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2021 Local elections

I went out and voted at 7am this morning - think I was the second person to vote, although I got confused because they have three stations at the same location this year, and I had no idea which one I was supposed to go to. Fortunately as it was my usual station, they worked it out without me having to go to all three to see where my name was.

i voted for a sitting Labour councillor who has apparently been back by Momentum. I was told on the doorstep by a Labour canvasser that that other Labour candidate 'would have been a member of the German Greens if she still lived in Germany', so I decided to use my second vote for the least posh sounding actual Green candidate. I checked his social media afterwards and didn't have to go that far back to find a 'fuck all landlords' tweet, so feel comfortable with my choice.
I got to my polling station at 8:30 this morning and was the seventh person to vote.

They were limiting* the number of people entering and I had to wait a bit as the person in front of me had a proxy vote and the presiding officer was panicking as he couldn't remember what to do.

* I think they were only allowing two voters into the actual polling station at a time but I couldn't see for sure. I just know that when I was let in there was only the bloke with the proxy vote and loads of officials behind screens.
Just had the green candidate call round asking whether I'd voted - second time she's called I think she likes me :)

I have postal vote anyway, but as she left she said 'we need to keep <tory candidate can't remember his name> out'
Final leaflet count:
  • One sheet of exclamation mark littered shite from Britain First
  • Another sheet explaining who Britain First are and why you shouldn't vote for the twats
  • One Lib Dem
  • One Tory
  • One Green
  • One nice-guy independent saying, 'hey, vote for me. I'm nice and ordinary'
  • Four Labour

Nobody has actually knocked on the door to speak to us, though. City and County seats plus PCC up for grabs here.
The Luton polling station I am working at only has the PCC vote on.

So far (7 hours) we have had just over 30 voters in.

Only 8 hours to go :rolleyes:
Thought they didn't do PCC only anymore due to such low numbers, the one time I did it think we had like 16/20 all day! Was looooong
Just voted here in Exeter. One person leaving as I arrived and two arriving as I left, but people at the polling station said it had been very quiet all day.
You get two choices for police and crime commissioner and there are only four candidates. I had to hold my nose and give the second vote to green, and he looked about as much use as a piece of wet lettuce. If I'd been stabbed on my way home I feel like I'd have only myself to blame.
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