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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
Yes, it's extraordinary.

But even more extraordinary is the proposition that the very same could be accomplished by cutting a few beams, lighting a fire halfway up, and leaving it for about an hour. :)

Thats possibly the most disgenious description of the a jetliner full of fuel crashing into buildings at 500mph that I've ever seen.

Tell me when you divorced yourself from reality did you ever agree to visitation rights to the kids? Logic, Common Sense and Sanity are growing up without their Jazzz seeing 'em.
8den said:
Thats possibly the most disgenious description of the a jetliner full of fuel crashing into buildings at 500mph that I've ever seen.

Tell me when you divorced yourself from reality did you ever agree to visitation rights to the kids? Logic, Common Sense and Sanity are growing up without their Jazzz seeing 'em.
Well that's a description of the damage the jets did - they sliced many of the outer columns and a few inner ones.

And did any airplane hit WTC7?

Oh no, it didn't.

I divorced myself from 'reality' when I found out she was a two-timing crack whore. The kids are fine :)
Jazzz said:
Well that's a description of the damage the jets did - they sliced many of the outer columns and a few inner ones.

Wow that almost sounds like they did significant damage, and yet somehow you feel the invisible termite bombs survived attached after that?

And did any airplane hit WTC7?

No the but chunks of skyscraper did, and severed fuel lines to diesel generations, and then there's the small matter of the power substation and the unusual building design

But hey Jazzz never let the facts get in the way of your immense fuckwitology.

I divorced myself from 'reality' when I found out she was a two-timing crack whore. The kids are fine :)

jesus christ imagine Jazzz's bedtime stories for the kiddies.... :eek:
I think it's time to give up on this thread.

Trying to get Jazzz to discuss and support his claims is like asking a religious nutcase to consider that there is no beardy God in the sky.
Pingu said:
not. funny. anymore.

i used to like to try (and fail) to think up stuff to lob into threads like this but i just cant be bothered any more.

Jazz why cant you just:

carry on thinking you are right and we are all wrong and sadly deluded by the Government line. But stop trying to change our views. have a nice smirk knowing you are right and we and everyone else is wrong and some day you will be able to go "YES! see I told you all so". We will all mumble "sorry Jazz you are the man" You will say "Louder! I cant hear you".. then we will all say clarly "Sorry Jazz, you were right and we were wrong.. we are all poor dupes that were fooled by our lying, conniving respective Governments, youze da man.. here have a pint as a way of an apology" The you will run away laughing manically and pointing at us as we sit there resplndant in our misery and ineptitude.

trust me Everyone will be so much happier. Little kittens will smile in that way only kittens can and puppies will look cute.
yeah, you may have a point pingu. Still, old habits die hard. I'll take you up on the pint :)
Many people believe that the government lied to justify an invasion of Iraq, despite the fact that there is no good evidence. Why is that?

Because these people don’t believe that the government made a genuine intelligence mistake, but rather lied to persue a war for oil?

I wonder how many posters on this thread would share this suspicion that the government and intelligence services engaged in a monstrous conspiracy of deception.

Editor – this might be too irrelevant for you and I’m sure you will tell me. But it a straight question, and I see it as relevant in a general sense. Not that it is trying to prove anything regarding 911 whatsoever, in the slightest. But rather – many people believe 911 was done by the USG, and many here disagree because there is no evidence. Out of interest, how people believe the govt. deliberately lied on Iraq, despite there being no evidence.

Not intending to derail the thread – but if anyone wants – a simple ‘yes I believe they did’ or a ‘no I don’t believe they did’ would do it. If you guys want I will do this somewhere else, but I thought it would be informative to know peoples views within this thread,

So, I’ll start.

I believe the government lied about Iraq.
I believe the government lied about Iraq, e.g. being able to launch waepons at 45 mins notice. REASON: Lack of evidence for the governments proposition.

I believe conspiracy loons lie about 911. REASON: Lack of evidence for the conspiraloons propositions + Evidence for the official story.
Jazzz said:
Thus invalidating WouldBe's argument of course. How interesting.
It also invalidates any thermite arguement. For all any of us know it could be orange golf balls rolling out of the tower. :D
EddyBlack said:
I wonder how many posters on this thread would share this suspicion that the government and intelligence services engaged in a monstrous conspiracy of deception.

Again I've looked at the evidence of both theres plenty of evidence they lied about WMD in Iraq, yellow plutonium in Nigeria, the Dodgy Dossier, the 45 minute claim, Powell's UN speech, Blix's testimony, Kelly's testimony, Plaim's testimony.

The evidence for a LIHOP or MIHOP on 9.11 is pathetic, filmsy, dishonest, manipulated, conjecture, speculation or just outright lies.

I'm an intelligent human being I can work out the difference between the WMD case and 911 bullshit.
WouldBe said:
What that thermite produces molten iron and not molten steel?

If you want to use thermite to bring down the towers your going to need to produce molten steel to cut through the steel work of the towers.
And you would have to work out how to hide tons of the stuff (look up the figures for the requirement), it would be fairly bulky too because it would need to be in a finely powdered form. Then work out how it would have to be held against vertical coloumns for long enough for it to work on them without damaging the structure holding the thermite!
8den said:
Again I've looked at the evidence of both theres plenty of evidence they lied about WMD in Iraq, yellow plutonium in Nigeria, the Dodgy Dossier, the 45 minute claim, Powell's UN speech, Blix's testimony, Kelly's testimony, Plaim's testimony.

The evidence for a LIHOP or MIHOP on 9.11 is pathetic, filmsy, dishonest, manipulated, conjecture, speculation or just outright lies.

I'm an intelligent human being I can work out the difference between the WMD case and 911 bullshit.

Ok I understand yours and Axon's points. We have these claims made that where false. So it is reasonable to say they lied.
However Blair maintains that he and the intelligence services acted 'in good faith'.
Although many disbelieve him, nobody can actually prove otherwise. So is it actually a conspiracy theory?

I know I'm going way off 911 now, but we even have them discussing in the Downing Street memo, how they can go about creating a false pretext, and still these guys get can get away with it.

So they make these claims about Saddam going after WMD, and then come up with dodgy dossiers and ‘intelligence’ later on.

It is of course an exercise in control through fear. Leaving aside who the perpetrators of 911 where, the government has played this card ever since 911.
MikeMcc said:
And you would have to work out how to hide tons of the stuff (look up the figures for the requirement), it would be fairly bulky too because it would need to be in a finely powdered form. Then work out how it would have to be held against vertical coloumns for long enough for it to work on them without damaging the structure holding the thermite!
Whose figures?

I don't see why tons would be required. As the demonstration linked to showed, it just takes a flower pot-full to cut through a car engine.
Jazzz said:
I don't see why tons would be required. As the demonstration linked to showed, it just takes a flower pot-full to cut through a car engine.
Are you ever ever going to come up with a remotely sane explanation as to when and how 'they' managed to invisibly install these invisible, untraceable explosives, how the thermite survived the blast inferno and why no one in the offices noticed workmen drilling holes and pulling down partitions?
editor said:
Are you ever ever going to come up with a remotely sane explanation as to when and how 'they' managed to invisibly install these invisible, untraceable explosives, how the thermite survived the blast inferno and why no one in the offices noticed workmen drilling holes and pulling down partitions?
Not that would satisfy you. HTHHAND :)
MikeMcc said:
And you would have to work out how to hide tons of the stuff (look up the figures for the requirement), it would be fairly bulky too because it would need to be in a finely powdered form. Then work out how it would have to be held against vertical coloumns for long enough for it to work on them without damaging the structure holding the thermite!
With the floor joists being considerably thinner than the 4" thick(?) steel used in the columns, the floor joists are going to melt through well before the columns would.

Then you need to keep the thermite dry (as water reacts with aluminium powder releasing lots of heat), keep the thermite away from sparks and flames as you don't want it going off at the wrong time.

Jazzz said:
Whose figures?

I don't see why tons would be required. As the demonstration linked to showed, it just takes a flower pot-full to cut through a car engine.
That video doesn't show a hole melted through the engine block at all. It shows a hole being melted through a 1mm thick bonnet and hot/molten metal driping onto the floor. Even if it had melted a hole through the engine block, the block is most likely an aluminium alloy which melts at around 700C and not the 1475C required to melt mild steel.

So if you need a flowerpot full to melt a small hole through a 1mm thick bonnet how much are you going to need to melt through a 14" x 4" thick steel column.
Jazzz said:
Not that would satisfy you. HTHHAND :)
Stop wriggling around like a religious nutcase in denial and answer the fucking questions.

So come on: exactly when and how did they manage to smuggle in and drill in all this thermite stuff, how did it survive the inferno and have you any examples of a single occupied tall building anywhere in the world being demolished using invisibly installed thermite?
editor said:
Stop wriggling around like a religious nutcase in denial and answer the fucking questions.

So come on: exactly when and how did they manage to smuggle in and drill in all this thermite stuff, how did it survive the inferno and have you any examples of a single occupied tall building anywhere in the world being demolished using invisibly installed thermite?
This has been done to death. I'm not 'wriggling'. I am simply accepting that I cannot provide an answer that satisfies you.

Now do you want to converse on something where we might make progress, or go around in circles?
WouldBe said:
With the floor joists being considerably thinner than the 4" thick(?) steel used in the columns, the floor joists are going to melt through well before the columns would.
Well seems to me if you wrap the thermite around the beam along the diagonal cut you wish to make, suitably held, it would do so quite readily.

Then you need to keep the thermite dry (as water reacts with aluminium powder releasing lots of heat), keep the thermite away from sparks and flames as you don't want it going off at the wrong time.

That video doesn't show a hole melted through the engine block at all. It shows a hole being melted through a 1mm thick bonnet and hot/molten metal driping onto the floor. Even if it had melted a hole through the engine block, the block is most likely an aluminium alloy which melts at around 700C and not the 1475C required to melt mild steel.

So if you need a flowerpot full to melt a small hole through a 1mm thick bonnet how much are you going to need to melt through a 14" x 4" thick steel column.
They claim that the engine block was cut through (and it does seem there is a sudden surge to the ground as the narration claims this happens).

Are you suggesting that Brainiac would lie to us?

Jazzz said:
Not that would satisfy you.
OK - why don't you simply tell us the explanation of how they did it that satisfies you? If you believe Thermite was used you must have some modus in your mind, no?

I'm genuinely interested to find out what your crtieria for accepting something as fact is, as it's clearly so different to mine (or pretty much anyone else on this thread...)
Jazzz said:
Are you suggesting that Brainiac would lie to us?
It speaks volumes of the utter desperation of your loony cause that you're reduced to ignoring proper, detailed research by demolition experts and have to rely on a TV show that describes itself as, "part science, part stunts--all mental."
Oh dear. Here's what scientists think of Jazzz's latest 'credible' source:

A TV science programme stands accused of faking experiments to make them more exciting.

Brainiac, the award-winning Sky One series fronted by Richard Hammond of BBC2’s Top Gear, faces criticism from scientists who say its makers turn to special effects when their experiments do not work.

Ben Goldacre, a neuroscientist and founder of website badscience.net, claims the show habitually fakes its results and justifies the pretence by claiming it is “entertainment”.
Poor old Jazzz. Even when he's desperate enough to use a kids show to prove his lunatic fantasies they turn out to be frauds!

What's next Jazzz? "Plug from the Bash St Kids proves the existence of 9/11 thermite"?
Sky admits its science show faked explosions
By Cahal Milmo
The Independent
29 July 2006
To viewers of the science programme Brainiac, the exploding bath seemed spectacular proof of the potency of what the presenter described as “the two dog’s nuts of the periodic table”.
In fact the blast was not the result of a meeting between water and rubidium and caesium, but the triggering of a bomb, Sky television confirmed yesterday.
The artifice was spotted by Dr Ben Goldacre, who runs the Bad Science website dedicated to exposing pseudo-science.
The programme promises viewers that the experiments on the show - ranging from blowing up caravans with different gases to seeing if a mobile phone ignites petrol vapours - arebased on proved science.

Another slow handclap for old Jazzz then. He really knows how to appraise those sources and assess the available research doesn't he?
Jazzz said:
Well seems to me if you wrap the thermite around the beam along the diagonal cut you wish to make, suitably held, it would do so quite readily.
Jesus, you've still got no idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes:

1) Diagonal cut
2) Hold thermite?
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