fake intimate phone calls, in particular between a passenger and his partner when he wasn't even booked on the flight?

Your story is so laughably inept and wildly improbable, it's no surprise that barely a soul listens to your bonkers fantasies here any more (oh, don't tell me: that's because urban's full of stupid, gulllible people, eh?)
So many questions. Questions are good.

How come not a living soul saw a 9/11 hijacker get on one of the planes? How come Bush was allowed to sit with a bunch of schoolkids when supposedly in mortal danger? How come black boxes go missing on terrestrial crashes when none have ever previously done so? How come not one single piece of a 9/11 plane has been officially identified? How come the gap in the wall of the Pentagon doesn't have room for the wings or tail of a 767? How come the insubstantial nose went through three rings while the heavier engines went nowhere? Which hijackers, if any, have been identified by DNA? Was NORAD aware of the hijackings before being notified by the FAA? At what times were the FAA notifications of possible hijackings given to NORAD? How did the hijacker's obviously flawed visa applications get approved? How do we know that the hijackers had box-cutters? Why was protocol for intercepting aircraft not followed on 9/11? Who was responsible for this? Indeed why has no official been held responsible in any way for failing to protect America despite the official proclaimation 'we failed you'?

Have a look at many more questions that the 9/11 families didn't get answers to, all of which I suggest are far, far more relevant than yours of my hypothetical alternative scenario - certainly they seem to think so, I wonder why that is?
Jazzz said:
How come Bush was allowed to sit with a bunch of schoolkids when supposedly in mortal danger?
What?! That's so utterly, unbelievably irrelevant and off topic to your claims about invisibly appearing drones, it just shows how desperate your ludicrous yarn is.

And only a complete lunatic would expect the Pentagon to have ended up with a Tom and Jerry style perfect outline of a 767 plane left in its reinforced concrete walls.

Here's what happens in the real world when a high speed jet hits a solid concrete object:

Prepare to be made to look a total arse again.
Jazzz said:
Well wikipedia doesn't agree with that at all 8den, citing CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and referencing senior government and FBI sources.

Beyond that there is simply the wider point that the Pakistani ISI is in complete cahoots with the CIA and one would be a fool to think otherwise.

If you want effort put it in yourself! I can't be bothered, not with you anyway, sorry. :D

That's why i called him naive jazzz. The very fact that he was asking me meant he has no clue whatsoever. And you're right, he most certainly ain't worth the effort.
Jazzz said:
Let's have a look from the questions the family steering group asked the 9/11 Commission.

Questions aren't facts Jazzz.

Fact the 911 terrorists recieved funding from somewhere.

Not proven, where and when that money comes from.

It hardly inspires confidence in the official account when questions like this remain unanswered.

What you want the CIA to produce Mohammed's Al Qaeda decoder ring?

As for the documents you mention, which pertain simply to the collapses of the WTC, which is a tiny aspect of the whole day - the NIST report simply attempts to provide a model for the collapses of WTC1&2 up to the point of initiation only, is by its own account reverse-engineered in so doing, and does nothing to disprove controlled demolition by simply not considering it to start with. The PROTEC report does make such an attempt to disprove CD - but it is not a piece of science, not published in any journal, and is highly flawed.

So you'll be getting around to writing about how flawed it is.

So many questions. Questions are good.

How about answers Jazzz, why don't you give us your coherant explanation of what exactly did happen.

Spin conspiracy bollocks

Jazzz, serious here for a moment, are you still coming to hackney drinks? I need to know, because frankly I don't think I could stomach five minutes in the company of some delusional fantastist, who enjoys spreading vile malicious, posionous, competable crap. Particularly the fact that the majority of turgid "questions" you are asking have been aired here, discussed and dismissed, yet you like some moron zombie creationist the same tired nonsense, in the vain hope it won't be laughed out of the arena yet again.
fela fan said:
That's why i called him naive jazzz. The very fact that he was asking me meant he has no clue whatsoever. And you're right, he most certainly ain't worth the effort.

Bless desperate for approval aren't we...
Good questions there jazzz, but don't expect editor to be bothered with them. It might lead him to some uncomfortable places.
8den said:
Jazzz, serious here for a moment, are you still coming to hackney drinks? I need to know, because frankly I don't think I could stomach five minutes in the company of some delusional fantastist, who enjoys spreading vile malicious, posionous, competable crap. Particularly the fact that the majority of turgid "questions" you are asking have been aired here, discussed and dismissed, yet you like some moron zombie creationist the same tired nonsense, in the vain hope it won't be laughed out of the arena yet again.

This paragraph should be isolated, framed, and put in some kind of museum. It's priceless.
fela fan said:

Wow, left scrambling to find any kind of point,

And yes Jazzz's intellectual dishonesty, his ease of using the most baseless of sources, his flip flopping and the casual way he accuses people of mass murder pisses me off. When his devil may care, water of ducks back, mask fell, when confronted with a real architect, and he started to get really angry, and expose himself as the nerotic, ill informed, pompous delusion wanker, it was priceless. But Jazzz the goldfish cannot be kept down.
Jazzz said:
So many questions. Questions are good.

How come not a living soul saw a 9/11 hijacker get on one of the planes?
We covered this, they did. You're refering to your claim that no one REMEMBERS them. A claim based a lack of evidence rather than anything more solid.
Jazzz said:
How come Bush was allowed to sit with a bunch of schoolkids when supposedly in mortal danger?
Allowed? Hijackings were not seen as a threat to anyone not on the plane by the majority at the time. We've done this a thousand times already.
Jazzz said:
How come black boxes go missing on terrestrial crashes when none have ever previously done so?
Interesting line, NEVER? That'd be interesting to see a proof for, a lack of evidence is not the same as a proof by the way.
Jazzz said:
How come not one single piece of a 9/11 plane has been officially identified?
None? BULLSHIT! None by people you think should be doing it, ie you.
Jazzz said:
How come the gap in the wall of the Pentagon doesn't have room for the wings or tail of a 767? How come the insubstantial nose went through three rings while the heavier engines went nowhere?
Jazzz said:
Which hijackers, if any, have been identified by DNA?
You're taking the fucking piss.
Jazzz said:
Was NORAD aware of the hijackings before being notified by the FAA?
No, there is no evidence to suggest it, no means of it happening and we've fucking done this before.
Jazzz said:
At what times were the FAA notifications of possible hijackings given to NORAD?
See above
Jazzz said:
How did the hijacker's obviously flawed visa applications get approved?
Jazzz said:
How do we know that the hijackers had box-cutters?
At a guess, they looked at the records from when they were stopped by security and cleared (you know, the ones that never saw them), was it mentioned in the telephone calls?
Jazzz said:
Why was protocol for intercepting aircraft not followed on 9/11?
Where was protocol not followed and in what manner did the failure to follow protocol result in decreased reaction times.

It's easy to ask questions are you up to thinking about answers for a change? Instead of trying to dodge out of them yet a-bloody-gain.
8den said:
Wow, left scrambling to find any kind of point,

And yes Jazzz's intellectual dishonesty, his ease of using the most baseless of sources, his flip flopping and the casual way he accuses people of mass murder pisses me off.

Ah, so because it pisses you off, he should change his evil ways. Who are YOU?

Why do you get so wound up on a bulleting board with people you ain't never met? Take life less seriously, you never know, things might change for the better.
fela fan said:
Ah, so because it pisses you off, he should change his evil ways. Who are YOU?

Why do you get so wound up on a bulleting board with people you ain't never met? Take life less seriously, you never know, things might change for the better.

Nah I think I'll wander around accusing people that they are stalking me on an internet forum, because thats not getting wound up at all:rolleyes:
8den said:
Nah I think I'll wander around accusing people that they are stalking me oveer an internet forum, becausethats not getting wound up at all:rolleyes:

You were stalking me. There's even evidence to be found in your byline.

And yes, you're right, i did get wound up by you. Fair enough. Hypocrisy is almost impossible to avoid, even when you try.
fela fan said:
You were stalking me. There's even evidence to be found in your byline.

You do realise I am taking the piss in my tag? I mean that is something you can comprehend right? It is something that you can grasp or understand? You keep ranting about how I was stalking you, because I had the audacity, nah the temerity, to respond to your posts on a single thread, and when you couldnt respond or didn't like what I said, you accused me of stalking you. Did I follow you from this forum to another? No. Did I follow you from this thread to another subforum on this board? No. Have I interacted with you anywhere on this forum aside from this thread? No.* All I have done is refused to stop addressing your inane bullshit, even when you stamped your foot and demanded it. And then you screamed "stalker", you fucking child.

And yes, you're right, i did get wound up by you. Fair enough. Hypocrisy is almost impossible to avoid, even when you try.

Well you're more honest than Jazzz I'll give you that.

*I am however wearing a pair of your underwear on my head.
Jazzz said:
How come black boxes go missing on terrestrial crashes when none have ever previously done so?

How come if enough explosive was planted in the building to reduce it to little more than dust do you expect the black boxes to survive? :D
8den said:
Jazzz, serious here for a moment, are you still coming to hackney drinks? I need to know, because frankly I don't think I could stomach five minutes in the company of some delusional fantastist, who enjoys spreading vile malicious, posionous, competable crap. Particularly the fact that the majority of turgid "questions" you are asking have been aired here, discussed and dismissed, yet you like some moron zombie creationist the same tired nonsense, in the vain hope it won't be laughed out of the arena yet again.

Oh for god's sake man! Look, just come, it's always a pleasure to meet new urbanites and forget any board nonsense, if only for an evening.
I'm happy to say that Jazzz is relatively normal in the real world and usually good company too (so long as he keeps that fucking sockpuppet out of my face).

8den: could you remove the reference to fela in your user tag please as it's not allowed. Thanks.
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