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9/11 media happenings

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WouldBe said:
How come if enough explosive was planted in the building to reduce it to little more than dust do you expect the black boxes to survive? :D
Well that might indeed be an explanation, unfortunately it's not a very good one where the integrity of the official version of events is concerned. :p :D
Jazzz said:
The PROTEC report does make such an attempt to disprove CD - but it is not a piece of science, not published in any journal, and is highly flawed.
Are you ever going to tell us what these flaws are? Or is this just more bollocks from you that you can't back up?
Jazzz's 'investigation' must be quite unique in that the more he "exposes" the supposed "evidence" of a massive conspiracy, the less people believe him.

Once 9/11 threads would have people arguing on all sides, but with Jazzz's claims and sources thoroughly blown apart by anyone who can be bothered to look up his bonkers sources, he's now taken on the role of the village nutter, insisting that only he sees "the truth" while the rest of us are too stupid to absorb the loon 'evidence.'

Jazzz: why is it it, so you think, that after five years of posting up your 'evidence' barely a soul agrees with you? Surely it must worry you that after being given free reign to publicise your claims for over half a decade on a hugely busy site, no one believes you?

Most sensible people would conclude that the total lack of support is a result of you being unable to produce a credible argument. So what's your excuse?
editor said:
Jazzz: why is it it, so you think, that after five years of posting up your 'evidence' barely a soul agrees with you? Surely it must worry you that after being given free reign to publicise your claims for over half a decade on a hugely busy site, no one believes you?

Rosie O'Donnell debates collapse of WTC7 on ABC

Does that answer your question?

Or were you just referring to urban75?
Rosie O Donnell eh. Cor blimey, she's just the kind of plausible engineering expert the debate needs.

Isn't this the same gobshite O Donnell who stuck up for Tom Cruise after his bizarre Scientology-influenced outburst, claiming that Oprah had provoked the midget in some way. And the same ODonnell whose stint on an ABC comment show was marked by outspoken controversies, unfounded allegations (On important like is American Idol rigged) and a comparatively sudden departure

Must take her word for granted then. Not a shameless contraversialist in need of a career and ratings boost at all.
Jazzz said:
Sorry, I don't read anything on prison planet.

It's got a long history of twisting and distorting the truth, and frankly, I rather value the considered analysis of highly qualified, vastly experienced demolition experts over a lone individual amateur's opinion on some laughable website.

And yes, I was referring to this site, where your 'evidence' has been seen by the urban massive for over five years now, and guess what? Your support has all but vanished to zero.

What does that say about the credibility of your argument, Jazzz? Why do you think barely a soul here believes your stories anymore?

Could you offer an explanation?
Jazz, if you were so 'up' on the ISI you'd also be aware that for the last 2 decades there have been many, many credible rumours about sections of it operating essentially outside of government control (which given Pakistani governments over the last 20 years this wouldn't surprise me) and that it has actively supported the Taliban because there are ideological Islamists in senior positions - effectively moles like Philby etc.

Besides, why would the CIA know everything that's happening in another agency?

You ask good questions, however you have no intention of actually finding out what the truth actually is because you've already made your mind up over it.
editor said:
Sorry, I don't read anything on prison planet.

It's an ABC news clip, silly.

The point being you made a general point insinuating that, after five years, no-one takes the truth movement seriously.

So finding it being taken very seriously in mainstream US media kind of answers that, doesn't it?

Or were you just referring to urban75?
Jazzz said:
Or were you just referring to urban75?
Looks like your reading comprehension skills are up to the usual standard. I explained it in my last post, and here's what I said originally:
Jazzz: why is it it, so you think, that after five years of posting up your 'evidence' barely a soul agrees with you? Surely it must worry you that after being given free reign to publicise your claims for over half a decade on a hugely busy site, no one believes you?

Most sensible people would conclude that the total lack of support is a result of you being unable to produce a credible argument. So what's your excuse?
I haven't mentioned any other site and as far as I know this is the only site you've been posting up your barking nonsense for the last five years, so I've no idea why you're posting up an old link to that lunatic prison planet page. I am clearly referring to urban75, as I've already said.

So are you going to finally answer my point, or am I to expect another of your wriggle-a-thons?
editor said:
And yes, I was referring to this site, where your 'evidence' has been seen by the urban massive for over five years now, and guess what? Your support has all but vanished to zero.

I get the impression a lot of Jazzz's ideas have a fairly strong internet following.

Its possible he has supporters lurking on u75, who lack his thick skin & stay quiet out of fear of ridicule and personal attacks.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Are you ever going to tell us what these flaws are? Or is this just more bollocks from you that you can't back up?
Posted again, as once more Jazzz seems to ignoring a perfectly reasonable question :)
editor said:
I haven't mentioned any other site and as far as I know this is the only site you've been posting up your barking nonsense for the last five years, so I've no idea why you're posting up an old link to that lunatic prison planet page. I am clearly referring to urban75, as I've already said.

Right okay, you could have simply said so the first time. I would respond by asking, why do you post frantically like a demented headless chicken every time there's a 9/11 thread? what are you scared of? Because I wonder why you bother, especially as you are always so keen to point out that no-one is going to be convinced...

The truth is that increasing numbers are doubting the official version of events, and that includes posters here on urban75 too. The trouble is, should they dare to post on these threads, they will likely find themselves the target of your vitriolic abuse. That puts a load of them off, never mind the ones that get banned. I even had a message from one long-time poster here that you had instructed him not to post on these threads!!!! :D
Psychonaut said:
Its possible he has supporters lurking on u75, who lack his thick skin & stay quiet out of fear of ridicule and personal attacks.
The 'ridicule' only comes when 9/11 nuts try to back up their idiotic theories with garbage from ludicrous websites, written by charlatans posing as experts. Or when, as in Jazzz's case, they make immense claims and then refuse to engage with any debate on the topic or produce a remotely credible source.

It's like the Church of Conspiratology where we're expected to believe in wildly improbable yarns spun by weirdos.
editor said:
It's like the Church of Conspiratology where we're expected to believe in wildly improbable yarns spun by weirdos.

It is the official story that we are 'expected to believe'. Haven't you got this yet?

I don't ask anyone to 'believe' me. If they do, I have failed.
Jazzz said:
Right okay, you could have simply said so the first time. I would respond by asking, why do you post frantically like a demented headless chicken every time there's a 9/11 thread?
And who's the biggest poster on this thread by a factor of nearly 200 posts?

Why it's the fact-lite Jazzz!

:D :D :D

Still, I love the way you're trying to shift the blame for your own inability to construct a credible case while insulting other posters by claiming they're too weak and feeble to argue the case for 'the truth'.

Instead of trying to blame others for the near-total lack of support for your bonkers theories, why not try looking a little closer to home?
editor said:
Once 9/11 threads would have people arguing on all sides,

I'm afraid that's bollocks. Right from the beginning they were subjected to a different kind of attention. A long time ago now, just as soon as they got interesting, zap, they'd be gone. It was always in the middle of some interesting questions that would then never get the answer. Of course, the answer was not welcome, so off they'd be sent to the ether.

Then of course the whole lexicon of 'conspiraloonery' would appear, the classic method to rubbish the poster and effectively end debate. Many, including yourself would deign to speak for so many about the inconsiderate CTers who were shutting down 'real' debate.

I see now, years later, that you have unconsciously admitted what was always true: that there weren't ALL THESE CTers, to your mind the only one you can level that at is jazzz. To say that the threads were good at one point until jazzz ruined them is just bollocks. His voice is one of the best voices to be heard on any topic. It is vital that we get people speaking from non-mainstream angles. That's freedom of speech, and its underlying principle.

Of course, as it happens, jazzz's voice on matters 911 is far more mainstream than yours. But you'll never see that in a million years.

I recall setting up a 'different' thread on 911 (this word being your definition for what would not get binned), which asked all you lot to say what made you accept the official story. I wanted to shove all your questions back where they came from.

As soon as the going got tough, ya fled the kitchen and zapped it completely. It never even made the bin.

Blaming it all on jazzz is as bad as it gets. You're obsessed with his ability to speak his mind.
editor said:
Sorry, I don't read anything on prison planet.

It's got a long history of twisting and distorting the truth, and frankly, I rather value the considered analysis of highly qualified, vastly experienced demolition experts over a lone individual amateur's opinion on some laughable website.

You don't read anything on this site, yet you know so fucking much about it??

Either you're lying or you're talking bullshit.
Psychonaut said:
I get the impression a lot of Jazzz's ideas have a fairly strong internet following.

Its possible he has supporters lurking on u75, who lack his thick skin & stay quiet out of fear of ridicule and personal attacks.

Oh psychonaut, loads of them have been banned, or just buggered off after getting fed up with how the threads were continually yanked off the forums.
Jazzz said:
The truth is that increasing numbers are doubting the official version of events
Do I believe everything that the USG has told us about the events of 9/11?


Does this mean that I believe all the crap you and the other idiot "truth seekers" post?

fela fan said:
I see now, years later, that you have unconsciously admitted what was always true: that there weren't ALL THESE CTers, to your mind the only one you can level that at is jazzz. To say that the threads were good at one point until jazzz ruined them is just bollocks. His voice is one of the best voices to be heard on any topic.
What a load of fucking shit. You're a deluded liar. Stop making stuff up, fool.
151 pages of people rubbishing a subject they believe to have zero credibility from someone they insult and claim to have zero credibility.

How curious. You might think that deep down they want to be proven wrong......
Well, im just trying to make sense of a 151 page thread by people who think the subject is bunkum and of little value........

Perhaps you just have nowt better to do then?
Barking_Mad said:
Well, im just trying to make sense of a 151 page thread by people who think the subject is bunkum and of little value........
There's actually some good stuff in there, but once the bonkers theories had been ripped apart by pesky science, it has rather descended into a dull thread, with Jazzz continuing to avoid tricky questions and fela spouting his usual shit.

But you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss some of the excellent contributions to be found lurking in this thread.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Do I believe everything that the USG has told us about the events of 9/11?


Does this mean that I believe all the crap you and the other idiot "truth seekers" post?

You don't have to. Neither do I (believe everything other truth-seekers say).

Where's the problem?
editor said:
There's actually some good stuff in there, but once the bonkers theories had been ripped apart by pesky science

I don't think you noticed TheArchitect running off once he'd realised he was completely wrong about the CDR ratios, did you? Or perhaps you'd like to explain them for the forum? ;)

Or MikeMMC admitting that he was wrong about the compression yield point of steel?

Or Crispy throwing the towel in on the question of whether the WTC core could stand up for itself?

thank god we have you, editor to announce what the result of all that discussion was, although you didn't take part in it one iota...
Jazzz said:
I don't think you noticed TheArchitect running off once he'd realised he was completely wrong about the CDR ratios, did you? Or perhaps you'd like to explain them for the forum? ;)

Splutter you are a nutcase. If you really think you walked away from that without getting your ass handed to you on a plate, you need professional help, because your capacity for self delusion is truly fathomless.
Jazzz said:
I don't think you noticed TheArchitect running off once he'd realised he was completely wrong about the CDR ratios, did you? Or perhaps you'd like to explain them for the forum? ;)

Or MikeMMC admitting that he was wrong about the compression yield point of steel?

Or Crispy throwing the towel in on the question of whether the WTC core could stand up for itself?
Wow. As self-delusion goes, you're in the Premier League. Right at the top. Your lunatic theories have been *torn apart* here and you've been proved wrong so many times it's gone beyond embarassing.

Sci-fi holographic planes from a fantasy book set in 2012 and invisible explosives anyone?
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