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9/11 media happenings

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Bob_the_lost said:
Jesus, you've still got no idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes:

1) Diagonal cut
2) Hold thermite?

Heres just a few points for people gullible to swallow Jazzz's guff.

The majority of the building vertical load was maintained by the exterior columns.

So for Jazzz's theory to work, people would have had to

Mount 78 story high scaffolding.

Spend several weeks, cutting the exterior columns. Place the thermite into the the holes.

Then no one had to notice the thermite charges go off (and believe me thermite burning produces blinding light) in all the video and eyewitness accounts of the collapse. we don't see this) And then the building had to collapse in a "classic" CD manner, despite being destroyed in a "totally unique" method.

And you expect us to swallow this shit?
EddyBlack said:
Ok I understand yours and Axon's points. We have these claims made that where false. So it is reasonable to say they lied.
However Blair maintains that he and the intelligence services acted 'in good faith'.

Because you dumb fuck, it'd be political suicide to say "I lied".

Although many disbelieve him, nobody can actually prove otherwise. So is it actually a conspiracy theory?

Whut and the whut now? In the classic definition of a conspiracy theory it's not, it's called political business as usual.

I know I'm going way off 911 now, but we even have them discussing in the Downing Street memo, how they can go about creating a false pretext, and still these guys get can get away with it.

So they make these claims about Saddam going after WMD, and then come up with dodgy dossiers and ‘intelligence’ later on.

It is of course an exercise in control through fear. Leaving aside who the perpetrators of 911 where, the government has played this card ever since 911.

Okay and again for the hard of bloody thinking.

There is a suitable case that Blair et all lied when it came to the pretext of war.

There is just bullshit when it comes to 911.
8den said:
And you expect us to swallow this shit?
Sadly, Jazzz is so consumed by his desire to believe that all logic and common sense left his argument years ago.

That's why he keeps running away from debating this issues. Unless he starts addressing the points raised by his own lunatic claims, I'm going to prevent him from continuing to use urban as a free, high profile billboard for his weird fantasies.

So Jazzz: are you going to answer my questions now about how, when and where this remarkable heat-resistant and invisible 'thermite' was installed?
Jazzz said:
Well seems to me if you wrap the thermite around the beam along the diagonal cut you wish to make, suitably held, it would do so quite readily.

Thermite is a powder. How do you wrap a powder around a column?

If you tried to hold it in place what do you suggest using that will withstand the 2000C temperatures produced?
editor said:
Sadly, Jazzz is so consumed by his desire to believe that all logic and common sense left his argument years ago.

That's why he keeps running away from debating this issues. Unless he starts addressing the points raised by his own lunatic claims, I'm going to prevent him from continuing to use urban as a free, high profile billboard for his weird fantasies.

So Jazzz: are you going to answer my questions now about how, when and where this remarkable heat-resistant and invisible 'thermite' was installed?
come on, you must get some enjoyment out of playing "cat and mouse" with Jazzz or you wouldn't make posting responses to him in this thread a daily routine?

I doubt your sincerity in your theat to ban him, by virtue of the fact there is no other poster you converse with more than Jazzz.

And surely it's harsh to give him the chop just cos you happen to disagree with him? Let him say what he wants, it's not threat to Urban or anyone else. Most people disagree vehemently with him, the poor soul.
Pete the Greek said:
editor said:
Unless he starts addressing the points raised by his own lunatic claims, I'm going to prevent him from continuing to use urban as a free, high profile billboard for his weird fantasies.

Jazzz has has for years now, lied, and made absurd claims, asking someone to back up what they claim with either facts logic common sense or anything vaguely attached to reality, after putting up this for so long, after Jazz spending ages claiming he has evidence, or ignoring contradictory evidence, I can understand editors frustration with a turn of phrase.

Frankly if I was introduced to Jazzz, I'd introduce the lying, dishonest, contemptable fuckwit's throat with his hand puppet.

I'd like to see him shit feathers for week.

And Jazzz I feel this way because you'vee exposed an arrogant lying streak, as wide as the Irish sea, and you deserve to be called on it, you pathetic rancid excuse for a human being.
Jazzz said:
Oh well, at least Bees got the irony. :D
Indeed, I know you're barking, but not that barking.

I think.


Anyhoos. :D

I was serious though with this:

OK - why don't you simply tell us the explanation of how they did it that satisfies you? If you believe Thermite was used you must have some modus in your mind, no?

I'm genuinely interested to find out what your crtieria for accepting something as fact is, as it's clearly so different to mine (or pretty much anyone else on this thread...)

To me this thread has gone beyond the events of 9/11 and could become quite an interesting debate about the nature of belief and how we form our opinions - I've said before that your position strikes me as being very similar to that of a cult follower* and I'm interested to see how you define yourself...

* I don't say this lightly either, if we ever have time to chew the fat over a pint or two ask me about the time I had to extract my mate from the Scientologists.... :eek: :D
8den said:
Jazzz has has for years now, lied, and made absurd claims, asking someone to back up what they claim with either facts logic common sense or anything vaguely attached to reality, after putting up this for so long, after Jazz spending ages claiming he has evidence, or ignoring contradictory evidence, I can understand editors frustration with a turn of phrase.

Frankly if I was introduced to Jazzz, I'd introduce the lying, dishonest, contemptable fuckwit's throat with his hand puppet.

I'd like to see him shit feathers for week.

And Jazzz I feel this way because you'vee exposed an arrogant lying streak, as wide as the Irish sea, and you deserve to be called on it, you pathetic rancid excuse for a human being.
8den, you've haven't even been on the boards for one year, let alone several.

What harm have I done you in that time to warrant this? :confused:

Oh and come down the next unsound, I'll be there with my puppet. You can say hello! You might have to apologise though - she isn't a hand puppet. :cool:
Jazzz said:
8den, you've haven't even been on the boards for one year, let alone several.

Um archive, you clueless muppet? I've been entertained on this thread alone of several instances of your lying and rancid stupidity.

What harm have I done you in that time to warrant this? :confused:

Lied, abused the truth, manipulated the truth, abused people who questioned your stupidity.

You are completely clueless about why we hold you in utter contempt?

Oh and come down the next unsound, I'll be there with my puppet. You can say hello! You might have to apologise though - she isn't a hand puppet. :cool:

Are you high or incredibly stupidity?
beesonthewhatnow said:
Indeed, I know you're barking, but not that barking.

I think.


Anyhoos. :D

hehe. I was aware of the Brainiac 'scandal'! But even without that there would some considerable irony in insisting that the word of Brainiac is sacrosanct, while 9/11 is a monumental fib. ;)

More on your next bit later.
Jazzz said:
hehe. I was aware of the Brainiac 'scandal'!
Yet that's been your sole 'scientific' source for your thermite yarn!

Are you going to answer my questions now please because I'm really not going to let you carry on posting up wild 9/11 claims and then refusing point blank to respond to relevant questions.

That's called trolling, you see.
hmm. The irony is unfathomable! It seems that the kind of insults thrown around by 8den are all fine and dandy, yet, amazingly, not saying something is the treason. Are you sure, dear editor, that it is not the failure to address your questions that is the offence here?

I mean, imagine if I reported a post of 8den's, not because he called me a "pathetic rancid excuse for a human being" - which one understands to be quite fine around here these days, apparently - but because he was failing to answer some question of mine, claiming that he'd already answered it a few dozen times and if I didn't like the answer that was up to me. I'd be surprised not to be roundly ticked off for wasting moderator's time.

If I may be permitted a quote;

"You cannot be serious!"
John McEnroe, Tennis Player 1959-
Jazzz said:
I mean, imagine if I reported a post of 8den's, not because he called me a "pathetic rancid excuse for a human being" - which one understands to be quite fine around here these days, apparently - but because he was failing to answer some question of mine, claiming that he'd already answered it a few dozen times and if I didn't like the answer that was up to me. I'd be surprised not to be roundly ticked off for wasting moderator's time.
8den's language was out of order (even if your 'outrage' didn't extend to actually bothering to report the post), although I can understand his frustration. Please stop now 8den.

But you have a long, long, loooooooong history of posting up wild claims - usually directly culled from dodgy sites, some of them known to contain Holocaust denying material - and then ignoring anyone who raises questions based on your posts.

Your weird, religious-like belief in fact-free conspiracies means that you're forced to keep on ignoring reasonable, relevent questions in an attempt to avoid facing up to reality, but I'm afraid your licence to post up nutcase material will soon be revoked.

This is not a one way noticeboard for posting up bonkers 9/11 bullshit, so either argue the issues or find all further threads on this topic becoming as invisible as your fantasy thermite.
So is it definite then, the lizards done it? Any attempts to question are censorship? I'm all for the fall of Christianity, but I'm not sure progress is being made by replacing the dominant Western magical belief system with 911 conspiranonse.
Jazzz said:
h- but because he was failing to answer some question of mine,

Woa, please link to these fucking questions that I failed to answer?

claiming that he'd already answered it a few dozen times and if I didn't like the answer that was up to me. I'd be surprised not to be roundly ticked off for wasting moderator's time.

Jazzz you've failed to answer any questions, like er protec, I've not refused any questions you've put to me, now don't go wave me in the direction of the back of thread, you're making an accusation, I'd like to see you support it. What questions was I ducking?

Oh wait.


I'm talking to Jazzz aren't I?

If I may be permitted a quote;

"You cannot be serious!"
John McEnroe, Tennis Player 1959-

Jazzz sorry you were out earlier there was a phone call, not sure if I took down the message right, it was a Mr Pot, looking for a Mr Kettle, something about him being black as well.
Here's all the proof we need to know that that Jazzz's favourite fruitloop source is a complete and utter fucking charlatan:

n Steven Jones' PDF "Answers to Objections and Questions", to support his claim for Sol-gels/Thermite he states:

One molecule, described by the EPA's Erik Swartz, was present at levels "that dwarfed all others": 1,3-diphenylpropane. "We've never observed it in any sampling we've ever done,"

However when you look at the link he uses

You find out Mr. Jones edits out the VERY next line which states

"He said it was most likely produced by the plastic of tens of thousands of burning computers."

Apparently, Jones felt this was not important enough for his readers to know.
8den said:
Woa, please link to these fucking questions that I failed to answer?

Jazzz you've failed to answer any questions, like er protec, I've not refused any questions you've put to me, now don't go wave me in the direction of the back of thread, you're making an accusation, I'd like to see you support it. What questions was I ducking?

I haven't asked you any. I was being hypothetical.

Bless! :)
It's just getting embarrassing for Jazzz now.

But - no doubt - be still belieeeeeves!

Jazzz said:
I haven't asked you any. I was being hypothetical.

Bless! :)

Um what? You're accusing me of being abusive instead of answering questions you didn't ask?


Wait sorry yes, this is Jazzz of the holographic planes, that he denies he thought existed, after linking to a piece of science fiction claiming the technology existed? Of course he can accuse someone of wriggling out of non existant questions he's not asked.

Does anyone else weep at the idea of Jazzz being on a Jury?
8den said:
Um what? You're accusing me of being abusive instead of answering questions you didn't ask?


I wasn't accusing you of anything. To avoid confusion in future, I'll be sure to keep your name out of any hypothetical points I make. Have a nice day! :)
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