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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
I heard it the first time. I can see you are trying to wind me up with your reference to 'placebos and snake oil' knowing full well my health story.

Perhaps you'll grow up a bit sometime.
Correction, knowing full well your interest in faked science like your silver nitrates.
Jazzz said:
my we are childish today
Nowhere near as childish as your continuing habit of refusing to answer questions directly relating to your claims.

Actually that's not childish - it's simply dishonest, although I suspect your religious-like need and addiction for conspiracy theories means that you're probably incapable of realising the desperate flaws in your <guffaw> 'truthseeking' methodology.
Jazzz said:
no thanks but feel free to comment, it's a free thread :)

Ah so well add another notch to the stuff you know fuck all about then.

Thats getting to be quite a list.
Everywhere you look there are desperate flaws. I myself have circled upwards of 12 thousand defects on the roads in and around North Middlesex and I'm nowhere near half way through even.
Indeed the Minister of Transport thanked me personally foe my vigilance but he made it perfectly clear that I was not to stop on the hard shoulder of the motorway unless there was a problem with my own vehicle.
I took many many pictures with both my mobile phone and also a digital camera I borrowed from Audrey Ferik's husband. I also have his digital vernier callipers which he doesn't even know how to read. I have my own theodolite, and a high visibility donkey style coat. They're very unflattering and so I cut the arms off and made it a bit more stylish especially during the hot summer months when the temperatures can reach searing proportions whereby you could fry an egg on the fucking bonnet and stick it in a bap or a roll and eat the fucker before the police turn up. They say the yellow marks cause folks to crash the bastards and not the state of the roads. They lost me in a hight speed chase because they lost crucial information from the chopper that kept hovering over very fucking tunnel I parked under. That was down to a group of narks in Lincoln Road though. Yoiu want to see the state of the underside of the Holmswood tunnel .. this is Middlesex you see and not Hoilborn or Waterloo. Those are safe but you daren't park there or you'll definitely get arrested and convicted of .. trying to save lives ??
Everywhere you look folks are talking bollocks about shreds of evidence when all around them is highlighted in yellow crayon.
If you go on the M6 toll in the middle of the night you will be ok to park up for about 20 minutes but like East Germany if you don't reach the pay booth within 25 minutes they'll come looking for you and your passport will get stamped with a huge 'DEPORTED NOT TO RETURN' stamp on the first fucking page. You won't even get into France or Belgium once you have that so watch yer step.
Everyone is a fucking halfwit everywhere you look so never go into partnership with any cunt ever ever.
Also watch out for folks whose posts merge and become as one when it's obvious that only one of them has any reason to post what all the rest of them have learned to copy. Do these folks want to save lives I wonder or are they all coppers and narks. I've never met either of them who wasn't a slimy snake when it came down to it but it's me that gets arrested for saving innocent folks while they jump out at them like minkeys and inform each other about bollocks so folks can be locked up and kept from doing good on the streets and the fucking roads which are a death trap just like skyscrapers are when you think about it.
The Staten Island ferry was even a target once and of course I got arrested for that too. I simply hadn't driven a boat for some time and I crashed .. I apologised to my crew and especially to Sergeant Jack Connorsw NYPD chopper department with whom I shared a meal of meatballs and spagetti at the family home in Yonkers .. ??? I don't know why I didn't tell Mrs Connors I was a vegetarian because I really can't eat meatballs. Lean breast of chicken is fine and Jack was fit as a fiddle. We both slid down the pole thingy at a downtown fire department in Boston and he managed it quite expertly whereas I looked perfectly amateurish I'm sure. But we watched several porn films and shot some pool with the guys. Then I got arrested again and Jack is no l9onger my friend. He probably wished he'd never saved me and my passengers from the icy waters. The captain called me a goddam mook of course and needless to say I was deported never to return. I couldn't give a fuck who bombs America after that but we can make a difference in the UK if only we can make folks a bit less dozy and obvious.
It's a shame is all.
rorymac said:
Everywhere you look there are desperate flaws. <snip>
After pages of meaningless drivel from Jazzz et al this thread really needed a detailed post from someone who knows what they are talking about and who has mastered their subject ... :D
Jazzz said:
yes but it might not need to drip anywhere - the molten metal can be the molten iron.
The 'drips' are orange they can't be molten anything iron based as it's too cold.

If you want to get at the truth and put across believable theories it helps if you get the terminology right. What your saying is like stating the Titanic was sunk by a de-frosted iceberg i.e. the complete opposite. :D
WouldBe said:
The 'drips' are orange they can't be molten anything iron based as it's too cold.

If you want to get at the truth and put across believable theories it helps if you get the terminology right. What your saying is like stating the Titanic was sunk by a de-frosted iceberg i.e. the complete opposite. :D
Nah, they're bright yellow when they start becoming visible. And that's what we see with our thermite demo which gives off molten iron. Can you possibly have a suggestion which better fits what we see coming from the South Tower?
Jazzz said:
Nah, they're bright yellow when they start becoming visible. And that's what we see with our thermite demo which gives off molten iron. Can you possibly have a suggestion which better fits what we see coming from the South Tower?

Again Jazzz, colour temp, video. Its impossible to gauge a metal's temp from uncalibrated digitial video
Jazzz said:
Nah, they're bright yellow when they start becoming visible. And that's what we see with our thermite demo which gives off molten iron. Can you possibly have a suggestion which better fits what we see coming from the South Tower?
Have a single shred of evidence to support either the existence or the installation of these crash proof, heat-resistant thermite bombs?

Any eye witness statements? Any testimony from explosives experts? Any supporting comments from demolition experts? Any office workers noticing strange workers drilling ruddy great holes around their office? How about some metallurgical experts insisting that they're seeing thermite?

No? Nothing at all?

Then your theory is a fact-free fantasy based on nothing more than your weird obsession and near-religious belief in a conspiracy.

Oh, and I suggest you gen up on video colour too. What you see on video may well bear no relation to reality - a bit like your world then :)
editor said:
Oh, and I suggest you gen up on video colour too. What you see on video may well bear no relation to reality - a bit like your world then :)

Thus invalidating WouldBe's argument of course. How interesting.
Jazzz said:
Thus invalidating WouldBe's argument of course. How interesting.
The only person whose argument is being ripped apart here is you.

You're basing your entire fact-free claim on the flimsiest piece of 'evidence' which relates to something you clearly know nothing about.

You have no evidence. Nothing. You can't even offer a remotely sane argument as to how this thermite was supposedly brought in and installed in the first place without a soul on the entire planet noticing a thing. How and when was this done please? And what floors was this invisible thermite supposedly installed?

And could you explain how the thermite (and its invisibly wired remote trigger) miraculously managed to survive the heat from the jet fuel?
Maybe I've missed something but it seems that Jazzz is arguing that because a building on fire has yellow and orange stuff coming from it, that this demonstrates that thermite was the cause of the collapse???

Let's add this to our database of evidence for controlled demolition. There, no. of records = 0.
axon said:
Maybe I've missed something but it seems that Jazzz is arguing that because a building on fire has yellow and orange stuff coming from it, that this demonstrates that thermite was the cause of the collapse???

Let's add this to our database of evidence for controlled demolition. There, no. of records = 0.
err no, you've missed something along with editor.

WouldBe was criticising Hoffman's debunking of the Protec report on a claim that the colours of the drips seen from the South Tower didn't match up with a thermite hypothesis.

So to debunk WouldBe's debunking of Hoffman's debunking of the Protec report's debunking of the CD theory, I was simply pointing out that they cannot be said to not match up.

Got it?

Oh this is fun! :D
Jazzz said:
err no, you've missed something along with editor.

WouldBe was criticising Hoffman's debunking of the Protec report on a claim that the colours of the drips seen from the South Tower didn't match up with a thermite hypothesis.

Oh this is fun! :D
What's fun about having your argument torn apart?

WouldBe was correct to raise doubts on the hopelessly unqualified fruitloop Hoffman's bedroom 'analysis' even if we take the video footgae as being accurate.

Others have since pointed out that only a fucking idiot would produce a piece of uncalibrated video as the sole proof for the existence of invisibly installed, blast resistent thermite.

All that's been proved so far is that Hoffman has no answer to the expertise of the Protec report and that you're such a gullible moron that you've no interest in researching the quality of the conspiracy claims or have any answers to my highly relevent questions above.

So once again, you're running from the truth and avoiding any tricky questions that make it obvious that your thermite theory is as likely as your holographic planes claims (as seen in that 2012 sci-fi book you stupidly claimed was an 'army manual'!).
editor said:
What's fun about having your argument torn apart?

How can you claim to tear apart an argument when you have no idea what it is?

oh you surpass yourself editor!

:D :D :D
Jazzz said:
WouldBe was criticising Hoffman's debunking of the Protec report on a claim that the colours of the drips seen from the South Tower didn't match up with a thermite hypothesis.

Would this be the English definition of the word "drips" or the Jazzz definition. (Note for reference "drips" in English refers to something a liquid does). :D
Jazzz said:
How can you claim to tear apart an argument when you have no idea what it is?
There's only one person here who's too scared/dishonest to answer straight questions. That's you, Jazzz.

Are you going to answer them now, or is your religious like belief in a fact-free conspiracy mean that your bizarre denial must continue?
Jazzz said:
WouldBe was criticising Hoffman's debunking of the Protec report on a claim that the colours of the drips seen from the South Tower didn't match up with a thermite hypothesis.
What's Hoffman's expertise in thermite demolition techniques, Jazzz?
editor said:
What's Hoffman's expertise in thermite demolition techniques, Jazzz?

Interested to hear that as well as there are no recorded instances of thermite used in any Controlled Demolition.

How does this work again, oh yes, "It looks like a controlled demolition, so therefore it is a controlled demolition". Despite the fact that according to the conspiraloons, they didn't use standard controlled demolition technology, they used an entirely new, non standard, technique that just happens to bring down a building in exactly the same manner as buildings destroyed using standard techniques.

Have you any idea how retarded that sounds?
8den said:
Interested to hear that as well as there are no recorded instances of thermite used in any Controlled Demolition.

How does this work again, oh yes, "It looks like a controlled demolition, so therefore it is a controlled demolition". Despite the fact that according to the conspiraloons, they didn't use standard controlled demolition technology, they used an entirely new, non standard, technique that just happens to bring down a building in exactly the same manner as buildings destroyed using standard techniques.

Have you any idea how retarded that sounds?
Yes, it's extraordinary.

But even more extraordinary is the proposition that the very same could be accomplished by cutting a few beams, lighting a fire halfway up, and leaving it for about an hour. :)
not. funny. anymore.

i used to like to try (and fail) to think up stuff to lob into threads like this but i just cant be bothered any more.

Jazz why cant you just:

carry on thinking you are right and we are all wrong and sadly deluded by the Government line. But stop trying to change our views. have a nice smirk knowing you are right and we and everyone else is wrong and some day you will be able to go "YES! see I told you all so". We will all mumble "sorry Jazz you are the man" You will say "Louder! I cant hear you".. then we will all say clarly "Sorry Jazz, you were right and we were wrong.. we are all poor dupes that were fooled by our lying, conniving respective Governments, youze da man.. here have a pint as a way of an apology" The you will run away laughing manically and pointing at us as we sit there resplndant in our misery and ineptitude.

trust me Everyone will be so much happier. Little kittens will smile in that way only kittens can and puppies will look cute.
8den said:
How does this work again, oh yes, "It looks like a controlled demolition, so therefore it is a controlled demolition". Despite the fact that according to the conspiraloons, they didn't use standard controlled demolition technology, they used an entirely new, non standard, technique that just happens to bring down a building in exactly the same manner as buildings destroyed using standard techniques except that in every known standard controlled demolition it starts at the bottom ... and this clearly starts at the point of impact.
You missed out the bit I have added in bold.
Jazzz said:
But even more extraordinary is the proposition that the very same could be accomplished by cutting a few beams, lighting a fire halfway up, and leaving it for about an hour. :)
I love the level of self delusion on this post - you make it sound like there was a tiny little hole made by the planes, and a small campfire in one office....
Jazzz said:
Yes, it's extraordinary.

But even more extraordinary is the proposition that the very same could be accomplished by cutting a few beams, lighting a fire halfway up, and leaving it for about an hour. :)

Is it? You have read lots of reasons as to why it would be difficult to use thermite to bring down the towers. No one as put forward any reasons as to why "cutting a few beams, lighting a fire halfway up, and leaving it for about an hour." could not have brought down the tower. Do you know any? (serious question, i.e. can you come up with any sound reasons to negate the "official" version?)
Jazzz said:
Yes, it's extraordinary.
Are you going to answer my questions, or are you going to continue proving what a dishonest and/or deluded fraud you are by running away from any tricky questions that challenge your near-religious belief in the words of unqualified charlatans posting on fruitloop sites?
OK Jazzz, clearly providing your own analysis of the protec report is beyond you, so let's make it easier.

How about you link to other peoples views on it? Simply provide us with some links that address the points it raises. Only please look up the word "credible" in a dictionary first.

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