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7/7 conspiraloon article in today's G2 magazine

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zArk said:
wait-a-minute, in light of the shenanigans of the police and Charles de menezes statements i wouldnt believe a word of what the 'authorities' say.

and this is a major problem for many people. There is no trust because the authorities have been shown to be out and out liars and manufacturers of evidence.

Do you expect people to trust the police?

I dont remember reading ANY accident investigators reports or ANY forensic reports of the happenings of the day.

Suicide bombers -- speculation
Type of bombs used ---- unknown other than speculation and mixed initial reports
Which floor of the bus did the bomb go off, top or bottom -- unknown

Tube engineers and firemen -- please show me the statements or reports so that I can stop asking all these questions.

this is just with regard to the conflicting accounts of the day.
You are the fucking idiot who thinks you can boil eggs using your mobile phone. You have zero credibility and I really wish you would fuck off and stop posting your moronic shite on u75.
zArk said:
wait-a-minute, in light of the shenanigans of the police and Charles de menezes statements i wouldnt believe a word of what the 'authorities' say.[/SIZE]
Err, so how everyone discovered the true story of what really happened shortly afterwards? Go on. Venture a guess. But here's a clue: it had fuck all to do with conspiraloons.
zArk said:
I dont remember reading ANY accident investigators reports or ANY forensic reports of the happenings of the day.
The tube trains have been examined at length by a whole host of qualified forensic experts, firemen, accident investigators etc. None of them support the conspiraloon version of events.,

So, I ask again. Why is that? Are they all lying?
Have you got an answer?
kyser_soze said:
Since 7/7 the govt has made no significant gains; the calls for ID cards have abated; the judiciary have continued to ignore the home office and rule according to the HRA and other laws, and London hasn't changed a bit - tourism is back up, the World Cup has seen millions of people out in pubs etc. If there was an MI5 backed conspiracy WHAT WAS IT'S AIM?
Actually, the government have used the threat of terrorism to push all kinds of legislation through.
the timestamp on the cctv photo is stupid as well.
How many people have ever, ever, seen an accurate timestamped cctv recording?

the traintime table thingy i get worked up about because the journalists dont investigate anymore -- they report what they are fed.

So, the timestamp could be wrong so the lads could have made the earlier train not the 7:40am (which has been [through a thameslink email] said to have been cancelled that morning)
Also it is clearly reported that they bought return tickets, so there is a record of their purchase. Timestamped again.
The authorities could very easily clear this confusion up but for some reason they dont. They dont give a shit, its as if they either;

have something to hide [i bet they do, but not what most of the questions people raise are about]
they like being mysterious and setting off mistrust
zArk said:
have something to hide [i bet they do, but not what most of the questions people raise are about]
they like being mysterious and setting off mistrust
Or maybe they've got better things to do than divert precious resources to feed information to obsessed nutcakes,.
aylee said:
All you've made plain to me is that the enlarged images are so pixellated that it's completely impossible to draw the conclusion that you seek to reach.
Or indeed, any conclusion. These claims of photoshoppery amaze me. In skilled hands, there is no way you could possibly tell between a doctored image and a real one. Especially at the grainy resolution of a CCTV camera. If the hole in the fantastic conspiracy is that the Powers hired a 10 year old to do their photoshopping, then I don't think we have anything to fear from Them, as They are plainly stupid.
zArk said:
the traintime table thingy i get worked up about because the journalists dont investigate anymore -- they report what they are fed.
I agree with you there.
squeegee said:
I think I'll stick with using my brain and my........squeegeed third eye :)
how dare you misquote something and appropreate it to you own brand of luincy in a febble attempt to gain some sort of credebility by doing so...

thrid eye squeegeed eh? so what you are sayin is that you have taken consdierable amounts of halicinagenic pyshco tropic drugs and are now in some form in possestion of the truth are you...

or to put it another way an acid casualty whos fucking lost it and is now a nutjob...

well done...
aylee said:
In fact, the Guardian article makes it clear that the media is anything but "pliant" .... because the journalist gave a report which was inconsistent with what you and your fellow UFO-watchers would have us believe is the official concoction. Surely if the media were "pliant", they'd be eagerly repeating the official story from MI5 press releases within minutes of the incident? :rolleyes:

So what do YOU think happened?

This is the age of the internet. The media would never raise conspiracy theories to discuss except for the fact that the internet is teeming with such theories and people are talking to each other in the real world, whether you choose to brand them all as nut jobs or not, so they have to address it and usually in the style of Honigsbaum ie addressing the popular theories and then discounting them in that reassuring liberal way without any proof. This media is sophisticated enough to bury the truth under an avalanche of lies and spin. It's all about presentation. And those doing it only feel they are doing what's right. But then so does Tony Blair.

What do I think happened? Whoever was responsible wanted to direct attention away from the G8 protests, one of the largest and most intense protests against the industrialised nations' continual carve up of the developing world, particularly Africa. They achieved this. The mass movement that believed it could present a new way forward has faded somewhat since July 2005. But it can't be helf back indefinitely.

Anyway, it's only what I think since you asked. As far as the Government goes, I have no faith whatsoever in what they say. They are liars and murderers. Iraq is an unmitigated disaster worse than ever before. You would trust what they say?

And though I know the emergency men and women are telling it as they saw it, there only need to be a few people at senior level in the government, media, police and security and intelligence services to misdirect. Other people just fall into line. This is not wild conspiracy theory. It is how politics has always been played.

But whatever. All theories (including the Muslim bombers linked to A-Q) are just that - theories, requiring belief. Some are happy to accept the government, police and media spin. I cannot.
editor said:
Err, so how everyone discovered the true story of what really happened shortly afterwards? Go on. Venture a guess. But here's a clue: it had fuck all to do with conspiraloons.

So you dont disagree that the police were lying about the CCTV. Good because there is your point made from the last post.

Wasnt there someone inside leaking IPCC documents? I thought thats how the whole thing got blown open.

editor said:
The tube trains have been examined at length by a whole host of qualified forensic experts, firemen, accident investigators etc. None of them support the conspiraloon version of events.,

So, I ask again. Why is that? Are they all lying?
Have you got an answer?

I cannot comment on that as i havent read or been made aware of any reports produced by forensics/firemen or accident investigators.
That is what i am asking for. Are there any reports which have been made public?
editor said:
Or maybe they've got better things to do than divert precious resources to feed information to obsessed nutcakes,.

you just admitted that the police lie and manufacture evidence yet you expect 'obsessed nutcakes' to trust them.
GarfieldLeChat said:
how dare you misquote something and appropreate it to you own brand of luincy in a febble attempt to gain some sort of credebility by doing so...

thrid eye squeegeed eh? so what you are sayin is that you have taken consdierable amounts of halicinagenic pyshco tropic drugs and are now in some form in possestion of the truth are you...

or to put it another way an acid casualty whos fucking lost it and is now a nutjob...

well done...

Sooner or later some cunt riles me on this board on this subject. Don't you dare tell me I'm misquoting Bill. Don't you dare do that and pretend you have even an inkling of what he was going on about.

Yes I've taken psychedelics. And psychedelics open your mind to see how - quote - we are being fucked over -

I challenge you to show me a quote from Bill Hicks speaking about a squeegeed third eye that does not support what I say.

I fucking hate it when fuckwits pretend to know what Bill Hicks was about but totally miss the point.

Anyway, whatever :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
But no way would I suggest that people on the scene are "in on" anything. We have a major crisis situation happening and you do not expect the emergency people on the scene to be taking notes about what was happening.

I'm sorry but you're quite simply wrong with the statement that you do not expect emergency people taking notes - i work next to Aldgate, when i arrived in the area that morning, there was chaos, confusion, blood, smoke, the full fucking monty. In amongst the sirens and screams was a bloke in a yellow overjacket with a clipboard and walkie talkie and quite clearly taking notes. I walked over to chat with him as I was concerned about meeting my g/f later that day at Euston.

I asked him what was going on, he said that he didn't know exactly and no-one was really sure but it was becoming apparent that more than one major incident had occured and he was tasked with trying to keep track on the advice and information being handed out so that he could help out anyone (public, tube workers, bus drivers, emergancy services, etc etc) if they needed it.

He advised me that i would probably need to make alternative arrangements to get to Euston but other than saying it was a good idea to avoid public transport generally, he had as little or as much idea about what was happening as anyone. He wasn't there observing reactions or assessing impacts or watching for some spooky reason, he was simply a TfL employee tasked with helping scared people try to make sense of it all.

And I'm sure that there are a lot of simple answers for some of the crack headed shite that keeps coming up in connection with these incidents. I would respecfully make a request that idle or cranky speculation desists in the run-up to the first anniversary, as many people find it disingenuous, manipulative and upsetting.
zArk said:
eh? I am saying that the photo has images burned onto it, through being stationary. The claims that it has been doctored, i dont agree with. Plus the line of the wall is a shadow, see the phonebox next to it.

It's quite obviously not been doctored - its the wall or reflection behind - this will look clearer on PC monitors:

I went to see Bill Hicks Slight Return the other night. It was probably written by you Garfield. All the right quotes but stuck in the 1990s. When the character pretending to be Bill mentioned 911 someone shouted out "it was an inside job" and the actor said he didn't understand the heckle.

It now a cliche, but if Bill were alive today you can bet your sweet ass he's be talking about Bush, the elite and the 911 and 7/7 inside jobs.

But yeah, I'm misquoting him :rolleyes:
btw if you are attempting to use smal compressed and digitised images converted and compressed to prove anything (which have also incidently been cropped) by way of proof that the original sized image

http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/ops/images/groupcctv.jpg or at least a clear one...

moreover if you know luton train station at all you'd know that the glass fronted waiting room which has the bomber reflected in is where booty love has shown a wall would acutally be smoked glass as you can see at the top of the image the boxy train information displays ....

I'll take a clear photo of it if i remember next time i'm up that way... just to prove this point...
squeegee said:
Sooner or later some cunt riles me on this board on this subject. Don't you dare tell me I'm misquoting Bill. Don't you dare do that and pretend you have even an inkling of what he was going on about.

Yes I've taken psychedelics. And psychedelics open your mind to see how - quote - we are being fucked over -

I challenge you to show me a quote from Bill Hicks speaking about a squeegeed third eye that does not support what I say.

I fucking hate it when fuckwits pretend to know what Bill Hicks was about but totally miss the point.

Anyway, whatever :rolleyes:

what a dick. Psychedelics are hallucigens. ie. allow your mind to create illusions.

You do know that Hicks made up loads of his material and anything untoward that happened eg. his material about being taken up in a UFO, was complete bollocks. He took peyote in the desert and tripped out...man... read Kevin Booth's book.
He was a sage extraordinare - you're not.
He also fell for loads of conspiracy bollocks - that's the problem with having a 6 gram a day coke habit and drinking 2 bottles of whiskey a night.
BootyLove said:
what a dick. Psychedelics are hallucigens. ie. allow your mind to create illusions.

You do know that Hicks made up loads of his material and anything untoward that happened eg. his material about being taken up in a UFO, was complete bollocks. He took peyote in the desert and tripped out...man... read Kevin Booth's book.
He was a sage extraordinare - you're not.
He also fell for loads of conspiracy bollocks - that's the problem with having a 6 gram a day coke habit and drinking 2 bottles of whiskey a night.

Apart from the fact that that is a criminal misrepresentation of Bill Hick's beliefs, psychedelics are NOT hallucinogens. They do not create illusions. It is so much more complex than that. You'd have to maybe read a book by Alexander Shulgin, Aldous Huxley, Albert Hoffman etc before pontificating on a subject you obviously know little about.
squeegee said:
I went to see Bill Hicks Slight Return the other night. It was probably written by you Garfield. All the right quotes but stuck in the 1990s. When the character pretending to be Bill mentioned 911 someone shouted out "it was an inside job" and the actor said he didn't understand the heckle.

It now a cliche, but if Bill were alive today you can bet your sweet ass he's be talking about Bush, the elite and the 911 and 7/7 inside jobs.

But yeah, I'm misquoting him :rolleyes:
if bill were aliove today you can bet your sweet ass he'd be kicking the shit out paraphrasing twats like you, who continually attribute his words, or rather his reinterpretation of Sam Kinersons words, deleivery, punchlines, etc ...

see if you got you head out of your arse for long enough to work out your teenage infatuation with hicks is as blind to his influnences as anything else....

let's face it if you had any concept of the man himself rather than the kurt cobain type hero/myth of the reality worship you do have you'd know all of this ...

but yeah he'd still be pissed at your dumbquackfuckery
BootyLove said:
His material about being taken up in a UFO, was complete bollocks. He took peyote in the desert and tripped out...man... read Kevin Booth's book.

I prefer to read from Hick's own words. Did you know he took mushrooms on the day of the harmonic concordance of '87 (a specific astronomical alignment of planets hailed by new agers as a powerful moment in time) when he had that alien experience. I'm not saying aliens were there or that it was an hallucination. But what I am saying is the spiritual and the conspiracy stuff was absolutely real to him. To try and devalue it because his medium was comedy is what I would expect from Daily Mail readers.
GarfieldLeChat said:
if bill were aliove today you can bet your sweet ass he'd be kicking the shit out paraphrasing twats like you, who continually attribute his words, or rather his reinterpretation of Sam Kinersons words, deleivery, punchlines, etc ...

see if you got you head out of your arse for long enough to work out your teenage infatuation with hicks is as blind to his influnences as anything else....

let's face it if you had any concept of the man himself rather than the kurt cobain type hero/myth of the reality worship you do have you'd know all of this ...

but yeah he'd still be pissed at your dumbquackfuckery

You have no idea man. It's as clear as day. I'm sure Bill would be happy that you think his theories are worthy only of teenagers. Yeah, you really got his act down pat hey :rolleyes:
Many of the points made in the article where made on urban 75 the next day - especially regarding the coincidence that an agency had been hired to carry out a mock version of a bonbing in whcih exactly what happened happened at exactly teh same time.

The guy in charge went public on teh radio and said how strange it was, and subesequently shut down his own company website and went quite for all the attention it got.

I wont say too much about the 7/7 case, but what is interesting is the way that the biggest negative about such questioning of official stories is made by people like the Editor ism "why dont the mainstream press ever cover the story? If it was true then surely the mainstream press would love to break such as a story?"

Its nice to see that in this instance the mainstream press is daring enough to present some of the clearly contradictory information.

*Those who are convinced that there is no cover up are in denial - you should never be convinced of the actions of secret services: anyone who has read any history about the things they have already admitted to doing in the past (thanks to 30year freedom of information acts) will know there is no crime to small for these murderers.
squeegee said:
Apart from the fact that that is a criminal misrepresentation of Bill Hick's beliefs, psychedelics are NOT hallucinogens. They do not create illusions. It is so much more complex than that. You'd have to maybe read a book by Alexander Shulgin, Aldous Huxley, Albert Hoffman etc before pontificating on a subject you obviously know little about.

erm they'd all agree they are the same thing....


you're just not even credible in terms of a 30 second google search why the hell anyone is still argueeing with your uttery cockfuckerydumbassedness is beyond me...

fine you have a relegion and faith a set of beliefs which you think are beyond question and should be accepted by all or they are heritics and all contra arguments are heritical... good for you, but your wacky nut job releigion has as much relivence to me as hinduism, xtaintiy, islam or any other wacked out spook in the sky religion ... and you are no less credible and have no greater proof ... indeed in terms of evidence there's more which supports organised releigion in terms of consistancy than your wack up cult, and there's fucking hoojah holes in the terms of credibltiy and credulitily in evey organised releigion...
squeegee said:
Apart from the fact that that is a criminal misrepresentation of Bill Hick's beliefs, psychedelics are NOT hallucinogens. They do not create illusions. It is so much more complex than that. You'd have to maybe read a book by Alexander Shulgin, Aldous Huxley, Albert Hoffman etc before pontificating on a subject you obviously know little about.

You're a bit of dick aren't you? Hicks was not all seeing you prick - he was a stand-up comic with as many fucked up beliefs as anyone else.

Read 'em all.
hahah - you are aware of what board you're on here. Most people on here have taken more psychedelics in a weekend than Huxley took in his lifetime.
squeegee said:
You have no idea man. It's as clear as day. I'm sure Bill would be happy that you think his theories are worthy only of teenagers. Yeah, you really got his act down pat hey :rolleyes:
care to comment on the Kinerson refference then??

know anything at all about it?

no of course ou don't you damp squib of a fantastist becuase you haven't even done basic research other than hero worship...

tell me this level of devotion is different from flag waving red neck farm hands patriotism why agian???
So Sam Kinison di material about the theory positied by many mystics, and scientists studying the effects of psychedelics that we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. How exactly am I misquoting this? Bill borrowed more from Terence McKenna than he ever did from Kinison.

But you go on consoling yourself that Bill would be after conspiraloons. He's dead life goes on. Squeegee your third fucking eye and we'll be waiting for you at the evolutionary bell curve...

.....it'll be a long wait
zArk said:
you just admitted that the police lie and manufacture evidence yet you expect 'obsessed nutcakes' to trust them.
Sometimes, yes.

But unless you can produce a single solitary scrap of credible evidence to back up the wild, fact-free 7/7 'cover-up' yarns dreamt up by bedroom fruitnuts, the issue of the police sometimes lying in unrelated cases is totally and utterly irrelevant.
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