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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
What changes did he make exactly?

What journal was his ‘peer’ reviewed ‘paper’ published in? Who were the peers? Or, let me put it this way, what are the names of the associate editors and/or on the editorial advisory board? I think you will try and wriggle out of this line of questioning with your poor understanding of what peer review is and how it works. I’ll give you an example of how it works in my field. When I submit my manuscript to a journal that I want to publish in, I can generally see who the editors are (and thus the people more likely to do the first pass on my paper). High impact journals also have a list of people that act on the editorial advisory board. These will generally be the other people that review my work.

Here is an example.

Somone also asked you above whether you came to the conclusion that thermite was used before Jones. You didn’t answer the question and I’d like to know what your answer is.
Techno303 said:
What journal was his ‘peer’ reviewed ‘paper’ published in? Who were the peers? Or, let me put it this way, what are the names of the associate editors and/or on the editorial advisory board? I think you will try and wriggle out of this line of questioning with your poor understanding of what peer review is and how it works. I’ll give you an example of how it works in my field. When I submit my manuscript to a journal that I want to publish in, I can generally see who the editors are (and thus the people more likely to do the first pass on my paper). High impact journals also have a list of people that act on the editorial advisory board. These will generally be the other people that review my work.

Here is an example.

Somone also asked you above whether you came to the conclusion that thermite was used before Jones. You didn’t answer the question and I’d like to know what your answer is.
There's no way on earth that Jazzz will answer your entirely reasonable questions I'm afraid. He ignores anything that challenges his devout belief in The Great God of Conspiracies.

That's why he elects to put his faith in laughable charlatans like Steve Jones while ignoring expert testimony and analysis from infinitely better qualified sources.

His latest suggestion that he actually came up with the bonkers theories first is truly bizarre, even by Jazzz's unhinged standards.
I'll give Jazzz a bit of time to see if he can use all his invesitagtive skills to find out who the editors of the journal are.
axon said:
I'll give Jazzz a bit of time to see if he can use all his invesitagtive skills to find out who the editors of the journal are.
* gets popcorn and awaits another five star wriggling performance from Jazzz.
Techno303 said:
Did anyone watch "Horizon" last night?
Was quite good, though it did seem to be a pretty good sales pitch for the Professor's new wonder toy. It was interesting to see the floor deflection in the experiment that they ran.
MikeMcc said:
Was quite good, though it did seem to be a pretty good sales pitch for the Professor's new wonder toy. It was interesting to see the floor deflection in the experiment that they ran.

What was good about it? My connection is far too slow to download editor's link. What was the main theme of the film?
I'm going to perform 'conspiracy boogie' - a tune I've been working on - tonight at the Spice of Life, Soho - to be filmed for a new documentary. If anyone fancies coming down to cheer me on :)
beesonthewhatnow said:
Did you see Horizon last night Jazzz?
Don't be daft. When you worship at the altar of the Church of the Deluded Conspiraloons (strap line, "we just know we're right") you've no time for heretics wielding devilish facts, evidence and expertise!
Jazzz said:
I'm going to perform 'conspiracy boogie' - a tune I've been working on - tonight at the Spice of Life, Soho - to be filmed for a new documentary. If anyone fancies coming down to cheer me on :)

Exposing how a conspiracy of the elites, control the world, and brought about 911 for some reason, some how, through the medium of song?


And another documentary? Fan-fucking-tastic.

Ever noticed how truthers, are big on songs, and "documentaries", that rely on omus music, conjecture and speculation painted as fact, misquoting witnesses and the like? But they're not so hot at facts, physics, logic, and reasonings?
fela fan said:
What was good about it? My connection is far too slow to download editor's link. What was the main theme of the film?
it was about some new automatic fire fighting system some university types have developed called 'firegrid' (IIRC).

It works by having sensors all over a building, all connected to some fancy computer that also has control over all the doors and windows in the building... apparently it can be used to really slow down the build up of a fire, and particularly the heat of the fire to prevent it reaching the flashover point (the temperature at which pretty much everything in the room just bursts into flames from the heat in the air or something). Basically it works by opening and closing specific windows throughout the building to create sufficient airflow to keep the air temperature low, thereby delaying the time it takes to reach the flashover point long enough for firemen to get there and put it out.

Something like that anyway.

The inventors contention being that this system installed in the wtc could potentially have controlled the fires and either kept the temps low enough to give the firemen time to reach them in safety, or give enough warning that the fire was weakening the structure of the building and the building was going to collapse so they could evacuate it before it collapsed.

It had some fancy looking graphics showing the structure of the building and how they reckoned it had weakened and collapsed.
wow, this is the true thread that will not die. the ONLY thread about conspiracies you'll ever need!
beesonthewhatnow said:
Did you see Horizon last night Jazzz?
nah, was busy. Any good?

My show went pretty well. I have been assured that I am the leading, indeed the only exponent of 9/11 truth piano boogie. :cool:
Jazzz said:
nah, was busy. Any good?

My show went pretty well. I have been assured that I am the leading, indeed the only exponent of 9/11 truth piano boogie. :cool:
It was good, yet another sane sensible person explaining how the buildings collapsed.

Got an mp3 of your tune? :)
beesonthewhatnow said:
It was good, yet another sane sensible person explaining how the buildings collapsed.

Got an mp3 of your tune? :)
I was a bit out of practise (haven't touched a piano in months), but it went okay. The fun bit was announcing it. I called it...

"Nine eleven was an inside job the war on terrorism is a sham beware the global fascist superstate boogie"

I then did a bit of an interview which they were very happy with. Apparently, I came across as 'sane' :D
Jazzz said:
I then did a bit of an interview which they were very happy with. Apparently, I came across as 'sane' :D
Sad to say, but a sane person wouldn't totally ignore ALL the expert analysis of highly qualified, vastly experienced industry professionals over the clueless and deceitfully presented bullshit pedalled by DVD-shifting conspiracy lunatics and liars.
editor said:
Sad to say, but a sane person wouldn't totally ignore ALL the expert analysis of highly qualified, vastly experienced industry professionals over the clueless and deceitfully presented bullshit pedalled by DVD-shifting conspiracy lunatics and liars.

I think it is the mark of a sane (and intelligent) person to not blindly accept 'expert' analysis by 'highly' qualified people.

Sometimes they get it wrong, and more often they have an agenda to serve which is the main reason to take what they say with little more than a pinch of salt.

But... i accept, some people are easily satisfied...
fela fan said:
I think it is the mark of a sane (and intelligent) person to not blindly accept 'expert' analysis by 'highly' qualified people.
Thing is, you stupid little man, when all of the experts from a wide variety of fields all agree with each other, then it's not a case of "blindly accepting' expert' analysis.

It's a case of viewing the consensus of opinion from a vast amount of highly qualified people - whose sources have been checked and validated - and then looking at the quality and credibility of the evidence being presented against their claim.

You, on the other hand, seem to be promoting an argument that it's OK to believe that every professional in the world is completely wrong while the hilariously unscientific guff spewed out from a tiny band of laughably unqualified, selectively quoting, lying, DVD-shifting, conspiracy obsessed nutjobs is something to be taken seriously and swallowed whole.
Jazzz said:
The fun bit was announcing it. I called it...

"Nine eleven was an inside job the war on terrorism is a sham beware the global fascist superstate boogie"

How about you call your next one the "Ignoring the Protec report wriggle"? :D
editor said:
Thing is, you stupid little man, when all of the experts from a wide variety of fields all agree with each other, then it's not a case of "blindly accepting' expert' analysis.

It's a case of viewing the consensus of opinion from a vast amount of highly qualified people - whose sources have been checked and validated - and then looking at the quality and credibility of the evidence being presented against their claim.

You, on the other hand, seem to be promoting an argument that it's OK to believe that every professional in the world is completely wrong while the hilariously unscientific guff spewed out from a tiny band of laughably unqualified, selectively quoting, lying, DVD-shifting, conspiracy obsessed nutjobs is something to be taken seriously and swallowed whole.

Stupid i am not, little i am not, man i am. That's one out of three editor, more intelligence required i think.

Belief is cheap. Believing something requires very little effort, just accept what others say.

For some though this is a poor way to live life. I don't say experts are automatically wrong, just that i will not take their word for it unless i have experienced it myself. And if i haven't, then i remain appropriately on the fence.

"a vast amount of highly qualified people - whose sources have been checked and validated"

Not a small amount then? Vast, my that is big. Not just qualified, but 'highly' qualified. Wow. I always say beware of those who love their adjectives. And their sources have been checked and validated? Nice use of the passive voice there, care to tell me who actually did the checking and validating? Was it you? If not, then that is yet more people you seem happy to do your thinking for you.

Editor, you are obviously a very good believer. Do you believe the official version of 911?
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