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7/7 conspiraloon article in today's G2 magazine

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squeegee said:
So Sam Kinison di material about the theory positied by many mystics, and scientists studying the effects of psychedelics that we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. How exactly am I misquoting this? Bill borrowed more from Terence McKenna than he ever did from Kinison.

But you go on consoling yourself that Bill would be after conspiraloons. He's dead life goes on. Squeegee your third fucking eye and we'll be waiting for you at the evolutionary bell curve...

.....it'll be a long wait
ok son

i have been taking mecline pretty much solidly for niegh on 10 years, before that it was different mushies and microdots and tabs too having been taking drugs for such a considerable time as to now actually have sent more time ont his planet by 2 thrids on drugs that off them...

and even i can see love you are delulled ... and a no mark....

thrid eye, do you even understand the concept behind this phrase?

care to eleaborate on it...

if you can...

fucking child...
niksativa said:
Many of the points made in the article where made on urban 75 the next day - especially regarding the coincidence that an agency had been hired to carry out a mock version of a bonbing in whcih exactly what happened happened at exactly teh same time.
On paper, just like the many, many such on-paper security exercises regularly carried out by private companies all over London.

It's a total red herring.
zArk said:
the timestamp on the cctv photo is stupid as well.
How many people have ever, ever, seen an accurate timestamped cctv recording?

Here we see why conspiraloons theories are so pathetic.. Should the CCTV tmecode shown the incorrect time & date they would have stated that the incorrect CCTV timecode was proof that the image was a fake.
squeegee said:
So Sam Kinison di material about the theory positied by many mystics, and scientists studying the effects of psychedelics that we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. How exactly am I misquoting this? Bill borrowed more from Terence McKenna than he ever did from Kinison.

But you go on consoling yourself that Bill would be after conspiraloons. He's dead life goes on. Squeegee your third fucking eye and we'll be waiting for you at the evolutionary bell curve...

.....it'll be a long wait

Think for yourself you silly twat.
Conspiraloons have little to do with exploration of subjective reality, psychedelics or mysticism and have everything to do with feeling helpless in the face of a complicated and political world they don't understand.
GarfieldLeChat said:
care to comment on the Kinerson refference then??

know anything at all about it?

no of course ou don't you damp squib of a fantastist becuase you haven't even done basic research other than hero worship...

tell me this level of devotion is different from flag waving red neck farm hands patriotism why agian???

All vile bigotry from you, with not a shred of evidence to support your self-satisfying theory that I don't know Hick's material or philosophy. I don't need to prove shit to you. Your words show you to be ignorant of Hick's world view, ignorant on the true nature and function of psychedelics, of the new age belief of interconnectedness and so much more.

Do that research first before even pretending you know what you're talking about.

It's like talking to an angry, stupid child with a nasty intent.

You words are festering with vile bigotry. You are the redneck son.

Enough already
editor said:
On paper, just like the many, many such on-paper security exercises regularly carried out by private companies all over London.

It's a total red herring.

Maybe it was on paper. Can you show me or direct me to a site that supports this story that the exercises were only on paper?
squeegee said:
All vile bigotry from you, with not a shred of evidence to support your self-satisfying theory that I don't know Hick's material or philosophy. I don't need to prove shit to you. Your words show you to be ignorant of Hick's world view, ignorant on the true nature and function of psychedelics, of the new age belief of interconnectedness and so much more.

Do that research first before even pretending you know what you're talking about.

It's like talking to an angry, stupid child with a nasty intent.

You words are festering with vile bigotry. You are the redneck son.

Enough already

get this through your head nutter...

I don't need to provide proof for your beleifs...

you need to provide a convincing and accurate, testable argument as to why your beleifs should be considered any more vaild than 13th centry trappanning...

they are not my beielfs and therefore i have no need to provide proof on your behalf or your nutbag theroies...
editor said:
Sometimes, yes.

But unless you can produce a single solitary scrap of credible evidence to back up the wild, fact-free 7/7 'cover-up' yarns dreamt up by bedroom fruitnuts, the issue of the police sometimes lying in unrelated cases is totally and utterly irrelevant.

Editor can we have an addition to the smilies please? An animated continually shitting ring piece for when the conspiraloons turn up would be good.

The police and the security services DO lie and that must be exposed and punished but the activities of the conspiraloons just muddy the water and do the misinformation job for the spooks for them.
squeegee said:
All vile bigotry from you, with not a shred of evidence to support your self-satisfying theory that I don't know Hick's material or philosophy. I don't need to prove shit to you. Your words show you to be ignorant of Hick's world view, ignorant on the true nature and function of psychedelics, of the new age belief of interconnectedness and so much more.

Do that research first before even pretending you know what you're talking about.

It's like talking to an angry, stupid child with a nasty intent.

You words are festering with vile bigotry. You are the redneck son.

Enough already

don't you mean 'vile blasphemy' :D
squeegee said:
I prefer to read from Hick's own words. Did you know he took mushrooms on the day of the harmonic concordance of '87 (a specific astronomical alignment of planets hailed by new agers as a powerful moment in time) when he had that alien experience. I'm not saying aliens were there or that it was an hallucination. But what I am saying is the spiritual and the conspiracy stuff was absolutely real to him. To try and devalue it because his medium was comedy is what I would expect from Daily Mail readers.

I'm a Hicks fan as well - I'm also one to know that a fair bit of his conspiracy stuff was either Chomskian analysis of media coverage and/or utter bollocks (the stuff on the Kennedy assassination for example). And quite frankly anyone who talks about 'day of harmonic concordance' is little better than a creationist. As for the spiritual and conspiracy stuff being real for him...well alien abduction and Gods voice in your head are real enough to the people who think it's happened to them, doesn't actually make them so.

BH was a great stand up cum preacher, but he wasn't perfect and your kind of toadying to his 'memory' and hero-worship would have been anaethema to someone who was a true iconoclast and shows that you are the one who doesn't understand BH.

Anyway, back to the thread:

What do I think happened? Whoever was responsible wanted to direct attention away from the G8 protests, one of the largest and most intense protests against the industrialised nations' continual carve up of the developing world, particularly Africa. They achieved this. The mass movement that believed it could present a new way forward has faded somewhat since July 2005. But it can't be helf back indefinitely.

Achieved what? I think that the Gleneagles conference and the issues of African debt etc were probably the most publicised of the G8 conferences to date (of course, the WHOLE MPH and Live8 stuff was unrelated to this :rolleyes:) - how much coverage do you think the 'pliant' media would have given the protests anyway? About as much credence and coverage as happens to most anti-cap protests in the UK and in fact, around the world. The UK press wouldn't and didn't need a load of bombs going off in London to not give centre stage coverage to the G8 protests...

What's really funny is that you're probably one of those people who have spent a load of time complaining about media bias and how anti-cap protests never get media coverage, and now you need a terrorist bomb for them to not cover the same...
GarfieldLeChat said:
btw if you are attempting to use smal compressed and digitised images converted and compressed to prove anything (which have also incidently been cropped) by way of proof that the original sized image

fair point.
squeegee said:
Maybe it was on paper. Can you show me or direct me to a site that supports this story that the exercises were only on paper?
Get off your arse and do your own fucking research and then you won't appear such a clueless, ill-informed 'I want to believe' , drivel-spouting eejit.
Andy the Don said:
Here we see why conspiraloons theories are so pathetic.. Should the CCTV tmecode shown the incorrect time & date they would have stated that the incorrect CCTV timecode was proof that the image was a fake.

wait-a-sec, its the media who are using the timestamp as proof that the lads got on the 7:40am train from Luton. Now here comes a big problem...

a second cctv picture was released which shows Hussain in Luton Station but for some reason there is not one copy with the timestamp on it.


Heh, the non-conspiraloons accept this as normal while most 'conspiraloons' question it. I find it acceptable to question where is the timestamp since their movements are ruthlessly catalogued from Leeds to Luton, Luton to KingsCross, to Boots and Maccadies.
GarfieldLeChat said:
btw if you are attempting to use smal compressed and digitised images converted and compressed to prove anything (which have also incidently been cropped) by way of proof that the original sized image

http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/ops/images/groupcctv.jpg or at least a clear one...

moreover if you know luton train station at all you'd know that the glass fronted waiting room which has the bomber reflected in is where booty love has shown a wall would acutally be smoked glass as you can see at the top of the image the boxy train information displays ....

I'll take a clear photo of it if i remember next time i'm up that way... just to prove this point...

cheers Garf. I'd want to see that. I don't suppose any consipraloons have tried visiting the station.
squeegee said:
Maybe it was on paper. Can you show me or direct me to a site that supports this story that the exercises were only on paper?

OMG...it's been government practice for YEARS to stage wargames and similar simulations on paper (probably on PC these days!) to prepare those in charge for what could possibly happen etc (indeed, this was also turned into a TV show)...fucks sake...the very least you could do is aquaint yourself with the most basic disaster planning a recovery procedures governments have...
moreover if you know luton train station at all you'd know that the glass fronted waiting room which has the bomber reflected in is where booty love has shown a wall would acutally be smoked glass as you can see at the top of the image the boxy train information displays ....

Is this what all the 'doctored photo' business is based on?

Oh. My. God. That's even better than holographic, remote controlled planes with missiles under the wings...
GarfieldLeChat said:
moreover if you know luton train station at all you'd know that the glass fronted waiting room which has the bomber reflected in is where booty love has shown a wall would acutally be smoked glass as you can see at the top of the image the boxy train information displays ....

oh yeah shit - so not only have they superimposed this guy into the photo but they've also put a reflection in as well :rolleyes:
kyser_soze said:
Is this what all the 'doctored photo' business is based on?

Oh. My. God. That's even better than holographic, remote controlled planes with missiles under the wings...
it's the cohnan doyle farieies photographs for the modern age...
zArk said:
its like school yard tactics.

piss take and alienate
What else are you supposed to do when you're dealing with brainwashed nutcakes who refuse to do even a few seconds research before opening their big, clueless traps and regurgitating idiotic claims uttered by morons elsewhere?
zArk said:
wait-a-sec, its the media who are using the timestamp as proof that the lads got on the 7:40am train from Luton. Now here comes a big problem...

a second cctv picture was released which shows Hussain in Luton Station but for some reason there is not one copy with the timestamp on it.

Um, now this is a mad guess i know but what about if it was a different camera???? Or what about if the second picture was cropped????? Or what about you're continuing to spout relentless bollocks that is even more potty than frying eggs with mobys......
Far from it - if you can't be arsed to do a simple check on what Luton station looks like and then go on to use a part of the building as 'proof' that a photo has been doctored then what do you expect?

As for 'they'...I can imagine a few years ago when the IRA were attempting to blow bits of London up 'they' were behind it as well weren't they?

Squedgee - why do you find it so hard to contemplate that some seriously disaffected people who live in this country who have been shown an 'example' and been exposed to a pretty twisted version of their faith wouldn't blow something up? Why does it have to be the government?
Paulie Tandoori said:
Um, now this is a mad guess i know but what about if it was a different camera???? Or what about if the second picture was cropped????? Or what about you're continuing to spout relentless bollocks that is even more potty than frying eggs with mobys......

Oh calm down.
Some of the questions that 'conspiraloons' raise are due directly because the authorities are not trusted. Even when one begins to follow the official story of what happened multiple problems occur.

If you cannot accept that the lack of timestamp on the 2nd picture of Hussain causes problems, i think you will have difficultly discussing this with anyone other than people who believe the same as you.

The article in the Guardian was raising questions and attempting to point towards why these questions exist and why they are perpetuated.
I have given an example of how this happens and you become rude and abusive.
zArk said:
Some of the questions that 'conspiraloons' raise are due directly because the authorities are not trusted. Even when one begins to follow the official story of what happened multiple problems occur.

You're right. However, any impartial or even suspicious attempt to gain a clear picture of events, or even an opinion about how legitimate or otherwise the official version of events seems to be, is obscured by hordes of Jazz-ites jumping up and down screaming about remote controlled badgers and invisible pyramids.

I never used to trust the official view on pretty much anything, to an extent I still don't. However, my dedication to actually pursuing these things has pretty much vanished. That is not because I have become complacent, lazy, reactionary or stupid.

It's because of people like YOU muddying the waters to such an extent that it's impossible to tell what the fuck is going on.

indeed, if i was a conspiraloon myself, I'd be willing to make an argument that people that bang on about The Owl ceremonies, 9-11 etc are actually state sponsored agents of confusion, false-false-flag operative, put it into the field to challenge official accounts with theories so ludicruous that everyone decided to believe the official version because it's infinitely more logical and preferable.

So fuck off :)
zArk said:
Oh calm down.
Some of the questions that 'conspiraloons' raise are due directly because the authorities are not trusted. Even when one begins to follow the official story of what happened multiple problems occur.

If you cannot accept that the lack of timestamp on the 2nd picture of Hussain causes problems, i think you will have difficultly discussing this with anyone other than people who believe the same as you.
Its. been. cropped.

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